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On Friday, Mrs. Ruth Thompson, Blackstock, and Mrs. Marion Heaslip, Port Perry, came, bearing a delicious birthday cake - also Mrs. Gwendolyn Malcolm called to extend "very best wishes" - then on Saturday afternoon, twelve friends 'hosted' a party for Ruth at the Presbyterian Church. She was presented with a lovely evergreen foliage plant - a Dieffenbachia which is a native of tropical America. Mrs. Mamie Magill's grand- daughter made and decorated a tempting looking cake for all to sample. A wonderful party! Don and Grace Proutt of Nestleton, and Sam and Mabel Cawker of Scugog Point Road, visited on Sunday. Ruth received a great number of birthday cards and telephone calls as well. This is a real 'milestone' in her life, and we extend our warmest wishes to her for many more happy birthdays. Pine Ridge Garden Club A Board of Directors meeting was held this past week at the home of President Mr. John Kingstone of Man- chester, to plan pro- grammes for year 1983. Such interesting items as workshops, silk flower arranging, dried flower arranging, pine cone Christmas decorations, etc. will be featured throughout the year. As meetings are not held during Jan. and Feb. the first regular meeting for 1983 will be held Tues- day, March 1st- 8 p.m. at the Nestleton Communi- ty Centre. Cathy McKay will be guest speaker - topic of interest - "Or- chard Management - In- sect and Disease Con- trol." Cathy is showing slides as well. A pot luck supper prior to the meeting will be an enjoyable part of the evening commencing at 6:30 p.m. Try to attend for a meaningful night out. Nestleton Hall News The Nestleton Hall committee met on Wednesday evening, Jan. 26, with a small at- tendance due to many activities being held within the area. A meeting has been scheduled for Wednes- day, Feb. 9th- 8 p.m. for the purpose of electing the Officers for 1983, and trust a goodly number will be on hand for this important event. Caesarea Euchre At the Wednesday evening card party the following lucky people are to be congratulated: First prize went to Del Marlow with 83. Second prize winner close behind was John Skinner with 82. Marilyn Hewson was low with 41. Al Cormack won for the most lone hands for month of January with 13. A very good attendance. Next week again for another interesting evening. Try to attend! Sympathy To the relatives and friends of the late Mr. Karel Pavlik, Port Perry, who passed away Saturday, January 22nd, in the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, we extend sincere condolences. Karl was a valued friend to a great many people and will be sadly missed by all. A Memorial Service was held in Port Perry United Church on Satur- day afternoon with a fine tribute paid by Rev. Glenn Jackson and organist Glenn Taylor in his splendid rendition of appropriate music by Czechoslovakian composers. Birthday Party The Sam Cawkers, Scugog Point Road, were guests at a birthday celebration held on Thursday evening last "hosted" by Grant and Merna Cawker in honour o their son Christopher's SEWIT UP NOW FOR SPRING PATTERNS TUESDAY, FEB. 1st THROUGH SATURDAY, FEB. 12th STITCH "N SA VE Dy iccaLs ESP... Extra-Sure Patten 21st birthday. A delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings was enjoyed. Chris was the recipient of many interesting birth- day gifts. His girlfriend Cheryl Finkle, brother Curtis and sister Cathy were also guests. Many more "happy birthdays" are wished to Chris. Eastern Star Item of News '"Hobo" teas are the fashion these days. Several members of the Blue Ray Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, gathered at the lovely home of sister Margaret Jeffrey, Port Perry, on Wednesday afternoon for one of these special events. After a delightful hour or so, catching up on the latest news - loaves of delicious breads were served with coffee or tea. A very en- joyable party! Nestleton United Church Youth Sunday at Nestleton United was well attended with our minister Rev. Dale Davis conducting the service. Claire MacKen- zie read the portions of Scripture taken from Matthew and Galatians and the Sunday School sang "This is Our Father's World' with Carol Mairs presiding at the organ. The minister Rev. Davis delivered a fine message for the New Year with many thoughts to take home. At the close of the service a delicious pot luck lun- cheon with plenty of variety was a feature. Congregational Meeting At approximately 1:30 p.m. the meeting was brought to order with an excellent attendance, to review the work and ac- tion during 1982. Rev. Dale Davis chaired a spirited and successful meeting with Secretary Arthur Weir assisting. As the annual . printed booklet for 1982 with all reports included therein, was passed out to members a week before, a brief summary from various officers re- Church work - was presented. During elec- tion, quite a number of necessary changes were initiated - beneficial to the Church work. It was evident Nestleton United has had a progressive year and will commence 1983 with many new members elected to serve in various capacities within the church. Appreciation was voic- ed to those who have con- tributed their services during the past year and some for many years. May the new officers find the work satisfying and rewarding. Meeting clos- ed at approximately 3:30 p.m. Dates to Remember The Nestleton U.C.W. will meet Tues. Feb. 8th - 2 p.m. Hostess- Mrs. Mabel Cawker. This coming Saturday, Feb. 5th - dinner for men held at St. Stephen's Church in Oshawa. Wednesday, Feb. 9th, 9 p.m. the Offical Board will meet at Blackstock. Caesarea Community Church Average attendance for both Sunday School and congregation on Sun- day. Mr. Paul Van Nus, Port Perry, was the guest speaker. Mrs. Crawford presided at the _ organ. We trust Rev. W.H. Crawford will soon be feeling better after his bout with this dreaded "flu" which is making the rounds - so many have had serious pro- blems afterwards. RENT ANEW A SN LA a mo pr A Me ER TH NR re a Greenbank area news A large crowd attend- ed Church Service Sun- day morning. Everyone enjoyed Mr. Rodger's message, and we were very privileged to have the male quartette sing for us, which consisted of George Beare, Elmer Rennie, William Stone and Gordon Ward, accompanied by Mrs. Betty Stone. Please remember the following announce- ments: Greenbank Sr. Choir will practice Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m.; Greenbank Junior choir will practice Wed. Feb. 2nd at 4 p.m.; the evening U.C.W. will meet Feb. 2nd at 8 p.m. in the church; the after- noon U.C.W. will meet at 2 p.m. Feb. 2nd in the Church; Greenbank Y.P.U. will meet in the church Feb. 7 on Mon- day at 7:30 p.m. Come and bring a lunch. Dont forget the Country Cousins Couples Club meeting at the church, Feb. 12th at 8 p.m. Come for movies and fellowship. Rev. Art and Ruth Rodger's attended the Walker - Arenburg wedding in Myrtle United Church on Sat- urday. Miss Helen Rahm of Oshawa spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. George Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. George Beare entertained the quartette singers and their wives at their home for lunch follow- ing the church service. Mrs. Lizzie Cookman of Sunderland visited with Ross and Marie COCCI OAC - STOUFFVILLE BAKER *Specials This Week * Cookman on the week- end. Saturday evening they celebrated Mrs. Cookman's birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ruis in Oshawa. Glad to report the fire at the Robinson house in the village did not do extensive damage during the wind storm last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lunney of Whitby visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- Millen Sunday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan recently were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson of Claremont. Glad to report Mrs. George Timms, Sr. who has been a patient in Port Perry hospital expects to get home soon. HELPFUL HINTS For Ring Around the Collar: Use a small paint brush and brush hair shampoo into soiled shirt collars before launder- ing. Shampoo is made to dissolve body oils. NTE a CEE ET, » % i TROPHIES 1 025252 305 "Te Te - White Bread . . . . 680g (24 oz) 3 for $1.79 Cheese Buns... .... Butter Tarts ........ RR 6 for .79 -- ie i eel | Senior Citizens - 10% Discount Tuesdays & Wednesdays! 0252525052525 05252505 260 PORT PERRY PLAZA - 985-2412 HWY. 7A - PORT PERRY "Country Village Baking" ken ~5d52525 C30 Ca CO CC CC ICCC CCCI LODO O0O00O0O000e525252525252505¢ he Toke eke hem (D BY BUTTERKK i With Fabric Purchase Under $10. © ECONOMY COMPACT STANDARD & FULL SIZE © LOWRATES © LONG TERM LEASING © TRUCKRENTALS ~ FOR THE HARD OF HEARING! RECEIVE ~~ : = oneratern $7 ()() LL & FOR ONLY: ° SET & HEARING AID CENTRES i - _OR a rr aks us Your A rr r-- a eadquarters for 3 CAESAREA FISH & CHIPS GOULD ACTIVAIR RECEIVE ONE PATTERN: TEL: 986-4783 BATTERIES ESTABLISHED 1933 - SAME LOCATION - Hearing Test at No Charge or Obligation - - SAME QUALITY - SAME FRIENDLY SERVICE - 50m PLEASE JOIN US! IN CELEBRATING OUR 15th YEAR IN CAESAREA ... SERVING YOU! *SERVING HALIBUT ONLY ... Along with some NEW SNACK SPECIALS! WINTER HOURS: HEARING AID REPAIRS To All Makes during February .. $52 WARRANTY FREE BATTERY - With Each Inquiry (APPLICABLE IN FEBRUARY ONLY!) 'DEALERS FOR: Danavok, Unitron, Starkey plus -- With Fabric Purchase Over $10. MODERN TEXTILES or ad (NEXT TO LUKE'S COUNTRY STORE) Yar Fridays 8 Srgays 33107 PM 10 other manufacturers. 203 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY - 985-3221 "siuEcross. aren sme. fl & GOVERNMENT HEARING AID PLANS. STORE HOURS: Monday to Thursday - 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Friday 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.; Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 28 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY LAKEVIEW PLAZA . .......... 985-9388