Dh nnn Sais 1 R | PROFESSIONAL SERVICES [ES iCTORY MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Alex J. Shepherd - CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ANALDA Goin 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO LANDSCAPING & WELDING Corporation, Small Business Accounting & Taxation NURSERIES Shop & Mobile Farm Accounting & Taxation - Bookkeeping Services Hwy. 7A and West % Line Fab. & Repairs PHONE (416) 985-7031 Gmiesgedrrr | | PHONE 985-2589 WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE NOEL'S CLEANING CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 230QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY - 985-8893 BOOKKEEPING - ACCOUNTING - INCOME TAX SERVICESFOR: Farms - Small Businesses & Corporations - Personal income Tax OFFICES IN PORT PERRY, UXBRIDGE, OSHAWA & BOWMANVILLE R.MOASE - RESIDENCE 985-7225 - JANITORIAL SERVICES Offices - Banks - Churches - Etc. KEN LUKE I BUSINESS & OFFICE SUPPLIES Danforth Typewriter _ RENTALS-SALES-SERVICE-REPAIRS 408 Dundas Street West, Whitby 666-1131 GRADING & BULLDOZING Windows - Floors - Carpets 259 Shanley Street - Port Perry PHONE 985-2925 Phone: 985-8060 BASSETT'S SMALL DON CORNEIL ENGINES Out action Barn Orth vers PHONE: 705) 786.2183 Som elhes - Chainsaws Sun Valley, Seagrave Durham LBrsiness WM.echines 122HUNT ST., AJAX, ONTARIO L1S 1P5 TELEPHONE 683-8081 TEC Sn ELECTRONIC CASH REGISTERS SCALES TYPEWRITERS ELECTRONIC CALCULATORS COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE HOURS DAILY: 9:00 10 5:30 - Saturday 10:000'3:00 985-8677 INSTANT PASSPORT - OFFICE SUPPLIES - WEDDING INVITATIONS - CONTINUOUS FORMS - CALCULATORS ADDING MACHINES - TYPEWRITERS - HARD & SOFT COVER BOOKS MAGNETIC SIGNS - PHOTO COPIES - PASSPORT PHOTOS the PORT PERRY STAR CO. LNIITED 235 QUEEN STREET, £.0.80% 90. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO : LOS NO (410) 985-7383 PHOTOS hE Ready while you wait. DOGGIE SALON PO PRY SAR | en 235 Quin Shee CALL 986-4989 . For Appointment LAKEVIEW PLAZA Corner 7A & Water St. Call 985-713 Subbys SUBMARINE MILLWOOD ACRES HORSES TRAINED - Ride or Drive HORSES BOARDED - HORSES FOR SALE Jay's Mighty Twist - Appaloosa Stallion at Stud R.R.4, PORT PERRY - County Road 21 J PHONE 985-2911 Bob & Anna Spencley uid 40VANEDWARD DRIVE, PORT PERRY DOG FOOD -CONDITIONER SALT Paperhanging - Painting - Spraying - Texturing (Behind Philp Pontiac Buick) ig 985-7363 CUSTOM DRAPERIES ANIMAL FEED &HEALTH PRODUCTS ~ PAINTERS & DECORATORS Shop-at-Home Service - Wallpaper - Drapery Yardgoods & Tracks FARM FEED & SUPPLIES GARDEN SUPPLIES - FENCE RESIDENTIAL. INTERIOR EXTERIOR : COMMERCIAL CALLCOLLECT 985-8912 BRIANS. JORDAN WALLACE MARLOW CO. LTD. FERTILIZER -WILD BIRD SEED DECORATING (705)432:3133 .NEED SHARP - CANON - TEXAS INSTRUMENT CALCULATORS PHOTO COPIES? & Adding Machines Musi ribol PORT PERRY STAR | | PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 235 Queen Street 985.7383 985.7383 HORTON WELDING *Industrial Fabrication *Lathe Work *Portable Welding UXBRIDGE 852-7572 A Municipal Sign Installations Limited CARLAN INDUSTRIAL PARK PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 985-8438 "For All Your Sign Requirements." PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. January 20, 1982 -- 27 Port High news by Bev Hill Good day eh? Last Friday we had our own Hoser Day. There were lots of toques and lumber jackets and many cries of 'take-off eh?"' Some of the staff hosed out for the occasion and one guy even carried around a Coleman stove. Unfortunately there was no back bacon around anywhere. The time of year everyone loves is here. Exams! The schedules are posted in front of the office and, weather permitting, the exams will start Thursday, the twenty- first. If there is a snow day during the exams, and the buses don't run, the exams scheduled for that day will be pushed to the following day. If the buses are called home early because of bad weather, and the afternoon exams are cancelled, those exams will be written at the end of the timetable. Good luck everyone. Work is underway for Drama Night already and this year the drama clubs are going back to the old format of three one-act plays. These plays are the Hole, starring Leslie McNulty, Andrea MacGregor, Sean Twomey, Carla Dempsey, Sandra Pierce, Kelly Kasper, and Julie Ashton. This is also our entry in the Drama festival. It is being directed by Mr. Sims with Andy 'Postma as assistant director. The second is the Feast with Steve Foote and Ed Deckert and is being directed by Mike Stokes. The final one is Portage .which was written and is being directed by Mr. Brandon. Auditions have been held and the actors are wailing to hear about their parts. That's all for this week except -- have you bought your Yearbook yet? Senior Citizens by Marion King Jan. 13th. S.C. Meeting - The first meeting of S.C. for 1982 was opened by the pres- ident, wishing everyone a Happy New Year, and with the singing of O'Canada. With Edna Beckett at the piano, a vote of thanks was expressed by the members for the kind generosity of the Lion's Club for the wine and iti Church THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Donald Tansley SUNDAY JANUARY 24 10:00 a.m. Divine Worship and Church School PRINCE ALBERT 11:30 a.m. Divine Worship and Church School SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. C. Clarke Rev. E. Linstead Services Scugog -9:45a.m. Manchester - 11:15a.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 110 Lilla South - 985-2420 Rev. R. Batten Rev. I. MacLean 10 a.m. Family Bible Hour 11 a.m. Praise & Worship 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service Wed., 7 p.m. Youth Service 8 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer A We care! Tune in Ch. 22 HOPE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH OF PORT PERRY Watch our church program Faith 20 on Global TV every Sunday morning at 9:30 Services in the Presbyterian Church 11:30 a.m. Morning Chtirch 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Rev. Carel Geleynse R.R.2 Port Perry 985-3402 Everyone Welcome EMMANUEL FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP Durham Rd. 23 & 7th Conc. Rev. G.B. Parks-852-5871 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Wed. 7:30 p.m. Bible Study . 'A Charismatic Bible-believing Church' cheese party. We had one new member, a donation of one dozen tea towels was made to the club by Ethel Robertson for a token of her appreciation in the event of her 50th wedding anniversary. The meeting closed with tea and cookies being served by January group, followed by cards. Services CHURCH OF ASCENSION "ANGLICAN Rev. R.C. Rose Rector Honorary Assistant Rev. A. Woolcock SUNDAY JANUARY 24 EPIPHANY III 11:15 Morning Prayer Church School ST. JOHN'S BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY JANUARY 24 EPIPHANY III 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer and Church School PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Stuart McEntyre ST. JOHN'S PORT PERRY 319 Queen Street SUNDAY JANUARY 24 9:55 a.m. Divine Service and Church School 11:00 a.m. Teen Fellowship BURNS CHURCH ASHBURN SUNDAY JANUARY 24 10:00 a.m. Church School 11:15 a.m. Divine Worship Message: The Best Year of Your Life? 4 2 Mage van PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH WELCOMES YOU (Hwy 7A, just east of Port Perry) Pastor D. Payne, B.A.,B. Th. 9:45 a.m. Bible School 11:00a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Praise and Worship Service Nursery Provided Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Family Prayer and Bible Study Thursday 7:00 p.m. Pioneer Girls and C.S.B. (for boys) Friday-C.F,C. for teens