t5 o a Sr 5) rn a eA 16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. January 27, 1982 Nestleton, Caesarea and area news Nestleton Preshyterian Church The Presbyterian Church had to cancel their con- gregational meeting on Sat- urday, due to extreme weather conditions. The meeting has been re- scheduled for next Sat, Jan. 30, 1:30; p.m. in the church. This Sunday past, Jan. 24, 11 a.m. the Presbyterian Church service was held with a good attendance con- sidering the weather wasn't that favourable. Rev. Fred Swann presented a fine message taken from Proverbs 3 - Theme "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding". Mrs. S. Scott was organist. The choir consisted of Missies Peggy and Alison Scott and Stan. McNeely. Next Sunday at 11 a.m. Nestleton United Church The Nestleton United Church had a fair attendance on Sunday, although blowing and drifting snow was heavy at times. Rev. John Smith spoke to the Sunday School students before they left for their classes. His Scripture reading was taken from Luke 15: 11-24 - dealing with the Parable of the Prodigal Son - an interesting topic. Organist, Mrs. L. Malcolm. Official Board Meeting 10 Members from Nestle- ton United Church attended the Pastoral Charge Official Board meeting held in Black- stock United Church Christian Education Centre on Thur, evening Jan., 21st, at 8 p.m. Rev. John Smith, chairman, and Victor Malcolm, Clerk of the Session, taking the minutes. Many pertinent items of business were resolved with - promptness and efficiency. Later - a social hour was enjoyed over refreshments served by Blackstock U.C.W. Men's Rally Notice A men's rally, will be held Saturday, February 13, at St. Stephen's United Church, Oshawa. Registration at 6 p.m. Roast beef dinner at 6:30 p.m. Speaker - Dr. Norman MacKenzie, former Secretary - Evangelism and Missionary in China, India and Africa. This meeting had been arranged by World Out- reach. For more information call Ralph Sadler. Garden Club Executive Meet The Executive of the Pine Ridge Garden Club met recently at the home of Edith McLaughlin, Blackstock. Plans were made for a programme, a speaker, workshop and shows for the 1982 year, - the first meeting to begin with a Pot Luck supper on March 2nd, at 6:30 p.m. in Nestleton Comm- unity Centre. Demonstration of Interest A Microwave oven dem- onstration is to be held in Maple Grove United Church, Feb. 9th, 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 10th, 1:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food - Home Economics Branch. Of interest to Women's Institute members, but anyone is welcome to attend. Caesarea Euchre On Wed. Jan. 20, in Caesarea Community Centre and results are as follows: First prize winner - Faith Lawrence with a score of 96. Al Cormack was a close 2nd with score of 92. Low - John Skinner - 40. A splendid attendance. Next Wed., eve., Jan,, 27, at 8 p.m. as usual. Try to attend. . Family News Dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Malcolm, Nestleton, were son, Glenn and Arlene Malcolm and family, Heather, Alison, and Erin Lea. v Sam and Mabel Cawker, Scugog Point Rd., called Monday on friends, Allan and Florence Ellicott of R.R. 1, Port Perry, and Paul and Minnie Diamond of Green- bank. On Tuesday, they were afternoon tea guests of Chas. and Nell Cawker, and dinner - guests with Sylvia Cawker, Chandre and Jason, all of Scarborough. On Wed- nesday evening, Mabel enjoyed the 10th anniversary celebration of Scugog Island Women's Institute. Very warmest congratulations to Scugog Island W.I. who through the combined efforts of their membership have carried out the "Aims and Objectives" set forth by the first Women's Institute at Stoney Creek in 1897. Trust all the Scottish folks celebrated on Monday, Jan- uary 25th, Robbie Burns birthday - a beautiful sunny day with no weather problems. Comment: We have had four straight weekends of rough, adverse weather and more is predicted. Many. of you may be discouraged - but - if you can't travel to a 'warmer climate - just try to make the best of it and begin each day with optimism. In the morning put on a smile - after all, we are not fully dressed until we put on a smile. Face problems with courage, and hope for better days ahead. We just have to accept Winter - it's the time for Mother earth to nestle beneath the warm blanket of snow. For news: phone 986-4715. Thank you. News from Blackstock area After a short stay in Port Perry Hospital, it is very good to be home again even within the confinements of Doctor's orders. Mr. M. A. Graham was moved to Oshawa Hospital from Port Perry Hospital when he underwent surgery. Since then he has returned back to Port Perry Memorial. The. afternoon unit of the U.C.W. held their January meeting at the home of Dora Martyn with the new leader Jean Adams in charge. The meeting began at 1:15 with dessert and a friendly visit. Fourteen members and one visitor were present. Jean Ferguson handed out the programme she had typed from the paper which the members had filled in at the December meeting. It was decided that Flora Samells continue to write the account of the meetings for the paper. Jean Adams welcomed everyone and read a poem on Friends. Jean Ferguson had charge of the Devotion: This was a very fine, well planned worship that made a good start for the New Year. Jean read the Call to Worship after which the hymn Behold a Stanger at the Door was Ee TI Te TT Te Hs ere MINI CINEMA HOTLINE: 985-8535 Friday 9 P.M. JANUARY 28-29-30- 31 EXTRA SHOW: Thursday at 8:00 P.M. Saturday & Sunday 8 P.M. It's a hot summer. He won't be ready As the temperature rises, NADMITTANCE Res ricreo EEE) "8 rans OF seh of Cui Ned Racine is waiting for something special to happen. And when it does... for the consequences. BODY the suspense begins. "BODY HEAT" WILLIAM HURT KATHLEEN TURNER and RICHARD CRENNA od = : ¥ 5 Friday 7 P.M. Saturday Matinee: 2 P.M. Sunday Matinee: 2P.M. cartoon featurette Based on the docks writen by A A MILNE "3" BIG SHOWS -JAN.29-30-31 i yWP HID CC) SNe Lp Beterted by DOCRA WETH BSTRBGTION (0 10 0B sey Pobctong sung. Jean used 5 keys we need. Number one - The Bible and she read a part of Matthew 16. Key no. 2 - was worship. We need the fellow- ship of a congregation and family worship even if only Grace at thie table. A verse of O Worship the King was sung. Key 3 - Stewardship which swings both ways. A verse of O Master let me Walk with Thee was sung. Key 4 - Prayer. Since she was using a tape recorder to accompany these hymns she then played a tape of Tennessee Ernie Ford sing- ing What a Friend We Have in Jesus. Key no. 5 - was Witness when we should share our faith with some- one. The offering, minutes and roll call were looked after. Mottoes for future meetings were suggested. The February motto is to be Topics for future meetings. Jean Adams had the Topic which dealt with many interesting thoughts on the Year of Senior citizens and the problems of seniors. Discussion was entered into as to the many advantages available and how they hope to keep more in their own home as long as possible. Prayer brought this part of the meeting to a close. . The Birthday 'box got somewhat heavier at the Janonary meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marlow returned home on Friday evening after a most enjoy- able Caribbean holiday. Fred Marlow of Grenville Christian College, Brockville is spending a few days at home on a semester break. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis IFIT'SINPRINT... OROUTOFPRINT... YOUCANGETIT at Scugog Book Exchange 175 Perry St., PortPerry-985-8645 BUY -SELL-TRADE « , UsedPaperbacks Mon.toSat. 10AM.to5P.M. Fridays 10AM.to6P.M. MISSIT! OSHAWA BAZAAR & FLEA MARKET 727 Wilson Road South -- OSHAWA -- (2 Blocks South of Bloor) EVERY SUNDAY: 9A.M!to4:30P.M. BARGAINS GALORE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION; CALL 725-9393 Werry and John of Kedron were Sunday guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Keith Van Camp and family. There were eleven tables at the weekly Senior Citizen Card party on Tuesday with the following winners - 1. Lloyd Fawns - 94; 2. Elva Van Camp 87; 3. Lu Griffin - 86; 4. Percy Van Camp - 86; 5. Norman Birkett - 85; 6. Frank Bailey - 81; Low - Meta Swain; Draws - 1. Rhoda Larmer 2. Carl Gimblett 3. Lorna Swain, Neil and Kathy Mec- Laughlin, Paul and Yvonne Burnett and Diana have returned from a visit of friends and places of interest in California. Alex McLaughlin staved with Lorna and Grant Edgerton, Ann and Lisa while his parents were away. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Lamb on the birth of their new baby daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lamb and their .other little girl moved into their new home on Meadowcrest a few weeks ago. A warm welcome is extended to them. Many Cartwright" homes have quieted down notice- ably with this week being Exam week in both the Public and High Schools of Cartwright. Be prepared for the extra burst of activity when this week _is over. the star POAT SREY STAR CO LIMITED 235 QUEEN STRULT $0 $0190 POI PERRY ONTAEO L080 (418) 903.7383 See Us Today For ; =. AlYour OFFICE SUPPLY "REQUIREMENTS ¢ REPAIR SERVICE T0 ALL MAKES & MODELS OF OFFICE MACHINERY. CIOS VANA RSS SRN VISSR RY [SNR CERTIFICATES | Upto 2Year Annual Interest 172" SHORT TERM CERTIFICATES Up to 30to364 Days Rates Subject to Change. STANDARD mY TRUST 165 Queen Street, P.O. Box 1318 Port Perry, Ontario LOBINO Telephone: 985-8435 or 9856-8436 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation