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High Robert Aryd, second Ab Timms and low Mildred Thompson. Next card party is Thursday Feb. 26 at 8 at the hall. Judy Olaisen was the lucky winner of a free booklet of Wintario tickets from 'The Fish Galley" last Thursday. I phoned her Friday to see how far her luck went and it didn't. Judy told me while 1 was speaking to her that her aunt had passed away on Thurs- day evening in Toronto, this would be Bill Dickinson's sister. Our sympathy to you both from Prince Albert. Remember Feb. 25th at 8 o'clock is the Hall board meeting at Prince Albert Hall, this is open to anyone. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arm- strong along with Brenda and Brian travelled to Stirling, Ontario on Saturday and had dinner with Earline"s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Heasman and family. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kerr and children and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kerr all from Camp- bellford. . Jean Martyn has her cousin Graeme McDowell visiting with her and Earl for a few days. Graeme is from Blythe, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. John Brough attended the Hickey- Chisholm wedding in Oshawa on Saturday Feb. 21. The Couples Club had to cancel their sleigh riding party on Saturday night. No one cared to go mud sliding. Rodney Simons from Toronto spent a couple of days visiting his grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Vance. Rodney also took the time to call on his aunt, Mrs. Edna Vance in the hospital. Rick Olaisen spent a week ago Saturday in the Sunder- land area skidooing. This. I would guess was with the Sunderland Skidoo club. Judy joined him in the even- ing for dinner and dance at the arena. An excellent crowd turned out at Prince Albert Hall on Saturday for their dance, thanks to the Couples Club it was a sell out. Pat Thomp- son was the lucky door prize winner. A number from the Prince Albert area attended the 214 day fair board convention in Toronto. They were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Deeth, Mrs. Noreen Crosier, Margaret Ann Lamb, Janet Vernon and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baxter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holtby had Mrs. Meta Holtby to supper recently. Meta is now residing at Port Perry Villa. Beth Martyn, Meta How- sam and Jean Martyn enjoy- ed the day on Tuesday, Feb. 17 in York Mills at Trinity Presbyterian Church. It was Women's Day sponsored by Ontario Pioneer Camp. Phone Ilean Pugh with your news items next week at 985-2146. For the Best Deals on New G.M. CARS or TRUCKS 'RICHARD HUNT a WILLIAMSON MOTOR SALES Uxbridge 852-3357 Toronto Line 294-9010 Thinking of Leasing? Give us a Try! [4 i _ Vid FREE STI EN SAM ON. OP, CTA TY 24 Lobal ARST 3 (TA ATR SEN NEHA ie SE I A OWE ras mn fg tm a Mts ad ak bi 'R Aa y « Wife Alember RINSMEN Cum or The Port Perry Kinsmen Club celebrated its 10th anniversary with a banquet and dance Saturday evening and paid tribute to Jim Lawrence [second from right] with an honourary life membership, the highest award in the Kinsmen organization. The plaque was presented to Mr. Lawrence by Hal Rogers, the founder of Kinsmen in 1921. At left is Bruce Glass, national vice president and at right is Tony Duerden, district eight governor. About 150 people attended the banquet. Blackstock and area news by Joyce Kelly Sympathy is extended to the family and other rela- tives of the late Mr. Herb Vine who passed away last week. Glad to report that Mr. Kerry Umphrey is home following his knee surgery in Toronto Hospital and is starting his long recuperat- ion at home. Hearty congratulations to George and Lynn Cawker. who won a trip to Jekyl Island. The draw was sponsored by the Bowman- ville Kinsmen Club and they will be going sometime in March. The Blackstock III and IV 4-H group has recently start- ed their meetings on the chicken and egg project. Their name is Blackstock- Klu Kluck Klan with Presi- dent Elizabeth Kelly, Vice President Anne Hoogeveen, treasurer Karen Duivesteyn and Secretary Eleanor Kelly. The girls are enjoying this project which includes many practical chicken and egg recipes. Our hard work- ing leaders are Mrs. Betty Lee and Mrs. Peggy Larmer. The fourth meeting of our club will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 23 at the Rec. Centre. The winners of the Senior Citizen Card Party are 1. Dorothy Archer-94; 2. Elva Van Camp-92; 3. Clara Nes- bitt-85; 4. Norman Rohrer- ' T.V. - STEREO SERVICENTRE cas. $12.50 We Care About Your T.V.! Why Not Call Us, Today! We Carry Appliance Parts for Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Refrigerators, Dishwashers. LAKEVIEW TELEVISON LAKEVIEW PLAZA - PORT PERRY PHONE 985-8700 a 84; 5. N.J. Brown-84; 6. Freeman McCullough-84; Low Russell Larmer 50-50 draw was won by Ray Brown. There were 17 tables this week. -- Now for a little nature news. A Dorset ewe belong- 'ing to Glenys Gotham gave - birth to a 13 pound ewe lamb last weekend. Jeanette Van Gestel's goal is the proud mother of triplets. Eileen McLaughlin is enjoy- ing a cardinal visiting her bird feeder regularly. There was a good crowd at the first meeting of the Blackstock I 4-H group, which was held at the Black- stock Rec. Centre on Thurs- day Feb. 19, 1981 from 3:30 to Also Miss. 5:30. Cooking and preparing chicken and eggs was the main topic. After electing President Karen Kyte, Secretary-Linda Postma, Treasurer Arlene Davis; and Press Secretary-Lynda Sutton. The girls prepared baked Alaska. "The leaders are Mrs. Donna Kyte and Mrs. Valerie MacDonald. Sorry to report that Mrs. Jennie Bailey is a patient in Port Perry Hospital. Curling Bonspiel The second annual Robert Fletcher Memorial Mixed Bonspiel, sponsored by the Blackstock Curling Club was held.in the Blackstock Arena on Saturday. Eighteen rinks participated in three draws of keen curling and good fellowship. Nearly one hundred curlers and their friends gathered at the Rec. Centre in the evening. After Grace and toast to the Queen, everyone enjoyed a delicious hot ham dinner prepared and served by the Ladies Curling Club. President Ken Craw- ford welcomed all the curlers who had participated in this event and thanked his executive who assisted him in arranging the Bonspiel. He especially thanked Bob Strong and Laverne Sutton for their extra efforts to have such fine ice ready for us. (Turn to Page 31) WALLACE MARLOW COMPANY LIMITED FARM SUPPLIES 40 VANEDWARD DR. - PORT PERRY - 985-7363 - Complete Selection of Farm Feed - FEBRUARY SPECIALS Crystal Softener Salt (20 kg. bag) ... $3.10 Premium Softener Salt (20 kg. bag) ... $2.50 BUY 5 BLOCKS OF SALT - GET ONE FREE! 10% OFF All Shur-Gain Animal Health Products 15% OFF - Case Lots of Germ Kill - Teat Dip - Dairy Sanitizer SHUR-GAIN WEANING RATION - Buy 5, 25 kg. Bags - GET ONE FREE! TOTAL DIET DOG FOOD (8 kg.) Reg. 7.75 ... NOW $7.25 SHUR-GAIN DOG FOOD (10 kg.) Reg. 6.90 ... NOW $6.40 SHUR-GAIN DOG FOOD (20 kg.) Reg. 12.90 ... NOW $11.90 GET ONE FLAIR FLEA TAG FREE WITH EACH PURCHASE OF DOG FOOD. STOCK TANK FLOATS Seconds $9.95 ca. CATTLE BOWLS Reg. 18.10 - NOW $15.95 Reg. 17.95 - NOW $14.95 LIQUID SADDLE SOAP Reg. $4.60 NOW $1.99 ATTENTION GARDENERS We have a Good Selection of Vegetable & Flower Seeds, also Multipliers. DAY OLD CHICKS We are presently taking orders for Day Old Chicks. Please Phone Us for Information. OPEN: Mon. to Fri. 8:30 to 5:30; Saturdays 8:30 to Noon. EM TR BRR ot aS BE