ICRETUEROS, 4 4 1 3 Pry ™1 co rye a anil OY lirics Pagina Ne >. | , Bn vy . ". Ny pian ~/ / 50th Anniversary A very popular Nestleton couple, Sam and Mabel Cawker celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, July 4. The couple were entertained with a their family. Sam and Mabel were united in marriage in an evening ceremony at the Blackstock United Church manse by the Reverend Ralph Newell on July 4, 1931. SPECIAL!!! SEASONAL STOCK REDUCTION PRICE ...at... | PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 Vanedward Drive - Port Perry - 985-8474 OPEN WEEKDAYS TO 9:00 P.M. FRIDAYS TO 6:00 P.M. and SATURDAYS TO 4:00 P.M: dinner party and reception at Crandell's Riverboat, Port Perry by members of (From page 1) hospital was down very slightly over the year before. There were 1721 admissions, opposed to 1733 the previous year, and this led to a reduc- tion in the total number of patient days from 12,532 to 11,804in 1980-81. The number of births at the hospital increased from 158 to 167 and this was noted in the report to the annual meeting by Dr. John Ham- mett, chief of the medical staff, Dr. Hammett's report says "theactivity in the maternity wing certainly justifies th time and effort of many in preparing a brief to the Durham Region Councilinlate winter." This is a reference to a con- sultant's report prepared for the Health Council last year which suggested that the maternity units at Port Perry, Uxbridge, and Bowmanville Hospitals be phased out over a five year period as a method of saving money. There was strong op- position to the suggestion in Port Perry, and as a result the Health Council recom- mended that the consultant's suggestion on the maternity unit not be followed. The statistical report for the hospital last year shows the number of emergency room visits increased from 9,018 to 9,480, and there was also an increase in the num- ber of radiology examina- tions and physiotherapy visits. The report shows a slight decline in the number of minor and major surgical procedures performed at the hospital. During 1980-81, there was an average of 32 patients each day at the hospital, a slight decrease over the previous year. This resulted in a slight decrease in the occupancy rate from 74.63 to 70.84 per cent last year. Despite the fact that cer- tain areas of activity were down slightly over the previous. year, the report shows that the net cost per patient day increased to $134.67, from $111.60 the previous year. The board of governors will include Jim Marlow, Sheldon Smith, Lucille Gray and Howard Hall, all completing the second year of a two year term. Other appointments are - Auxiliary); Health Hospital annual meeting Eleanor Davidson (Hospital Cliff Crowell (Durham Region); Dr. Bill Cohoon (medical staff); and Dr. John Hammett (chief of medical staff). Members elected at the meeting last week were John Pike, Grant MacDonald, Joy Hulland JoyceKelly. Manchester well (From page 1) is contaminated. Once the results of the quality and efficiency tests are completed, a report will be turned over to the consult- ing" firm of Totten Sims Hubicki and recommenda- tions will be made to the Ministry of the Environ- ment. The provincial ministry paid the cost of the test well which was drilled two weeks ago at the Scugog Township Works garage property in the south part of Man- chester. Residents of the commuinity have been complaining for several years that their wells are Lp p-- **GRAND OPENING* JULY 11** The Window Box CraftShop ...featuring quilts, baby items, pine accessories, a Christmas Corner and many other items. FOLLOW THE SIGNS FROM CAESAREA 986-4833 SCICC > ake [ke [tn | he whe | in| oo | ut ACCC CCC CCCI CIC ICICI Tae ae we wie ie | | he Jee To oaks we in| he | hn | DEEGAN Denture Therapy Clinic 305 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY -OPEN - BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! Tuesday & Thursday Evenings - 6:30 P.M. & Saturdays. PLEASE CALL:985-2916 contaminated mainly by run- off from winter salting operations on the roads. Most people living in Man- chester have to truck in their drinking water as a result. The Ministry of the Environment agreeed last year that if new wells are drilled for the residents, the provincial government will - pay 75 per cent of the cost. Aside from individual wells for the residents, there are a couple other alterna- tives from providing im- proved drinking water. One is to drill communal wells serving several homes each, and the other is to run municipal water lines from Port Perry to Manchester. > -- cae co cn mn SCICICIC CC IICICC CP ae 30 ACCC ICICI CIC IC > he | | te | an | ayn [age [gn [agm topm | he [a Take | ate | we | 4 5252525252525 252525252525252525252525252525 252000 CACAO] > [ae [od Pick Your Own STRAWBERRIES Bring Your Own Containers. 2 MILES NORTH ON REGIONAL RD.2(LillaSt.). Follow Signs. HOEKSTRAFARMS 985-8097 -NO SUNDAY SALES eK i ii -- -- Ke (Durham-York) {ROSS STEVEN CONSTITU 3:00t0 7:00 P.M. RAILROADHOUSE MOTOR MOTEL - PORT PERRY SON M.P.P. ENCY OFFICE Visits the Scugog Area - WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th adviseyou. government matter, m Just drop in during the above hours or ment. Dial "Operator and ask for toll If you require information or assistance on any provincial y assistant will be on hand to help you or phone for an appoint- free ZENITH 33130. Kone He Ii e------ a ------