The Port Perry Ringette Association held a "Pub Night" Saturday at the Town Hall, 1873. Money raised will be used to support Ringette in Port Perry, a sport Utica and area news items by Vera Brown Church and Sunday School will be held in Epsom Church this coming Sunday, weather permitting. Due to the snowy conditions on Sunday, Church was cancelled. The Congregational" meeting will be held on Sun. January 31st following Church service. The Epsom-Utica Social Club will meet on Sat. Jan- uary 30th at 8 p.m. in Epsom Church. Everyone is invited to attend. Sincere sympathy to Mrs. Lowe in the bereavement of her husband Bill who passed away on Saturday. Euchre winners on Friday: evening were Ladies 1st- Elva Kydd, 2nd- Eva Evans, and low to Reta Boe. Mens 1st to Bessie Spencer, 2nd- Bill Goslin and low to Bruce Houghland. Freeze-out win- ners were Nora Prentice and Elva Kydd, Mr. and Mrs. J. Poots were 2nd. There will be another euchre in two weeks. SEWING CLASSES BEGINNERS: Mondays 7t0 9 (Starting Monday, February 8th) ADVANCED: Wednesdays 7to 9 (Beginning Wednesday, February 10th) 10 LESSONS - Maximum: 10 Students MODERN TEXTILES 203 Queen St., Port Perry - 985-3221 (Five Years Experience in Teaching Night Classes) 2to5Year 2 HA Member of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation. Guaranteed Investment Certificates Annualinterest subject to Change without Notice." I] iE 17% LUT TUTTO am DONFORDER INSURANCE BROKERLTD. 30WATER STREET, PORT PERRY -985-8471 Sn TT WHEN 17 COMES 70............ "DONT PLAY AROUND! -Chemicals alone will not clean your Chimney completely of Creosote Build-up! Prevent a Chimney Fire by Regular Mechanical Cleaning by an Experienced 'CHIMNEY SWEEP" For DUSTLESS, EFFICIENT CLEANING Call: Klean Sweep Chimney Service 985-3111 Member of Ont, Chimney Sweeps Assoc. ELT TTT TE TTT let RON \ CREA AL REL EF URAL IE FE SPT ets ites LIF IRRAL A Andi ag Try Ng SN XJ ak NY ETAT i a A hl AAA which is growing in popularity. The local Association has several events lined up for the annual Ringette Week which will be held in February. The U.C.W. held their Jan- uary meeting at the home of Marion Harper. The meeting was opened with the worship service the topic being "The Changing Year'. Hymn 'How sweet the name of Jesus sounds' was sung followed by readings by. Marion Harper, Shirley Baster, Eileen Slute, Stella Asling and Elizabeth Taylor. Eileen led in prayer. Shirley read a poem 'New Year's Resolution.' Offering was received and dedicated which was followed by a reading 'Tapestry of Life' by Marion. Hymn 'O Master let me walk with Thee' was sung. Shirley Baster gave a Bible Study on 'Can we be really honest' and discussion followed on this subject. The president informed the members of York Pres- bytery 'Day Apart' to be held at 'Woodbridge and the Lottario winner A Scugog Township man is $23,700 richer as he won second prize in the January 16 Lottario draw. William Blair, of RR 1, Port Perry, who is retired, says he has no immediate plans for the windfall. He purchased the winning ticket at a variety store in Uxbridge. . IFIT'SINPRINT ... OROUTOFPRINT... YOUCANGETIT at Scugog Book Exchange 175 Perry St., Port Perry-985-8645 BUY -SELL-TRADE Used Paperbacks Mon.toSat. 10AM.to5P.M. Fridays 10A.M.to6P.M MERSCO'S | 5°t0 $1.00 199 Queen St., Port Perry 985-7327 for ALLYOUR GENERAL NEEDS! Mon. to Thurs, &Sat.9to 6; 'Friday 9to9. ONE annual meeting at Aurora in February. It was decided to support the Mission project of Alcohol and Drug Abuse among the Native Indians once more and to have a Beef Dinner in April. The next meeting will be held at Ruth Ashtons home on Feb. 9th. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Lunch was enjoyed by all. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe visited on Sunday at the Earl Bray home in Raglan where Mr. and Mrs. Rick Ladd were staying while visiting from Texas. Bley AAI ob We : SL Fy Sr YEN TAT Ln RY | Sbaniaby be did Aaa lr LAL 240 PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. Janvary 20, 1982 -- 17 Se FY ery Wt AY ETE NA RN Fey A Tir 1 Ar Rt EER) ! ATL A %iTh yg 95 she ne AEE, So dadubsaleigtly ist Mar-Laine Handcraft Boutique 227 Queen Street, Port Perry -- LESSONS -- { { { { CROCHET - Tuesdays { { { { { - n> . (commencing Tuesday, February 2nd) BUNKA EMBROIDERY - Wednesdays (commencing Wednesday, February 3rd.) BARGELLO-Thursdays «| (commencing Thursday, February 4th) 4Weeks-$15. percourse FORINFORMATION: § EVENINGS 7to9P.M. CALL 985-8011 ----, ~ RO on Ba < Se nat OY PR Karwood @ Enterprises Custom Wall Units - Buffets Hutches - Coffee Tables Stereo Cabinets *REFINISHING* FREE ESTIMATES 986-5658 ar FAs BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND SKATING PARTY & DANCE with LOBSTER TAIL or CHICKEN PLATE | SAT., FEBRUARY 13th LATCHAM CENTRE - PORT PERRY 3 SKATING: 8P.M. DANCE: 1AM. 9 $10.00 PERPERSON TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Scugog Library. Richard's Beauty Studio and Williams Arms. SPONSORED BY FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE BIG DISCOUNTSONALL COLOURT.V.S { BONUS; [immo icn { -->"3 FREE MOVIES" <--: [©] House or Howano 241 QUEEN STREET., PORT PERRY - 985-2272 * Registered Trade Mark of RCA Inc Withthe Purchase of an RCA VIDEODISCPLAYER ©