oo Aras Id 5% SHA ET LP ASS TR I SANS SY AS VN PR Nh RA [Yo Aida Kanda aaa Re a ih ' 4 Md § J LW Sy % J ' IS 4 FY Ar BAN NILE PEEK AR UT GULL OSE SEF PIE 8 BAL Wit Up SP IA ARP BAR ' CPLA Sol V7 ' - AN ! ae ~ Jarry . : SAE TW ok ALIS ER TNE APY IO ATEN RSE ERT THF AFI ET FE RT Fev WMT SOAS SYR t AEE] DAS FEE 8 Nd a Does 36) wr oe PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., September 2, 1981 -- 27 A A For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale ~ Coming Events Coming Events --- ---- LEGION BINGO. The next Legion bingo will be on Thursday | change, September 18 & 19, 25 & | cue, stainless steel, combination 12,000 BTU, oll tank $500.; | Chrysler and trailer, top, skis, | Mercruiser Inboard/outboard, September 3, 1981. Jackpot $180 | 26, at new arena. Watch for | char-coal and propane fired, | 985-8088 after 5 p.m. i $1100. 985-7100. excellent condition Inside and in 53 numbers. $2 | further information. Sponsored | mounted on trailer, comes : out. Mooring cover, tilt and trim. i by the Port Perry Figure Skating | complete with propane tank, 2 | RIDING MOWER - good condi- | RED CARPET under pad, 7° 6" | CB - am/fm stereo Included. or BEGINNERS Highland | Ciub. 40,000 BTU Burner's mixer and | tion, end of season , buy private. | x 9'. Like new, Al condition, | $6,900. 985-8303. 5% Dancing, Ages é and up, recrea- tional and competitive dancing. Member of British Association of Teachers of Dancing. Regis- tration Saturday September 12, 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Uxbridge Legion. For Information or to register phone Pauline Brown cipal Hall, Port Perry. All welcome, BALL DANCE Greenbank Community Centre - Sept. 12/81 $8.;; per couple. Box soclal - line, $200. in 54 numers. Min- imum $50. TF REGISTRATION and Skate Ex- PRINCE ALBERT weekly euchres will be starting Thurs- day September 3rd at 8 p.m. sharp. Admission $1.00 - prizes - light lunch. $2 PAPER DRIVE - Yard Sales YARD SALE - Sept. 5th, 9-5p,m., corner of Queen and Caleb Sts. Bookshelf, good clothing. Many articles. HORN OF PLENTY, annual fall bazaar and tea. October 3rd 2 p.m. Port Perry United Church auditorium. S9 ELDON AND ALICE Linstead invite friends and relatives to a tea in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary, Sunday September 13th, 2 - 4:30 p.m. at the Port Perry United Church. YARD SALE - Saturday Sept- ember 5 at 10 a.m. - 4 families. 32 Lilla Street, Port Perry. LARGE CUSTOM made barbe- controls. Good for large parties. Windmill head fits Toronto wind- mill, also windmill tower. 17 pleces of irrigation pipe, 30 1. long with sprinklers. Antique ship lantern. Motor and: trans- mission complete for 808 Mazda GIRLS USED clothing, sizes 8 fo ladies 5. Like new. 986-4889. OIL FURNACE and tank; good working condition. 985-8075. beets, onions etc. Linton's, 1 mile east of Raglan on con- cession 9. TF FOUR YEAR OLD Arabian quarter horse, filly. 986-5356. YARD SALE September 3rd and 4th, 10 a.m. Blackstock, 3 mile east of hwy 7 on conc. 2. Large tent, motor boat etc. 986-4316. GIGANTIC yard sale, 10 a.m. BOY'S 10 speed bike, good condition $60.; Zenith refriger- ator, white, good condition. TWINDOW 5 ft x 5 ft - $60. Phone 985-7270. OIL FURNACE - 3 years old, 14 FT. FIBREGLASS boat, 50 hp, Phone 985-2460, CHESTERFIELD converts into bed $50.; giris/boys bike 5-8 years $25. 985-8531. Baby sled used 3 times, dresser, ladies bike with baby seat, stereo system, encylopedia set, dresser with hutch, mirror. Phone 985-9120. 20 FT. FIBRE Craft boat, 160 hp, MASSEY Ferguson snowblower tractor, excellent condition, reasonable price. Call for appointment 985-3333. RUBBER STAMPS - for business GUNS - 30-30 Winchester Model 94; Savage over and under 410-22 Magnum; Cooey 22 repeater 985-8600. WALL UNIT - open shelf, centre Ltd. 985-2635. CERAMIC kiln $400.; child's personalized stationery, napkins, matches, playing car.is, REYNOLDS trumpet with case, etc. Call the Port Perry Ster - excellent condition. 985-7201. S2 , 985-7383. DOUBLE PINE continental bed NICE USED office desks, file cabinets, chairs, etc. D&M Auc- tioneers, Lindsay. 705-324-9560. 028 SPECIAL ON hardwood maple, $125. per bush cord. Phone 986-5612 after 6 p.m. SHAKLEE. For products or information. Please call 986-4771. TF FISHER STOVES - wood and/or FIELD TOMATOES. . 4qt.basket $2.49 FEATURING Fresh Daily SWEET CORN '1.19 dozen STEVENS MARKET H Best wishes only please. s9 | Saturday, Sunday and Monday, oil furnaces, Selkirk chimneys. { Sept. 5, 6 and 7 at Caesarea | RED SHAG carpet 18 ft x 12 ft - | All C.S.A. or U.L.C. approved. HIGHWAY 12-MYRTLE 3 Maine St. second block west of | $125.; 10 ft x 10 ft. - $50.; good | For reasonable prices - phone four corners. Few antiques. Free | condition, phone 985-7270. Donna Hazelwood - 985-3640 OPEN HOUSE coffee. (except Sundays.) TF nels aca crus. ern? | oo § " . F1.2-50 mm lens" ] : 'T REBATE up to $800 on TORN TRENDS SRPIRMBERS: 5:2 Torn <a34 | 'ormat FT2with 43-86 700m $300.; | woodstoves, fireplaces, inserts PIZZA B U Si N ESS &FASHIONS plus two chairs, ladies 3 550 mm mirror tele-lens $100. | and insulated chimneys. Lowest FORTHE WHOLE FAMILY! Dike, Gress makers eS Snead and Pentax 1-deg. spot metre | pricesin area. Phone 985-9057 for SATURDAY, SEPT. 5 from 1-4 P.M. much more. $125. 1-699-0707 or 986-5497 | more information - anytime. ------ -- View the new Fall & Winter line. UP TO 50% OFF all : stock items. DIRECTIONS: (Cadmus) 2'2 miles east of Blackstock on Church St. (4th). White stone house on north side. GARAGE SALE - Saturday Sept- ember 5, 8:30 a.m., 51 Ash St. Port Perry. Walnut buffet, modern dining room suite, fishing boat, motor and trailer, collection of children's toys and clothing, some collectible items. 'Coming Events . ABERDEEN Angus Canadian i "five female lots many with weekends. FREEZER cookbook. 191 pages. Recipes, instructions and money saving ideas. Send $1.50 plus 50 cents handling to Freezing Infor- mation Bureau, Box 840, Station Q, Toronto M4T 2N7. Royal Sale, Prospect Farms, London, September 20th. Sixty- INSULATION - Direct from manufacturer. Cellulose fibre. Save over 40_per cent. Free estimates avallable. Compare anywhere. 985-7331. TF NOW AVAILABLE, fibreglass whirlpool baths. Also prefab Hot Tubs and Sauna. For information phone B.J. McKay 705-357-2227. TF PIZZA DELIGHT LAKE VISTASQUARE - 199 WENTWORTH ST. W., OSHAWA Assets of this well known franchise are being offered for sale as a going business by the under- signed in his capacity as Receiver and Manager. The business is fully operating and staff will be availabletothe new owners. The business offers sit down facilities to accomo- LNT a Jaen ra. 5 . Saturday | less than 1200 miles. Antique | or personal use. Fast delivery. bar, closing bottom doors $215.; am $80. Phone 986-4839. S2 gh 852-6310. $2 September 12th, sponsored by | horse cutter. 985-2994, $9 | Call the Port Perry Star - 985- | 12 ft. aluminum boat complete be oF : Greenbank-Seagrave Group 7383. TF | $350.; firescreen, brass and | BOLER TRAILER, 13 ft. ES WOMEN'S. INSTITUTE are | committees. Papers tied at the | CEDAR POSTS - 986-4863. black $20. 986-5271. Immaculate. Economical to tow. hI having Fred Walker fo speak | road at 9:30 a.m. For special THREE FURROW International ~1 Sleeps 4. $2,800. 985-8340. S2 Fa 3 about the new centre in Oshawa pickup phone 705-357-3170 or | LADIES standard speed full sizé | trip plow. Good working condi- | HAMMOND L-100 organ $1995.; AX gl for the deaf. Meeting - Thursday, | ¢gs.777s. bicycle, excellent condition. $35. | tion. 986-4320. External Leslie tone cabinet for br 4 September 3, 2 p.m. In the Muni- Phone after 5 p.m. 579-4369. L-100 $495. Irwin Smith Music | WEDDING INVITATIONS, kn -y = a pr ® WN Tickets 985-8298 - 985-8006. $9 | GARAGE SALE - Saturday Sept. with box springs and mattress " Po 5th 10-4. 'Rain or shine. 526 | GE DRYER In excellent fondi- | $400.; parlour stove $110.; % ok %k % 23 3 BINGO - Every Tuesday night, | Scugog Street. tion. Phone Sunderland 1-705- | kitchen table and six chairs . SPECIALS 2 1 Port Perry Lions Club at . 357-372, ot $9 | $150.; single bed $50.; 30" range Niagara Free Stone bo 4 Latcham Centre. Early bird | YARD SALE - south of tracks in hood ducted $35.; refrigerator 2 4 game 7:30 p.m. sharp. Doors | Burketon, Saturday and Sunday | PICK YOUR OWN vegetables. | $100. 985-8600. PEACHES esses 4qt. basket $3.49 £ q 8 3 open at 7:00 p.m. Jackpot $10 per | September 5th and éth - 9 to 5. Tomatoes, peppers, carrots, ¥ ~~ ; 2 aor ICH to, 24 RL & 3 S21v95 a yaired For Shisjogue date 24 dining customers, pick-up and delivery LOWREY P IANO Greaves (519) 433-5849. ot : Bilmil Ceramics Serviceio most ofthe Oshawa area. y ~~ &ORGAN CENTRE rer | BOR Ln | | Fr sweet win manaEorm invites you to visit their booth at the bike, iron ang Ironing 'board, Certified Teacher | experience. : r sher, s e ass i PORT PERRY FAIR - September 5,6 & 7 dining room se. Excelent cond | Ceres seppiis-cusoee|| | For further details, please contact the undersigned. "We specialize in Musical Fun & Education." | !o%5%2 morningsonly. Vorlghops_fifts custom firey, DUNWOODY LIMITED + ORGANSONDISPLAY: THIRSY inch range, soot cond, - | 5636. RECEIVERAND MANAGER i . : a ; P.0.BOX516 Come & See how easy it can be to play a Lowrey | sink $15. Phone 985-7935. ] organ with full automatic features. We will also | 5 room 20 crane och 57 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, SUITE 1A H : : : on traller Before You Bu . OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1H 7L9 have pianos on display. ; completely self contained. y MR. KUNJAR SHARMA : 2 Shower, furnace, -hot water TRY . OF vial offs. Call 904 5607 atter 6 HOOKER (416)686-1221 - Direct Toronto Line 360 BROCK STREET SOUTH es 00 ~ (Safeway Centre) I iS CHEV-OLDS : WHITBY -666-3544 Mins en ---- | Hwy. No.7, Brooklin SMALL FAST FOOD RESTAURANT v 'MARY KAY - n Care products ) - | PHONE 655-3351 --_-- I a 3 BUSINESS FOR SALE -- : IESE 9 AW - LYN LAZA- ' WEE NAT "Say netotoa newhameanvour | QUALITY MEATS ROSSLYN PL SHANA ONTARIO 4 AER gad JEM mL RIN a ry aa Cold Cuts - Steaks Assets of this Restaurant are being offered for Wt i EL et} AruNDRNS! low fuel bills. A model for every: PREEZERORDERS- Ete. sale as a going business by the undersigned as os coin ®? ob Sop Bg Cometo: agent for Federal Business Development Bank as Vi 1 . qt PERRY south of #401. Cobourg Homes - 15BROCK ST., UXBRIDGE wellas Trustee in Bankruptcy. G8 pSPECIN 459729432, T.F. BREZNIKAR The Restsuient offers Insite dining with a Seating i ol : capacity of 44, as well as a take-out service and is 44 p WATERBEDS - basic compon- woMeat Products me among several neighbourhood go Ses dog, | cvarenteed S18. | 985.7736 852-5676 schools in a well established plaza. id { STRAW - 35 con's bale yourself, Part financing with better than current market Ns yw. 65 cents baled, 985.3557, ..83 terms is available for buyers with management Be SATURDAY WILLIAMS upright ro $600 SWIMMING POOL experience, k Kis uy Ideal for beginner. Phone "CLOSE-OUT" For further details, please contact the undersigned. hit 2 BAG 2 SEPT, | ee my io DUNWOODY LIMITED OR _ a YCLES - ' ; WA ; PRIVILEGES E12 Gents 10 spec. none ps ise 33 | S010 at 2 faction of regular REEVE AND Wa AsER 4 ; i it 8:00 P.M. UPHOLSTERY FABRICS - Most sizes in stock. 57 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH -SUITE 1A 2 = i Aa tools, etc. Ace Uphorstery | CoSltermsavailable. OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1H 7L9 Lg k GENERAL ADMISSION: $ 0.00 SUPPlies 204 Bond Street Bad), CALL TOLL FREE: ATTENTION: Mr. Kunjar Sharma iA i 10% DISCOUNT FOR MEMBERS - HALF BACK PROGRAM awe _ (pas 3i% u : FOR TICKETS CALL: 985-3715 PUSH CHAIR Crip mativass; car 1-800-268-5970 18) rect TeroluoLine 2 : 2) ¥ E] b | | | i