LIP S J Ld REET V4 RN el Area . Sad I. Se (pes Las herds, PY we! y Aon SAN SOR eT wR 0d BALLS AN WELLS BAe EPAPER 2 ME 5 Wiha PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 15, 1981 -- 27 Used Cars 'Used Cars EA A it ry Sere RL gk oy Used Cars Used Cars - 7 1973 PINTO WAGON - Squire 1975 CHEV IMPALA - 4 door Lo offer, Gold Kenmore Stove $250. standard, lots of options. $5,300. 985-3949 call after 6 p.m. - 985-3601 kh "Phone 986-4673. Jy22 | or best offer. 986-4617. : i : | 5% - > r «oh 1968 CUTLASS convertible : new 1973 VW SUPER Beatle, am/fm Real Estate i " EY top - needs some body work - as is $650.00. Phone 985-8219. Jy22 cassette, good tires. $1,500. Call 985-3109. ENC A LT Sgr --- -~ RANE oe ¢ 1972 OLDSMOBILE 98 - one owner 72,000 miles, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, needs some body work, Asis - $675.00 or best offer. 75 VEGA Station wagon, white with Burgundy interior, auto- matic, recent valve job, brakes and exhaust - certified - good w---- ~~) condition. $1250.00. 985-2006. TF | Phone 985-3746. tA 1973 CENTURY Buick, a : k matic, pb, low mileage 50 ute 74 MONTE CARLO - ps/pb, alr, ie aninission, AM/FM cusses; Bowie windows en loess £ : ' . S A foie Mass tome body werk. is - $950.00. Phone 985-8826 after - ol Phone 985-8575. 5:30 p.m, Jy22 fa 221 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY gin Real Estate 0) "WEEKLY SMILE" a i = The only thing worse than being old and pat ] oward bent is being young and broke. ' i ] i HS | Umited PIA LAKESHORE HOME: 2 storey 4 bedroom home : 2 E fy with 78 ft. water frontage at McLaren's Beach; ih i Biaal © , excellent lot with mature trees, modern kitchen, 2% { SCUGOG ISLAND - WATERFRONT order 985-7371 many extras. Asking only $62,500. or % op | Three bedjoem 2 Jloray home, 3 hig 647 Scugog Street, Port Perry, Ontario PORT PERRY EAST: 9 year old 3 bedroom a; | room excaltont Iaksfront propecty. This. hom A GREAT DAY FOR GOLFING - WATCH | | bungalow. attached garage, large lof. Asking must be seen fo be appreciated. Listed at FROM YOUR BALCONY - COMPETITIVELY Ce ) 5 $165,900. with 114% mortgage till 1984 PRICED $118,500 - 11 % MORTGAGE TO 1984. WATERFRONT: New aluminum clad -bunga- FRR axis St Four bedrooms, ensuite, family lounge, "Sunday low, oil heat, finished full basement, 4 bedrooms, JG oo a brunch kitchen features,' full deck, fireplace, attached garage, large privacy lot in area of Rt | two door garage, nice lot - 985-7371. good homes. Asking $98,500. with good financing. gi - -m- meme ------ Tne Call Ken Holliday. fag ~ ' AN Ka SCUGOG ISLAND ACREAGE: 59 acres with i | - beautiful panoramic view of lake, scenic rolling A | land with pine trees, excellent building site. us Asking $75,000. with 15 % financing. Call Valerie Vo Butt. gs i " os "WATERFRONT COTTAGE - SCUGOG ISLAND. AY : Cah a Open | concept, hing, dining and kitchen with § . om a ca ral ceilings, stone fireplace, 4 bedrooms CTTTLERRITAIN - INCOME Oppo Y NITY * plus bunkhouse. Large treed lot, well and septic. ¢ Diury. Brick nome w aparimein's, Call Cliff Crowell to see this property listed at ri carport, 35 x 45 3 ick shops Siiusied 5 3 good $49,900. A 125 x 198 ft. partly tr ot in a quiet village. y This property I has unlimited potential that must CANNINGTON 4 yr. old brick and aluminum be seen to be appreciated. Just listed at $144,900. i lig A sidesplit, 3 bedrooms, master ensuite, oil heat, and the vendor will hold a mortgage. 20 ACRES - ASKING $118,500 - ATTRACTIVE Sy a me ry Daaver Ridge area. Asking . . R ' . $ ArT PORT PERRY M% FINANCING JO VENDOR ba 3 Rohe, - et hamlet Gs ; room, stream, 10 acres woodland, sma rn, work- GOOD BUILDING LOT 110 x 190 in quiet hamle ty ido er rreed pop pp shop, three bedroom ranch bungalow, dining close to Blackstock. Asking $18,900. Call bY ge partly ) i " * room, family lounge, wood stove included - Margaret Ball. ' ah : Fm, tg Ti . 3 b. a $8579 ------------ 47 ACRES. High panoramic view, pond sites, FE PREMIUM COMMERCIAL LOCATION - stream, few trees, 92% financing. Asking fa WATER ST. PORT PERRY - $94,500 - 10%% $39,900. Call Valerie Butt. te FINANCING TO 1983 -One and half storey home BLACKSTOCK 3 bedroom backsplit, den, family N i) and workshop, paved parking - 985-7371. room, walkout, 3 pc. and 4 pc. bath, double , garage, large yard with inground pool. Must be PUT DOWN NEW ROOTS IN THE HEART OF seen! Listed at $69,500. with terms. Call Valerie 7 PORT PERRY - $84,700. Laze on your sundeck Butt. 9 -overlooking park-like landscaping, three bed- : fe rooms, recreation lounge with wood stove, built- EXCELLENT STARTER OR RETIREMENT # in china cabinet, dishwasher - enquire 985-7371. homme, all new inside, must be seen, located at Caesarea, lot 75 x 200 well landscaped. Terrific i VIEW LAKE \ Al SHAPE! ASKING $75,308, Three/four bed. value at $44,900. Terms arranged. Call Bill Rae. 4 : backsplit in Prince Albert, lower level w/o 5 "bungalow, detached yom SCUGOG ISLAND - High dry building lot, 2 Ton Dedroom en ur 2 BO a to garden, games room, fireplace - call 985-7371. permits available, western exposure. $24,900. 5 lake with access directly across the road. Just CAN'T BEAT FOR $58,500 - Three bedroom with terms. Call Ken Holliday. : listed at $42,900. Call today. 7/1 country home, separate dang, separate Movie THEATRE BYsincss - Por} Perry . laundry, super family recreation lounge, double n nema, sea eatre, sale includes Two peda FERRY SOUTH EAST 10 acre wide garage, workshop - 985-7371. business and equipment all in good condition. 'treed lot, stream on property, 100 x 150 ft. pond. Ideal as providing added income. Call Cliff Just listed at $52,900. with good financing avail- LAKE SCUGOG VIEW - JUST LISTED AT Crowell to discuss this opportunity listed at able Call today to see this property. $54,900 - HONEY'S BEACH - 7yr. old 3 bedroom $32,900. ' bungalow, electric heat, scenic lot overlooks WATERFRONT COTTAGE - 3 bedroom SCUGOG POINT Lake Scugog - gn 50 x 67 waterfront Jo insulated cottage, living room with Franklin 3 Four bedroom cottage, large lot, furnished, available across the. road at $27,900 - makes fireplace, 30' deck, quiet secluded location. Call access to good sand ich only steps away. Yiaciive Inyesimeny tor individual to hold - Cliff Crowell to see this property listed at $44,000. 3 Msiey at $33,900 and vendor will hold a mort- " 10 ACRES - VIEW - BUSH - STREAM. 4 bedroom gage. RETREAT OR RETIRE - $46,500 VIEW LAKE 2 storey brick and alcan home, 1% baths, CF : . WATERFRONT - Insulated cottage on sandy replace, 2 car garage. erlooking scenic ix Three bed ant boratow, Hinioree family room, beach - new 6 ft. deck - enquire 985-7371. gouniryside. Immaculate. Asking $98,000 with ha ) large lot, chimney in for wood stove. Listed at erms. 10 3 ; $30,000 - NEW PRICE FOR THIS OAKWOOD 4 bed idesplit ah 1 $87,500. Call today to ses its Hots, TWO STOREY four bedroom home, oil heat, BRICK ANb2 LYMINUM. family room Spit 2 | PORT PERRY - WEST good sound home requires some decorating - fireplace, walkout to deck, 2 car garage, close to 3: § 100 x 870 ft. building lot, driveway installed, excalion yale offer ed with 12% financing to schools. Immaculate. Asking $115,000. oh ] paved road frontage. Just listed at $38,900. and venaor - 985-7471. PORT PERRY NORTH. Over 4 acres, small vB vendor will hold mortgage. JUST LISTED - $128,000 UXBRIDGE INCOME barn suitable for horses, 4 bedroom brick 3 . PROPERTY - Two stores, four apartments, good ungalow on g paved road. Asking $64,900. Say 6 SoUsos LAND A ER RONT LY o central location with rapid appreciation - terms - Need more information? Call Bonnie Windsor. by 0 property, ideal homesite. Just listed at $24,900. please enquire Howard Forder - 985-7371. ONLY $31,500 - Two bedroom slarter home A Call 1048. After Hours Call: Thinking of Buying or Selling your property? A Mod Sin quis Village northot Port Perry. Ca V8 Mar | gg ; 606 free evaluation with positively no obligation - Do as Doris Clark - 986-5314 compare. Call 983.7973. Call - Port Per ry 985-7303 TE David Tripp - 985-8398 Salas Assncisiss: $ CALL: $e p Hog 985.3632 Howard Forder :Res. 985-3439 AFTER HOURS CALL: hn Mar SILL hy yas tars Ralph Fairman -Res. - 985-2160 George Stone, F.R.1., Port Perry - 985.2632 7 A Sosa R. (Bob) Howsam -Res. -985-7880 Ken Holliday, Oshawa - 723-5420 aS Y NX 286 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY Bill Van Camp -Res. - 985-3527 Cliff Crowell, Port Perry - 985.7871 Re, Gail Scala -Res. - 852-5058 Bonnie Windsor, Sunderland - 705-357-3114 2% 985-8041 - 985-8151 Roles, Sa Mocs a 5 _ Chuck Willes ~~ -Res.-985-7032 Valerie Butt, Port Perry - 985-2122 RY Office Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. 'MEMBERS OF OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD. Bill Rae, Little Britain - 705-786-2185 X oer !