remember when...¢ continued 35 YEARS AGO Thursday, December 13, 1945 Mr. Donald Crozier, Scugog, had his: car stolen, but it was later found at Honeydale, the gas tank empty. Mr. Stevens, Greenbank, has sold his farm to Mr. Reynolds of Pinedale. Mrs. Roy Scott, Seagrave, and Mrs. Harrison, Myrtle Station, were in Toronto to see the Ice Capades. Sgt. and Mrs. Wesley Vokins have returned home from a trip to the West were they visited relatives. 25 YEARS AGO Thursday, December 15, 1955 The Port Perry Yacht Club held their annual dinner and the presenting of their trophies at the Del Restaurant. Royal Canadian Legion elected their new officers for 1956 - President Frank Godley, Vice President Michael Hlozan, Sec.-Treas. Chas. Brignall Sr. Reg. Moore- head continues as Branch Welfare Officer. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Love and Mrs. C.C. Jeffrey spent the weekend in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. F.D. Slemmon. While there they attended the preformance, 'Oklahoma'. Mr. and Mrs. R. Porter, Prince Albert have moved from the village to Oshawa. 20 YEARS AGO Thursday, December 8, 1960 Mrs. W. Moase was the District Delegate represent- ing Port Perry at the Fifty-Eighth Womén's Institute Convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Mrs. M. Emmerson of Nestleton, reviewed some of the many changes that had taken place since their grandmother's time. Port Perry Junior Hockey team played against Bobcaygeon in their first league game and were the winners, scoring 8 to 2. A bus-load of 7 to-14 year olds from: the-Anglican Church enjoyed an excursion to Toronto to see the Christmas Play at Holy Trinity Church. The Ontario Junior Farmers Association held a skating party and box social in the Cannington arena. Lloyd Wilson was the auctioneer for the social. 15 YEARS AGO Thursday, December 16, 1965 Joan Horton and Judy Mountjoy were recently presented with all-round cords in Girl Guide work. They are members of the First Blackstock Company of Girl Guides under the leadership of Captain, Mrs. Ivan Thompson. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brignall, Port Perry, was the setting for the double wedding of Bever- - ley Anne and Susan Jane, daughters of Mrs. Audrey McNeil and the late Thomas McNeil, Port Perry. Susan was united in marriage to Mr. Carl Stevenson of Udora and Beverley was united in marriage to Mr. Ralph Forsythe of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Painter recently attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Painter (nee Violet Smith), of Uxbridge. F. Roy Ormiston of Brooklin paid $15,200. to Floyd and Orton Eby of Ebydale Farm, Kitchener for Sunny Spruce Reflection Kerk, a six-year-old Holstein, who was Grand Champion at the Canadian National in 1964. This is the highest auction sale price of the year for a Canadian Holstein. -- 10 YEARS AGO Wednesday, December 16, 1970 Rub-a-Dub, Three Men in a Tub, was the theme of the winning float entered by the staff of the Port Pérry Star. The well disguised characters on the float were Joe Jordan, Bruce Beare and P. Hvidsten, Sr. Miss Janice Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Willams, won the Ethel Chapman Women's In- stitute Scholarship for the County of Ontario at the 4H -Homemaking Club Achievement Day at Uxbridge on Saturday, November 28th. Blackstock News - Congratulations to Dale VanCamp -who-placed-second-in-the-Junior section of thé Dairy | Calf Club. This was a fine showing in Dale's first year in the calf club. He received his award at Award's Night in Orono last Saturday evening. Seagrave News - The new brick home on Riverside Drive will soon be occupied. The Wanamakers plan on moving this week. UTTER ETEETT ET T TT TTC 3 i The inaugural meeting of Scugog Township Council was held at the municipal offices in Port Perry Monday afternoon and the new council headed by Mayor Jerry Taylor was sworn in. Members of the new council are seen above and .John Williams, Ward 3; John Wolters, Ward 4 and Robert Espey, Ward 2. Front, Don Crosier, Area Councillor; Mayor Jerry Taylor and Lawrence Malcolm, Regional Councillor. E 198 1-82 Council Sworn In | oo are: ]left to right] back, Neil Hunter, Ward 1; 00 Te D. THAPAR DENTURE THERAPIST 66 Brock St. W., 163 Simcoe St. S., Uxbridge 852-5291 Oshawa 579-8752 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-7797 -. (From Page 1) Don Crosier, regional councillor Lawrence Malcolm, Ward 1 councillor Neil Hunter and Ward 2 councillor Robert Espey. Ward three councillor John Williams and Mayor Jerry Taylor who have both supported the Water Street location for the past year or so, voted against the motion to rescind. Speaking on the rescinding motion, councillor Williams said the Library Board can take no action on the commitment made a week earlier until after the provincial Cabinet has made a decision on the re-zoning of the land which was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. An official Cabinet appeal has been launched by Myrtle Prentice and Roy Grierson. Councillor Williams asked that the rescinding motion be tabled until all members of the new council "have received all the facts surrounding the library issue." He expressed concern that if the present plan to build on _Water__Street _does--not-- proceed, a Wintario grant for up to $100,000 will run out May 6. Scugog Mayor Taylor spoke strongly against the rescinding motion, stating that the Ontario Municipal Board decision on the re-zoning "is Jerry < as plain--and objective as" possible that the site is good planning and in the best interest of the community." Mayor Taylor said the out- going council over the past year had looked at all the possibilities and in consulta- tion with professional engineers, lawyers, and planners had decided on thé Water Street site. After the meeting, Mayor Taylor told the Star he "was very disappointed' with the actions taken by the council. He said he hoped that councillors would have wait- ed until after a meeting with the Library Board to get further information on the library issue before taking any action. Regional councillor Lawrence Malcolm said in council that the rescinding action "must be dealt with immediately." He said it is important to get the by-law repealed to "protect the old council and remove the straight-jacket of the in-coming members." Councillor Malcolm quoted from a recent article in a Bowmanville newspaper about an issue in front of the Newcastle out-going council and a statement from Newcastle Town solicitor David Sims who advised against a vote to re-zone property in that munici- pdality. Councillor Malcolm. suggested that the action taken by the Scugog council one week ago was not permitted under. Section 244 of the Municipal Act. However, Scugog council took-the action-one-week-ago- after careful research by Township 'solicitor Michagl 'Fowler, and Mr. Fowler told the Star after Monday's meeting that the action taken by the out-going council did not re-zone property or spend money that was not already ear- marked in the 1980 budget and thus the action was permitted under Section 244. Scugog Library Board chairman Chuck Preston was present at the meeting Monday, and after- wards he expressed disap- pointment with the action taken. He said the Board will hold a special meeting this Wednesday night to review the courses of action it might take. He declined to speculate whether, the Board will decide "on legal action against the council for breach of contract, but a week ago Mr. Preston did say this would happen if the in-coming rescinded the commitments made by the out-going council. Although council on Mon- day passed the rescinding by-law easily, a second motion from councillors Malcolm and Espey was tabled for two weeks. The tabled motion contain- ed three parts: That the Water Street site would not be available for a library; that the council will co- operate fully for a "reason- able addition to the present library; and if the present site will not accommodate an addition, "This council will co-operate on any other suit- able site recognizing the fact the Library Board may pur- chase or attempt to expro- priate any site it chooses, whether public or private. Although debate on the rescinding by-law and the tabled motion was. civil, there was considerable tension around the council table, as the issues were raised immediately after all New council rescinds by-law members "of council had expressed hope for a unified term of office over the next couple of years. Perhaps newly elected councillor Espey summed it up when he said, "we have experienced men sitting around this table and we ought to be able to make this council run well." Mayor Jerry Taylor took the opportunity during his inaugural address" to light- heartedly raise one of his pet peeves: a ban on snioking at the council table. He said twice in the past year he tried fo have council adopt this; but is was reject- ed. He joked that maybe the new council might consider it in light of recent evidence that smoking may have an effect on one's sex life. Township clerk- administrator Earl Cuddie took-the-oath of office and allegiance from all seven members of the new council, in a brief swearing in ceremony. Despite the pleasantries of soon found that the library issue is still a contentious one in Scugog, and it doesn't look like it is going to go away. 203 Queen Street - Port Perry | OPEN: Mon., Tues., Wed., & Sat. -9t0 6. OPEN: Thursday & Friday - 9to 9. ; ~EAR PIERCING - BY APPOINTMENT WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS - WATCH & JEWELLERY REPAIRS - § x } ©. E - (®] = m x m > i 5 = (2 > oO oo 3 m 3 m nm' P5255 4