£32 TOES " al gen A i EAI ND i AAI SM Ge MAA SNA i a, Cail Disa oit al Sasa k . " po a " es Ei SKC CEASE SSRN oN Mo 5 2 RRR Ss re SAREE AYA SAI I SARE Am KA RH SARS ARG BA TRS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Bl RESTAURANTS & TAKEOUTS | ¢ Alex J. Shepherd 2 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Corporation, Small Business Accounting & Taxation Farm Accounting & Taxation - - Bookkeeping Services PHONE (416) 985-7031 St LAKEVIEW PLAZA SUBMARINE Call 985-713) Corner 7A & Water St. RONALD D. BRIDGEWATER BARRISTER & SOLICITOR 647 Scugog Street - Port Perry -GENERAL LAW PRACTICE. PHONE 985-8491 RESIDENCE 985-8828 WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 49 Division St., Oshawa PHONE 579-5659 R. MOASE - RESIDENCE 985-7225 230 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY - 985-8893 23 Silver St., Bowmanville PHONE 623-9461 OF PORT PERR"'. ONTARIO 15 WATER STREET 985-3281 * TWO LICENCED DINING LOUNGES FRIENDLY SERVICE - REASONABLE PRICES "HORSE STABLES DON FORDER INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 24 Water Street - Port Perry, Ont. 985-8471 ---- MILLWOOD ACRES HORSES TRAINED - Ride or Drive f HORSES BOARDED - HORSES FOR SALE Jay's Mighty Twist - Appaloosa Stallion at Stud R.R.4, PORT PERRY - County Road 21 "PHONE 985-2911 ~ Bob&Anna Spencley LANDSCAPING EXCAVATING BUSINESS & OFFICE SUPPLIES LANDSCAPING & KEN LUKE NURSERIES GRADING & BULLDOZING on. 78 Br gst Ya Lire 259 Shanley Street - Port Perry TT 986-4771 Phone: 985-8060 Ns RICK'S , WEED CONTROL Clarence Willcock Specializing in: WELDI NG Lawn Care, Fertilizing Shop & Mobile and Weed Spraying. Fab. & Repairs sLackeroor oamario | | PHONE 985-2589 {ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE "GEE" Electric Motor Service REWINDING - SALES & REPAIRS ALL MOTORS AND PUMPS Shirley Road - Port Perry - 985-8049 [© MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES PAR AFIS SRS TEL ERE Hos TERRY PAUL photography | | PON CORNEIL 10 Brock Stree] East, Uxbridge Bolts 3 you Rpsklencaor Phone: 852-6928 R.R.1, Little Britain Weddings-Portraits PHONE: (705) 786-2183 Ceramics By BASSETT'S MAVIS SMALL "rgmiezasem | | ENGINES - CERAMIC SUPPLIES - Outboards - Tillers CLASSES - GREENWARE Lawnmowers - Snowmobiles CUSTOM FIRING - GIFTS Fibreglass repairs - MANVERS DR., JANETVILLE Chainsaivs NO, 18 xn Sun Valley, Seagrave - MAVIS BELL 705-357-3526 | KLEAN SWEEP CHIMNEY SERVICE CHIMNEY SWEEP & BUILDER : *Dustless Efficient Cleaning «| 5 «Blocked Flues Cleared = Fast Emergency Service Ho] sRepairs - Rebuilding - Relining "ol eNew Chimneys & Fireplaces OCSA MEMBER oStove & Hearth Installations Ontario Coivhes spe 25 YEARSIN CHIMNEY MAINTENANCE & BUILDING 985-3111 Diam Lusiness WMeachines 124 HUNT ST., AJAX, ONTARIO L1S 1P5 TELEPHONE 683-8081 © en > ELECTRONIC CASH REGISTERS | SCALES : TYPEWRITERS -ELECTRONIC CALCULATORS COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE HOURS DAILY: 9:00 to 5:30 - Saturday 10:00 to 3:00 Danforth Typewriter RENTALS-SALES-SERVICE-REPAIRS PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 8, 1981 -- Old age security pension | will increase in July Increases in the Old Age "Security pension, Guaran- teed Income Supplement and Spouse's Allowance, which are to take effect in July 1981, were announced by the Minister of National Health and Welfare, Monique Begin. The basic old Age Security pension will be increased to $214.86 monthly from the present $208.20. The maximum Guaran- teed Income Supplement for an individual or a married person whose spouse is receiving neither a pension nor a Spouse's Allowance, will increase to $215.72 from its current $209.03. Added to the basic pension, this will give a person receiving both the OAS and the maximum GIS a monthly total of $430.58. The maximum Guaran- teed Income Supplement for a married couple, both of whom are pensioners, will increase to $166.32 each from $161.16. Added to the basic pension this will give each married pensioner receiving the maximum GIS a total of $381.18, or $762.36 for the $381.18 from $369.36. The maximum Spouse's Allow- ance is made up of an amount equivalent to the basic Old Age Security pensiqn and the maximum, GIS at the married rate and it is paid to pesons between 60 and 65 years of age who are married to OAS pensioners and meet residence requirements. Entitlement to a spouse's Allowance, and the amount paid, is based on yearly income. Where the pensioner spouse dies, the surviving spouse may be eligible for the continuation of the allowance to age 65 or until remarriage if the person has no income or a limited amount of income. Increases in Old Age Security pension and Guaranteed Income Supple- ment payments are calculated quarterly based on the cost of living. MIKE'S LAWN SE couple. The Guaranteed Income Supplement is paid CUTTING to pensioners whose income, SERVICE apart from the Old Age Just Once Security pension, is limited. or The amount of the supple- ¢ ment varies in relation to. All The Time! income. PHONE: The maximum Spouse's Allowance will increase to 985-8958 SEPTIC TANK SERVICES TOM ARMSTRONG V&lL SEPTIC TANK SEPTIC TANK Sects Port P SERVICE . Sr 43 Port Perry - Ontario PHONE 985-2158 985-2226 579-7324 705-786-2799 (evenings only) wi pret d 408 Dundas Street West, Whitby 666-1131 - OFFICE SUPPLIES - WEDDING INVITATIONS - CONTINUOUS FORMS - CALCULATORS ADDING MACHINES - TYPEWRITERS - HARD & SOFT COVER BOOKS MAGNETIC SIGNS - PHOTO COPIES - PASSPORT PHOTOS c PORT PERRY STAR CO. LIMITED 235 QUEEN STREET, P.0.80X 90. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO ' LOS INO (416) 985-7383 R.R. Jones Septic Tank Pumping Fully equipped to pump any kind of tank Year round service Contracts available PHONE 985-3481 . PAINTERS & DECORATORS AUTOMOTIVE Port Perry Star PAINTING & ADVERTISING DECORATING GENERAL CONTRACTING FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 986-5514 'DEADLINES DISPLAY - Monday 12 Noon CLASSIFIED - Monday 3 P.M. ERUMFORD Ip [idm R.R.4, PORT PERRY 985-8132 REBUILDERS of: =AITERNATORS = STARTERS EXCHANGE eo o o Or custom rebuilding TAYLOR'S GULF SERVICE CENTRE i specializing in BRAKES - TUNE-UPS COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK CARE GOVERNMENT SAFETY CERTIFICATES Cars - Trucks - Motorcycles - School Buses HWY. 7A WEST, PORT PERRY 985-3655 (Va mile west of Port Perry) "MOHAWK" PAINTING & DECORATING *Paper Hanging *Renovations *Free Estimates Ken Chatterton 668-5438 Tim Pelyk 985-3490 RESIDENTIAL - INTERIOR - EXTERIOR - COMMERCIAL DECORATING Paperhanging - Painting - Spraying - Texturing CUSTOM DRAPERIES Shop-at-Home Service - Wallpaper - Drapery Yardgoods & iracks BRIAN S. JORDAN * BLACKSTOCK 986-4477 SERS TI eg Akg rE) - nk al aT Are NOT dy 5 - * CR i IY h se RASCALS Add MY ol Ca WEN Ay RI A Lo Swe 3 - - CN 4 9 (RN) CERb 3 oat SE (S$ AS FI Ny dq es " ETRE ~e at ar Sa RP PR AIT