Dr. Joseph P. Houlton speaker for the Whole 3 a i me ER am Sa | ! } f 1 | is a dynamic individual, Health Institute and a and international practising chiropractor REATIVE = bia Ta k by Helen Newlove In my kitchen there is always room for one more cookbook - and as I am trying to locate 'one written a few years ago, to add to my col- lection I went to Toronto to a bookstore that sells only books for cooks. I dind't find the one I wanted but - I did of course buy another. I finally pried myself out of the shop, and you do have to do that. As they are kind enough to supply you with sofas to rest on while your peruse their books. I went to another shop I've visited from time to time. Mainly because I appreciate the exotic smells of teas and coffees. Their book section is very limited, but what they lack in books, they make up for in enticing aromas. As food, not books is their main stay. Their displays of condiments and enticing gourmet surprises are fun to explore. Being a coffee hound, I didn't manage to leave till I bought a kg. of blended coffee, bringing some of that good smell home with me. One more stop and this time it's because this store always has a "Country Look" to their displays for kitchens and dining areas. This time there were baskets with dried flower ar- rangements. A cheery look on tables and cup- boards. We could do this ourselves to brighten up our homes. As baskets are so popular now- a-days they can be bought locally and dried flowers also can be found quite easily. Be creative and make up your own baskets. Remember, too that sometimes a doily, fancy placemat or candle can be the finishing touches to your creation. If you want to brighten up a friend or fami- ly members' day, buy an extra bucket and fill it with cookies, you made. I received a basket recently from my friend Jenny and her mom. They were so good I asked for the recipe to share with you. Raisin - Cinnamon or Chocloate Chip Cookies 1 egg 1% tsp. salt % cup shortening 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1 cup brown sugar 1; cup raisins 1 tsp. vanilla OR 2 tbsp. water 1-six ounce pkg. of 1% cups flour semi-sweet chocolate % tsp. baking soda bits Beat eggs, set aside. Cream shortening, brown sugar, then add egg, vanilla and water, Mix in blend dry ingredients. Then choose type of cookie, by adding cinnamon-raisins or chocolate chips. Bake at 375 on greased cookie sheet about 12 minutes. Remove to wire rack to cool. Jenny Gainey, Blackstock Hint: Remember if you put more chocolate chips in your recipes, then called for, increase your flour a little. - in Toronto. His interest in health and stress- related disease has brought him into close contact with other pro- -minent- professionals. These include the late Dr. B.J. Palmer, founder and developer for the world's foremost authority on stress; and Dr. Wm. H. Bahan, a world leader in the ex- perience of the art of DR. J. HOULTON a A fd 5 a RE Le dg ant gr a RS ly 3 Sa AY Le Nr qt yp ESE a Ts Heri ie. J Bite Aan ee 2, he id £1 Ny ve PPLE A Fe 2 ALS «i Nh Fl 23 2 5 4 HE Dynamic speaker visits area Dr. Houlton manages to mix business with pleasure, no matter where he goes, and his speaking tours have major cities of the world. There he inspires people through his strong, light- hearted spirit, to let go of their attitudes of fear and unbelief and take hold of a new and positive world of victory upon victory. "On February 3 rd at 8:30 p.m., Dr. Houlton will visit Heartland, 350 "Simcoe Street in Prince ~~ Albert, where he will . share with all his slides y-of right expressions. 'yone is welcome and donations, that will ~ go-to further his endeavors, will be received. with thanks. Refreshments will be served. Waterfowl dyke on Scugog island to help habitat Ducks Unlimited (Canada), through the Ministry of Natural Resources, Lindsay, District, is proposing a project to improve area waterfowl habitat. The proposal involves con- struction of an earthfill dyke across the outlet stream of a wetland area on Ministry property at the north tip of Scugog Island. The dyke will be constructed on top of an old, existing roadbed for the purpose of water con- trol. This will improve the capability of the wetland as waterfowl habitat, and will improve access to the Crown Land hunting area on the west side of the wetland. Water control will be ac- complished with a six KAREN TAYLOR COSMETIC SALON (IMMEDIATELY NEXT DOOR) 227 Queen Street, PortPerry 985-9111 foot diameter vertical in- take culvert leading to a 4% foot diameter culvert under the dyke. The project is being planned under the Ministry of Natural Resources approved class environmental assessment for Dams and Dykes, and is located entirely on Crown Land. You are invited to direct any inquiries, comments or concerns regarding the dyke con- struction to the District Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources, 322 Kent St. W., Lindsay, On- tario KoV 4T7, by February 11, 1963. If no serious concerns are raised, the finalized proposal will be filed with the Ministry of the -- Environment, Regional Office and the En- vironmental Assessment Branch and construction may begin 30 days after final notice has been MINIATURES $7 Crandell Street - 905-7034 Dollhouses - Furniture Accessories - Building & Decorating Supplies. CYR RAE YS less -taken-him- to most of the - centre PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 1, 1983 -- 7 WM ENERGY 4 SAVING Lo 1V]] o [Tq] OLD EXTERIOR WALL 1- 2' x 8' boards of STYROFOAM* SM are available in thicknesses of: LUMBER ab 1.0" atR-5 "BUYS 15° atR.75 (others on request) STYROFOAM* SM =o § ST NEW SIDING IE : insulation is a rigid blue sia | SM* INSULATION ea. $1.44 1 x 3 Spruce SM* brand styrofoam lin. ft. 9V4¢ coloured, closed cell polystyrene foam. It's ideal for 2x 4x6 Utility interior or exterior use on both new and existing walls. ea. 84¢ COME IN AND CHECK IT OUT TODAY! WEATHER All in stock quantities. STRIPPING 10% Off ~ FIBREGLASS MINI ROLLS R8-15 (covers approx. 50 sq. ft.) OUTLET SEALS R12-15 Prevents drafts from (Covers approx. 30sq. ft.) plugs and switches. carton 7.50 Completely hidden. 2 Switch Insulators FOAM-IT pkg. $2.65 INSULATION An expanding foam Socket Inserts insulation to block out sources of air - pkg. $1.49 infiltration. Ideal for indow installation Light Dratt Sealers wind rs ' sealing drafty doors 4&lnsulators / 4 Joints 2nd Crevicas. pkg. $3.95 Now's the time ~ bathroom. In 'stock only. SALE 5 "MEDICINE CABINETS to replace that old medicine cabinet or add one to your roren8.35 MICAFILL INSULATION Loose fill is ideal for awkward spots such as corners, attics, etc. Fire and rotproof. DRAFT SEAL & PEEL Seals drafts in winter and peel off in spring. ee. a PN Sn od ER ur - Ea -- a Eon Thies me Sn Be J, eg Ty 25% OFF lly Lager Added Services CATERING som wpe. 80 | ly Premises A SERVICE TTY a to prior sale. # ling S suit Al LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD. Grand Opening Sales rk 11 VANEOWARD DRIVE - OSHAWA ROAD) qe the week 0 ra cllste PORT PERRY, ONTARIO - 985-7391 em FEBRUARY Ist thru 8th \§ === ° | | Ei J Er es 305-3001 ® QUALITY Te IVGLT COMPY HTIVE PRICING