Ee ee i SR § LALA ML Tre 1 10 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. January 20, 1982 Library: Right Right on budget and right on schedule. That was the way con- - struction progress of the new War Memorial Library was described last week by Dr. Jack Cottrell, a member of the library's building committee. He said work on the $325,000 building on Water Street has been moving along on schedule and was not hampered by the extreme cold snap early last week. The general contrac- tor is Sherwood Construction of Oshawa. Most of the major work to the exterior of the building has been completed, but with such things as interior painting and decorating, electrical, ceilings, plas- tering and dry wall taping to be done, it will be the end of March at least before the construction phase of the project is complete. It was just in the last couple of weeks that the final plans for the War Memorial aspect of the library were approved by the Library Board and the executive of the Port Perry Legion. The Memorial will be part of the main desk near the front door of the building, and will consist of an oak case with glass front holding the Book of Memory. The The bank of high windows along the west wall of the building will provide soft indirect lighting to the main area of the library. -- ol -- rv | --» v Jo o--) = [eC Sl UNLIMITED 146 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 985-8807 PA CREAM OF POTATO SOUP *1/2cup flour 2V2cups milk } 1Yacups cotfeecream *little cayenne pepper *little celery salt Garnish: * Chopped parsley 1b. peeled potatoes * 21; cups chicken stock 2large onions *bay leaf *seasoning Va cup butter Put potatoes, cut into small pieces, into stock with chopped onion, bay leaf, and seasoning. Cook until tender. Rub through sieve or puree in a blender. Heat butter in pan, stir in flour, cook several minutes, gradually stir in milk, bring to boil, stirring until thick and smooth. Add potato puree and heat. Stirincream and seasonings. Pour into bowls and garnish with parsley or *croutons. * Available at Ingredients Unlimited. ------------------ RE case will be slightly higher than the main circulation desk. The book shelves, reading and study areas of 'the library will take up roughly two-thirds of the interior on the east side with large windows overlooking Lake Scugog. - Offices, washrooms, storage areas and a multi- purpose room are located along the west side of the building on either side of the main front door. on budget and schedule! Dr.Cottrell said the Library Board has set June 12, as a tentative official opening date, when the building will be totally fin- ished and. ready for use by the public. It had been anticipated the official opening would be a few weeks earlier than this, but by June 12 such things as landscaping, walkways and the outdoor terrace on the east side will be finished. Earlier this month, the Library fund raising comm- This is the view of the main area of the library building which will hold book shelves. reading and study sections. The row of windows overlook Lake Scugog. r ittee was disbanded after raising more than $155,000. Of this amount, $115,590 went towards construction, and $28,800 will go towards new furnishings and equip- ment. A Wintario grant of $25,000 brings the total on hand for furnishings and equipment to $53,700. The Library Board will continue to accept public donations for furnishings - and the purchase of new books, pn ©® Saveenergy "FREE WATER ANALYSIS NOCHARGE SERVICE 2YEAROPTION TO PURCHASE PLAN Call: Barry Oke (416)985-9132 or723-4663 +Representing DIXON FUELS for AQUAFINE AND HEATING OIL SALES & SERVICE. ; Water the way itshouldbe CLEAR, CLEAN & SOFT. Reduceyour household operating costs 'with therental or purchase of a fully automatic AQUAFINE WATER REFINER - ® Save upto 75% on soap: No need for cream rinses when shampooing. ® Detergents and many household cleansers and cleaners no longer required (use pure soap - reduced pollution). ® Nobathtubring. Nostainsor streaks. ® Cleaner, softer hair. Natural oils aren't washed away. @ Clothes that last longer, are cleaner and brighter in colour and smell fresher. ® Dishes that sparkle with no stains or water marks. h a AQUAFRINE rn nn ~ rrr rer