a 20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. January 13, 1982 Classified Ads PHONE 985-7383 | Classified Deadline Monday 12:00NOON Gatien Le SE Ea ACT REY r CA Ep ED CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS: $3.00first 15 words, 10* each word following. REPEAT: Second insertion of same ad first 15words, 10¢ each word following. ARTWORK OR SPECIAL DESIGN LOGO ... EXTRA CHARGE DEADLINE FORALL ADVERTISING: MONDAYS-12NOON DISPLAY ADS: For rates or information please call 985-7383. (No Ad Changes after Monday 10:00A.M.) ALL ADVERTISING: Must be paid for in cash or by Visa before 12:00 Noon Monday. $2.50 for the Notice ROYAL CANADIAN Legion, Sunderland Branch 141, 50-50 lucky draw winner drawn Dec. 31st, tickets dated .Dec. 2éth. Ticket No. 1756 - Mrs. Peggy Webb, R.R. 2 Uxbridge Ont. $260; seller Beth Page $52. THE LIONS Club Bingo has been cancelled until further notice. JUNIOR C "V2 beef draw" win- ner - Tracey Cochrane of Black- stock. Card of Thanks Births | would like to sincerely thank ' Greenbank U.C.W., the W.I., Warriner Lodge, friends and family for cards, gifts and visits during my stay in Port Perry Hospital. Also, a special thanks to Dr. Allin and hospital staff for their excellent care. Velma Foster Many thanks to friends, relatives and neighbours for cards, flowers and gifts received while a patient in Port Perry Hospital. Lynn Mitchell We would like to thank our many friends and neighbours of Scugog Island for their gift and wedding wishes. Gary & Brenda Carter We would like to express our sincere thanks to the many rela- tives, kind friends, C.W.L., Father Grima and those who helped in any way for the mes- sages of sympathy, mass cards and floral tributes received during our recent bereavement. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coyle and Family FINLEY - The family of the late Jack Finley wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to neighbours, relatives and friends for floral tributes, dona- tions to Central Seven, cards, and sympathy shown during the passing of a loving husband, father and grandfather. We thank Rev. Brawn, Mr. Wagg of McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home, all bearers, and the ladies of Prince Albert U.C.W. A special thank you to neighbours and friends for all their acts of kindness. Ida Finley & Family We would like to express our thanks for the money that was presented fo us from our Scugog friends. Thank you again. Valarie & Robert Procee The Friendly Visitor Group rep- resentatives of Durham Mental' Health in this area, wish to thank everyone who gave Christmas gifts, through our drop boxes. A thank you also to Prince Albert U.C.W. and Forders Real Estate for their contributions. It was all very much appreciated. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mahaffy, Raglan, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their | daughter, Sharon Lynn to William Robert, son of Mrs. Helen White, Bowmanville. The wedding is to take place Satur- day, March 6, 1982 at 4:00 p.m. IVESFLORISTLTD. 985-2525 166 WATER STREET PORT PERRY A Complete Line of Floral Art For All Occasions Flowers Wired World Wide. Weekly In-Store "SPECIALS" oof Birth BRAIN - Margot and Brian are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Kimberley Ann "Lynn born December 15th, 1981, 7 Ibs, 2 02., sister for Paul. Special thanks to Dr. Cohoon and maternity staff. : ' MITCHELL - Mike and Lynn are pleased to announce the arrival of their third son, Todd James on December 22, 1981, weighing 7 Ibs. 5%2 oz. at Port Perry Hos- pital. A brother for Craig, Chad. Thank you to Dr. Cohoon and maternity staff. DOBLE - Larry and Wendy (nee McGregor) of Sunderjand are proud to announce the arrival of their first daughter "'Krystin."" Born January 8, 1982 at the Port Perry Hospital, weighing 7 Ibs. oz. Third grandchild for Earla Doble of Sunderland, 2nd grand- child for Barb Doble of Port Perry and Jim McGregor of Markham. Second niece for "Aunt Julie."" Many thanks to Dr. Hammett and maternity At Rest FRALICK, Kenneth A.-suddenly at Coboconk, Ontario, Saturday January 2, 1982. Dearly loved husband of Ruth, father of Ruby (Mrs. R. Peyton of Port Perry), Carol (Mrs. J. Bedford of Oshawa), Ken of Bay Ridges and Clara of Coboconk. Service Jan- uary 5, 1982 at 4 p.m. Bryant and Cameron Funeral Home, Cobo- conk, Ontario CARNEGIE, Louise - suddenly at home, January 11, 1982, in her 53rd year. Beloved wife of Donald A. Carnegie. Loving mother of Beverly (Mrs. Doug Brown) of Port Perry and Karen - (Mrs. Chris Frazer) of Mississ- - auga. Dear daughter of Meta Howsam and the late Walter Howsam, sister of Mrs. Dorothy Forder, Mrs. Vera Richardson and Mr. Robert Howsam. Deeply missed by grandchildren Jeffery, Sarah and Sabrina. Resting at McDermott-Pan- abaker Funeral Home. 'DURHAM Region Lung Associa- tion needs your help to fight emphysema, asthma and Lung Cancer. Bequests, or memorial gifts gratefully received through any Funeral Director. TF In Memoriam HANSEN, John ) Farewell, dear father and hus- band, they work is o'er Thy willing hands will toll no more A loving father, kind and true No one on earth we'll find like you.. Lovingly remembered by Wife Evelyn, Sons and Daughters Scugog Crisis Centre Business & Information 985-8850 12:00t04:00P.M.- Mon. toFri. 24 HOUR CRISIS LINE 579-8006 ATTENTION: Senior Citizens 10% OFF Breakfast, Lunch & Coffee Monday thru Fridays Only the DAIRY BAR on thewaterfront - Port Perry Coming Events SCUGOG SOCIAL Planning Council meets at Emiel's rest- aurant on Monday, Jan. 18th at 12:15 p.m. Guest speaker from Regional Day Care Study. Any- one welcome. OPENING SALE of the season at Pearce Auction Centre on Shirley Rd., Sat. Jan. 16th, 1982 at 1 p.m. with antiques, appli- ances, furniture, tools etc. 985-7492. BUS TRIP to Wheels Inn, Chat- ham, Ontario, February 15 to 18th. $239 per person, includes accommodation, transporta- tion, and 13 meals. Wheels Inn has something for everyone. Under one roof, swimming, bowling, tennis. saunas, ice skating, bingos, euchres, etc. Get away for a few days relaxation. Call 985-2162. MINI CONCERT Ii Port Perry United Church SUNDAY, JANUARY 17th or A00PM. eaturing: VOCALIST: Barbara Bone (nee Taylor) INSTRUMENTALISTS: John Beirness, Dr: Norman Lewis, and RH. Cornish Woodwind Ensemble. DUO-PIANISTS: Leslie Mackett and Grace Wu ofthe 7th Day Adventist College of Oshawa PLAYING: "Carnival of the Animals, Saint Saens." PROCEEDS TOWARDS ORGAN FUND Notice A BIG Brother Community. In- quire at P.O. Box 961, 985-3733 or 985-7856. mio Helen M. Ottenbrite, D.C. Is pleased to announce ROBINA L. BATHIE RM.T. (Registered Massage Therapist) " isnow associated inthe practice of massage therapy with Dr, Ottenbrite & Associates. DR. OTTENBRITE & ASSOCIATES 108 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO BURNS NIGHT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WED., JAN. 27 6:30 P.M. *Roast Beef Dinner *Entertainment ADMISSION: $6.00 For tickets inquire at the following numbers: 985-2563 985-2173 Coming Events | ROYAL CANADIAN Legion, Sunderland Branch 141 Bingo Janvary 19th - new time 7:30 p.m. Snowball $210 - 51 nos.; jackpot $250 - 55 nos; 20 regular $10 games, share the wealth and one special game. Bring a friend. HOT LUNCHEONS - February 10 and March 17. Sponsored by Rebekah Lodge $3.50. Held at the 1.0.0.F. Hall. EUCHRE - Oddfellows Hall, January 16, 1982 at 8:00 p.m. Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Admission $1.00, Prizes and lunch. , LEGION BINGO - The next Legion Bingo will be on Thurs- day, Janvary 21, 1982. Jackpot $190 in 54 numbers. J20 THE PORT PERRY Community Hospital Auxiliary are having their meeting in the hospital on Monday, January 18th at 2 p.m. All ladies are welcome to attend. For Sale FISHER STOVES - wood and/or oll furnaces. All C.S.A. or U.L.C: approved. For reasonable prices phone Donna Hazelwood - 985-3840 (except Sundavs) TF WEDDING INVITATIONS, personalized stationery, napkins, matches, playing cards, etc. Call the Port Perry Star 985-7383. TF For Sale | For Sale i ICE HUT, 4' x 8; $75,00, 985-3956. FOUR NEW snowblowers, 5 hp, H and 8 hp. Toro. 5 and 8 hp. Ariens. Full warranty and service. 'GARY'S SMALL ! ENGINES" Nestleton. Hwy 7A 986-5104. WE MAKE round frames ff picture plates. 985-2252. J27 DRIED PINE Shavings bagged. Large Orders $1.90 per bag, delivered. 852-7841. F17 LOVELY BRASS firescreen, : good as new $30.; aluminum storm door 34' x 8' $25.; Peerson sashless window 39*' x 74" $50.; rotary clothesline $15. Phone 985-8228. SUSSEX RED and Plymouth Rocks, laying hens. 5/2 months old. 985-2756. LOW PRICES on new chester- fields, beds, kitchen suites, coffee table sets, etc. Elmer's Furniture - 253 Bloor St. E., Oshawa, 728-3473. TF VALLEY Comfort air tight j stoves $549. Combination wood/ electric furnace $1,170. Nestleton Airtight Stove. 986-5350. TF MOBILE HOME 1976 Bendix. 12 x 68 with Annex 10 x 40. Excellent condition. Phone (418) 775-7174 or (418) 898-4767, Cook's Bay Produce. --t WOODWORKING SHOP CUSTOM BUILT: PINE - BIRCH -MAPLE- OAK CUPBOARDS - VANITIES - FURNITURE Saturday 10A.M.to2P.M. Coramic ios wmasion rick Hi > eramic lies -imitation Tm. Land COMPLETE RENOVATIONS == PHONE 985-7679 i= (Or Home: 985-3974) RE REACH INDUSTRIAL PARK REGIONAL ROAD 8- PORT PERRY VISIT OUR SHOWROOM: OPEN: Monday to Friday -9A.M.to 5P.M. Coming Events Is Winter Getting You Down? Put Some Spring Into Your Life! JOIN: A"Self-Awareness" course. DISCOVER: your hidden potential. Deep Relaxation - Yoga - Meditation - Stress Management - Creativity - TUESDAY, JANUARY 26th- 9:30 A.M. ORWEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27th-7:30P.M. ROBINGLADE, SEAGRAVE > 8 Weeks: $40.00 CALL MAUREEN SALKELD:; 985-8228 Dance & Buffet ~ PORT PERRY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING LATCHAM CENTRE - PORT PERRY FRI., JANUARY 22 TIME: 7:30 P.M. following meeting... . . $7.50 per person WOODWORKERS thickness planer, jointer and shopsmith machine. 985-2443. 'wo SAY GOODBYE to your landlord - Say hello to a new home on your own lot with a low cost mortgage, little or no maintenance and low, low fuel bills. A model for every budget. Come see our display of Pyramid homes on Hwy. #45 just south of #401. Cobourg Homes - 416-372-9432. TF VERY ATTRACTIVE 7 year old gelding, 14.2 ha, basic dressage. Trained starting over fences, would make a suitable cross country horse - call after 6 p.m. 985-7847. "GLASS AND MIRROR - Order your bathroom or full length mirror now - cut to your own measurements at no extra cost. Free installation on any mirror over 10 sq. ft. till January 30, 1982. We specialize in Mirrorwall installations - free - no obligation estimate anytime. Table tops are available in clear, smoked or bronze glass. We can supply sliding doors - shelving - thermo pane and window glass.~in the store we have wall mirrors and framed pictures. Come in and see us at Scugog Glass and Mirror, Lakeview Plaza (7A & Water St). Port Perry or call 985-2844. J20 WATERBED: Do it yourself kit. Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single, Queen or King. Save hun- dreds of dollars by making frame yourself. Complete in- structions, free delivery. 1 (416) 637-6904. GOV'T OFF - oil rebate up to $800 onSelkirk wood stoves, insulated chimneys, fireplace and inserts. Lowest prices. Phone Rick 985-9057. TF PIONEER. BRAND SEEDS BRUCE WALKER R.R. 4, Sunderland, 2nd of Brock - West of No. 12 1-705-357-3094 AAI PRIME BEEF SIDES.... i. $1.59 PORKLOIN «1 50 CANADA PACKERS Thrifty Bacon. 26w.$20.00 Devon Bacon. 131 $20.00 HOMEMADE FARMER'S SAUSAGE NOW AVAILABLE! - LITTLE BRITAIN MEAT PACKERS (705)786-2101 APPLES MacINTOSH $1.99 FLORIDA ORANGES. co:..99 RED DELICIOUS APPLES 1.1.1. 2,99 STEVENS MARKET HWY. 12- MYRTLE Open Daily: 9A.M. to6P.M,