TERRA RRR EIA ANN SN ETA Fairview Lodge addition Council to decide on $3.5 M project Durham Region council will decide today (Wed. Jan 20) whether to approve major renovations and a new addition to. the Fairview Lodge nursing home in Whitby at an estimated cost of $3.5 million. The Region's Social Ser- vices Committee is re- commending to council that tenders be issued for the project with some items left out as optional at this time. The committee is asking council to approve 50 per Change to gas (From pagel) will be maintained at about 66 per cent of the cost of fuel oil over the next five years at least. Mr. Brown said the fuel oil bill for the Hospital last year amounted to about $45,000. Consumer's Gas has already installed a line from the street to service the Hospital. Trees (From pagel) their names on the 'wood list" at the municipal office. According to Township officials however, that list of names is currently quite long, and persons putting their names on this list now for the first time, might not get a chance at any wood before the end of this winter. However, you can get your name on the list by phoning the Township.office. The money from the sale of this wood is used by the Township to buy young trees for "planting on public property throughout Scugog. Mr. Brown said negotia- tions between the Hospital Board and the Health Min- istry concerning the conver- sion to natural gas had been on-going for more than a year, and the Board's dec- ision to go ahead with the conversion was made late last year after the cost sharing agreement was worked out and there were assurances the Hospital's operating budget would not be cut because of the expected savings. Like every hospital in Ontario, Community Mem- orial is wrestling with budget restrictions and trying to trim costs wherever possible. The Hospital will probably wind up with a deficit of about $100,000 for the fiscal year which ends March 31. Mr. Brown told the Star last week he is expecting an announcement from the Health Ministry in the very near future concerning hospital financing. The Ontario Hospital Association has estimated the operating deficit for all hospitals in the province this year will run to $100 million. cent of the cost of the pro- ject, debentured over the three or four year con- struction time. The remainder of the cost would be picked up by the provincial government. However, the government has not indicated it will pay for half the costs. A lengthy report to the council concerning the renovation and addition project points out that the original estimate for the work was $2.4 million, about 18 months ago. The revised estimate of $1 million more is a result of inflation, and the fact that the size of the proposed addition is for 59 new beds, rather than the original 50. And the new estimate also includes replacement of the entire heating system at a cost of about $360,000. In his report to council, Doug Johns, commissioner of social 'services for Dur- ham which operates Fair- view, states that if the coun- cil is not prepared to pay the additional costs, or if the provincial government will not come up with its full share, then Durham should 'proceed with essential renovations, and leave less essential items to the future." However, Mr. Johns goes on his report to warn council that the entire project is essential, and there would be a '"'problem" in pin-pointing items which are not needed. The new cost estimate for the 59 bed extended care addition is $1.9 million. Some of the other major costs in the project include the up- grading of existing wings of the building at $575,000; an up-dated fire alarm and life safety system at $70,000; new furniture and other equipment at $120,000; and replacement of the heating system at $360,000. Durham offers Heart course Durham College is offering a "Heart Saver" course this January. Designed to help the general public under- stand what a heart attack is all about -- the course gives instruction in how to possibly prevent a heart attack. It deals with what to do the the heart stops -- utilizing a first aid procdure call Cardiopul- monary Resuscitation, or ENTERPRISE FORD SALES LIMITED ANNOUNCEMENT Bob Switzer Duane D. Sawyer, President of Enterprise Ford, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Bob Switzer as Service Sales Manager at the Oshawa dealership. Bob has worked previously with- Duane at the Ford dealership in Bowmanville and now joins in the management of the Oshawa Service Team with his brother Don Switzer, the Enterprise General Service Manager. Bob cordially invites all his friends and former customers to visit him in his new position at Enterprise Ford Sales Limited. 815 King Street West, Oshawa Phone: Oshawa, 576:1800 C.P.R. This is practised on mannequins. The course also teaches how to possibly save a choking victim. The Heart Saver course is four hours' in length, and is offered on Mondays, from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m., starting January 25. The other dates on which the course will run are February 6 and 8, March 8, 15, and 29, and April 12. The cost for the four hours of instruction is $10, and one can register by calling Durham College at 576-0210, ext. 236, for an official regis- tration form, or by coming to the Registrar's Office at the College, Simcoe Street North, on week days from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. DID YOU KNOW? that Community Care volun- teers will do errands for shut-ins, including picking up large print books and talking books from the library? Call 985-8461 week- days 9-12 and 1-4. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. January 20, 1982 -- 3 0 26525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525¢2 5255¢ Y ) Sree bry LIMITED ra 197 Queen Street - Port Perry OPEN: Monday thru Saturday 9A.M.to6 P.M. 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