2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., January 7, 1982 Mayor's year-end review (From pagel) $2.6 million. One of the major decisions in 1981 for the Durham council was the approval in principle of a massive new housing development in the hamlet of Brooklin, which could ultimately see 10,000 people living there. Mayor Taylor said he supported the Brooklin development plans, but only on the condition that they not be a burden on Regional tax-payers elsewhere. That's the way the agree- ment stands presently, and Mayor Taylor said he will withdraw any future support for that development if it looks like there will be a cost to the tax-payers. At the local government level, one project Mayor Taylor feels the council must start to undertake this year is the signing of rural concession roads. The Township has asked for a cost estimate, and the Mayor would like to see name signs on all rural roads in place over the next couple of years. One issue that has rapidly become a major concern for Scugog council is the future of the garbage dump on Regional road 8, just west of Port Perry. The dump, owned and operated by Durham Region, was originally thought to have a life expectancy of seven years or so. But now, there are indications the dump could be filled within the next four or five years. In an effort to extend the life expectancy, council this summer asked Durham Region to close the dump at noon on Saturdays. This request was refused because the Region has contracts with collectors in Oshawa who use the dump Saturday afternoons. Mayor Taylor said the council has asked the Durham works department to study the dump operation and come up with possible ways of reducing operating costs and extending the life expectancy. Scugog council fears that once the dump is filled, the MODERN TEXTILES is RE-OPENING ina NEW LOCATION 203 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY -985-3221 (Effective Monday, January 4, 1982) COMPLETE LINE OF FABRICS Patterns-Trims- Threads - etc. DRESS MAKING - ALTERATIONS cost of getting rid of Town- ship garbage may go up considerably if trash has to be trucked to sites several miles away. "And council is going to continue to pressure the Region to shut the dump at noon on Saturdays," said the Mayor. Mayor Tavly said that for himself, personally, the completion of the Queen Street reconstruction project last summer is very satisfying. "We are really seeing the benefits of that project now," he stated. With the construction phase over, he noted that individual merchants are starting to improve their buildings and store fronts, to thé point where the municipality is getting many favourable comments on the appearance of the downtown area. Satisfaction The greatest satisfaction in life is in giving of ones self. Try being a Big Brother. For information call 985-3733. 985-9011 ho COS Scugog growth is higher than both Uxbridge and Brock Twps. Population growth in Scugog Township over the past seven years has been higher than the growth in its two neighbour municipal ities; Brock Township to the north and Uxbridge to the west. Figures released last week by the assessment division of the provincial revenue department show that Scugog's assessed population in 1981 is 13,254 people, an increase of 3.4 per cent over the 10,490 people in 1974. By comparison, Uxbridge's rate of growth over the same period has been 1.2 per cent, while in Brock it was 2.1 per cent. The figures show the current population of Ux- bridge to be 11,141 while Brock has 9,096 people. The current population of Durham Region is 279,161, or a seven year growth rate of NoNeed to ShopinOshawa 1 m. west of Lilla St. Complete Auto WE HAVE ALL YOUR SEWING NEEDS HERE! Regional Road 8 Body Repairs Port Perry -FREE ESTIMATES oS RACY 6-11lb NOIVIN qr ETE EET TE TT | BL PAMPERS Newborn-48's | 5.25 BRUTONS 1 © A DRUGS 200 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY 985-2511 Introducing new CREST GEL 1.35 100ml. size PAMPERS New! Overnight -22's 3.60 ne TT PERT HTH CONDITIONING SHAMPOO 300misize 1.99 While Quantities Last 3.0 per cent. This figure is far 'below some of the predictions that had been made for Durham in the early seventies, some of which forecast growth rates of 10 per cent, or highér. The Durham municipality with the most rapid growth rate is Pickering, which stands at 6.2 per cent over the past seven years. Whitby has a 4.6 per cent growth rate, followed by Ajax with 4.0 per cent. And with several major housing projects either approved or in the works for both Whitby and Pickering, it appears that the population growth in those communities will continue to be strong. By contrast, the comm- unity in Durham with the lowest growth rate over the past seven years has been Newcastle which has in- creased just 1.0 per cent to (Turnto page 3) Candidates for N.D.P. leadership visit area The three declared candidates for the leadership of the New Democratic Party in Ontario will visit Oshawa and Scugog Town- ship this Saturday. d Bob Rae, Jim Foulds and Richard Johnston will be speaking Saturday afternoon at a meeting open to the public at the Local 222 Hall on Bond St. East in Oshawa, starting about 3:00 P.M. Saturday evening, the three will be at the Scugog Township home of Marg Wilbur, a prominent New Democrat in this riding of Durham-York. The candidates will be meeting with members of the Durham-York NDP Association and five voting delegates from this area will be selected to attend the party leadership convention slated for February 4 - 7 in Toronto. New Democrats from across Ontario will elect a - leader to replace Mike Cassidy who has stepped down. - DONT MISS IT! OSHAWA BAZAAR & FLEA MARKET 727 Wilson Road South -- OSHAWA -- (2 Blocks South of Bloor) EVERY SUNDAY: 9A.M.to4:30P.M. BARGAINS GALORE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: CALL 725-9393