RES ERPRA id., LAS 74 1 H yr SOE SY Ape A Wanted a RIDE WANTED from Myrtle to Whitby (downtown section) or to the east end of Toronto, early in the morning. Please call 655-3919 anytime or 655-8078 after 6:30 p.m. : WILL PICK UP without charge all-used appliances, refrigera- tors, and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TV's and radios, Call 986-4926. TF For Rent THREE BEDROOM older home ~ 16 miles north of Port Perry - available December 1st. $300. per month, Phone 705-953-9969. TWO BEDROOM apartment - available. Heat, hydro and water included. References required. First and last months rent - no pets. Phone 985-8858. TWO BEDROOM - winterized cottage - fireplace. Scugog Island. $200 per month. 985-3663. N12 lakeshore, . TWO BEDROOM apartment in Port Perry. References avall- able. 725-4123. N12 GARAGE to store 17' boat for winter - 985-3785. NATIONAL COMPANY _ In largest field establishing repre- sentatives now. Low investment. High return. Sound company. Will buy back if not successful. Call (705) 432-3184. PRIME AGRICULTURAL land wanted to rent. Up to $45 paid per acre. 852-5276. N19 For Rent THREE BEDROOM apartment available December 1st. $340 plus utilities. 985-7624. QUIET COZY 1 bedroom apart- ment - $240 per month including utilities. 985-3030. FOR RENT - SEAGRAVE - Exe- cutive Ranch bungalow - 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, large kitchen and family room, 3 car garage. All appliances and completely broadloomed - $750.00 monthly including 'all utilities. 985-8501 evenings and weekends. . N12 FOR RENT HOUSE - 4 Bedroom, 1; Baths, Family Room, Garage. 2 Years Old. $500. per Month. LARGE 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT - Ground Floor, Patio, Heat & Hydro. $365. 00} per Month. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT - Frig & Stove, Heat & Hydro. $245.00 per Month. PHONE 985-3365 | Legal Notice Miscellaneous * NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the estate of Walter Charles: Steer, deceased. All persons. having, claims against the Estate of Walter Charles Steer, late of the Town- ship of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, farm laborer, who died on or about the 31st day of May, 1980, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned, on or before the 3rd day of December, 1980, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any persons of whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, this 31st day of October, 1980. MACKEY, BAILEY & HIGGINS 17 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario LIH7LY Rose Margaret Philip & Frances GROUND FLOOR opportunity to make you wealthy for founding Multi-Level Distributing. Only one per town or city needed. Write Canadian Ways, Box 7500, | London, Ontario N5Y 4X8. then have _ EARN A SECOND INCOME - Learn Income Tax preparation at home. For free brochure write' U & R Tax Schools, 118 Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1X4. No obligation UNATTACHED? Lonely? dis- cover your ideal mate for beauti- ful friendship or marriage. Free Write Glimar Dating * details. Agency, P.O. Box 71, Bay, or call 705-472-5800. North UNWANTED HAIR - Vanished away with Saca-Pelo. Saca-Pelo is different. It does not dissolve or remove halr from the surface, but penetrates and retards growth of Unwanted Hair. Lor- Beer Lab. Ltd., 9-712 Robson St., Esther Day - Adminstratices by Vancouver, B.C. V6Z1A2 N19 theirsolicitors N19 Tenders _ DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE TENDERS POLICE FORCE VEHICLES Sealed Tenders will be received at the office of the Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, up until 12:00 o'clock noon, Wednesday, November 19th, 1980, for the supply - and delivery of Police Force Vehicles. Tender forms may be picked up or requested, through the office of Superintendent Dave Edwards, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Telephone 579-1520, extension 236. Lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police. Help Wanted CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - subsiduary requires trainee for new product division for Port Perry and surrounding area. No experience necessary. Car required. Call Mr. Martin - collect - 416-669-6000. WORKING COUPLE - no child- ren, requires cleaning person, one day a week, Manchester area. Own transportation a must. 985-3963 after 7 p.m. LICENSED MECHANICS required immediately. $12.30 per hour. Modern, fully equip- ped 10 bay shop. Sales, Phone (403) 723-444), Box 39, Edson, Alberta TOE OPO. CAREFUL, reliable housekeep- er - Thursdays -9 a.m. to 3 p.m. - $30.00. Call 985-3502 after 6 p.m. and weekends. Seagrave - Port Perry area. N19 BABYSITTER required - Black- stock area, for two school age children, shift work. Phone before 4 p.m. - 986-5510. LOOKING FOR Representatives In this area for large expanding company. Possible to own Your own distributorship. Very low investment. Call (705) 432-3184. RECEPTIONIST - full time position, In professional office, must have good telephone ; "manner and average typing skills. Apply Box 42, c/o Port Perry Star. ARE YOU BRIGHT, Ambitious ~and:bored? =You owe-it-to your- 'SAVE MONEY! BLACKSTOCK UPHOLSTERY will pay all sales tax on all sales from October 6th to Dec. 31st - Our way of -saying thank you to all our valued cus- tomers in the past and to invite new customers to try our service. Complete Line of Quality Fabrics & Supplies. " y feed. Froe Est Call; Austin Bartley 986-4731 - Agent lor Fabri Seal - The Fabric Saver with Famous 3 Year Warranty. Jerry Ford MOUNTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE Septic: Tank & Tile Bed Installations Trenching, Basements, Water Lines, Screened Stone, Crushed Gravel, Sand. CALL BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 GENERAL CARPENTRY Alterations * Renovations Rec Rooms * Ceramics Drywall * Small Additions' NEIL A. LOGAN R.R.2 - Cannington _105-432:3163 TYPING, INVOICING, billing, | resume, etc. Call 985 2518from 10a.m.todp.m. T.F. CUSTOM PLOWING - corn stalk, stubble or sod. Call Greenbrae Farms - 655-4761. N12 ARTHUR'S PAINTING - Deco- rating - Renovations - 985-7960. TF PAINTING - interior/exterior, free estimates, reasonable rates. 985-3490. TF WOOD REFINISHING specializ- ing in antiques and fine furniture - call Terry Dyer - 655-4092 after 5:30 p.m. TF WILL DO HOUSEWORK - five days per week. Reliable, reason- able rates. Phone 986-5662 or 986-4776. TF .B&S-D.J. Service - Music for dances, wedding receptions, parties, etc. Call Bill Harper - 985-3015. TF WOMAN willing to do house- cleaning or babysitting. Own transportation. Call 985-3786. CHIMNEY SWEEP - Don't make an ash of yourself. Have your chimney cleaned. 985-3111. N26 RELIABLE MOTHER for day care - in my home, close to schools. Call 985-3321. N19 REPAIRS to all makes of snow- blowers, snowmobiles, etc. Call Bassett's Small Engines - Sun Valley, Seagrave, Ontario - 705 357-3526. TF Auctioneers RON KING AUCTIONEER Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 CUSTOM WORK - Ploughing, Discing and Combining 30" rows. Call 852-5276. N19 DRESSMAKING in my home. Call Debby - 985-8827 after 4 p.m. NURSING CARE We specialize in care of patients in their own homes. Our carefully screened, insured and experienced Nurses, Companions, and Homemakers are available for full-time, part-time or live-in nursing care. Available 24 Hours. COMCARE 571-3501 self to learn how our people enjoy an interesting and "challenging career offering beneficial pro- tection services for motorists. The income Is very good. You earn while you learn and receive a substantial guaranteed weekly income plus bonus each week. Full time and part time positions open now. You must be legal age, have a good car, and at least 15 hours each week. Apply to Mr. Coughtrey at the Genosha Hotel, Oshawa on Monday, November 17th at 7:00 p.m. or on Tuesday, November 18th at 2:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. sharp. DAGMAR SKI RESORT Requires for the Coming Season... *Lift Operators & Snow- makers (no experience necessary.) *General Help (male & female, part time & full time) *Cafeteria Supervisor for weekend & evenings. *Telephone Receptionist & P.R. Person. Apply in person at DAGMAR SKI RESORT Durham Rd. 21 to Durham Rd. 23 - 3 Miles South. 649-2002 Work Wanted DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL -of fresh, dead or disabled animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 416-263-2721 N. WESTERMAN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE General Bookkeeping For Small Businesses. Personal Income Tax. Reasonable Rates. PHONE 985-7891 'CREATIVE CABINETS' Tired of your old Kitchen Cabinets? Don't Replace ... With New Doors & Countertops also planning and designing of CUSTOM BUILT KITCHENS, VANITIES & BARS Reasonable Rates - For Free Estimates Call STEVE LEE 985-3286 REFACE! *Cashier with references. | New Homes - Additions ~ General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing - Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 P.0. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation OFFICE: 985-8216 1 'MUSIC for all OCCASIONS Weddings, Dances, etc. CALL PETER 'P & G SOUNDS' 579-6991 Oshawa CUSTOM WOODWORKING - IN PINE - 4 Post Beds - Tables - Dressers - Buffets Hutches - Mirrors - Kitchen Cabinets - etc. HAVE YOUR IDEAS PUT INTO PINE! 985-7679 985-3974 (Atter6 P.M.) Reach Industrial Park UNIT #4 John T, Pearce AUCTIONEER Estates - Antiques Household & Farm Sales, etc HALL AVAILABLE Consignment Sales Consign 1 or 100 Items PORT PERRY 985-7492 For Local Pickup ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONEER _Household - Farm - - Equipment... "Real Estate - Antiques - Estates APPRAISALS & LIQUIDATIONS CONSIGNMENTS AT McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE Angeline Street at Hwy. 7 - Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 MURRAY JACKSON EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Household - Antiques Estates - Farms - Livestock Equipment - Consignments 985-2459 Auction Sales SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15 SALE TIME: 11 AM. Auction sale of machinery, cars, trucks, shop equipment, and furniture. For Mr. MICHAEL BROD, located 2 mile east of Nestleton on 7A, north side of road. Watch for signs. International B 275 diesel tractor and loader in good condi- - tion, _Case_220 baler, Int. B 170 dump trick as is, Int. L-180 truck for parts, 1964 Mercury, 1969 Chrysler - both running, as is. Int. 8 3 pt. hitch cultivator, 3 drum land roller, 2 snowblowers, side delivery rake, Int. 3 pt. hitch plow, 2-3 furrow drag plows, Heavy duty tri-axle trailer with electric brakes, Case antique baler, Besly antique belt driven grinder and century motor, 2" water pump with Briggs & Strat- ton motor, portable air compres- sor, 2 hydraulic bumper jacks, wagon load, large qu. scrap iron, tools, large pile of ralls and cedar posts, 10 ton hydraulic floor jack, block and tackle, auto body paint mixing machine with scales, 'auto body pull dozer, 16 lamp dryer for painting, hydrau- lic press, Woods oat roller, old manure spreader and ftraller, Burroughs business machine, chesterfield and chair, office desk and chair, Kenmore autc: matic washer and dryer, harvest gold - and good. Electric lawn mower and much more. Owner Moving. No reserve. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Murray Jackson - 985- N12 2459. = i %