A] ' i Eh AHIR PTR BEAST CRA ED ARIA avs ml ik , PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. January 25, 1983 -- 7 a Vince retires again Vince McNenly retired this cls tle " i TCH E N 7 hh month after 20 years as a Ll i sales rep and agent with the pi RE Ontario Automobile Assoc- ( Frc) 3% ' iation. = wk : This is actually the second Es EK "retirement" for this spry [ | bi) 87-year old resident of Port 32 Sy Perry who is in fine health fits and says he has always 7 enjoyed being able to "hel $4 A eng d THE EXCITEMENT i Mr. McNenly, a veteran of OF A NEW KITCHEN! World War I, began his career with OAA after re- tiring in 1963 from farming in the Saintfield area north of Port Perry. As a sales rep with the OAA, he covered a wide territory from Orillia to Lindsay, Port Perry and Oshawa, and had customers in Toronto as well. He told the Star last week he has no real plans for his time during this "second retirement'"' other than to relax, work around the house and garden and get caught up on some reading. Value Priced Kitchen Cabinets by Acorn Beautiful styles to compliment every taste. Installing the kitchen you've always wanted is easier than you think. See our selection and prices today. 10% Off (installation extra) ti KITCHEN FAUCETS All in stock quantities of faucets PS designed to enhance the beauty of Uxbridge your kitchen plus give you the per- COUNTER formance you need are now on sale. TOPS Pre-formed, laminated counter tops in a selection of patterns & colours. lin. ft. 5.35 In Stock o A NS Figure A EA E Sat ® VINCE McNENLY Skati ng & EE SERRE SRE es F @ I YY TiS, FESHVOL CL SALE | BNL Tr mime § he Uxbridge Figure ------ KORA week: 1 B «<r 197QueenStreet-Port Perry Co Skating Club is hosting theis FLORESCENT NO MORE HEAVY LIFTING! : 5 g it] LIGHT FIXTURES 7 79 i il li Competition on Saturday, N Ww FLO AT 1 0 OPEN: Monday thru Saturday 9A.M.to6P.M. uf January 29th and Sunday, Give every room in your in g Thursday & Friday to9:00P.M. | January 30th frog) %10 Bir, lieing addiional lighting Now you can clean your drive- 3 i! to 9:30 p.m. both days. ities. ways and walks faster and easier j g -DIAMONDS - wide variety of talented [J Stockauantities with a 24" wide "Snow Float" { bl . . y skaters from clubs across 36" Fixture . . $20.59 SNOW SCOD ! i = Cards & Gifts for All Occasions = ) Ontario will participate in 48" Fixture $19 95 P- S | | $ 1 0) 05 | PS -EAR PIERCING - WATCH & JEWELLERY REPAIRS - Freestyle, Interpretive and Florescentiubes noting. Reg. $23.95. a e. " 3 ! " y Dance events. There will i it @ canadian jewellers association ® also be a raffle and bake 4 Bb : table. Come and join us at Thinking Home 3 ; 55225252522 SP 52S S52 S52 2505252552525 52S P SSR SRS SR 5e 550525252525 5252% the Arena'. it Improvements? Pi It pays to think of (1 us when you're thinking Re of remodelling. We're iio I here to help you with a . + Hides mos! colors in one-coat all your building needs! Fh) * Washable, colorfast fiat finish | i \ Guaranteed Service A i po Guaranteed GM Parts I|| CARPET& VINYL | i hos oa Guaranteed Price BY] | FLOORING rym i Now is a better time than My | ever to enhance the beauty RIT, of your home with new floor 8 | coverings. Colours and iv ! | patterns to bring a warm and te " inviting look to any room. Hi F or All }, Plus...Great Savings on Spred Lo-Lustre ) Priced with the budget- AS | conscious decorator in mind! Be GENERAL MOTORS CARS & TRUCKS tome 8 1) A ® Genuine GM Parts ® Factory Trained Technicians iene an Cod ie clean-up Ax \ i KU ... Providing "Top Notch" : 3 Service and Repair for all SALE ENDS JANUARY 31st. | MS Chevrolet - Oldsmobile - Cadillac eae as oa sat res Sem mom fo or Conran | Bd - Buick & Pontiac Automobiles Masi RH Orsies may st oy sd Glidden Ah plus Chevrolet and GMC Trucks! = Ba PREMIUM PAINT THAT LASTS AND LASTS! i LUBRICATION $1 5 44 i SPECIAL ... . 3 AS Some i rs . *Trade Parts Prices available to Trade & Fleet Accounts. me items may be in limited quantities. Subject to prior sale. TT ul oie | LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD. ; BELL, JB 10 vanedward Drive, 11 VANEDWARD DRIVE - (OSHAWA ROAD) PONTIAC BUICK LimiTen Port Perry - 985-8474 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO - 985-7391 -- ROOF TRUSS DIVISION CALL: 985-3121 SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN: Mon. to Fri. 8A.M.to 5 P.M. PARTS DEPARTMENT OPEN: Mon. to Fri. 8A.M.to 6 P.M.; Sat. 9A.M.to 1 P.M. CHARGE IT! NR ; XK quALiTY PRODUCTS 3 COMPETITIVE PRICING 3