Ll yA OW Le -- -- hala ses LOA EN INT ANCA GE 42 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. January 25, 1983 + x ft SR ER RC A 13 ARC TSR IAS RR Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Auctioneers Auctioneers "Auction Sales BABYSITTER needed for Tues- day mornings, $3.50 hour. Call 985-3289. PART TIME kitchen help wanted. Apply at Dixie Lee. EARN EXTRA money part-time as a Regal Sales Representative. Our gift catalogue is all you need. Write: Regal, 939 Eglinton Ave. E.. Dept. XXX, Toronto, M4G 2L6. FARM HELP WANTED married couple - no children - new home, beef and dairy cattle, modern equipment. Excellent opportuni- ty for right couple. State ex: perience in first letter. Apply Box No. 3, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario. LOB 1NO. 125 B.C. & YUKON Community Newspapers Association requires a Business and Public Relations Manager to head its Vancouver based office. Duties include pro- motion and development of the Provincial Community Newspapers Association through contact with members, advertis- ing agencies and the public. Can- didates should possess managerial, sales and basic ac- counting skills. Preference will be given to personable well- spoken individuals having the capacity to work closely with Association Members and subor- dinates. Salary is negotiable in the $30,000 range and added in- centive allowances. Send resume and letter of application to B.C. & Yukon Community Newspapers Association, 1004-207 West Hastings Street, Vancouver B.C. V6P 1H7 on or before February 28. 1983. Work Wanted PORT PERRY AUTO GLASS & TRIM Windshields - Vinyls - Convertible Tops - Complete Interiors - Boat Tops & Seats - Sunroofs - Pinstripes & Mouldings - 139 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 985-8507 BARN ROOFING Sheetmetal caulking Renailing Barnboards Eavestroughing Painting & Flooring Bob Pugh. .... 640-5638 Kerry Symes .. 649-2018 Help Wanted Oshawa Ontario L1J 3H3. THE DURHAM BOARD OF EDUCATION CHIEF CUSTODIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL, Successful applicant will be responsible for: - The operation of all mechanical and electrical systems - Maintenance defiency inspection and energy management - Supervision of custodial staff in a large high school - Assist in the supervision of several elementary schools The applicant should have a Fourth Class Stationery Engineer's certificate and previous experience in: - The operation of complex mechanical & electrical systems - Mechanical systems and building maintenance- - The supervision, direction and training of personnel. Send resume to: Mrs. Loreen Gambell, Personnel Dept., The Durham Board of Education, 555 Rossland Road West, Real Estate 60 Water St.. Port Perry, Ontario. country Lan REALTY LIMITED 985-7351 BABYSITTER required in our home on Scugog Island. Monday to Friday, 7 am. to 5 p.m 985-2713 after 6 p.m. Auctioneers RON KING AUCTIONEER Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 McLEAN AUCTION SERVICE Household - Farm - Antiques Equipment - Estates - - Business Closeouts - - Bankrupt Sales - Consignments or Auction at Your Place Metro Toronto Licence ROSS & SCOTT McLEAN -- AUCTIONEERS -- TAUNTON RD. W., OSHAWA 576-7550 686-3291 * COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock - Whatever Your Auction Needs. DON & FREIDA will be pleased to hear from you. 985-2788 BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER (21 Years Dealing in Antiques) We handle Estates, Consignments, Bankruptcy, and Liquidations. From the 'Auction Place' 1614 Charles Street, Whitby 666-3731 Days 579-6250 Eve. JACKSON AUCTIONEERS Estates - Farms Household Antiques SALES HALL AVAILABLE. MURRAY JACKSON 985-2459 ROBERT JACKSON 655-4878 PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Road (4 miles south of Port Perry) ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD SALES Your Place or Ours - TRUCKING AVAILABLE - Call; (416) 985-7492 after 11AM. Auction Sales SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5 ~ SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Auction sale- Victoria's 13th In- vitational Holstein Sale at Hicks Sales Arena, R.R. 2, Lindsay, On- tario. Our monthly consignment sale featuring a good quality of- fering. Each month is your oppor- tunity to find a good typy young cow ready for a new classifica- tion. Expecting a good quantity of quality cattle. Watch next week for detalls. For consignments or further information contact Sales Office 705-324-8311 Sales Manager- John Buckley 324-4017; Sales Agents- Cliff Lillico 439-2380; Bob Eagleson 939-6380 or Carl Hickson, Owner and Auc- tioneer, Reaboro; Ontario 324-9959. Our next monthly sales are- Wed. March 9th; Wed. April 13th at 12:30 P.M. Work Wanted NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing - Aluminum Siding - Soffit P.O. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY ) Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. OFFICE: 985-8216 *Antennas *Towers *Rotors *REPAIR SERVICE *FREE INSPECTION Ww. For Better Reception call ... ) BLACKSTOCK ANTENNA & TOWER WE HAVE A QUALITY LINE OF: *Signal Boosters *Satellite Dishes *Accessories 986-5213 OPPORTUNITY Just step in and carry on, thriving country General Store with Post Office and gas pumps, complete with 3 bedroom apartment in the Port Perry area. Mostly new equipment included. For further details please call 985-7351. COUNTRY LIVING at its best - one acre plus. Four bedroom bungalow, double garage, island setting. Asking $98,500 with many added features. Call 985-7351. A MUST TO SEE! 12 storey home totally renovated and decorated to suit your taste. Priced at $66,900. Call now 985-7351. ARE YOU JUST STARTING TO LOOK if so, this may be of interest to you. 3 bedroom 12 storey home on large lot in Port Perry. Only $49,900. With interest rates down this is your op- portunity. Call 985-7351. THINKING OF PUTTING YOUR HOME ON THE MARKET? Call us for a free and accurate market analysis. We use market value assess- ment to evaluate your home. Ralph Fairman........... Res. 985-2160 GailScala............... Res. 985-9395 Keith Puckrin ........... Res. 985-2489 See "SATELLITE DISH" Demonstrated! Up to 70 Channels. - HAVE YOUR T.V. TOWER & ANTENNA CHECKED - *5 Yr. Workmanship Guarantee *Re irs & Installati *10% Discount to Senlor Citizens *Free Estimates >< GREENBANK T.V. 7, TOWERS & ANTENNAS >, ¢ Np 985-8387 Call Us for Fast Service! WE AIM TO PLEASE! Home 985-2446 Pat's Cleaning Services HEAVY OR LIGHT HOUSE CLEANING CARPETS, DRAPES, ETC. Patti Kendry Uxbridge and Port Perry Area Auction Sales THURSDAY JANUARY 27 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale- at Stouffville Sales Barn. Our first sale of the year. The property of LEVI HOUSSER and the estate of NORA TANNER plus others. Items include- 10 hp. riding mower, snowblower (new), crocks, old quilts, old tools, two pine chests (Dovetalled), drop- leaf table, fridge, china cabinet, organ, buffet, dressers, lamps, cranberry, crystal, china, pine chairs, wicker, TV, books, pic- tures, oil lamps, dishes, round table, bedroom suite, rocker, sausage press, woodstove. Many more items Included. Fine sale of antiques and furniture to start the New Year off. Terms cash. Norm and Phil Faulkner, Auctioneers. J 25 SATURDAY FEBRUARY 12 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Furniture and Antiques Auction sale- of furniture and antiques for MRS. GLOVER of Sunderland, plus other con- signments. Selling at Wilsons Sales Arena, Uxbridge, including flatback cupboard, glass doors, antique sideboard, china cabinet and buffet with curved glass side, six oak chairs, Orcoa electric organ, iron and brass bed, plus many other articles. Sale manag- ed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auc- tioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Auction sale- Complete WIND- . MARK FARMS Holstein Disper- sal at Hickson Sales Arena follow- ing Victoria's 13th Invitational Sale. The property of KEITH AND MARY BALSDON. Lot 23, Conc. 7, Brock Twp., R.R. 3, Sunderland. 37 mature grade cows In all stages of lactation, 11 heifer calves - 2 months to 10 months old, 9 bred heifers, Hols- tein bull 2 years old. This is a free stall herd. Negative Status - 35 years in milk business. For con- signments or further Information contact Sales Office- 705-324-8311: Sales Manager- John Buckley 324-4017; Sales Agents- Cliff Lillico 439-2380; Bob Eagleson 939-6380 or Carl Hickson, Owner and Auctioneer 705-324-9959. Our next monthly sales are: Wednes- day March 9th and Wednesday April 13th at 12:30 P.M. F SATURDAY JANUARY 29 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale- of real estate, for the property of BRIAN AND CAROL KENNEDY selling at the property, at 3 Main St. South, Ux- bridge, including two stores and seven apartments. Excellent in- come property - everything rented. Interested parties may in- spect the property by appoint- ment by calling Brian Kennedy" 416-852-6286 or Lloyd Wilson 416-852-3524. Terms of sale- $10,000 down by certified cheque day of sale. Balance to be settled in 45 days. Further mortgage in- formation available from the owner. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, Ontario. 416-852-3524. Js FRIDAY JANUARY 28 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Random House Auctions Auction sale- at Random House Auctions, 628 Euclid St., Whitby. Included In this sale we have modern furniture, antiques, glass and china, collectables and many other interesting Items. Of special Interest we have a 1973 Pontiac Laurentian. Something for Everyone in this sale. Plan to attend. Consign now for our next sale, February 4th. Phone 666-2112. Lawn Bowling Club A group of retired people from Port Perry will receive a New Horizons grant for $5,350 Health and Welfare Minister Monique Begin an- nounced last week. Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club Group will have a membership drive to assist in the relocation of the club site. Present facilities are too small and inadequate to meet their needs. Scugog by Mrs. Earl Reader Even if January has been a mild month and perhaps dis- appointing for skiers, ski- doers and fishermen there can still be good times in skating and lots of fun things are planned for Feb. The "Grace" U.C.W. will have a euchre and bake sale at the Hall, Tuesday, Feb. 8. The Island United S.S. and families will enjoy an Annual .Skating Party at the arena on Feb. 13. On Sunday morning of Feb. 20, the Third U.C.W. will sponsor a Pancake Breakfast at the Church. The "Grace" U.C.W. plans another Beef Supper in March. The Island United Hi C is still going strong but would like the help of another leader as one lady has to take classes on their chosen night. They've had some very interesting times and plan some very instructive studies for the future. We trust the interest of young people 12 to 16 will continue. We have done very well in tor receive Gov. grant New Horizons is a federal government program that enables retired people to create projects of their own choosing. It offers grants to groups who undertake ac- tivities for the benefit of themselves and others in their community. The accent is on local needs as seen by older people and on their will- ingness to meet such needs. Island collecting for the three young couples married with- in the last few months. They are the sons or daughters of people who have lived on the Island many years and who have contributed to others for many years. Now we have been reminded of another young man - Trevor Chandler, the son of Rodney and Ann Chandler. Trevor and his young bride, Lesia (Hall) also of the Island are living on Casimir Street in Port Perry. Trevor works for a Wholesale company in Newmarket. Now that we are collecting for this 4th couple, you will need a couple more weeks. After next Sun. it will be inconvenient for Betty Reader to accept it at the "Head" so you may leave it in an envelope at Clifford Redmans or with Reta Reader. For people at the other end of the Island, it may be left at the store. We are pleased to report that Maurice Fralick is home from hospital after his heart problem and bout of flu.