3 PE SPATE Lay wn 8", VER £7 10 d Bl BLA AE Lay Sh . * a 3 VR La RTS Bet CECE A 7.5 PY Ny i ® eh Tk pad yy H Sa 20 4 NG RAR RESTS E70) I ARE AER RE SRY RAR ES DSN RAS SRE EAL A} ARAERAL Seb DRE Ete AN 2 Ls TNE A $0 A} af 4 NE Ah RA STARS aR SE SEA wid, x as $ SE SEER Od es Ar yan | PEE SAPEN EE I : jo 36 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., September 2, 1981 A a ® Bick's no garlic, with garlic or polskie ogorki pickles © I 9 0) NUT Borer %, "BRE ppACHIDE 6 Litre box @® Future liquid wax 750 mL, + Glory 2 rug cleaner 625 g or By - lemon or regular 350 g cont. FG rade 'A' beef Ib. lunch |S is LJ vale sweet juice filled produce of Ontario Canada no. | Schneiders OW Dutch Tezies valencia small yellow ; bologna, luncheon, < ~~ Oranges «uuu. dozen 99 onions .......... Sa 1.69 dutch, oF & cheese, anid 4 | 29 Spra 16 oz. 2 19. produce of Ontario produce of Ontario Canada no. | bende ds & pimento, each ..... en og Le & ash ......<ont. . Canada no. | 4 qt. sweet green 3 9 or pork loaf Mass Rie Fre } tomatoes ...... basket 1.89 peppers ...coeeueeee Ih. o CW wicC pkg. of 99 bl. he os 1. 59 3 produce of Ontario produce of Ontario oop Ssussevsessasees 100 « Sy of 7 ; i Canada no. 1 Canada no. | op-In paper assorted rime rime, conditioner. or - : 3 "celery cnn. 2/.89 rutabagas ........ wn 19 hanch LE pn, iii 25 mi. 1. 69 : seer nko, JR. DU. | bags...eeeeeennnnnns . ; Af : Maple Leaf 6.5 oz. tin 1 3 0 ig i regular or devdorany. : 1. a . pkg. of x flakes of ham 0000000000000 ® food wrap ....... 3a 889 shields ......... ® 30 1.99 } i 24 ; aki oC powdered cleaner liquid Jergens bt pi aT. soft drinks 280 mL 4 80 thick cut juicy cap on 2 5 8 Spic tir] QQ kv mt 1. QQ ' escocee ti ® . x Le FY SOAP.ccecceenennne cont. Re : " rib Steaks .cceeeeceececeesslb. J & Span ........" box Le i : sweetened : Joy liquid Royale man size ; Libby orange jui ce o.]. 3 8) ideal for braising - bone in 0 8 ish . tL. 19 Rail. re of QQ) i on Sn . etergent...... . 00 mL sessscassreseas i} neon Short 1ibS ceeesvesserserenstb. Lo ci | h t beans, sliced or harvard diced Schnei . : Ee bore eas bps Aonusiid i fl. dom tin ¢ 5 bone [caf crvovac ira so cat food 6 1/2 oz.. tin 3/ 89 i it { Aylm mer vegeta bles....... 2/. 8S dinner hams... n. 2 48 Sausage........ hy +2. 28 OL iVEeS.eereecacecesescsones o ' 2 3 {ig ay Blue Bonnet Schneiders store sliced, mixed cold cuts Maple Leaf : | oer te] 09 Xf in gQ | memimidesET 3 varieties 1.68 Relloggs 725 § phy 1.99 f BY v cream pies ... pk. 9 margarine .... pkg. Lo lunch meats wm». 2 Jd 8 liverwurst.... mn. rice krispies 0ec0ccececcscoce ° 2 \ oo iner frozen in water ~inee seafood or Maple Leaf coil fei iders | parry. club or some of each b k gh 14 oz. obster 3 or. lish McCormick akery values. . bi N fillets ............ pkg. 1.99 Pate concen. tin 49 xm es wn 1.88 chicken. renee buchen *4. 58 crockirs wu. 20K or], 09 A ny . 8 (1 Welch's frozen concentrated Christie Schneiders S052 Maric edt dally soul cooked Carnation 'eston wicner or {id } rape or. soft £f _._ = hamburger a ) . : 1 Rice evesees obi fo tin = L 1 9 cookies PETTITT fo ; rl. 29 bee ers. veevenne ! kilo 4.1 8 smoked hams ese Ib. Tel. 68 wn A ox 1.99 rolls tessa ececerces ors 59 A oe, hp Ee" Mugle Lok to Si oe 4 Melita premium hd 8. uenc x 92 aple Leat skinless round £ 24 : ¥ crystals........ ni 1.49 Avlmer j Jan. : i 1.49 logna....... mr 1.68 wieners ....... 5 1.68 pr verre 3,90 white bread..... loaf 79 " i : with pork Sevarday Aide oy 5, 1981. We Maple Leaf pepperoni, salami or smokies Schneiders Pablum Weston apple snack buns or {0 Clark reserve the right to limit quantitics. ked indl bab raisin. bran 2), | 14 0. oz. smo rindless Y 454 pkg. 4 5. N beans sessesee soveiee tin 59 omer i by National sausage sticks... 250% 1.48 bacon PHT re 2.1 8 cereal PPTIT PTT) § R a 1 99. muffins sssseeseces Of 6 99 gh | ; 4 : ! Regular or Diet Kit | PEPSICOLA........... 750m. 49* ; plus deposit ~ CLOSED: Monday, September 7th | Halo duetolLabour Day Holiday. DOWSON'S rep & white FOODMASTER i LOTTARIO PORT PERRY PLAZA STORE HOURS: AGENT SCUGOG STREET _ HWY. 7A Mon., Tues. & Sat.: 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wed., Thurs. & Fri.: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Py ey o -- WEE MAR ~ a i aa