UN A EE A A CI A i) PON CLA ETON CRSA FRAY a g VIiy PAEAT VER IER) ROWE TTY AS AS, # hat RAE ALT by Mrs. Heron The men of the congrega- on of Burns church enjoyed supper together last 'riday night June 26th. The irk guild served the meal «nd at 8 o'clock there was a program for the whole family. Barbara Porter convenor for the social committee of the guild was the mistress of ceremonies. She began with a rousing sing song with everyone participating. Chantal Davidchurch and Sharmon Porter sang a duet in English and French which everyone enjoyed. The Jr. choir sang three fun songs and there were three impromtu speeches by Douglas Ashton, Ross Batten and Margaret Davis which was lots of fun. There was a panel contest which gave everyone a good laugh. Karen McAndless of Don Mills spoke about her work with the Iron Butterflies (handicapped children). She AL LL RS EASE RR ER LR WR LAO EAR TR NS RPL ype 20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 30, 1981 Ashburn area told of how the government is helping, that children and adults are being helped to read by Bliss boards and computor boards and are being helped to be useful happy citizens rather than spending their lives in institutions. Karen also played two lovely numbers on the Flute accompanied by her mother Doris McAndless. Mrs. Wm. Hamilton of Fenlon Falls visited with her mother Mrs. Evelyn Lynde recently. Mr. and Mrs. David Bradley and children Saun, Chris and Allison of Tiverton spent part of last week with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Richatdson. Mr. and Mrs. James Daw of Toronto and sons Mathew and Michael were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Batten, Bradley, Chris and Debbie enjoyed a trip to Wonderworld last Friday. Cancer Society to accept donations The Scugog branch of the Canadian Cancer Society will not be holding any special campaigns or fund- raising events following the death Sunday of Marathon of Hope runner Terry Fox. SMITH-CORONA TYPEWRITERS Manual or Electric PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 Scugog Cancer Society president Helen O'Reilly told the Star Monday morning that she received several phone calls from concerned citizens after the news of Fox's death was announced. Mrs. O'Reilly did say that the Scugog Society will be accepting memorial contri- butions in the name of Terry Fox, and these can be made at the McDermott- Panabaker Funeral Home in Port Perry, or by calling local Cancer Society members at 985-7201, 7410, or 3568. BRUTONS 1->-A: DRUGS 200 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY Mr. and Mrs. E. Heron enjoyed a trip to Niagara last week and visited rela- tives on the way. Last Sunday morning at Burns church Rev. McEntyre began a series of sermons on "Heroic Living" and the first one was based on "Faith" they will con- tinue through July. The choir sang 'Ivory Palaces." Next Sunday evening, the Burns mens choir will be singing at Glen Major church at 7:30 p.m. A large number of friends and relatives gathered at the community .centre last Sunday afternoon and even- ing to honour Mr. and Mrs. Russell Batten. They are retiring after thirty four years of keeping store and looking after the post office. A presentation of a beauti- ful stereo set was made by Lois Daw, director of the community centre, from the community, mail route and relatives. Lindsay Death on behalf of the members of Burns church presented them with two lovely patio chairs and the Mayor of Whitby, B. Attersley pre- sented them with a key ring with the town of Whitby ensign. Among those present to help receive the guests were Mr. Battens mother Mrs. E. Batten of Oshawa and their daughter Judith, and family of Guelph, and their son Ross and family of Ashburn. A dainty lunch was served and a happy time spent over the tea cups. We all wish Helen and Russ many happy years together in their new home in Oshawa. We are glad to report Mr. Nelse Ashton is home again after spending a few days last week in Oshawa hospital. 985-2511 { 1] P \ Retirement party A retirement party was held last week for Lillian Midgley who officially retired in April as vice principal at Epsom School. Mrs. Midgley began teaching at Udora, and was at Saintfield and Greenbank before taking over as principal of the new Epsom School in 1964. The retirement party was held at the school with many former students in attendance. Two of them, Janice Evans [left] and Tracy Gourlie presented gifts to Mrs. Midgley, and a plaque in her name will be presented annually to the 'hardest working" grade five and six students at the school. Durham Region Police have charged two Scugog Township youths with mis- chief in connection with an incident June 13 where several decorative flower containers on Queen Street were damaged. Mike Gray, 19, of RR4, Port Perry and Clarence Graduate from GMI Dennis Drew Malcolm will be among the 352 graduates receiving degrees when the General Motors Institute holds its convocation Friday, June 19 in Flint, Michigan. Dennis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm of Nestleton, and he works in Scarborough for G.M. He will receive a Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. WALLACE MARLOW Co. Ltd. 40 VANEDWARD DRIVE - PORT PERRY (Behind Philp Pontiac-Buick) PHONE 985-7363 Farm Feed, Fencing, Pet Food & Garden Supplies. Mischief charges laid Van Grootel, 17, of Blossom Court in Port Perry will appear in Whitby court July 16 to face the Charges. When the flower pots were damaged, an angry Queen Street merchant publicly offered a cash reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible. Durham Police report that a juvenile has been caution- ed about trying to supply false information to police about that incident, in an apparent effort to get the reward money. Guaranteed Investment Certificates 1 YEAR ANNUAL 2 YEAR ANNUAL 5 YEAR ANNUAL 1 YEAR MONTHLY 5 YEAR MONTHLY Rates Subject to Change without Notice. SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3832 All Members of Canada Deposit Insurance Corp. All Garden Seeds - 30% OFF ~ SprayLime(20kg.)- $3.45 Calcium Chloride (40kg.)- $10.75 Hay Salt (40 kg.)- $4.25 Il POOL SUPPLIES We carry a complete line. CHEMICALS CL-EXTRA GRANULAR STABILIZED CHLORINATING AGENT ~ 4kg. $29.99 POOL REPAIRKITS.... $3.29/ AR