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Port Perry Star, 23 Dec 1981, p. 29

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it 7% TLV Ae BS FEL RR EARL 4 IY SEA Th TR AT SAAT EA ARTES MEARE Ae CLI wil A LS dali de | : 4 Prat CS SUA 13 Th Uo ar a EAL LAE bk 4 od $Y PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. December 23, 1981 -- 5 7 vf ' remember when ...¢ le (S i x v A - ip) 60 YEARSAGO . 9 Thursday, December 22, 1921 h m y | 904 A large attendance was on hand for the Port Perry C ri st as Sea S 7 Christmas Fair. There was the largest amount of poultry Dear Sir: . we ever shown at a Christmas market. About 8 ton was sold. OL ym Saal Our very special ) Mrs. William Davey is in Buffalo visiting Mrs. J.S. Canvass has now coiicluded appreciation 1s uted to ot Rodman whois quiteill. . . and 1 should like to express d ith hel f Mr. Herman Kerry won first and second prize on his Leaders. Without their ' driver atPort Perry F air nap warmest thanks to the resid- enthusiasm and hardwork i Ty raw, ents of Port Perry for their nothing could have been / generous support. achieved. K TRUE 3946 'Despite inflation and On behalf of all those in our % . i8Y, ' . financial hardship, our communit who must ; Friends and neighbours spent a pleasant evening community h : y . I with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Crozier of Scugog as the ity has once again struggle to breathe, sincere ) ; willbe : ingt Wood ill y responded whole heartedly, thanks for a wonderful team > moving lo iI .esoon, donating a total of $4,453 to effort pe The Norman Mein's house in Port Perry has been the Christmas Seal : Yours Sincerel (hoe soldto Arthur Gordonof Sunderland. Campaign. This represents a Bill Boagey oa ta The Port Perry Yacht Club are holding a New Years 12 percent increase over Port Perry Chasirias Seal WX Dancein the High School. funds raised during our Canvass 5s Canvass last year. ELS 25YEARSAGO pnd Thursday, December 20, 1956 T . . 4 The Scugog Island congregation formed a new WwW WwW | Ne church, "Scugog United Church." Over 40 new members Oo ay Pp ri n cip a A { : werereceived by letter of transfer, as well as ninety-one . . gees oo ki De : A fra Sot wes uiliing congo prions. Rev. J.K. Brahm Sa ies Attoria) entitled Quip M i a on cor iy -- Wilson Fe of Epsom, now a mis- "Two Way Street" in the ever, I did not hear of them ih Separy i Nigeria isenjoyinga holiday athome. i. Deosuie ov Assve poses otiepng hy Penegyiicte their g r. Arthur Hyland, Blackstock was elected by : : 3 acclamation tofill the vacancy in Township Council. ake fs Sbakiunity to i I make 20 YEARSAGO Since when has the The economic policy of this Thursday, December 21, 1961 economics of this country nation, with the full support _ Attheregular meeting of Council in Port Perry, J.J. A ay or Sur SR aR 7 Gibson reported hatihenowsboowgalnwater aris | ne employees of ths Governments either Liberal lg : \ i or Conservative, is based i that the Corporation enter into a three year lease with Jistions ia) are galled Upon a confr or J oy syst om DECEMBER 23, 1965 - Santa visited the Port Canadian H.W. Gossard Company was passed. when government and between employee and i Perry Legion last Saturday bringing gifts to 15 YEARS AGO management steer us into a employer with management it about 200 children. Santa is seen above with Thursiar. Dorerihers2. 1006 depression with their supply trying to extract all the work hw Bryce Ballingall, son of John Ballingall, Potidkition Wi 9» he Aa tsatela] and demand economies? It it can from labor, and giving g Blackstock. - oy : g ih; t 80g hae on Cn toatg makes me wonder why your as little as possible in return I Do ey © 3,200, Theitereuso editorial didn't admonish the while the employee is trying ; uring the same period for Reach Township was about banks for not sharing their to extract as much material Co (Turnto page6) fantastic profits over the gain from the employer as he 3 \ past two years with their can while contributing not a clerk, management bit more and in some cases ih - employees at the local level. not as much as is required in 3 Must we wait for the banks to his contract. To me this is an experience economic hard- unsatisfactory practice and I : } " ship and then ask their blame. Manangement with i ; employees to take pay cuts the support of the Govern- (5 to help them recover? ment, be it either Liberal or pa With reference to my first Conservative, for such a question I would say that in System. is " my sixty eight years of Weare today suffering the 3 by J. Peter Hvidsten experience 1 have very results of one hundred four- 2 . seldom seen the two way teen years of confrontation i 0 CANADA??? ) 2. Crown attorney should seek damages. street principal applied. It leadership by the Liberals 5 On at least two occasions recently I have noticed when a 3. Hike fines for vandalism - currently as low as $20 - $1000. was always a one way street and Conservatives in full fi gathering of people begin to sing O Canada there is mass "Vandalism" also should be clearly defined in the Criminal in favor of management consultation and co- A confusion over the words to our national anthem. Ever since the government came up with the new rendition of our national song a couple of years ago, groups singing their loyalties to the country sound less than patriotic when they mumble their way through the last few lines of the anthem. : : Unfortunately the song I learned in school, and have proudly sang for all of these years has become almost a Code. The task force said "increasing the liability of parents would not likely be an effective way to reduce the amount of vandalism in society." But despite this warning some communities are charging ahead with their own plans to combat the problem. A Mayor of one large municipality says that "Negligent parents are definitely going to get it in the neck," if the when times were difficult and a baricaded roadway against employees when business was bouyant.The only time it became a two way street was when organized labor forced management to grudgingly operation with big business management. It is possible this can be changed. (Turnto page 6) laughing matter. The older generations tend to sing the song recommendation making it easier to sue the parents of young share their profits with Vik they learned while younger generations, and school children vandals is passed by the federal government. employees while the non- : Ny sing the new rendition and the whole thing ends up in a garble Most of the damage done by vandals in the Port Perry area unionized continued to face 3 4 of undistinguishable notes and words, has not been overly expensive, other than a few isolated management's blockade. iy This was especially noticeable last month when I attended cases, but it is costly and annoying to those it involves. If This point is notably gin the annual Royal Canadian Legion Remembrance Day incidents like the flower containers on Queen Street being illustrated by the tenacity hi ceremonies and during the singing of the national anthem overturned last summer, and park benches being thrown into with which the banks are (a there was so much confusion. "the lake can be discouraged by stiffer penalties and having to resisting unionization of Bh ' In a recent Legion bulletin the new words of O Canada were pay back society, then maybe the $100,000 spent on the report their employees while at the i HH published and I don't know if it will help much, but they go as follows: 4 ; 0 Canada, our home and native land True patriot love in all thy sons command may be well worth the value. But chances are vandalism will continue as it has for years and years and you and I will pay for the damages out of tax "dollars while the vandals that are caught get a light slap on same time enjoying some of the highest profits in their history. In 1979 when 'WOULDN'T IT BE EASIER IF AN 1 HAD A JOINT BANK Fy 7 4 Ltd Blowing hearse wesee de Sine the wrist, a suspended sentence and an order to "be a good e true north, strong and free boy or girl." Pas From far and wide, O Canada It doesn't seem right, but that's the way it is! port perry st Qf ; We stand on guard for thee. MERRY CHRISTMAS mpany Limited he ou keep our fend, glorious 2g ee Well, another year come and almost gone. Christmas is Company 0 0 Canada, we stand on guard for thee just a couple of days away and if you are like me you'll be MOLE hy 0 Canada, we stand on guard for thee. running around right up until store closing time on Thursday + PERI DSIEN 48 ASLELLAND WN a ! picking up last minute gifts. AdvertisingManager L | ASE MAKE THEM PAY ; But Friday morning we will witness the joy of Christmas Member ofthe § A recent newspaper clipping report that the $100,000 and realize that all the hustling, bustling and complaining CanadianC ity Newspaper Association provincial study on vandalism says that vandals should _ repay their victims, pay heavier fines and perform commun- ity work instead of serving jail terms. The findings come out of a 475 page task force study headed by Lucien Beaulieu, and says most kids are vandals - 89 per cent of high school students in one survey. Kids practise vandalism most when they're about 15, then begin to cut down, the report says. The study recommends: 1. Communities should isolate the problem and consider if possible counter-measures are cost-effective. we've been doing the past month and a half as we scurried about picking up gifts here and there was unwarranted. As we sit and watch the kids with their big eyes and glowing faces unwrap presents from Santa and family members we can only reflect on our own childhood and the excitement Christmas brought té us. On behalf of the Port Perry Star staff members I would like to wish each and every member of our community a very Merry Christmas and a healthy Happy New Year. We look forward to serving you to the best of our abilities during the coming year. and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association Published every Wednesday by the Port Perry Star Co. Ltd., Port Perry, Ontario. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for cash payment of postageincash. Second Class Mail Registration Number 0265 Subscription Rate: In Canada $10.00 a year Elsewhere: $30.00 per year. Single Copy: 25*

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