EA fe ol WEARS "_ -5 SS aka RR a SE TEES BoA "AT i % The ©" ARES 4 a oy rar 508" '*y Fp *F aire POE AUS ba ALLS Phe pF Ov SAL A oS dL JAIL tah dwg H ¢ Tigo Ahead FL fr ALAC Xia Fd i ire d thas UN Ys [E08 i 3800 ¥ CRITI JL EA ABE FERAL EO PLE rl * 2 ¥ y ) 4 vr' 44 Pi Bh TS Faire PEAY Ta ih i> 8 i Gat pt v of, 5S } Si BY SA [4 FE PTI IE Al Ril a es J the WN EL eg Re PNM FAP Z ' }a Walaa dis vioad : wr aaa a ag a + aa ot Ale SEES EPI Ph Wise CSR ob GAA Abdali : 4 ns Rd A ae YAN re IN LY [hid ly Sra et ly SE ARPT SN LE 4 / 3 Rant A. CY AE PRET THEATRE Fas AT ETB AL SYLAR I Bl Sa 7 & SI My AT Ss Away RX 1 wee TX WANE TNS i AD end AN Te Pals SAIL SER ro WX AN { Awd 4 b MAREE AT 3 EB AE 5 ¥ PE G DE $A ¥ " nei f 4s tod KA TN Nr VE Shy aaa a LET PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 22, 1981 -- 21° ETRE AE TA ws p/ ) ) h Cr Iv | i x 1 ; 7 ; i L) 0 7 s HOMAN'S DEPARTMENT STORE ¢ ] 43-45 BROCK STREET WEST, UXBRIDGE fd 1 PHONE: 852-3633 i 3 HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9A.M.to 6 P.M.. Thurs. & Fri. 9AM.to 9P.M.;Sat. 9A.M.to 6 P.M. i | ALIFETIME!} | i IMAGINE! ONCE IN IE. ) 4 d Members of the Brooklin Horticultural Society 24 i a gro" col attended the 75th Ontario Horticultural Association of 3 A \ Vt n Convention held last month at Niagara Fails. Ladies Sportswear i) E R Pictured from left to right: Margare vis, Carolyn i por? ont'® Stevens, Rene Thiebaud, Joan Brak, Margaret Beath, SHORTS & TO PS NOW y i oY Valerie Hundert, Dorothy Barter, Gordon Wick, : i i © } Margaret Wick. Values 4 PRICE og i : to $27.98 3H : rince Albert news i a : : ' PT a EVERYTHING IN THE STORE ON SALE! et | by Earline Armstrong girls to run our toes through) weeks vacation at Chandos 3 EE It was a pleasure to see and new steps coming up the [ake near Apsly, Ontario. 3 5 - BOSC panier oni} Erica Van enbankment to church are Last rest before the big move | 0 rrten on cable T.V. on down. aye June? a Sunday July 12. These 2 Mrs. Marion Hodge and Ne happy birthday BOY'S SHIRTS 2 young ladies from The Smith son Tom from Blackstock wishes to Kyle Brough he GIRL'S byLEVI-Sizes2to 18 ; 8 House on the Island per- were recent callers on Mr. was 4 years old on July 10. NIGHTIES Regular $7.98t0 $18.98 8 formed on guitar and flute, and Mrs. Sandy Moore. Hope you had a good day , 4 they participated in a special Mr. and Mrs. Doug Heayn' Kyle. PJ.'s NOW a program for the year of the and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Heayn 1 will be doing the news Baby Dolls : 4 disabled. and son Jamie attended again next week so please 1 i# : The Baptist Church in "The Milner Picnic" held at cg] me at 985-7873. Sizes2to 14 1s PRI ( E { Uxbridge was the scene of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Valuesfrom | k, this lovely service and the Ralph Milners at Brooklin, : : $7.95 p familys of both the girls Ontario. A sh h urn .98t0$14.98 attended. I am sure you girls Mr. and Mrs. Lew Beacock i i won the hearts of many had guests last Thursday 4 3 viewers. they were Mr.and Mrs. Joe | i 4 Congratulations to the Bradburn of Blackstock. news 4 bride and groom Mr. and. Mr. and. Mrs. Bryan | 4 Mrs. Bryan Crosier who Beacockand Philip visited in 3 d were married on Saturday, Blackstock with Judys by Mrs. Heron h FR i July18, The new brideisthe parents Mr.and Mrs. George At Burns church last Special Rack 3 - former Debbie Hosie. Good Allison, who have just re- Sunday morning Rev. While they Last! K luck to you both in your home turned from a months holi- McEntyre based lis mes- 29 od at Manchester. days in the Maritimes. sage on Ephesians 4 verse 26. 97 White & Pastels x Mr. and Mrs. Leo Doggett Mr. Roy Robinson along Be angry and sin not. Next (Values to $95.00) Sizes 810 16. evening from a visit to on July 18. the month of August. Hooded i Bracebridge, Santa's Village Mike Zuchan from High- Recent visitors with Mr. L VI SH | RTS | 339 and Campbell's Beach and land Creek and his mom and Mrs. Wm. Gardner and Sweat Me points of interest in that Jean called on Mr. and Mrs. Jean were Mr. and Mrs. R. Shirt (he area. , Wm. Armstrong and family Ervine and boys of Port: Values NOW R Irs Rp Work at the Prince Albert on Saturday night. Perry, Mr. Durward Wide- t0 $28.98 eg. $27.98 (% 'church is doing very well, Mr. and Mrs. Doug man of Pefferlaw, Mr. Vern S Now ae) the new ginger carpet is Bidgood and family just Wideman and Beth of Wood- . $19 97 b HE down. (Won't that be peachy returned Friday from a bridge, and Mr. and Mrs. E. ah he ch : Westfall, Heather. and how" | {| G vi Trevor of Burlington. \ HANDBAGS Mrs. Ruth Purdy of Mono. ALL DEPARTMENTS - STORE WIDE Y To Clear 5 ) Centre was a guest with the A i HOME COMFORT Ashton family recently. : i We are sorry that Mr. ; y Large Selection Ww i Gordon - Stuttaford at the M - N S 4 E For All Of Your time of writing is in the Port NOW x Perry hospital. We hope he : 1 5 | || PETROLEUM REQUIREMENTS [| imine mirc 2PRICE §- | 1 - q soon. : : ; & vd - an : a Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ; 8 24 Hour Complete Bryant have moved to their 4 Heating Service in Po rt Perry new home in Port Perry. We WHILE QUANTITIESLAST! Clothes Racks for sale also! A Ai and' two -children from Spanish, Ontario spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith. ; : Rev. and Mrs. Charles Clarke and Mrs. Helen Jewell returned Thursday with his two daughters Laura and Mrs. Jo Ann Brown travelled to Halifax, Nova Scotia to attend the wedding of Roy's niece. Laura was honoured to be a bridesmaid at this wedding EMERGENCY SERVICE Day or Night - Phone 985-2572 Furnaces - Air Conditioning - Boilers -Air Cleaners - Humidifiers 'Sunday he will speak on, The means of Grace. Mrs. John McKinney and Mrs. Wm Hopkins sang a lovely duet, whispering hope. Dr. McKay of Fenlon Falls will be the guest minister for wish them much happiness there and hope they will come back often. The sympathy of the community is extended to the Evans family and the Appleby family in the death - of Mr. Tom Evans and Mr. Rodd Appleby. Time can not be expanded, accumulated, mortgaged, 'hastened. or retarded. MEN'S REDUCED AGAIN! dies Nightwear Beautiful Selection - Choose Your Favorite Ea rly! ~~ TURNTO PAGE 22FORMORE MOVING SALE MYSTERY BUYS!! ----