PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 15, 1981 -- 9. * OFFER EXTENDED * Get 16', interest on your savings-chequing account Extended until August 3, 1981, Standard Trust Company will give you" free - an Esmond Mon- terey blanket when you open a high-interest savings and chequing account with $100 or more at our branchin Port Perry. You'll receive your free Esmond blanket at once, and your Standard Trust 1-Account will - immediately begin earning * 164% interest cal- culated on the minimum monthly balance and blanket!" ~~ credited to your account December 31 of each year. : You'll be able to write three free cheques each month, plus an extra free cheque for each $100 minimum balance over $300. If you are a senior citizen, 60 years or over, all your cheques are free. Blanket offer expires August 7, 1981. Come in today! We are open 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday to Thursday; Friday till 6:00 P.M. Everything you need in one convenient savings-chequing account ...and 162% Interest! plus a free Esmond Monterey blanket in your choice of gold, blue or bone white. Comeintoday, open a 1-Account and take your Esmond blanket home with you. One blanket toa customer. Use it yourself, or as a welcomed gift for family or friend, 'Rates subject to change : 165 Queen Street East, Port Perry Telephone 985-8435 AFederally Chartered Trust Company/Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Duetothe popularity of our presence in Port Perry This Offer is Extended to August 7th Tr ---- a 0 ed ~-- ~ a -~ Te et my» FMA . $e --_ we rn, DRE -g a SA ead / i