Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 25 Jan 1983, p. 25

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PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. January 25, 1983 -- 25 Coming Events For Sale For Sale For Sale Used Trucks Legal Notice BEEF SUPPER March 30, spon- sored by Grace U.C.W. at Scugog Community Hall. MANCHESTER Community Hall, Annual Meeting, Thurs. January 27, 8 p.m. Please plan to attend dnd support your com- munity. J 25 BLACKSTOCK and District Lions Club Dance, February 19th, 1983, 9 p.m. at the Blackstock Recrea- tion Centre. Music by DU§ham County Line. $10 per couple. Tickets available at door or con- tact 986-4461. Fs LADIES Your special invitation to Coffee Hour, Wednesday February 2, 1983 at Port Perry United Church, 9:30a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Speakers: Karen Taylor "Skin Care" and Peggy Gallinger "Back to the Bible." Nursery pro- vided. All ladies welcome. ST JOHN'S Presbyterian Church cordially invites you to its Film Series this Sunday evening, January 30th - Topic: Conversion and Evangelism. Discussion, and refreshments. EUCHRE Friday, January 28th, 7:30 p.m. Catholic Church Hall. Lunch served. Admission $1.00. OTTAWA'S Ballet Shayda dance company will present 3 pieces of original choreography in a dramatic program called "The Martyrs' in Oshawa, Saturday, January 29th at 8 p.m. at O'Neill Collegiate, Simcoe St. North. The Durham Bahai Communities are sponsoring this as a "gift to the community' and free tickets are available from Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, Simcoe and Athol Streets; Info Place at the Oshawa - Centre; or telephone The Bahai's of Scugog 985-9160 or 986-4689. YOUR TAXES and how to reduce them. Those who understand our tax laws - and take advantage of them - pay less tax than those who don't. Our one-day seminar - designed for the layman - shows you how. Conducted by J. Ken McKelvey. Next session: Holiday Inn, Oshawa, Saturday February 19. Advance registration re- quired. Our last session was sold out well in advance. For free brochure, call: Marion Murray 985-8950 or Peggy McKelvey 655-3103. F8 ~~. DURHAM REGION V/" FAMILY YMCA 269 Queen Street, (formerly Scugog Library) Port Perry MUSICAL FITNESS Have fun exercising to music WEDNESDAYS 10:15to 11:15AM. Port Perry Anglican Church COST: $26.00 for 12 weeks. Babysitting available - $1.00 first child; 75 cents 2nd child WALKING TO 2 YRS. A parent participation class for youngsters up to 2 years. WEDNESDAYS 9:15 to 10:00 A.M. PORT PERRY ANGLICAN CHURCH COST: $25.00 for 10 weeks. For Information: CALL 985-2824 For Sale THREE POINT hitch round bale forks, $210 each. 8 ft. round bale feeders $150 each. 985-2589. SEASONED firewood, two bush cord, cut and split. $280. Im- mediate delivery. Call 985-7724 after 4 p.m. Smaller quantities available. 3 MAGNETIC SIGNS for your car, truck, mailbox, etc. Call for prices - Port Perry Star 985-7383. TF RED DOBERMAN, 4 years old, spayed female. Very good with children. For information, call 986-4781. HANDKNIT Icelandic sweater in soft brown tones. Size 42 tall. $100. Call 985-2281. ROTTWEILER pups, champion bloodlines, free protection train- ing. 986-5615. WURLITZER organ, like new, 2 man. with 3rd man. synthesizer, 114 voice and variation controls. Must be seen to appreciate. Call 852-3607 after 6 p.m. weekdays.) 25 MIXED HAY $1.25 bale. 986-4409. J 25 | FIREWOOD, 100 per cent hard- wood, cut and split, 16'. 985-3361. TF PHOTOGRAPHY Weddings, por- traits, reproduction of old photos and custom enlargements. Phone Kerry Allan 985-3708 after 6 p.m. TF WEDDING INVITATIONS per- sonalized stationery, ndpkins, matches, playing cards etc. Call The Port Perry Star, 985-7383. TF THINKING of building? We've got the solution - the most com- plete line of steel bulldings available for farm, Industrial, commercial and residential use. Display building discount. Call collect anytime. (705) 474-1180.TF SHOPSMITH Sales and Service, Port Perry. 985-2443. TF SHAKLEE For products or infor- mation please call 986-4771. TF CONTINUOUS FORMS printed and numbered or blank. A must for every business. We handle both Moore and Pakfold forms. Call The Port Perry Star at 985-7383. TF SEWAGE pumps accessories and kits - sump pumps - gasoline driven utility pumps. Wholesale prices. One only demo high pressure hotwater wash unit, 11 hp. propane fired 4 GPM. 210° F at 1100 PSI 'Hotsy'. 985-8737 after 7 p.m. POTATOES will deliver. Walter Kerry. 852-6798. J 25 WINTER WORKS PROGRAM Steel Buildings (ARCH TYPE) "Will Never Be Cheaper than Now" CALL: 1-800-268-4942 -- ASK FOR JOHN -- AIRTIGHT WOODSTOVES FIREPLACE INSERTS BARRELS Government has stop- ped the sale of wet barrels. This could be your last chance to get one. We still have a few left. 985-8049. F 15s WOODBURNING stove $100.; Twin bed Skidoo trailer $150; Propane barbecue $50. 985-3571. MUST SELL Winter Works Pro- gram. Our company bought a lot of steel at a really good price. We sold a lot and have a few buildings let. If you want to save $1,500 to $2,000 give us a call to- day. You may choose from dif- ferent sizes. huge doors available. First come, first serv- ed. Call Miracle Span toll free 1-800-268-4942. PROSPERITY is ahead and good times are coming! For your copy of an interesting chart covering the period 1816 to 1999 titled "Periods in Which To Make Money' send $5.00 P.S. Tax in- cluded to: CHARTS, P.O. Box 30, Fenwick, Ontario. L0S 1C0. DOES YOUR organization need to raise funds? Se}l spices, a new idea. We supply all forms and in- formation. Call Mr. Spice (416) 767-2341 or write 75 South Kingsway, Toronto MéS 3T4. ANTIQUE wooden china cabinet for sale $50 or best offer. 985-3183 after 6 p.m. ELECTRIC heater, like new $20.; Sewing machine cabinet, ex- cellent condition $25.; Leather swivel rocker $10.; Blue Willow dishes, glasses lamps. Moving. 986-4341. RUBBER STAMPS for business or personal use. Fast delivery. Call The Port Perry Star 985-7383. TF CUT OR SPLIT slab or log wood, any size - all hydraulic. Call 416-985-8129. FI TRACTOR with 4 ft. blade, needs motor, $150. 12 hp. Wisconcin motor with reduction gears $400, hydraulic pump and two controls $150. two hydraulic cylinder 16 inch stroke $40 each. Phone 705-786-3242. TWO snowmobiles; '71 Escort $300; '73 Moto Ski both 340; overhead garage door 9 ft. x 7 ft.; barn board; 1967 GMC, 1 ton tandem trailer, electric brakes. 1-705-786-3130. Fl SHUR-GAIN dog pellets 20 kg. Reg. $11.50 - now $10.60 until February 28, 1983. Selected garden chemicals including Killex and Brush Killer, 25 per cent off, while stock lasts. Marlows Feed Stoge, 40 Vaned- ward Dr., Port Perry, 985-7363.F 1 APARTMENT size Inglis washer/dryer with stand for stacking. Call 985-7878 after 6 p.m. Asking $850. LOW PRICES on new chester-- Stoves. $350. & up fisius, Decl, kitchen ites, es seve . coffee t 7 et . ', G.S.W. Insulated Chimneys Furniture. 252 laor St. € . ' ¥. 3. F PIONEER STOVES he FABRICS vinyl WW... iy ES re Joam, Dutins ads, fools, etc. gamiogpm 985-2935 | GOR REO aie sees TF UXBRIDGE MacINTOSH POTATOES APPLES tae $ 3 99 Bushel ....... 5.99 . 4 Qt. Basket . .. 1.99 STEVENS MARKET HWY. 7 &12- MYRTLE OPEN DAILY: 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Red Brand Beef Sale! CANADA A1 BEEF SIDES FRONTS. ...ccnvues (Cut, wrapped & Frozen) FR Ib. $1.39 Wks Bane Re Ib. $1.59 Baker's Choice MEAT PIES (Contents: minced beef, stew & pork) €a. 99 LITTLE BRITAIN LITTLE BRITAIN MEAT PACKERS (705) 786-2101 WOOD $125 full cord, delivered. 705-374-498) or 705-374-4636. F 8 ELECTRIC GUITAR Les Paul copy in good shape with case. Asking $225. Call Wayne 985-2043. 1969 GMC 2 ton with cap. Best of- fer. 985-3127. 1977 GMC Suburban, 4 wheel - drive, cruise, alr, tilt, $5,200 or best offer. Will certify. 986-5547. THIRTY INCH Admiral range, Avocado green, good condition $150.; also, 4 mag rims 13 inch $75. 985-2355. LIVESTOCK bedding - sawdust, 8-9 ton load. 705-454-3476 before 7:00a.m. or after 9:00p.m. N30 FIREWOOD - hard or soft wood slabs. to 6 cord per load. 705-454-3476 before 7:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. ALOE VERA Forever Living Products. Phone 986-4769. F 8 WOODWORKERS 10" table saw, 14" band saw, drill press, 6 jointer, thickness planers shaper. Port Perry 985-2443. TF BULK FEED DELIVERIES. Before your next order, phone us for prices. Rat and Mouse Con- trol, Shur Gain Rat Kill Pellets, 1 kg. $2.99. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry. 985-4092. J 18 WATKINS PRODUCTS Spices, linaments, cleaning products etc. ; For information phone 985-2070. F 22 THE LUMBERMAN Randy Coombs, Lindsay, 705-324-2300 or 324-6888. We buy and sell new and used lumber and do demolition work. Also the area represen- tative for Aquafine Water Refiners - water softeners, iron filters, chlorination systems. Rent or buy. F 22 UNWANTED HAIR Vanished away with Saca-Pelo. Saca-Pelo is different. It does not remove or dissolve hair from the surface, | but penetrates and retards growth of Unwanted Hair. Lor- Beer Labs. Ltd., 9-712 Robson St., Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 1A2. J 25 FIVE IN ONE tool: 10 inch table saw rips to centre of 8 ft.; lathe with 162 swing, verticle drill press that routs and shapes; horizontal boring machine; 12 inch disc sander, all with variable speed. Promotion special $1,275. Trade-ins accepted. 985-2443. TF SIX INCH Jointer planer with four blades, stand and 3 hp. motor. New in carton $450. Trade- ins accepted. 985-2443. TF USED woodworking lathe, 36 inch centre, 12 inch swing with ¥2 hp. motor. 985-2443. TF MEN'S sheepskin coat, size 44, like new, reasonable. 985-7622. GERMAN short-haired Pointer pups. good house and hunting dog. All shots and tails docked. Call 705-324-4058. PUMPS and water treatment equipment for farms, cottages, and country homes. Berkeley Jets and submersible pumps. Honda gas drive pumps and Monarch sewage pumps. 'It pays to buy where you can get parts and service." For cash and carry discounts on all items call Gary Young Plumbing, Brooklin. 655-4936. THE BEST water softener rental deal in the country. Rental only $13.95 monthly for as long as you rent. Call Gary Young Plumbing, Brooklin. 655-4936. M15 PUPPIES 8 weeks old. Chow. Cross bred males with shots. Good outdoor dogs. 985-3157. Used Cars 1969 CHEV wagon, 327 automatic, ps. pb. as is. $150. Call 986-5286. 1975 FUEL injected VW Beetle, good condition, excellent running engine. 985-7847. 1979 MONTE CARLO power steering, power brakes, 48,000 miles, good condition. (705) 357-3572. F 1970 ACADIAN, rally wheels, good condition. Also 1970 Moto Ski, excellent condition. First reasonable offer accepted 986-4389. Snowmobiles 1979 SKI1-DOO 7500 Blizzard, less than 1,000 miles. Best offer. Call 985-8671. _ front of the Gold booth at the Wanted WILL PICK UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigera- tors, anch freezers. Empty, your cellars and garages. Also old TV's and radios. Call 986-4926. TF RANDOM HOUSE Auctions, 628 Euclid St., Whitby, 666-2112 or 666-3025. Consignments welcome for our weekly sale. We specialize in estates, liquidations, bankrupt- cles, and all consignments In household contents and antiques. OLD TOOLS and equipment. Woodworking and other trades. Immediate pick-up. Single pieces, estates and collection. Turn those old tools into cash. 985-2046 or evenings - Whitby 668-8349. M15 ~ JOHN NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of ARTHUR MAW, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of JOHN AR- THUR MAW, late of the Township of Scugog., in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died August 30th, 1982, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of February, 1983, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the sald date the assets of the sald deceased will be distributed among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 21st day of January, 1983. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY Barristers and Solicitors 217 Queen St., P.O. Box 131 Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO Solicitors for Thomas Jermyn and Evelyn Houck, Executors of the above Estate. F8 Wanted to Buy 500 OR 1,000 gallon water tank. Call 985-8295. SCRAP CARS Highest prices paid, will pick up. 985-8636 or 985-3348. . TF | Lost FEMALE puppy. 3 months old, Saturday, January 22 in Bigelow Street area. Dark brown with tan .markings and tan collar. Reward. 985-7014. WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE any complete standard size car, free towing. 576-2160. Art's Auto Wreckers Limited. TF GOOD USED apartment size or upright pianos. Service and tun- ing available for all makes. Irwin Smith Music Ltd. 985-2635. TF WANTED 5-8 hp. motor, suitable for Go-cart. Phone 985-3713 after 4 p.m. OLD SCRAP CARS NEWER WRECKED CARS UNCERTIFIABLE CARS can be turned into cash on the spot. We are always ready to buy cars & light trucks. A Licenced Auto Wreckers. We Sell Guaranteed Used Parts. OPEN: Mon. -Fri.9a.m.to5 p.m. Saturday 2 p.m. SCALA BROS. AUTO WRECKERS R.R. 4, PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3132 Miscellaneous JOIN the retirement community of Port Sydney in Muskoka for less than $70,000 in your energy efficient custom built house. Ground water, heat pump, municipal water and paved road, mature trees, sailing, golf and tennis. After 6 p.m. 416-496-5059 or 705-385-2584. Personals Dear Marie: Let me show you a real good time this Sunday. Meet me in Oshawa Bazaar and Flea Market, 727 Wilson Rd. S. Oshawa, 2 blocks south of Bloor. Love- Larry Business * *LOST REWARD OFFERED SHELTIE MINIATURE COLLIE Grey with tan markings, male, 1 year old. Has tattoo for identification. Lost in Port Perry/Prince Albert area. CALL: 985-9270 or 985-3702 Found YOUNG CAT thick fur, in- teresting colouring. House broken. Friendly, gentle, healthy. Ideal pet. Must have home im- mediately or be destroyed. 985-3305. Give Away GERMAN Shepherd cross with husky pup, two months old Call 985-8671. FREE to good home (preferably no children) pure-bred registered cocker spaniel, female, 5 years . old. 985-8153. THREE YEAR OLD spayed border collie. Needs country home and loves older children. Good watch dog. 985-3920. For Rent . TWO BEDROOM ground floor - - apartment, senior citizen. Phone . after 5 p.m. 985-9102. THREE BEDROOM house In . Caesarea. Call 668-4841. F ONE BEDROOM apartment, rtly furnished, at Mrytle Sta- lon. References required. For in- formation call 9-6, 985-2818. . ONE BEDROOM apartment, "large rooms, in Prince Albert. . $340 per month, heat and hydro Opportunity IT'S NOT too late! Learn Income Tax by correspondence. For free brochure - no obligation - write U&R Tax Schools, 1148 Main St, Winnipeg, Man. R2W 356. "Included. No children or pets. : Phone 985-7590. ONE BEDROOM apartment, fridge, stove, heat and hydro in- cluded. Suitable for one working person. Asking $185 monthly. Apply Box 4, Port Perry Star. Miscellaneous » See Us for All Your DJ TAYLOR INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 170 WATER STREET -- PORT PERRY Jerry Taylor 985-8416 Insurance Needs! PTE KTM YT JAA pa 2 Arp A

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