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Reports from the Syn- odical Annual at Georgetown were brought by Mrs. Ewen of Uxbridge, Miss Nora McNabb and Mrs. Phil Francis of Cannington. The next Synodical Annual will be held i in the Kingston Pres- byterial. A musical present- ation "There is something about that Name" was sung by Mrs. C. Humphrey and very much enjoyed. Reports of secretaries were then received. Mrs. W. Hoyle is still working on W.M.S. histories and hopes they will be completed by 1982, when the Lindsay Pres- byterial celebrate their 100th Anniversary. Mrs. J. Nesbitt the afternoon secretary has visited several W.M.S. groups. Mrs. L. Allen, the Youth secretary, reported that a new Explorer group has been formed at Leask- dale. Explorer and C.0.C. groups are operating in Woodville under the leader- ship of Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Reilly, in charge of literature, had an interesting display. 17 SHORT TERM (1 1 [67.91 2) 30to119 Days Rates Subject to Change. STANDARD TRUST 165 Queen Street, P.O. Box 1318 Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO Telephone: 985-8435 or 985-8436 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation The fall executive meeting will be held on September 30th. Mrs. Benton of Wick, closed the afternoon session with prayer and returned thanks for the evening meal. A very delicious meal was served to 71 ladies, by the Ashburn W.A. "Disabled" was the theme for the evening session. This began with a sing-song, led by members of the Ashburn choir with Mrs. Rose Heron at the piano. The service of worship was presented by Mrs. Ida Dean and Mrs. G. McElroy. This was taken from John 3, based on the "Handicapped." A duet, 'Peace in a troubled world" was sung by Mrs. L. Daw and Mrs. B. Porter. Mrs. Luella Blackburn then introduced Dr. Eoin MacKay, the guest speaker. Dr. MacKay is presently minister of the Uxbridge and Leaskdale charges. Dr. MacKay said the missionary groups are the heartbeats of the congregation. They are engaged in the most import- ant work of the day. Dr. MacKay is also president of the John Milton society, working for the blind. This society was founded in 1928 by Helen Keller, but was not organized in Canada until 1968. This society works "In sight,"" "In sound," "In touch" and in 'Christian concern." Mrs. G. Haynes expressed sincere thanks to Dr. MacKay and all who had worked to make the meeting a success. A white cane alerts you to the fact that a man or woman is visually impaired. Share your sight by offering a friendly arm and assist- ance when needed. Blind- ness is everyone's concern. CNIB hopes that you make it yours. A Pleasant & Safe Vacation to You! Inthe Interests of their Staff Beare's will be CLOSED SATURDAYS L during July and August. - ~ J LL EXAMPLES: USED CARS A SELECTION OF CHOICE USED CARS AVAILABLE NOW! 1979 OLDSREGENCY SEDAN - Lic. NVR 194. 1979 CHRYSLERCORDOBA-Lic. NYO 232. 1977 OLDSROYALE SEDAN -Lic. LPN 583. -EACH OF THESE WITH AIR CONDITIONING. EEE Gordon Hawker [left], president of Comco gives Durham College president Mel Garland and student affairs officer, Richard Snowden, a $4,000 cheque for the first of a continuing series of Bursary and Scholarship donations to Durahm College. Comco Ltd. presents college- bursaries and scholarships Comco Metal and Plastic Industries Limited of Port Perry has set up an annual bursary and scholarship fund of $4,000 for Durham College students. There are five bursaries of $250 each to be awarded each January for a total of $1,250 to help Durham students who need financial assistance in completing their year. There are two $500 under- graduate scholarships and these are a major award for outstanding academic achievement among all College post-secondary Divisions. - One is for the top undergraduate completing the first year of studies and one for the outstanding undergraduate student completing the second year. There is also a $250 under- graduate scholarship for a Technology student demon- strating 'outstanding academic excellence at the end of the first year. There are two graduation scholarships of $150 each to be presented yearly to the highest ranking graduate of the two year programs in both the Technology and the Business Divisions of the College at the annual convo cation. In addition, Comco In- dustries is -assisting the College in giving recognition to outstanding achievement in the Apprenticeship pro- grams. These courses are being given a high profile by 'both the College and the Provincial Government inas- much as they are helping Ontario Industry to over- come severe shortages of skilled personnel. There are six $200 &pprenticeship scholarships to be awarded yearly in regard to the courses for Tool and Die Maker, Machinist, Mould Jeeta ee dew ae mm mm ES TcHILDREN'S BOUTI 158 QUEEN STREET - PORT mo Maker, Industrial Mainten- ance Mechanic, Industrial Electrician, and Fitter- Welder. On Thursday, June 11, Gordon Hawker, President and General Manager of Comco presented a $4,000 cheque for the coming year's scholarships and bursaries to President Mel Garland and Student Affairs officer, Richard Snowden. Mel Garland stated that Durham College is very impressed with Comco's generous and significant involvement in its awards program, with particular reference to the new scholar- ships for Apprenticeship training students. He said that he looks forward to a pleasant and long- standing relationship between Durham and = Comco Industries. Jc Boys suits, Girls dresses, skirts STARTS JULY 2nd - With Further Reductions & Sportswear plus Girls & Boys Springco coats. 1/3 0FF Tell them Charlie sent you! Girls cotton slacks - sizes 7-16 Girls & Boys Spring jackets. 20% Of LADIES JUNIOR SECTION (Sizes 5t013) Summer Dresses-YaOFF y Blouses, T-Shirts, Shorts - 20% OFF 985-7351 CHEVROLET OLDSMOBLE LTD. DOWNTOWN IN BEAUTIFUL PORT PERRY RIE RL DURE) BEDE