at PART TIME help wanted. Mon- | RELIABLE MEN with 2 ton a ry day through Friday, in local truck will do odd jobs, such as: 130 retail store. With possible full | cleaning basements, light NC time placement in fall. Will train | moving jobs, free cutting, wash- i - Apply to c/o Box 23, Port Perry ing windows, exterior painting, A A Star. small carpentry and drywall Rds jobs. Reasonable rates. Call oh RELIABLE MATURE babysit: | 8526974. Fh ter to babysit in my home. Call 2 985-3344 after 6 p.m. WILL DO HOUSECLEANING - $I experienced, with own transpor- Ag hi MATURE SALESLADY for busy tation. Call Debbie - 985-3853. "8 i ar store. ; Bp ne re Resume | PAINTING - interior/exterior, 2450 Vig Eh oA rv LOY Sh WA - ey ANE hada Fi "ae 5 478 Fa ARIST LAY (VTA) t By boa RL EN ¥ FE - od asl ARTS ARAN . 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 18, 1980 Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Auction Sales RQ required. Reply c/o Box 22, Port Perry Star. SALES ASSISTANT with secre- N\ CUMMINGS BACKHOE D.J. SERVICE Music for dances, wedding receptions, parties, etc. Call Bill Harper - 985-3015. M28 TYPING, INVOICING, billing, personal resume, etc. Call 985- 2518from 10a.m.to4p.m. T.F. free estimates, reasonable rates. 985-3490. TF = ARTHUR'S PAINTING - Deco- rok farial duties - responsible posi- Lio NIN ver gr tion, full time salaried position | "a'ing- Renovations 25 ER with varied hours, reply in a writing, stating salary require- 4 ments and qualifications to: Box Qe 1151 Port Perry, Ontario LOB oR INO. pd (iE BRICK - BLOCK \ IA Nl AN EXTRA PAIR OF HANDS - STONE - ih urgently.-required for housework AT, oi J em mg ph 2) y 4P0. 403-842-6131. A KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY a & MATTHEWS i THE BANFF CRAG & CANYON Barristers and Solicitors [cd has the following position open: 217 Queen St., P.O. Box 131 A press person to operate KORD Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO £40 press. Excellent salary. Hours | solicitors for Sarah Joyce Proc- A 8:00 a.m. fo 5:00 p.m. Monday | tor and Carol Aitchison, Execut- AF through Friday. Give exper- rices of the above Estate. J25 2 PA ience and marital status. Reply : 3 5) to Box 129, Banff, Alberta, TOL NOTICE TO CREDITORS IAD) OCO. Phone 403-762-2453 days, AND OTHERS EATS 403-762-2881 nights. In the matter of the Estate of FRY Elmo Ray Medd, deceased. o% Nv TRAINERS' WANTED - Exper- All persons having claims 1! ienced Trainers required to train against the Estate Elmo Ray a volunteers for®a- community | medd, late of thé Township of 0 mental health programme in Scugog, in the Regional Munici- - Ao Durham Region. Experience in | pality of Durham, who died on or S250 mental health field and interper- about the 29th day of April, 1980, A sonal skills training is needed. are hereby notified to send to the Ng Familiarity with the work of | yndersigned on or before the 9th $A: R.R. Carkuff or similar ap- | gay of July, 1980, full particulars Tok proaches would be helpful. For- of their claims. Immediately ATH ward resume to Mr. Paul Tuttle, | after the said date the assets of -, Nd A >, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. in country home, 2 or 3 mornings a week, $5 per hour. Days and hours by agreement. Must have own transportation. 985-3369. SALES PEOPLE required for Ford Mercury Dealership in Uxhridge. Top commission and bonuses. Company car supplied. For appointments call Mr. Tom Hiscox, French Ford Mercury Sales - 852-3334. 3 ..| New Work & Repairs - CONCRETE - Frank Sherman 985-3111 REPAIRS to all makes of mowers, tillers, outboards, etc. Call Bassetts Small Engines, Sun Valley, Seagrave, Ontario 705- 357-3526. T.F. Septic Systems Drainage - Pools Landscaping -Free Estimates- rp PHONE 986-5601 K. DAVE MUIR =< Reg. Industrial Accountant General Bookkeeping for all Income Tax - Accounting OCCASIONS Financial Counc. for Individuals - Farmers Small Businesses ~~ &Companies Evening & Weekend Appointments : rene Can be Arranged. Weddings, Dances, etc. 985-7079 CALL PETER 'P&G SOUNDS' Would you like a business of your own? You don't need an office to start. Begin at home, full or part time. Ideal for singles or hus- band and wife team. Let's have a coffee and talk - no obligation. Write Box 24, c/o Port Perry Star. ' Jy? PRESS OPERATORS WANTED - Expanding weekly newspaper, in the heart of Alberta's Oilsands - requires experienced offset pressman and Web offset press- "man.-Write to Bonnyville Nouv-" elle Ltd., Box 1200, Bonnyville, Alberta TOA OLO. Phone 403- 826-3876 collect. HEAVY DUTY MECHANICS - needed at John Deere Dealer- ship. Competitive salary, bene- - fits. Contact Jack Dixon - Benn- ing Porter Equipment Ltd., Box 1890, Wainwright, Alberta, TOB Community Involvement and Volunteer Programme, c/o | Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the Estate of George Henry Proctor, deceased All persons having claims "against the Estate of George Henry Proctor, late of the Town- ship of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 16th day of March, 1980, are hereby notified "to send to the undérsigned on or before the 11th day of July, 1980, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 6th day of June, 1980. tie said deceased will be distri- buted among the parties entitled Sd Regional Community Care, Box | thereto, having regard only to 75h, 300, Fairview Lodge, Whitby, | claims of which they shall then i Ontario LIN 5S3 by June 25th, have notice. HY 1980. 1g | DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, NE pa LY I CAS NSE Work Wanted this 9th day of June, 1980. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY & MATTHEWS Barristers and Solicitors P.O. Box 131 : AA GRASS CUTTING - reliable man 217 Queen Street, es with own mower will cut lawns, PORT PERRY, Ontario 2 2! any size. Will keep your grass LOB INO Wh At cut while on vacation. Free Solicitors for the Executrix of the J estimates. 985-8347. above Estate. J25 i) on oo) Paw i 4 A % ; A SEE ny eo a =O NE a, i i Wp Help Wanted MACHINE SHOP Newly opened, requires a fully experien- ced tool and die maker or general mach- inist on a permanent/part time basis. Hours flexible. Top rate to qualified person. 579-6991 Oshawa MOUNTJOY -- : WILL DAY CARE for boy 7-11 yrs (have own 10 yr.) near Black- stock. Monday - Friday. 986-5648 MAN with 2 ton will do odd jobs, light moving and tree cutting. Call 655-3022. J25 DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL of fresh, dead or disabled animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 416-263-2721 Auctioneers RON KING AUCTIONEER Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry | 985-2643 (table; -4 chairs, gbuffef, china BACKHOE SERVICE -- _ Badinstalations RR.JONEs | | John T. Pearce Trenching, Basements, al : \RI FF Water Lines, _ AUCTIONEER Screened Stone, Ww ATE R Estates - Antiques Crushed Gravel, Sand. Household & Farm Sales, etc. CALL BLACKSTOCK DELIVERY HALL AVAILABLE 986-4737 ... Consignment Sales z .- Consign 1 or 100 Items ; 985-3481 PORT PERRY 985-7492 '| Seagrave - Ont. For Local Pickup 'KLEAN SWEEP | rie CHIMNEY SERVICE * Dustless M U R RAY Bri | JACKSON echnique : <a * Fast Emergency =} EXPERIENCED V2 Years in Gama SAN D & jar iih hues aintenance uilding states - Farms - Livestock Equipment - Consignments rorreerry | | GRAVEL | | "even 985-3111 986-5539 ORVAL McLEAN é ' CREATIVE CABINETS wl OMEER Tired of your old Kitchen Cabinets? en niki Basten Don't Replace ... REFACE! CONSIGNMENTS AT WITH NEW DOORS & COUNTERTOPS McLEAN custombunTriTeRENS. vinmcssaaes + | | AUGTION CENTRE Reasonable Rates - For Free Estimates Call . Hwy. 7 - Lindsay STEVE LEE or GEORGE BURGER 324-2191 or 324-2783 985-3286 1-705-432-2581 : Auction Sales New Homes - Additions I General Carpentry - Pole Barns | NORM"S Sh JUNE 20-21-22 Canada's Lar, nvertible, GENERAL CONTRACTING Corvettes, Hot Fos. Spare Steel & Asphalt Roofing - Aluminum Siding - Soffit fri bmn hit or NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 OFFICE: 985-8216 x Po soxsta- port py FLEA MARKET Free Estimates Given with No Obligation & Cars Wanted! Auction Saturday & Sunday at 10:30AM. _} . MARKHAM FAIRGR ' JOHN'S LANDSCAPING Fy. 48 For eee os & REN ov ATI ON S OSHAWA 725-6011 -C.1.L. Dealer - Weed Spraying - Fertilizing - Tree & Shrub Pruning SATURDAY JUNE 28 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. Property of MR. THOMPSON, THURSDAY JUNE 19 SALE TIME: 6 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, car, etc., the property of MAC & PAT FORD at Lot 4, Con. 4, Uxbridge Township - one mile north of Uxbridge-Pickering Townline, 3 PHONE 985-8877 1 / | Between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Flower Beds - Fence Repairs Asphalt Patching & Sealing - All Work Guaranteed - PORT PERRY & AREA 9864983 on Durham Road 21, 1/4 mile east of Goodwood. Antique car, car-trailer, Model A & T. parts, furniture and tools. See full list next week. Terms cash. Earl Gauslin - Norm Faulkner - Auc- tioneers. miles south of Hwy. 47 on 4th Con. Included will be electric stove, frost free fridge, Findlay oval cook stove, 2 chesterfields, buffet, piano & bench, 9 pc. dining si, Lazy Boy, freezer, 3 pc. bedroom suite, kitchen suite, no. of dressers and beds, coffee and end tables, washer, no. of chairs, cupboard, cedar rails, hay mower, dishes, pots, pans, TV tower, garden tools, roto tiller, lawn mower, stable fans, chain saw, outboard motor 5Y2 h.p., 1975 Maverick car, 1973 Datsun car - certified. Many more articles. Property sold. Terms Cash. Sale at 6 p.m. Norm Faulkner - Earl Gauslin - Auctioneers. J18 ~ THURSDAY JUNE 19 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. ORVAL McLEAN - AUCTION CENTRE, Lindsay Auction sale on Little Britain Road just south of Highway 7. Excellent appliances, furniture, household effects from local estates and homes. Kenmore frost free brown refrigerator - two door, Lady Kenmore brown 30" automatic electric range, brown Sears 8 cycle portable dishwasher, Kenmore automatic washer, round glass-top end table, Kroehler pine table and 6 chairs (nearly new), component stereo, chests, shelves, dehumi- difier, single bed, high chair, step ladder, chairs, beige ches- terfield set, bookcase, bed with box spring and mattress, chrome suite, magazine rack, mirror, small files, round dining table, 13 old washstands, 7 dining chairs, flowered chesterfield (good), swivel chair, bookcase, treadle sewing machine, portable tele- vision, 7 pc. dining room suite cabinet), humidifier, lamps, bedding, rangette, antique Karn pump organ, organ stool, oak buffet, oak dresser, dishes, air compressor, girls bicycle, Lawn Boy power lawn mower, 32 h.p. - Tecumsey gas motor. No reserve. Estate settlement. Orval McLean Auctioneer. To consign to barn call 324-2783 any- time or 324-0182 days. FRIDAY JUNE 20 SALE TIME: 7 P.M. DON CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain Road. 9 pc. mahogany dining room suite, 4 pc. maple bedroom suite, oak Fibrary table, mahogany drop front desk, 2 sets of 4 matching press back chairs, round oak pedestal table, 3 pc. bedroom™suite, cedar chest, (hand carved) pine chest of drawers, hall mirror, mantle clock, bow front mahogany china cabinet, hanging lamp, qu. of picture frames, set of 1847 Roger's silverware ("Remem- brance" pattern), 1972 Chev 2 ton truck (certified), Trade Wind truck camper (fully equipped) plus many more antiques, furni- ture and household items. Don Corneil Auctioneer - R.R. 1 Little Britain - 705-786-2183. AUCTIONS EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT Auctions at ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE, Lindsay - Angeline St. S. just south of Highway 7 every Thursday night - 6:30 Sharp. Always a selection of appliances, furniture, anti- ques, collectibles, sporting goods, camping equipment, lawn and garden equipment, tools, dishes. We also accept machi- nery, vehicles, full estates. To consign call Lynn Miller - 324- 0182 days or 324-2783 anytime. Orval McLean Auctioneer. J18 TUESDAY JUNE 24 SALE TIME: 7 P.M. DON CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lind- say, on the Lindsay-Little Britain Road. The property of TOM KEAN, of Manilla. 6 oak dining chairs, wardrobe, antique dresser, bedroom suite, chrome kitchen. suite, chesterfield and chair, occasional chairs, desk, Ken- J more electric stove, qu. of hand ° tools, qu. of picture frames, crocks, qu. of wooden chairs, plus many more antiques, furni- ture and household items. Don Corneil - Auctioneer - R.R. 1 Little Britain - 705-786-2183. chest of cnr) A Sod Ls - rs . ®. ¢ L 3 ® ° o 3 | » 3 » . 2) % $ r Me a R