Scugog Guides, Brownies hold banquet The Scugog Island Community Hall was the scene May 31, 1980 of the 1st Mother-Daughter Banquet of the 4th Port Perry Brownies and Guides. . As the colour party enter- ed O' Canada was sung. Claudia Casteels welcom- ed all to the banquet, intro- duced the Head Table and guests Division Commis- sioner Elvira Southgate and District Marion Lee. Following Grace delivered by Division Commissioner Elvira Southgate over sixty mothers and daughters enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner served by the Grace United Women's Women. Claudia Casteels thanked these ladies and: presented each with violets as a token of our appreciation, Commissioner Division Commission Elvira Southgate rose to say a few words on the changes place this past year in the Brownie and Guide movement. Mrs. Southgate also commented on how much - enjoyment these young girls gave her, District Commissioner Marion Lee advised as part of the 70th Anniversary celebrations of the Girl Guides of Canada Zinnia Anita DeJong, daughter of Mr. Ben DeJong and the late Mrs. Ben DeJong, R.R. 1, Nestleton, graduated from Centralia College on May 16, 1980, in the Animal Health Technology program. Anita is presently employ- ed by the Animal Health Conse, Port XL Perey, Ontario. John Foster, son of Rodd and Marie Foster, Green- bank, recently graduated from Queen's University with an Honours Bachelor of Science degree'in Mechani- cal Engineering. John has accepted a position with Dupont of Canada ir Whitby. Bob Goulding, has gradua- ted with an honours Bachelor of Mathematics degree from the University of Waterloo. Bob is employed by General Motors of Canada in St. Catharines. Graduates Janice Till, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Till, R.R.3 Uxbridge, graduated May 24 from Durham college in the Diploma Course of Engineering secretary, and is now employed with Ontario Hydro, Toronto. Dorothy Mair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erich Mair of R.R.2 Seagrave, graduated from the Ryerson Poly- technical Institute with a Bachelor of Applied Arts, Urban Planning. and Regional ~--EIMIT a / Paul H. Kristensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kristen- sen of R.R.1 Blackstock, graduated from the co-op program at the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Math Degree. This former = Cartwright High School student is currently employed with Selby, Madgett; Boler and Haar, ants in Oshawa. Chartered Account- - seeds have been given to all members in hope they will plant them across the country. Claudia Casteels then sincerest thanks to all those individuals for their contributions - to the success of our banquet. Special thanks was given to the Leaders, mother's reps., Mother's Auxiliary and the mothers, themselves for their continued support. Cathy Smith, Treasurer then thanked Claudia Casteels, Guide Mother Rep. andCarol Wilson, Brownies Mother Rep. for their help throughout this past year. Roberta Hamilton and Betty Sternmeuller © were then given a token of appreciation on behalf of the Brownies for their efforts in forming the 4th Port Perry pack 2 years ago. We wish these ladies well on their future endeavors. Presentation of badges earned, year pins, mentions of perfect dress inspection, most cookies sold, was then made to the various packs of Brownies and Guides. The Brownies and Guides them- selves then delighted us with a melody of their favourite songs. 4th Port Perry Brownies are led by Gayle Ballard and Betty Sternmeuller. - The 4th Port Perry Guides are led by Joy Holtby with helper Brenda Burke. A draw was then made for the lovely centerpiece. It was won by Miss Terri-Lynn Bell who inturn presented it to her mother, Mrs. Bonnie Bell. During taps the flag was then lowered by the colour- party, thus ending a very enjoyable banquet. PORT GIFTS 233 Queen St. - Port Perry - 985-2543 (Next to Port Perry Star Office) -- 411 ANNIVERSARY SALE STOREWIDE SAVINGS 1 0 % 0 F F In Stock Only ALL OILS & PRINTS \__-AN EXCELLENT WEDDING GIFT IDEA- J VI ee ee ee GREYMAC . Mortgage Corporation 1%:% DON FORDER INSURANCE AGENCY. 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