i FRE RAAR IRC AGRE 36 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., November 12, 1980 EGA Swat? edt Viel ed SOV OLY Ea At HES WARTS La RELIVE EAU S000 EO St LT ZN SAE VR EE MR ERA Bd, £3 TN News and views from the Blackstock area ]. by Joyce Kelly Are you aware of the discussions concerning the future of our local Port Perry Hospital? If so plan to attend the meeting on November 12 at 7:30 p.m. at - the Latcham Centre, Port Perry. Save the maternity ward and active care beds." Tell your friends, voice your opinions, attend the meeting or all may be lost. Glad to report that Ray Suggitt has returned home from surgery in Toronto Hosptial. This surgery is hoped to relieve Ray of his terrible headaches which have plagued him for so long. A complete recovery is wished for you Ray. Also glad that Jackie Danter has returned home from her stay in Port Perry Hospital. Winners at the Senior Citi- zens' Card party on Tuesday evening were. 1. Ruby Tripp- 86; 2. Harold Burgess-81; 3. Adam Sharp-80; 4. Hazel English-79; 5. Weir Swain- 75; Low-Carl Gimblett 50-50 draw-Edith Burgess. There were 17 tables. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin and Mrs. Wilbur Toms were Mrs. Janis St. John and Owen, and Mrs. Ada Puckett of Oshawa. Ada had enjoyed a tour of Alaska and other Northern points. She is now om her way to visit Hawaii. Neil Werry and Harold Wright enjoyed a five day Cattlemen's tour to Alberta, sponsored by Shur-Gain Feeds. Along with 42 others from Ontario they visited Banff, Lake Louise, several very large ranches in Alberta, the stock yards, Stampede Grounds, Japan- ese Steak House a box beef factory and many other places around Calgary. They report a very interest- ing and informative trip. Paula Lishman Fur Enterprises have moved into the' Old Kindergarten in Blackstock formerly owned by Dr. Douglas Bilbey. Cheryl Graham has moved Put a Smile on Your Face, Test Drive A HONDA call ~ KEVIN CANNON City-Centre Automobiles 1110 Dundas St. East - Whitby 666-1772 YOUR LOCAL HONDA DEALER Wily 668-7797 D. THAPAR DENTURE THERAPIST 3 66 Brock St. W., 163 Simcoe St. S., i Uxbridge 852-5291 Oshawa 579-8752 214 Dundas St. E., If you are interested in choosing from a large selection of quality greenware, a colour line second to none, top quality Grumbacker brushes and a good selection of Ceramic Supplies, drop in and see us. We've had years of experience in the ceramic industry. WILLOW HILL CERAMICS UXBRIDGE - ONTARIO - 852-7186 "Where Service is Our Business." Sn TS CREATIVE | ALUMINUM | PRODUCTS * Fully Qualified Installers & Carpenters * Full Line of Alcan Aluminum Products Including Seamless Eavestroughing * Free Estimates - 2 Year Guarantee on Installations Alcan PORT PERRY Building 985-9121 | Products ~ Mrs. LT TTT into the Penthouse Apart- ment there. This will be an exciting addition to Black- stock. A remeinder for any member of the Blackstock 3 and 4 that there will be a preparation meeting for Achievement Day on Friday: November 14th. Achieve- ment Day will be held in the Blackstock Recreation Centre on November 28th. Mr. Bill Johnson has recently undergone eye surgery in a Toronto hospital and while he is in the hospital Mr. and Mrs. Norm Stiles and family of Manilla are staying with Mrs. Johnson. A fine crowd was in attend- ance at the Remembrace Day Service held on Sunday, November 9th at 2:30 p.m. at the Blackstock Recreation Centre. Mayor Taylor welcomed the crowd on behalf of the Township. O Canada was sung and accompanied by Mrs. Linda McLaughlin. Ward 4 councillor John Wolters read the scripture. The address and prayer was conducted by Rev. Reg. Rose. The hymn For the Healing of the Nations was sung follow- ed by the parade to the aph. The Port Perry n-led the "procession followed by Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers, Wreath bearers, Mayor's Party and the public. Mayor Taylor read the honour roll. Wreathes were laid for the Province of , Ontario, by Mayor Taylor, Legion by several Legion members; Lady Foresters by Mrs. Dorothy Lee. The Last Post was played follow- ed by two minutes of silence. God Save the Queen was sung. Thanks were given to everyone to participate in the service, the pianist, the Legion, Court Lady Snow- bird and youth groups. - The Blackstock United Church held its service on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. A special guest speaker in the form of a return Korean Missionary, Mrs. Inez Flem- ington. Mrs. Flemington entertained the congregation --with -a-very-interesting and informative sermon. She told of the desperate state in "South Korea since the milit- ary take over in May, 1980. Flemington was a missionary since 1976 at the Korean Christian Academy in Seoul, South Korea. . Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm recently attended a presentation in honour of their daughter Mary Lou and husband David Kellogg at Canton Hall. --Mr. and Mrs: Gerald Kelly and family were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Medland of Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson of Oshawa were Sunday ~-evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Malcolm and Brennan. On Saturday evening the first Central Ontario Tractor pullers Association Banquet and dance Awards Night was held in Blackstock Recreat- ion Centre. Chairman Harvey Graham welcomed the large crowd. After Bruce said Grace everyone enjoyed a delicious roast beef dinner prepared and served by the Blackstock O.N.O. Club. After dinner Harvey reviewed the history of the Central Ontario Tractor Pullers Association pointing out that the safety rules were of greatest importance in the history of group of pullers. The point system was established informally last year but this is the first time for the presentations of awards. He also pointed out that there were pullers in attendance from all -the. pulls and from as far away as Ottawa area, Bolton, Schomberg. After the introduction of the head table guests, Bruce Pearse chairman of the Awards committee presided for the presentations as follows; Up to 7,000 lb., sponsored by the East Durham Pork Producers - Peter Ferguson, Peterborough. Modified Tractors-sponsored by MacGregor Hardware- Roger Cochrane, Bowman- ville. Hard Luck Trophy in - Modified by Jamieson' Tire- Ken Thorne, Millbrook. 4 x 4 Trucks-Wallace Auto Supply Trophy-Paul Morton, Bow- manville, 7-9,000 1b. Tract: ors-Virtue Fuels Trophy-Neil Brown, Pefferlaw. 9-11,000 lb. tractors sponsored by Rebert Heron Farm Equip- ment Trophy. This class resulted in a tie between Mark Graham, Blackstock and Neil Brown, Pefferlaw. 11-13,000 1b. sponsored by Brooklin Fair . Board-Paul Phillips, Brooklin. 13-15,000 Ib sponsored by Markham Fair Board -Rob Carson, Claremont. 15-18,000 class, Blackstock Fair board trophy won by Laurie Pearse Sunderland. During the evening all in attendance had the oppor- tunity to vote for the most sportsmanlike Puller. The - winner John Vaneyk of Bowmanville was presented with the Blair Graham Memorial Trophy -donated by Harvey and Joan Graham in memory of their son. Harvey Graham was pres- ented with a gift as the P.R. man who has contributed a great deal to the sport of . : track pi Tractor Stopper Don Alves was also presented with a gift for his fine contribution to Tractor pulling: The remainder of the even- ing was spent viewing many pictures on hand visiting and enjoying dancing. % In the report of the High * School commencement in last week's news two errors were there, The name of Ingrid Buma was 1nissed. as a grade 12 graduate. Also that of Teresa Wygerde from the grade 12 list. Teresa graduated from both grade 12 and grade 13 at the same time. My apologies 10, both girls. Blackstock news needs many more personals in order to make it more than a meeting list. Please phone me at 986-4257-before lunch on Mondays. ; The Blackstock Guides and Pathfinders went on a day bus trip to see the Ice - Capades on Saturday.: 1 Greenbank news They did their duty, those 985-8073. The November meeting of attended the 50th wedding > _whom we remember, "They gave their lives; no more they had to give And as the years roll on, at each November We think of them in silence - we who live. Members of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 141, Sunderland attended Green- bank Church service on Sun- day morning. There was a short flag ceremony assisted by a number of Boy Scouts and Rev. Roundell spoke on the Remembrance Day theme. Attending the W.I. area convention in the Royal York Hotel Toronto, last Tuesday and Wednesday were Iva Phoenix, Dorothy Ianson, Helen McKean, Roberta Baird and Betty Stone. Hugh and Roberta Baird sang several solos and duets as part of the program follow- ing the banquet on Tuesday evening. - held in the Greenbank Hall on November 26 at 8 p.m. Our guest speaker will be a lawyer, Miss Myrna Lack of Oshawa. Earl and Doris Bacon, Fred and Iva Phoenix, Steve and Pat Gajewski attended the christening of Brock Christopher, son of Chris and Cathy Stoiou in St. Clements Church and later at a recept- ion in All Saints recreation centre Toronto. Awards night for the many plowman of North and South Ontario was held in the form of a banquet on Thursday night at Greenbank Church. Mr. and Mrs. John Mann "the Women's Institute will be celebration for Mr--and:-Mrs: Sid Maybury- in Port- Perry on Saturday evening. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson of Coboconk were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kerry. Pleased to report: Mrs. Howard McMillan has returned home from hospital and hope she will be out around 'again soon. Ontario County 4H "clubs held a dance in the Green- * bank Hall on Saturday night. % Mr. and Mrs. Frank Innes visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Innes and family in Brooklin orr Sunday: High School News | Sympathy of the commun- "ity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Crawford on the passing of Terry's brother, Clyde of Ottawa. Terry's parents Mr. and Mrs. George Crawford of Nova Scotia recently spent a week visit- ing with Terry and Eleanor and family and other nearby family members including great, great grandchildren who they saw for the first time. Also visiting the Craw- fords were Terry's brother "Weldon and sister Joan Reeves from Nova Scotia. The Service of Communion will be celebrated next Sun- day at 11:30 a.m. Everyone welcome. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Les Jeremy (nee Marion Couperthwaite) of Barrie on the birth of their baby boy on November 5. Mrs. Doris Hill presented the Greenbank Womens Institute prizes for girls in Grades ten and twelve of the basic programme in Port Perry High School to Sharon Mahaffy and Cynthia Arnold. re Boys between ages of 14 to 18 who would like to join the Venturers Club in Green- bank to be held every Wed- , hesday night from 7-9 o'clock please contact Bruce Reid at 728-5693 or David Standish: by Bridgette Spannbauer Our own Sheila Cannon attended the Regional Youth Advisory Committee meet- ing last Tuesday as a repre- sentative of Port High. Any students interested in work- ing with this committee might contact Sheila soon. Congratulations are due to Pat Bolton, our 1980 Year- book cover contest winner. The two runners-up were Mary McKelvey and Kathy Briscoe. Pat will recieve two tickets to a concert of her choice. Mary will received a --personalizéd yearbook. Kathy also received a year- book. Additional congratu- lations girls! The music department is anxiously. awaiting the arrival of - its - citrus fruit --from Texas. The shipment is due to arrive between Nov- ember 24 and 26. Wednesday, November 12, is designated as University Day here at Port and repre- sentatives from the various universities will be here to answer questions. Thursday November 13 reps from a modelling agency will be here with a presentation for students interested in a modelling career: SPORTS NOTE Congratulations to the Port Perry High Senior Girls Basketball team which as of this press is "tied for first place with Eastdale. The midgets, currently in second - & place, also played Eastdale on Monday. Juniors are in sixth spot and working very. hard. Scores of all three teams will appear later. Port Perry High School celebrated its annual commencement Friday November 7th and as in previous years; it was a huge success. It was a time of saying hello and good-bye to good friends with new beginnings for all._ Leslie Forder, the - 1980 Valedictorian, represented the graduating class of 1980 with her excellent speech and presence. Thanks, Les! Congratulations also to the many students who won awards and "tothose who received thei graduation diplomas at Commence- ment. Congratulations also to Wendy Bracken-and John Wynsma, who were selected as all round best girl and Rj boy, respectively by the x present Grade 13 class. PENS Pencils - Markers All Colours PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383