al LINEA RS WANOULI LY RR NA 3 2 Her 3 hE da A I 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., November 12, 1980 Seagrave and area news Bis Little Brothers Tothers A = = tension and Christian Education Building was formally vig wi Tpsnay NY ago. = IT M ! G HT H E L P | EW opened. Rev. Hunt, Suffragan Bishop of Toronto, made ,atsp.m.atthehomeotf Gloria Wallace's mother = ; = the dedication. Rev. E.W. Fuller was the Rector at the Mrs. Donna Wanamaker. and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Glen £ SAVE YOU R N ECK! = time. Mothers of the children in , Wallace and her brother, = = Miss Donna Samells and Mrs. Marie Taylor receiv- the Scouting movement Don have returned home to ™ ' = ed their A.R.C.T. Diplomas in piano at the Conservatory including the Brownies are Point du chene, New Bruns- £ = of Music, at Convocation Hall, Toronto. urged to attend. wick after a two month £ hud "= Yi 15 YEARS AGO The annual Fellowship holiday here in Seagrave. = = oi Port Perry gained 141 people during the past twelve Wednesday December 10, at has started for hoys of the E = x months bringing the total population figure to 2502. 6:30 p.m. at Church. Please area between the'ages of 14 3 wun BB 2 At a very impressive ceremony in the United Church call Sheila Sears at 985-8324 to 18. They meetin Green- = A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE = 7 on Friday evening, Rangers Cathy Nelson, Linda Jef- or Jessie Nobbs at 705-357- bank Hall Wednesday even- = = ford and Pat Healey received their Gold Cords, the 3487 ki you plan to aiten i fie ip 72 p.m. os og 4 OFFERING: = highest award in Guiding. an exact muhiber must I Ina up are invited to = * Typing - correspondence, reports, = Mrs. George Lane was honoured at a social get- given to the caterer for this attend these meetings. = Ying score Ponksne ,Yeport etc =E« together of the Scout and Cub Mothers' Auxiliary in evening. Please call Marilyn £ \ >, FES ) , etc. BE Port Perry. Mrs. Lane was the first president of the Mrs. Fishley and Mr. and Beacock at 985-3595 with Telephone Dictation Ss Eisliiary. She and her husband are moving to Peffer- Mrs. B. Wanamaker were your news items next week. = * Billing Service 5 aw. = = Ashburn News - Mrs. M. Sparks returned home on gE = Wednesday after spending five weeks with her daughter = AND INCLUDING: E and family in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Es * Experience in all Phases of Business =a Seagrave News - Mr. Norm Henderson has been = and Industry a ------ having his annual holiday at the Royal Winter Fair and + Co I t C j fi d ti lity ) = intends to hang around for the Grey Cup celebrations. = " mp.cte Lontiden'ials Y = Sonja and Sandra Enge, twin daughters of Mr. and _ =- * Speed and Accuracy = Mrs. David Enge, Port Perry, have obtained all their oo) = Brownie efficiency badges, 23 in all. The girls have also = 'THE AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVE = earned their Golden Bar and Golden Hand Badges which T = " ' t=] enable them to 'Fly-Up' to Guides, when they reach 11 ACCO U N ; N G 3 TO A FULL-TIME SECRETARY! = . years of age. = Eg 19 YEARS AGO | £ PHONE 985-9068 = Thursday; November 26, 1970 EN i SE RVI CES = g Burglars broke the locks on the front door of the = X Port Perry 1.G.A. on Monday night and got away with Su unis over 400 cartons of cigarettes valued at about $2,000. i } 3 Mr. Gordon Goode retained a seat on the Ontario feast is over for this year in by Diane Puckrin community for giving their Our annual turkey dinner full support to bring this occasion to a successful remember when...¢ continued songs to help them under- tives in the Aurora area and to everyone in attendance . stand 'about this giving and celebrated Jim's birthday at but he performed a very ® Xe Sa) Mis Al Spencer, Mo; are nvhg to Por} loving season. Ed's Warehouse in Toronto. enjoyable magic show for all . " I n an : i Miss Mina Dobsonread theaddress. | The service of communion ME: ANC LE eidont Banas Johnston Mr. Cliff McGill of Oshawa, has bought the home will be celebrated next Sun- attended the marriage of in his speech to the gathering previously owned by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mills. day, November 16 at all yo .\c™ brother, Murra rosa oe im -- of ANNIVERSARY 25 YEARS AGO | OO of Stewards will Leslie to Terry Harris in the Big Brother Associa- a Thursday, November 24, 1955 meet in the church Tuesday, Oshawa last Saturday. tion's role in the Community. BETTY ANN ® Blue Ray Chapter 235, Eastern Star. The ceremony | November 18 at 8 p.m. nae er of installation was conducted by Past Matron Mrs. Birthday Box visitors Sun. 48 HE, a Botha. | Love Helen Colbear- assisted by the Installing Marshall, | 02Y morning were Ted jon. THIS fine J was to surplus of Big Brothers. Past Matron Jeanne Dymond ¢ * | Sturman, Michadl Smith, GN, Anne neat Tor addaicnsl Bi You! Le OH ee oo ipal of Port Perry High School Donna Wanamaker and 'elf he 2 ln need lor a g kc b so 1% TINE, Principaligl For Perry 00 Luella Short. Happy birth- Yérsary. Sip~L hn has resigned his position and expects to commence his day folks! treated them to supper in new duties at Essex High School, west of London. he S Good Oshawa. Later in the even- WE | The top Hereford, in the 2 year-old heifer class, The Seagrave 000 ing they were the guests of went to Mr. Don Pugh of Port Perry, in the sale of the Stars at the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. J.J. Gibson-also won three first prizes, 2 firsts with his broilers, one first on capon. : Mr. Ross Williams of Kenmore, New York and his wife and mother, one time residents of Port Perry, were in town visiting Bob Jeffrey. Ross was a former Thursday, November 24, 1960 The Church of the Ascension conducted an impres- sive dedication service, when the new Parish Hall Ex- County Board of Education for another term when he received an acclamation last Monday night. Mr. Arthur Rowan was elected by acclamation for another term on the Northumberland-Durham Board of Education. On Saturday evening, November 14th, members of the Reach Township Council and- staff gathered to- gether at the Werratal Restaurant south of Greenbank to honour the retiring Clerk of the Township, Mr. Alex Johns. : Burketon News - A very successful baby shower was held at the home of Mrs. D. Holroyd in honour of Dr. and Mrs. Beer. Durham MPP Alex Carruthers officially opened the new Cartwright Township Fire Hall in Caesarea on 208 North Street, 3 Saturday afternoon. Helping the MPP was Cartwright Port Perry, Ontario Reeve Lawrence Malcolm. CO N FI D j= NTI AL , JUDI TERRETT Bill Thompson delivered the 1970 Valedictorian t Address at the annual Cartwright High School Com- mencement. i . 2 Mrs. Garnet Murray of Manilla received her Bac- = : : ny 985-9068 helor of Arts Degree at the Fall Convocation of Water- " loo Lutheran University. Mrs. Murray majored in English. ment for your co-operation in the removal of all your "stuff" for this event, held Sunday, Dec. 7. This year the children will, por- » tray the Christmas Nativity with each child having a part to play in this meaningful service. More details will follow in future columns but you are urged to help your child learn lines or new Neighbours Group will meet Monday evening November 24 at 8:15 p.m: at the home of Mrs. Glenda Hutcheon. Members are asked to bring one or two of their favourite recipes for an exchange that The Seagrave-Greenbank Mothers Auxiliary will hold 170 QU The Income Tax & Bookkeeping Specialists are now located at (Above Brock's Store) guests at the dinner on Satur- day night in the Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry in honour of «join in wishing them Best Wishes on this joyous occasion. Last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Jim Durward were the weekend guests of their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tindall. They spent the weekend visiting with rela- honour at a dance in the Utica Hall. Some of the out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Durward, Picton; Mr. and Ms. Maurice Edger- ton, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. George Durward; = ~}--pupilof erry School -- Sef ning. ----Also=your--talent-- : -{ pupil of Port Perry School. ovens : Sunderland; and Mr. and 20 YEARS AGO wi dy tobehanded in that yrs Ray Snooks of Lindsay. During the evening a mock wedding was acted out to " renew the vows of 25 years EEN ST. Hallowe'en breakfast On Sunday, October 26 the Perry. In attendance were the Little Brothers and their mothers, the Big Brothers and their families and the members of the local association executive. The guest speaker was Mr, Andy Berry of CFRB radio in Toronto. He not only spoke Brothers. Past President contribution to the. local association. Big Brother's Dave Sparling, Keith Elliott, Earl Martyn, Jim Barton '® and Gerry Reidt were presented with service pins for the number of years of service as Big Brothers. ) yr k 4 I \ THE 11th HOUR ; i Mike Wilson and former Seagrave and The Board of finale. Our Sunday School the 50th wedding annivers- Big Brother Association of $ Stewards and Turkey Supper Thank you to all the groups children and their teacher ary of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph North Durham held their Board I 1) Doran Committee wish to thank the who use the church base- are beginning practises for Reynolds. Ralph and annual Hallowe'en breakfast ized for the the White Gift service to be Velma's Seagrave friends all at Conway Gardens in Port . was recogniz or their