2 NECA ERAS SA AR CH SR TIS IRR EN AGUA SII PR AAR RT ES ALTA 0 HARD LL RE ok P&S Sra 20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., November 26, 1980 Local 4-H girls recieve fe ly : ) ty, P incial H :. County, Provincial Honours J | | ; 5 . 0. 3 - _ 0 Chery! Jones and Donna Kerry of the Epsom ¢ oH A Club received County and Provincial Honours at the awards ceremony Saturday morning in Uxbridge. . a WI ® f Provincial Honours were awarded to Scugog Island 4-H members Kathy Chandler and Leanne Doupe. The two girls display macrame projects which J * were part of their work towards their honours. To the Ratepayers of the" Township of Mariposa Epsom in 4 --- ) , 2 cap a PIR» * ; TH AN KS I 4-H news "Anne Marie Taylor received a scholarship from Mrs. Cawker [left] on behalf |, ; n 'of the Honeydale Women's Institute. Standing at right are Prince Albert 4-H club for your support at the polls by Sandra Bolton leaders Bonnie Solomon and Mrs. I. Pugh. Miss Taylor is studying early od on November 10th, 1980. Well, this 4H unit "Your childhood education at Ryerson University. Corner of the World", is now finished. We handed EDWIN A. (Ed) STARR Pu ae han ae She . . in to our leaders last meet- SRE Wheh you articles is just fantastic! OU LL oe ils eo this unt |. buy Insurance... Sincere Gratitude | co's sonain he k rd . B. raven ato | EE KEY Word is | would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all the people SI han ya Rg who voted for me in the recent Muncipal Election. reflect your personality by '.- Although | did not win, | feel that the number 6 quaiuy and contents ofa | of new friends | have made, and the number : : of old acquaintances | have renewed, have - Kerry w who will be receiving There are lots of Insurance companies in Canada. * NB Ae it well worth theefiort ' her Provincial Honouts for They sell thousands of Insurance policies. But how do made it we . twelve. units-and Chersl you find the policy that Is the right one for you? Yours very sincerely, Jones) oo Honours You ask an independent Insurance agent-broker. we v are not employees of any insurance company. We CHARLES M. SHARPE Wohin ise hain Shank shop the market for you. To find the right insurance... q dg ra. Bol " from the right insurance company...at the right L | 1 ah 3. Merry for ihe price...for you. _ ~ -- "And we help you when you have a claim. When you deal with an independent insurance agent- broker...you have Robert James Espey would like to express CHOICE his sincere appreciation to all those who support- IN THE ed him in the recent election. A Special Thank You to Mr. Doug Gower, for all his dedication and hard work. SCUGOG INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITED PHONE PORT PERRY 985-2731 - ROBERT JAMES ESPEY Member:Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Ontario a