FAST GSR SERS B SALLE Sas Rl) AGEL asl 3 CLIO AY AS Fa oo) REWER DA! FARA GEA AIRS GRA HAY HOHE, 'REDMAN'S FISH & CHIPS will be closing Monday, SEPTEMBER 7, 1981 until Spring. es = AD a - SN " " A » Sey RR a a TEAR rp TKN or Ra Ti ne SS ' Nm PRT he $= x : - ED Bart Geis En er REIN a "es hs SL a SAT Nn de ~ a pw 4 hy VN AI aN Ga Te AT We would liketothank our customers for their gh patronage and we look forward to seeing you i" bY again next season. Rd 0 -- THE REDMANS v oY Marae a eh. we rn Se -- raw ¥ CARS PAINTED! You Prepare. ..... $120. We Prepare ..... | 7A ! $240. Hi A Bee 0. ne 2 30 he Os Rese ry " Yea; (Body Work Additional.) £i | i PRINCE ALBERT AUTO BODY 0h 985-3311 Hi ' do Soccer 'action in the Mini Division last week a score of 6-0. Scugog Soccer league play is winding a included this game between Brian's Towing [striped down this year as teams prepare for the annual Cup Big ierseys] and Bruton's with Brian's ending up on top by Day on September 12. To ; a. ak { 33 2 { Scugog Soccer ia | SE { House League ; { & RY ~ RINGETTE | : % ~ Registration scores, action a { | ip egistration ! we ---- last regular James Stubb opened the 3 3 schedule games of the scoring for the car men, but nN SCUGOGARENA Scugog Youth Soccer Club by the end of regulation time & SEPT.11-6t09P.M. § Mosquito house league saw Jamie Cannon (with their a N SET 12- 10to 3PM. {| some one-sided action. Port first 5 goals), Vandermeer i; vs 0 {| Perry Star, playing 10 (2), Arculus, and Jackman bi g SEPT. 13-210 4P.M. {| Players to9 for Port Perry had responded for the Star. VE i AGE GROUPS: . Chrysler, won easily 9-1. Meanwhile, Flamingo han eg Dfa0l:a20ver - Jiliirior. 14 S\iniler Vachon had a full team of 11 i *Petite - 10& Under *Belle- 17 &Under { wenmm---------- players against Sipco Oil's 10 3 *Tween-12&Under *Deb-18&O0ver : men, and took full advantage Ladies wishing to play contact: Jan Fluke at 985-8290. | TROPHIES] in a 7-1 win. Willerton (3) b } COST: School - $30.00; One Girl - $40.00; Two Girls - $75.00; { Kendall (2), King and Lamb v3 Tos & Family Registration - $100.00. and led the way for Flamingo, ls -- COACHWANTED -- { ENGRAVING 3% Swan de lnpsenron tor "Brookin Concrete Products Limited HR ' 40) Anyoneinterested in Coachingor Managinga { | | After their last scheduled Hwy. 12, Brooklin, ont hiv, fi 3 3 ! 73 5 Ringette Team please contact: Secretary Marg | 1 y game on Wednesday, & Yonge 3 Sno mL pki White -985-81100r President Martha Franssen - 1 DO- N O's September 2, all teams will Ny a anew. jr A 985-7015. Brecoro, be looking forward to the Hwy. 121, Haliburton, Ont. 705-457-1395 oN " . Ce rH hdoind fio INDY: No Siperienss necessary. Training is pro- 8178 QUEEN STREET - sas 2830] oe Bay ir iameni i vided at a coaches & managers training course. AMA - DE CCA CO OAC CE hs 5 WALLACE MARLOW Co. Ltd. 40 VANEDWARD DRIVE - PORT PERRY {Behind Philp Pontiac-Buick)" PHONE 985-7363 Farm Feed, Fencing, Pet Food & Garden Supplies. "COMETO THE FAIR" Visit our Booth inthe Christie Buildingat the "PORT PERRY FAIR" -LABOURDAY WEEKEND "FREE DRAWS & GIVE-AWAYS" Prepare Your Lawn for Winter with 5-20-20 FERTILIZER. ....... 25k. $D.7D SEED WHEAT ARRIVING THISWEEK . FREDERICK ...... 254 $9.50 BONES MEATMEAL o.- _' (50% Protein). $0 0000006060 0000000 BLACKSTOCK MINOR HOCKEY | | -- REGISTRATION -- & (Blackstock, Caesarea, Nestleton, View Lake, Janetville, Yelverton, Burketon, Enniskillen) af ALL BOYSIN SCUGOG TOWNSHIP WELCOME! i ! g ES] fe 2 i : REGISTRATION DATES FOR 1981-82 SEASON: : THURS. , SEPT. 3-from 7t09P.M. AG SATURDAY, SEPT. 5-from 10A.M.to3P.M. WEDNESDAY, SEPT.9-from7to9P.M. AT THE BLACKSTOCK RECCENTRE. FEE: Per Boy - $60.00 each; 2 Boys - $55.00 each; Family (3or more)-$145.00. ALSO REGISTRATION FOR: BLACKSTOCK OLDTIMERS HOCKEY TEAM. WANTED: Active members (helpers), also Ladies Hockey Auxiliary, A Assis- tant Coaches, Managers & Trainers welcome. Any boy who brings out a New Boy for the season will receive a special award. - i 4 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: JACKHALL LINDAMUCZIK 986-5648 986-5682 WENDYALLEN te 800 Aas va ARR) } SYR EY AFARANM RAS ARRAN VIAN ARAFILUA RAAT LAREN TAU A AN A LIE JE LS J . oa : EN NAL RE aan HE Naat ER Naat iN WAL NA LA RA Al a a N