My, i ¥ iY ) 3 CF a Se I lL Set mae ft I i Lr a Nl A AR 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., January 7, 1962 Auctioneers Auction Sales ORVAL MCLEAN -AUCTIONEER - Household - Farm - Equipment Real Estate - Antiques - Estates APPRAISALS & LIQUIDATIONS CONSIGNMENTSAT McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE Angeline Street at Hwy. 7 - Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment -Livestock- Whatever Your Auction Needs DON & FRIEDA Will be Pleased to Hear from You. 985-2788 PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on SHIRLEY ROAD (4 Miles South of Port Perry) Estates Antiques - Consignments Household & Farm Sales efc. ; CONSIGNMENTS: 1 or 1000 items. CALL (416) 985-7492 For Local Pickup & Information MURRAY JACKSON AUCTIONEERS Estates-Farms Household Antiques -SALESHALL- MURRAY JACKSON 985-2459 ROBERT JACKSON 655-4878 We Liquidate Your Frozen Assets. Auction Sales Bill Wannamaker, Auctioneer Auction sale, 1614 Charles St., Whitby, every Monday and Thursday evenings. Monday nights, regular household items. Thursday nights, antiques and "collectibles. Consign early for our next sale. Starting times: 6:30 p.m. Bill Wannamaker, Auctioneer, 666-3731 days or 668-8403 evenings. TF SATURDAY JANUARY 9 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. C. Tinline Auctioneer . Bowmanville Auction sale, 251 Simpson Ave. S. Bowmanville. Take Liberty St., S., east on Baseline Road and turn the first road on right. Selling with no reserve, Shotgun loading equipment, dough box, lamp table, wash stand, Victorian fern table, Currier anc Ives print, water colours, and antique pictures, brass and iron bed, press back chairs, crocks, trunk, antique hall rack, Benn- ington spittoon, pine . box, lanterns, oll lamps, Salem commode chair, Boston type rockers, antique tin megaphone, iron stone foilet set, Occupied Japan pieces, bike parts, skis and boats, Houzler covered base and top, 23 in. RCA colour TV, glass doors, decoys (Bert Backer and Jesse Baker- Hollow) plus many household and antique articles not listed, and still being consigned. C. Tinline Auctioneer, QR3-9634 or 623-6744. SATURDAY JANUARY 146 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Pearce Auction Centre Auction sale Shirley Road, 4 miles south of Port Perry. Furni- ture, appliances, antiques, 68 Chevy Va ton, Finlay cook stove, many more Items. Details next week. Consignments welcome. Pearce Auction Service 985-7492. ONTARIO'S Largest Farm Machinery Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ontario. Friday, Jan- vary 8, 1982, 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second Friday each month). Approximately 150 - 175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments wel- come. For more information call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Hamulecki & Sons. SATURDAY JANUARY 16 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Estate Sale Auction sale for the estate of the late MILDRED MILLER, Sunderland, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge, including GE 2 door frost free refrigerator, GE elec- tric stove, washer, dryer, round oak extension table (centre pedestal) with é chairs and oak buffet with mirror, oak china cabinet (glass sides and front), antique walnut tea wagon, Elec- trohome colour TV, chesterfield and chair, stereo, oak pedestal flower stand, 12 piece setting dishes, setting of four (Old Willow dishes), antique china lamp, several pieces china, dishes and glassware, several silver pieces, kitchen appliances - pots and pans, etc., wicker fern stand, wicker round table, wicker chair, pine chest of drawers, wash stand, antique 2 door cupboard, small pine table, blankef box, antique dressers, bedroom suite, bed and mat- tress, chest of drawers and matching dressers, trunk, hand churn, picture frames, large number of old books, antique high chair, walnut scuttle, fruit jars, walnut wall bracket, wardrobe, numerous other items and collectibles. A nice quality sale. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Lioyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416- 852-3524. = J13 WEDNESDAY JANUARY 20 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Holsteins Auction sale, complete North- way herd disposal for PAUL BROWN, Roseneath, Ont. selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge. Reg., Class., Free Listed. This has been a home- bred herd for over 40 years. High butterfat test with a Dairy test of 4%, the last D.H.1.A. herd report %3 of the cows tested over 4%. Several fresh at sale time, also several due after sale and a nice group of bred and open heifers. Main service sires arz Clinton Camp Majesty, Willow Farm Rockman Ivanhoe, High Silo Haven Jetstar. This is a young herd with exceptionally fine tight udders. NOTE: The January Consignment Sale will be held the same day as the Northway Dispersal. If you have consign- ments for this sale, please call us immediately. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. J13 Trappers Council met Jan. 3 The Lindsay District Trappers council held an executive meeting January 3 at the Scugog Island home of Ernest Edgar. Much of the discussions concerned the trappers con- vention in North Bay and also the workshop which: is planned for February 13 at the Nonquon Building. Present at the meeting were president Frank Ditt- erick, secretary Ken Steven- son, and directors Glen Rundle, Percy Woodcock, . Bert Thornbury, Robert Lawrence and Ernest Edgar. OFFICE SUPPLIES For all Your Requirements PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 Chi Idren, grand-chi 2) It was quite a family affair when Sarah Kight and Arthur Brunton [centre] of Port Perry exchanged wedding vows December 30 at the Anglican Church. Not only were there children and grandchildren of the bride and groom at the ceremony, but a great grand-daughter as well, which made the new bride an "instant great grand-mother."" From left in photo are News from Scugog Island by Mrs. Earl Reader Good, the old year has gone with all its problems and frustrations and we can look forward to a new begin- ning and a chance to repair our personal shortcomings and a hope that our leaders will receive guidance in their decisions. The first week is always very confusing in trying to get the days and duties back in their proper order for attention. . First of all, let me remind those who are tired of seasonal baking that you will again have a chance to pur- chase some homemade goodies at the Island Com- munity Hall when the "Grace" U.C.W. again sponsor their euchres on the second Tuesday of each month starting January 12th. The "Head" U.C.W. will meet Wednesday evening January 6 at the home of Mrs. Marie Clark in Port Perry. There will be a new executive in charge, so we trust all members will give their support as they have done in the past: President Jan Gerrow, 1st vice pres. Pat Henshaw, Treasurer Marion Carter, Secretary Reta Reader, Visiting Committee Alva Thompson and Marylyn Heayn. It is now time to get all church reports, by secre- taries and treasurers, summarized and a copy given to the Church secre- tary in order to be printed for Annual general meetings. On Sunday, Rev. Clarke conducted the Service at the Island United Church and reviewed the seasonal festivities and celebrations. Saturnalia was the ancient Roman festival of Saturn, held about Dec. 17th with general feasting and revelry in celebration of the winter 'solstice. In pagan days, Saturn was worshipped by the Romans as the God of culture. As the Christian ebration -of 'the birth of Jesus in Dec. we have retained many of the pagan symbols. Isaiah the prophet and statesman 700 years before Christ, told the people of terrible things that would happen if they did not turn to God instead of depending on the strength of arms and other countries. Throughout history, 16 civilizations have fallen and the same -situa- Idren att end wedding Mrs. Brunton's grand-daughter Susan McMillan, her daughter Nancy McMillan. At right are Mr. Brunton's grand-daughter Elizabeth Postill holding great grand- daughter Dana, and his daughter Mrs. Wendy Bateman. If all this is a bit confusing, suffice to say it was a lovely wedding attended by many of the couple's friends from the Port Perry area. tions are at work today. Therefore, it warns us that Christian people must ded- icate themselves anew and question our loyalty to God and our Church. We seem to find all kinds of reasons why we do not apply our time, efforts and talents. It would be worthwhile to read the article on "January to Capp- adocia'" in Dec. Reader's Digest. Next Sunday will be Holy Communion Sunday in the Island United Church, a time for renewal. Mrs. Reta Wilkinson, a former: .resident, has returned home after a few days in the Port Perry Hospital. : Congratulations will be in order for Rev. Chas. Clarke' on Sunday, January 10, when he will celebrate his 80th birthday. Greenbank news Happy New Year to every- one. May 1982 bring health, wealth and happiness to all. In spite of the inclement weather a good crowd attended Church, Sunday morning. Any young people inter- ested in forming a Y.P.U. on the Greenbank Charge are asked to meet in Greenbank Church basement on Jan. 8th "at 8 p.m. Our leader's of Church Organizations are asked to prepare their annual reports for the Congretational meeting later in the month, . The afternoon U.C.W. will hold its meeting in the Church on Wed. Jan 6th at 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Corless Askenhurst in Uxbridge. Sorry to report Mrs. Wm. Stone is a patient in Wellesley Hospital in Toronto. : Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cook- man and Chris visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ruis and daughter in Oshawa on New Year's day, also Kathy Cook- man_and friend from St. Catherines spend the holiday with her parents. Coffee hour in the hall will resume on Wed. Jan 6th. Visiting her sister Mrs, Mildred Thomson was Miss Forfar of Agincourt. ay and Mrs. Bob Snodden and family spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee and Mrs. Myrtle Thomas were guests of Mrs. Mary Thomas on Friday. Mrs. Carol Phoenix spent the holiday in the sunny _Barbadoes. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker, Kevin, Susan and friend of Hepworth visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ianson and Mr, and Mrs. M, Lee. . Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lee visited Rev. and Mrs. Jack Roundell at Maynooth last week. : ; Mrs. Vera Lee has returned from Kitchener where she spent the holidays with her daughter Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leask and boys, and Mrs, Aleta Leask spent New Year's with Mrs. Alta Tommilson in Stouffville. Mrs. Mujrial Gibson and -family visited her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Lehman at Claremont on New- Year's day. For new next week phone 985-3040 or 985-3850. ~ Greenbanks Womens's Institute by M. Beaton The Dec. meeting of the W.I1. was held at the home of the president Mrs. Helen McKean, on Dec. 16th. A delicious pot-luck dinner was enjoyed by everyone at noon. Almost 20 ladies were welcomed by Helen. The Ode was sung, and Mary Stewart Collect was repeated in unison. The Roll Call "If vou were given a day to do as you wish, what would you do? was very interesting. The minutes .of the Nov. meeting were approved as .read. The leaders of the recent course, Iva Phoenix 'and' Marion Innis were thanked for all their work, Next W.I. course will be held in March on plumbing. Gifts for "Betty Stone, Velma Foster and Minnie Diamond were taken care of. Mrs. Eileen Jarvis let in the singing of several Xmas carols. Mrs. Dorothy Ianson read a poem "The League of The Holly"'. Several contests and games were conducted. Thanks . were expressed to Helen for entertaining us in . her home "for our Xmas meeting, SHARP CANON TEXAS INSTRUMENT | CALCULATORS | & Adding Machines PORT PERRY STAR | 235 Queen Street 985-7383