At 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., September 9, 1981 News from Blacks by Joyce Kelly Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. William Percy (nee Debra Swain) who were married in the United Church in Blackstock on Saturday. Best wishes are extended to the newlyweds. Monday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson were their nephew and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Allan Francis of Oshawa. Recent visitors of Mrs. McArthur and Miss Dempsey were Dr. Norabeth and Doug MacDonald from Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gardner of Cambridge, Mrs. Sheila MclIraith of Islington, Mr. and Mrs. Ardis McArthur and boys, Craig, Grant and Chadd from Agincourt and Betty McArthur from Don Mills. The Durham Region Horseback riding for the Handicapped Association Ridethon will be held Satur- day, September 19th, 1981 at Hoskin Stables -in Black- stock. Trophies will be awarded to the individual rider with the highest earnings and to the group or stable with the highest earnings. All riders will receive crests. For further information, registration, and pledge sheets, please contact one following before September 15 - Hoskin Stables - 986-5558; Wayne Junkin - 576-0473 or John Burr 576-2892. This Sunday this Association will hold Open House at Hoskin Stables at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 13th. Anyone interested in learning about the work of CONTINUOUS FORMS Printed & Blank PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 the association or watching the riders display their skill are welcome to attend. Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke of Yorkshire, Halifax, England are visiting her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey. While here they enjoyed visiting Blackstock Fair. Speaking of the fair a correction in last week's report must be given. Winner of the Holstein trophies was Frank Barkey of R.R.2, Blackstock. Balloon letters have been returned from Omemee, Tory Hill and Bancroft and other closer points. Mrs. L. McArthur spent Tuesday with her brothers and sisters at Stratford. Nancy McConnell at 986-4739 has tickets for the Fashion Drama 81 by the Artisans which will be held on Monday, September 14th and Thursday, September 17th. Among the Artisans is our own Paula Lishman. Proceeds of this fashion show go to the Library Building Fund. Several carloads of Black- stock friends attended the induction service of Rev. Victor Parsons at the Colborne United Church on Sunday evening. After the service and reception they enjoyed a social time at Ruby and Victor's new home. Plans are well under way for the Reunion of Purple Hill School no. 4 on Sunday, September 13th beginning at 1:30 at the old school. At approximately 3:00 p.m. the group will move to Black- stock Recreation Centre for more social time and a Pot- luck Supper. All former students, teachers and their families are urged to attend and renew old friendships. Please bring any pictures you may have to show old classmates. Bring your family and food for a great day together. Welcome is extended to Guaranteed Investment Certificates 1 YEAR ANNUAL 2 YEAR ANNUAL 18.25% 20.75% Rates Subject to Change without Notice. SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3832 All Members of Canada Deposit Insurance Corp. LACICICCT) willberemaining "OPEN" toserveyou! FISH & CHIPS TUES., SEPT. 8 to THURS., SEPT. 10-4to 7PM. ) SAT. &SUN., SEPT. 11&12-Noonto 8 P.M. CCCI a Tee TT Ti Ta Te Te Te Tele Tbe Tn Te Te Te Te Te oacacacacacaeaeaesesesSey - CH LTiT. --- FRIDAY: 4to 7 P.M. --REGULARWINTERHOURS -- Sunday -Noonto7P.M. Ce 50525252525252 SATURDAY: Noonto 7P.M. -~_ TT THANKSAGAIN, ----- : we Ten Te Te Tee Te Tk OCOD Franz-Josef Ruther from Ruthen, Germany who is an exchange student. Franz- Josef will be staying with Howard Bailey for three months and Howard will be going to Germany in April for three months to stay with Franz-Josef, Blackstock Brownie, Guide, Pathfinder and Ranger groups will have their first meetings on Monday, September 14th. - | Registration will take place at that time. Blackstock Brownies 3:30 p.m. in the kindergarten, at C.C.P.S., Guides at 7 p.m. at Black-: stock United Church, Path- finders at 7 p.m. at Black- stock Anglican Church, Rangers at 7 p.m. at Mrs. Turner's home. Caesarea Brownies will meet on Tuesday, September 15 at 3:45 p.m. at the Caesarea Hall. Please note the re-opening of the Caesarea Pack and that both packs will meet right after school this year. For further information, phone Miss Susan Sheen 986-5506. The annual Blackstock United Church Auction will be held on October 3 at 11 a.m. at the Blackstock Arena. Cathy Morton from Bethany will be the auctioneer and this year receipts for income tax purposes for items bringing over $25. at the sale will be available upon request. Anyone with items to. donate please contact Walter Wright at 986-4818 or George Wilson at 986-4435. Your support is needed. Blackstock W.1. Twelve members attended the W.1. meeting in the Town Hall on September 2nd at 1 p.m. After the Grace was sung, a dessert luncheon of cake, tea or coffee, prepared by Mrs. Martyn's group, was enjoyed. The president, Mrs. Sleep, welcomed all present. The Ode was sung and the Collect repeated in unison after which the minutes were read by Mrs. Samells and approved. It was decided, to get an estimate, and have the piano bench repaired. Mrs. Sleep expressed thanks to those who arranged the " June outing and to those who set up the Fair exhibit. The correspondence was read which resulted in a discussion re getting more 4H leaders. The Area Con- vention is November 3rd and "4th. There was a first reading of a Resolution and it was decided to pay up to $60 to our delegate. to the Convention. It was .also carried that we continue. to sponsor our adopted child through the Save the" Children Fund. A letter from our adopted boy was passed around. A circular on "Hotels may be Hazardous" was left on the desk for members to read. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Bradburn, Mrs. Hoogeveen is to be contacted re bulbs for the Park. The meeting expressed appreciation for the excellent care Mrs. Hoogeveen is giving to the park. Some matters that the members wished Mrs. Short- ridge to bring to the attention of the Park's Board were; a lock for the side door down- stairs; leaks in the roof and vestibule, eaves troughing; staining of an outside door and a disposal of many articles in the basement toc DR vs A new business opened on Water Street, Port Perry last week with Mayor Jerry Taylor present to cut the ribbon. Village Blues, owned by Neil McDermott [right] of Port Perry carries a full line of Jeans and Tops, and will be managed by Judy Lee [left] who has had many years of retail ex business. which seem to be just taking up space. It was decided to get a new lock for our own dish cupboard. A motion was passed that we have a policy of catering to groups up to 50 people. The "Fun Fair" is to be held October 20 at 1:30 p.m. at Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. The Roll Call, 'The favourite Saying of a Parent I remember as a Child' was well answered. I" The first number on the program was the Motto, "A study plant requires strong / / roots." Mrs. Martyn, convenor for the program, ably dealt with this subject. Mrs. Samells, our delegate to the Leadership convention in Waterloo gave an excellent and informative report on the meetings she attended. The speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. Kristensen, who had visited her native Denmark this summer and told us about "Family Life in Denmark." She told us about the homes, 'the working habits, the Church, Family Parties and weddings also funerals and perience in the clothing etc. There are 4H Clubs there, same as here, and she mentioned there was a 22 percent tax on some things. She showed us some Royal Copenhagen plates, maps, pictures and books. Her address was educational, interesting and = much enjoyed which was shown by the number of questions she asked. Mrs. Martyn thanked Mrs. Kristensen on behalf of the members and also Mrs. Samells-for her report. The meeting was closed after singing '"O Canada'. ' The call of the wild: Th Great Blue Heron, the Canada Jay, sandpipers, sapsuckers, loons, owls, moose and martens. Red-backed Salamanders and white- tailed deer, spring peepers, red foxes and black bears . . . the wonders never cease in Ontario's splendid provindal parks. Reserve one of our campsites or stay at a nearby resort or private campground. For a thousand ways to get back to nature in Ontario's 131 wide-open provincial parks, mail your ticket to adventure today; Ontario Travel- Parks, Box 33, Queen's Park, Toronto M7A IN 3, or callus COLLECT 0-416-965-4008 ONTARIO PROVINCIAL PARKS ~ ADDRESS Ministry of Baik # tn YLII0O & BLM EIB JU Original Art by Glen Loates NG POSTAL CODE LH Rn A Es ri LN a