'Mrs. Edith (Larmer) Hyland of Nestleton, spent a few days during the Yuletide Season with her daughters and families - Howard and Muriel Sutton, Jeffrey and Shoan and Maurice and Ilean Samells, Wendy and Sharon, all of Peterborough, and enjoyed the change very much. Mrs. Minnie 'Fisher, Caesarea, and son and daughter-in-law, Delton and Marge Fisher of West Hill, attended the 80th birthday party held for Minnie's sister Mrs. Marie Bodendingel of uelph over the weekend. he celebration was held in Mary's Hill Hall with many guests on hand to extend birthday wishes on this mile- stone in her life. She was the recipient of lovely gifts including a trip to Las Vegas. A warm belated- "happy birthday' from friends within the area to Marie. Sam and Mabel Cawker, Cedar Creek Mr. and Mrs. Rick Larocque and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Norris Doherty spent a couple of weeks at South River with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Farrow and family and Mr. and Mrs. Reg Gore and family. Martin den Boer of New York, U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. David den Boer and family of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. John Batterink and Miss Arrianne den.Boer of Tor-. onto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John den Boer. Mr. 'and Mrs. John den Boer visited Mr. and Mrs. Archie Barnhoorn and sons at London for a couple of days. -. The Kowal family visited relatives. in Montreal over the holidays. =... Glad to see Auke Vander- meer home from Hospital. The Bruce Cummings visited their daughter Karin. and family at Cannington last Sunday. George Kilpatrick and Sandy Moore of Prince - Albert visited Bruce Reeson at Raglan last Wednesday. George Kilpatrick visited his cousins Clara Brown and Janet Porter in Toronto last Thursday. Inde endent raphics Signs: ali kinds, we" refinish old Neon signs Brochures:Logos Business cards: Illustrations: complete finished artwork 985-9329 O Ziebart 985-8631 LC VisA | Nestieton. Scugog Point Rd., went on a visiting 'binge' during he wintry week just past. On Wed. they called on Marjorie McCombe and Doris Mac- Pherson of Port Perry, and found them in great spirits _ and doing well. On Friday they were supper guests with Grant and Merna Cawker and family, and spent the eve. with Alan and Eleanor Cawker and family, all of Oshawa. Sat., found them visiting with Jim and Marion Cawker of Manchester, and Sunday they-shovelled them- selves out and were after- noon tea guests of Norm and Bernice Mairs of 'Nestleton. Norm looks great after a few days in Hospital. Whatever we may call the weather for the month of January so far - it is any- thing but monotonous. Many folks have headed for warmer climates - or are in the doldrums at present, as haven't heard from the regulars lately. News items for next week please call 986-4715. Church News Both Presbyterian and United Church services were cancelled on Sunday, Jan. 17 due to the extremely cold weather. The Nestleton Presbyterian Church will hold the congregational meeting next Saturday, Jan. 23, at 1:3; p.m. in the church. Hopefully, the weather will be favourable and a good attendance can be present for this important meeting. by Mrs. Earl Readér This Wed. Jan. 20 will be the 10th Anniversary of the Women's Institute on the Island and calls for a celebration. Honeydale Instit, has been invited to share this occasion in the Island - United church. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Mabel Cawker who installed the first executive. For roll call you are requested to recall your first meeting with its activity and your impressions. On Tues. evening of this week the "Grace" U.C.W. executive will meet under direction of the president Yvonne Appleton. On Wed. evening of last week the "Head U.C.W. executive met at the home of the president Jan Gerrow. As far as possible, the monthly activities were planned to be presented to the whole U.C.W. for approval. When this is done the dates and events will be published for other people to , compare. Anne Alstein and her daughter had a recent trip to Holland to celebrate the 50 wedding anniversary of Anne's parents, as Anne was their only child. Shortly after Anne's return, she spent a period in hospital where her many friends called upon her. Anne is now home re- coperating in preparation for her next holiday trip with her husband. Guaranteed Investment Certificates .1,3&5 YEARANNUAL 17.0% The sister of Mrs. Dean Carleton of Con. 10 certainly chose a memorable season for her wedding on Sat. in the Island United church. We thank them for the chrysan- themum plants left for the Sunday Service. Do you know much about your lymphatic fluid system or the iris of your eyes and how to keep them healthy? Well now is your chance. Mrs. Nellie Berkhout and her son of Font Hill near Niagara give lectures on the use of herbs and the above parts of the body. Therefore the "Grace" U.C.W. will sponsor this event at the Community Hall on Mon. Jan. 25 at 8 P.M. and are hoping for an interested and overwhelm- ing response from the public. Lunch will be served. Now only the weather can inter- fere. The winter seems to scare people away from some of PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. January 20, 1982 -- 25 News from Scugog Island the Churches while other Church parking lots are well filled. On Sun. the Island United Church held a meeting after the service to discuss some plumbing problems. At the same time, it was noted how inflation has affected expenses. Fuel and hydro had increased $577 over 1980. This means then higher con- tributions and methods of economy. The growth and enthusiasm of the S.S. was also noted and therefore expansion and improve- ments should get some con- sideration. Accordingly committees from different groups will meet before the end of Jan. to study the needs and possibilities. The young people who are working so hard need our support. They hope to mix a family social life with Christian studies. Therefore a family skating party is planned for Feb. 14 (Valentine's Day). A youth speaker -and family social time in Mar, Another talent- ed youth speaker and family picnic in June. And dear knows what they'll come up with in between. So parents, please remember, the child- ren won't be there without your encouragement and support. Now is your opport- unity. Later on, it will be too late. None of us are blind to the signs of the times. The children love to collect things, and they are being told of collections they can make to do their little part in missions or services to others. The U.C.W.'s collect used stamps, for the Leprosy Mission. If businesses don't have time to cut them off envelopes, they can always throw their envelopes into a bag or box for collection. Stamp collecting is big business and a very ed- ucational interesting hobby. TTT TE TT TREN (Sizes 2to 14) 30OFF: CHILDREN'S BOUTIQUE 158 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY re Outerwear Girlsdresses, skirts, jumpers & Pant Suits Girls Corduroy Slacks (Sizes 2t0 16) 2&4 YEARANNUAL 1 YEAR MONTHLY 5 YEAR MONTHLY 5 YEAR R.R.S.P 16.75% (Rates Subject to Change without Notice.) SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES | 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3832 Deposit Insurance Corp. All Members of Canada A MERSCO 5¢ to $1.00 '199 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY JEWELLERY *SALE* *Hypo-Allergenic Earrings *Stick Pins & Brooches *Necklaces & Chains INSTORE MERCHANDISE ONLY! 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