a isa What a difference ten months make, On a damp, dark day last March, Gerry Jonkheer stood in shock and looked at the smouldering ruins of his warehouse and offices at the intersection of Highway 7A and Queen Street in Port Perry. It was one of Port Perry's worst fires in recent memory. Last Friday after- noon, Mr. Jonkheer, his family and employees were proudly showing off the new warehouse and offices for Gerry's Produce and Distribut- ing at an official open- ing for guests and friends. The new brick build- ing, constructed on the same property boast some 19,000 square feet of warehouse and office space, and in fact was completed about two months ago at a cost of about $500,000. The building will serve as the distribution centre for the company which supplies goods and produce to over 800 convenience and variety stores across Ontario, and has a staff of about 40 employees. Mr. Jonkheers was on hand Friday afternoon to meet the steady stream of guests and show them around the brand new premises. They included several local politicians, con- tractors, customers and clients, and even a vice president from the Bank of Commerce. Mr. Jonkheers said the large warehouse will meet the company needs for the time being, but he indicated that future expansion may be needed as growth continues. HELPFUL HINTS Did you know? The basic ingredient of many commercial spot removers is 2 parts water to 1 part rubbing alcohol. Gerry's Produc LS % Sy WC = x Bh as 3 gu vada) a Fe Rh A It'was a proud day for Gerry Jonkheer (centre) his family and the staff at Gerry's Produce in Port Perry as they welcomed guests to the official opening of a new warehouse and offices last Friday afternoon. The new building has some 19,000 square feet of space. It was officially opened just ten months after a fire last March destroyed the buildings at Highway 7A and Queen St. in Port Perry. Scugog Choral Society prepares for season Following another highly successful season, members of scugog Choral Society met in Town Hall 1873 on Wednesday, January 12 for their annual meet- ing. Again, as in pre- vious years the turnout was excellent. The next production is to be a rousing Choral Concert to be performed on April 22 and 23. Rehearsals are now in progress. Although planning is in progress for another big fall production, nothing definite has been decided as yet. The list of nominees for the 1983 executive presented by Bill Slute, chairman of the nom- inating committee, DEEGAN Denture Therapy Clinic 305 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY ~~. --OPEN -- BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! Tuesday & Thursday --- Evenings - 6:30 P.M. ~This \ (At the Causeway) Hwy. 7A - Port Perry © "PLEASE CALL: 985-2916 gsaturd® COME FOR DINNER! ai STEAK & SHRIMP *6.95 were accepted by acclamation by the membership. Past President - Jean Kennedy; President - Bill Slute; 1st Vice Pres- ident - Bobbie Drew; 2nd Vice President - Charles O'Connor; Secretary - Susan Reed, Joan Godley; Treasurer - Gerri Langille; Librarian and Member- ship - Vilma Giannini; Phoning - George Mahaffy, Bruce Mac- Millan, Kaye Reams- bottom; Publicity - Per Hvidsten, Diane Nott-. ingham, Gloria Forder; Historian - Zula Hall. Following a brief acceptance speech by the new president, Bill Slute, praise and appreciation were expressed to the out- going executive and to the membership at large by the outgoing president, Jean Kennedy; incoming pre- sident, Bill Slute, and directors Grace Hast- ings for a successful, active, and rewarding year. The Choral Society has fulfilled several additional singing engagements during the season, and invitations for the future are pre- sently being considered. After eight years of choir activity, we wish to make it known that our membership is con- stantly changing and we welcome enquiries to anyone in the area whether near or far about joining our group. Interested people who enjoy singing with a group are invited to con- tact any member or call 985-2539. -OBITUARY - OBITUARY Harold Baker 'Harold James Baker of Sunderland passed away after a short ill- ness on Sunday, Jan- --uary 9th, -1983- at the STAY & DANCE AWAY THE EVENING with Entertainment by "IAN & JEANETTE" From 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. Port Perry Community Nursing Home, where he had been a resident - for over 2 years. Born at Sunderland November 5, 1899 on the family farm where he resided prior to the Nursing Home. He was the son of the late John Baker and Zella Switzer. He received his education in Sunder- land. One sister Beatrice A. Baker pre- deceased him in March 1973. He was a former member of the United Church. The complete funeral service was held on January 13th, 1983, at the Wagg Funeral Home in Port Perry. Lt. David Craddock, of the Salvation Army con- ducted the service. Interment at St. John's Cemetery, Brock Town- ship. BRINGS YOU RCA "7. BON PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 1, 1983 -- 15 e opens new warehouse BUYERS US DAYS! SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO MAKE POSSIBLE EXTRA SAVINGS! ix $5000 OFF RCA 26" Console Versatile, contemporary design enhances any decor. MS.LP. .... $969.95 OUR SPEC. PRICE: ..... $848.00 RCA BONUS - DISCOUNT ... $50.00 EC a « " . * Pa-- "uw Ow (Wo Fa EF et Cr LR 2» ~ eg 30 re 8 $s 47 To YOU PAY ONLY: $79800 RCA 3-YEAR WARRANTY INCLUDED. 14" COLOUR AN RCA BEST BUY! M.S.L.P. . $499.95 Our Special Price ...$448.00 RCA BONUS DISCOUNT $30.00 YOU PAY ony. $418 RCA 12" Black & White TELEVISIONS CPR 121 $12800 CGR 128 AC/DC $158 RCA 3-YEAR WARRANTY INCLUDED. RCA 20" COLOUR PORTABLE 1488. | **JUST ARRIVED** control. RCA 20" COLORTRAK connor $788. 241 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY - 985-2272 RCA COLORTRAK 2000 The most advanced RCA colour picture ever. Advanced techno- logy with style - super accufilter 110 picture tube - 122 channels "and 17 function infrared remote MODEL F6R2020 20" TABLE MODEL 'M.S.L.P. $1299.95 Our Special Price: $1098. RCABONUS * DISCOUNT .... $50.00 YOU PAY MODEL G6R2026 26" CONSOLE M.S.L.P. $1569.95 OUR SPECIAL PRICE: LESS BONUS DISCOUNT .... $50.00 YOU PAY $1248. $1048. $1298.00 HURRY IN FOR BEST SELECTION!