WN ha Ul CER AP TE Lr RASPES ALY Saray el TREE A A SL SAR KBR II LI BE LAN py WA ins 7) AG baz %. » 4 yi PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. January 13, 1962 -- 25. Savings go up! Prices down at Gregoty's january clearance SALE REDUCTIONSUPTO % oa aa ND ANSP) RE ie = <x Ch of os ly, LR PLS woes Se) oh 2 Pe eT Laas) 2s hd : » Announcing the Greatest Savings ofthe Year! UPTO $100 SAVINGS ON SUITS Our storewide clearance offers incomparable savingson every line of Mens Wear in our store. "> "Vs, Stele EE Cy APN A dream, Fashions you'll be Proud to Own - at "Savings" you'll be proud to pocket! ALTERATIONS EXTRA SALES ARE FINAL NO SPECIAL ORDERS Gregory's Men's QWearn Ld. <2 PORT PERRY PLAZA Tr i asillustrated. ) Monday to Thursday 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Friday 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. - Saturday 10 A.M. to 5P.M. ~~ \