8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. Janvary 27, 1982 Rotarians look for Ambassadors of Goodwill Members of the Port Perry Rotary Club are looking for 'Ambassadors of Good Will" as part of the local club's participation in the Rotary Foundation administered by Rotary International. The purpose of the Rotary Foundation Scholarship programme is to further international understanding and friendly relations between peoples of different countries. Both men and women may apply for one of the five types of scholarships to accomplish one academic year of study or training in a foreign country where Rotary clubs are located. Qualifications For Scholarships Rotarians and their immediate families are not eligible for Rotary scholar- ships. While details of re- quired qualifications vary depending on the type of scholarship being applied for any successful recipient must be an outgoing individual with dem- onstrated leadership potential and an outstanding academic and or employ- ment background. Most scholars may be married. Again, depending on the type of scholarship being con- sidered, applicants may be between 18 and 50 years of age. Types of rotary scholarships There are five different types of Rotary scholarships available, including: Graduate Scholarships, for those who will have received a bachelor's degree or equivelant before commencement of the scholarship: Undergraduate DR. JOHN BRUNO OPTOMETRIST 28A WATER STREET, LAKEVIEW PLAZA - PORT PERRY 985-9385 LTT TT TI Te TT Oe Ce ed & HEARING AID CENTRE 28 Water St. (Lakeview Plaza) OPTICAL NEEDS! High Quality - Low Prices - Guaranteed Service -- EYEEXAMINATIONS ARRANGED -- Port Perry - 985-9388 FORALLYOUR Scholarships for students studying at university but who will not have their bachelor's degree before beginning scholarship duties; Vocational scholar- ships, for secondary school graduates who have been employed full time for at least two years as at the application deadline; Teachers of the handicapped scholarships, for those who have been employed as full- time teachers of or workers with the physically, mentally or educationally handicapp- ed for at least two years; and Journalism scholarships, for those who have been employ- ed in a full time position as a journalist or have been actively pursuing full-time post secondary studies in print or broadcast journal- ism after completion of their scholarship studies. Terms of the Scholarship The basic scholarship period is one academic year. As well, there may be an intensive three - month _foreign language training programme if required. An award does not generally enable the recipient to earn a degree, certificate or diploma. The scholarship will cover the cost of trans- portation, registration, tuition, room and board, lab- oratory and other school fees, books as well as language training prior to departure. Ambassadors of Good Will During the year of study in a foreign country, scholars will act as ambassadors of good will in interacting with the people of the host country and through appearances before Rotary clubs, school and civic organizations. After the foreign study has been accomplished, the scholar is expected to share the experiences. enjoyed .during = the scholarship studies with the people of the scholar's home country and the Rotarians who sponsored: the scholarship. Application Procedures Anyone wishing further details on Rotary Found- ation scholarships can con tact Michael Fowler at 985- 8908 or any Rotarian. Formal applications for 1983- 1984 scholarships must be received by the Port Perry Rotary Club by March 1, 1982. Beware of snowblowers Snowblowers are great devices for clearing walks and driveways in a hurry, and with less effort. But these time and labour savers take their toll of fingers and toes from the untrained and unwary, warns the Industrial Accident Preven- tion Association. The hazards associated with snowblowers are basic, but real. Each new operator should be made fully aware of the hazards, says LAPA. People who buy snowblowers should request this service from the retailer and study the equipment literature thoroughly before using the machine. Here are some useful tips from LAPA on the proper use of snowblowers; most - are also applicable to power lawn mowers: . Read and be sure you understand the instruction in the machine manual. . Shut down the engine and wait until blades stop moving before trying to clear the discharge chute. . Don't try to hurry espec- ially when the work surface is wet or slippery. . Melting ice provides slick, treacherous footing -- a hazard often involved in snowblower accidents. . Don't leave a running snow- blower unattended for a moment. .Stop the motor completely when you leave. Don't work while wearing soft footwear. Wear sturdy workshoes and heavy, close- fitting slacks to protect feet, ankles and legs. . At the beginning of each winter season, re-read man- ufacturer's instructions for the machine's safety and maintenance. . Know and practice using the machine's controls so in an emergency you'll do the right thing automatically. Be sure you know how to stop the motor in an instant. . If electric, make sure it is properly grounded and if gasoline powered, do not re- fuel while the engine is hot. . Be sure that only competent well-trained persons operate the machine. Prince Albert and area news by Earline Armstrong The Sportie-Q-Club * members along with their wives were entertained at - the home of Les and Grace Beacock one evening last week. . The Prince Albert U.C.W. held their monthly meeting on Jan. 20 in the church basement. Seventeen members were present plus 2 visitors - we were pleased to have Noreen Crosier and Sheila Dantzer with us: Worship and programme came first under the leader- - ship of Helen Wozney, Linda McMillian and Earline Velvet Skir ts - (Reg.upt0 $60.). . Dresses "= (Reg.upto0 $200.)........ Blouses - (Reg. uptosss,). ........ | Velvet Blazers - rez. uptosi1s.) Sale begins: Thurs., January 21, 1982. SPORTSWEAR -(Reg.upto $200.).. 30% Off LINGERIE - (Reg. upto $85.00)... .. JEANS - selected Rack............... 30% Off While Quantities Last. ALLSALESFINAL. COUNTRY CLASSICS I 181 Queen Street - 985-8221 Armstrong. The business part of the meeting dis- cussed a variety of items from a May wedding to buying Bibles for children. Lunch was served by Cath- erine Diagle and Betty Deeth and Betty - your ginger bread was '"A" one. Next meeting is on Feb, 17 at 8 o'clock in the church base- ment. Thursday evening Jan. 21 saw 12 tables of euchre set up at Prince Albert Hall. High on the ladies side went to Bessie McCullogh, second Vera Fawns and low Pearl Gostick. On the men's side high was Alvin Spencer, second Harold McDiarmid and low Gordon Corner. Lone hand series there was a tie between Fran Gibson and Alvin Spencer. Doors are open again on Thurs. Jan. 28, so come on out and enjoy yourself. Congratulations are sent out to Shelley Olsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olsen on Simcoe St. Shelley is now proprietor of a Sporting Goods Store at First Canadian Place in Toronto and rightly named - so it's called "Shelley Sports." So if you are ever up that way call in and give Shelley your support," By the way, Shelley's mom and Jean Skerratt from Prince Albert attended the opening last Thursday. The Port Perry Agricul- tural Society held their annual meeting on Friday - evening at the Latcham Centre, a good turn out was there to enjoy the dance and buffet which followed the meeting. Presentations were made to the outgoing Presi- dent, Joe Baxter and to Noreen Crosier from the ladies division. Irwin Smith - will be the new President and for the ladies - Margaret Ann Lamb will take the reins. ' Despite the very poor weather we had for the 3 days of the fair, I am told a tidy profit was made. Saturday evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arm- strong's were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pearson from Brooklin, Ontario. The annual congregational meeting of the church has been postponed from Jan. 31 to Feb. 7 after church. Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock enjoyed supper and an evening recently with Grant and Eva Hunter in Port Perry. DID YOU KNOW? that the solution to even the most difficult problem begins- with the first step? Information. Scugog and Scugog Community Care help solve problems. Birthday wishes go out this week to Don Crosier. I won't say which day but if you passed his house and thought it was well lit up, well it was with birthday candles on his cake. Happy Birthday Don from all of us! Please dial 985-2146 with your news items next week. MERSCO'S 5t0 $1.00 199 Queen St., Port Perry 985-7327 one D for all your GENERAL NEEDS! Mon. to Thurs. &Sat.9to 6; Friday 9to9. Enterprises Custom Wall Units - Buffets Hutches - Coffee Tables WHEN /T COMES 70 LT "DONT PLAY. 71 LJ () Chemicals alone will not clean 'completely of Creosote B Prevent a Chimney Fire b Mechanical Cleaning by an Experienced Klean Sweep Chimney Service 985-3111 Member of Ont. Chimney Sweeps Assoc, Stereo Cabinets *REFINISHING* FREE ESTIMATES 98 on wo! our Chimney ild-up!- Regular