on EE Cian PA ar he pa aR gl By Si, ep Wo -- -- -- cnt ctl mt ni. al RA J CP) "= Rev. G. Jackson and Mr. | Soring Interment of Pine | Senior Citizens Sponsored by Port Perry Lions Club Harold Wagg and Son in the " ! MeDernosi-pPanabaker the Durnam Bemanade to 10 % Off Sat. February 12th unera The Wright Famiy | A550ciation, ODDFELLOWS HALL 1to6 P.M. : GEER Ricky Bruce, sua- | breakfast, Lunch Progressive Euchre Tickets: Pavlik wish 10 extend there | com as the result of an ac. & Coffee At the Door - $8.00 per Team sincer hanks to our many Samuary 5, ton psy, | Mondaythrufrday | | DOORSOPENATIZNOON @ REFRESHMENTS friends, neighbours and{ dearly loved son of Bruce Only PRIZES - 50 Percent of Income i on for heir Sxbros: and Marie Geer of Utica. the DAIRY BAR " tions. Special thanks to Dr. act e Siavi, Dale on the waterfront DANCING - 8 P.M. to 1 A.M. Silins and the nursing staff | Loving grandson of Dore Port Perry Dance Admission - $7.00 per couple. of the Port Perry Hospital | Geer of Uxbridge, Mr. and : Sri ie | ME ol "heartfelt gratitude Is extend | of Myrtle Stoneof Ssagrens, | APYOne who has | ed to Rev. Glenn Jackson for | Complete service was held money owing, or his comforting words before | at the Funeral Chapel of owes money to the TOWN HALL and during the memorial | McDermott-Panabaker, - LATE on Cire ar tr | seats Sh eter | pon Ton selection and playing of | Iereeantry" of 25:m- Spring ARTHUR PORT PERRY Czechoslavakia music for | Cemetery. If desired, a CHINN presents ... the memorial service and a | donation may be made fo the ; thank you fo the ladies who | Central Seven Association or of 1 1" So | rent | ete || "HAGOOD HARDY lunch. Glorins ire Memorial Hospital Building Charile and Pauiine Paviik | ~ _ PAINTING (SUBSCRIPTION SERIES EVENT) Suis | In Memoriam | Meech a kindly : offered "hair sym. Won am COLLECT Thursday y Feb. 10th he time of her brother's | ing memory of Ambrose, (416) 476-3386 LIMITED TICKETS 8 p M Oy Sp away January | ALSO... any - AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR LLL H ngly remembered having -- i Births wite Vera and he family | Uiivigherl business, | GRIEVE Chris and Jim are please cah. announce ' : Srrval of their on, Ryan Card of Thanks - COMING SOON! ames Joshua, born Ei a poy | sas nmsourat | Card of Thanks Home Video Grieve. Special thanks fo | . Rod Rashleigh and Jeri-Lee Doyle would like Or. Hammett, Dr. Beatty | to express sincera thanks to everyone involved in - Sales & Rentals - and tha matirniiy nursing the Jack & Jill Party for us January 29th at the 'R d M Perry Prince Albert Community Centre. ecoraers ovies munity Memorial Hospital. it was a great opportunity for Rod to meet so many friends 'e had a wonderful IVES FLORIST 1m. time and are overwhelmed with the thought. 166 WATER STREET will always be a beautiful memory. OMESTEAD. mt Thanks again PORT PERRY 985245) pr | Rodd JoriLes PI a aro Sa i SORE Lal Fed He RS UT EN PL LEE hat ATW. LER TRI TR Ie AE : x ¥ 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 1, 1983 RATA LTFRAN 'CLAM NITE Ras 2 & SVU M . 20 Arya AA PIANISTS JS SAN fet MART TERRE PHONE 985-7383 Classified Ads Classified Deadline Monday 12:00 NOON CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS: $3.00 first 15 words, 10* each word following. REPEAT: Second insertion of samead ........ $2.50 for the first 15 words, 10* each word following. ARTWORK OR SPECIAL DESIGN LOGO .. EXTRA CHARGE. PROOF REQUIRED: Copy must be received no later than Thursday prior to insertion date. DISPLAY ADS: For rates or information please call 985-7383. ALL ADVERTISING: Must be paid for in cash or by Visa before 12:00 Noon Monday. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING: MONDAYS - 12 NOON (No Ad Changes after Monday 10:00 A.M.) In Memoriam GEER In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Harry, who passed away February 3, 1978. Never more than a moment away Quietly remembered every day. Always remembered by Mother and Elwood Earle and Audrey Norine and Allen Card of Thanks Grant and Eva Hunter wish to say thank you to thelr many friends and relatives for gifts, cards and personal best wishes expressed on the occasion of thelr 40th wed- ding anniversary celebra- tion. The catering by the Prince Albert U.C.W. which was done in a most efficient and attractive way was also appreciated. We are sincerely grateful for a car- ing family who arranged this special day. Many thanks to Dr. Eix and Nurse Hutchinson of Port Perry Community Hospital, to Dr. Sangaralingham and the Nursing Staff in the Car- diac Ward of Oshawa: General. Also to relatives and friends for their kind concern during my recent il- Iness. Furtherto Dr. Millar and nurses for thelr continu- ing care. Maurice Fralick The family of the late Garnet Wright wish to ex- press deep appreciation to their relatives, friends and neighbours for their beautiful floral tributes, donations to the fund of their choice and many cards of sympathy during the pass- ing of their dear father, grandfather and great grandfather. Special thanks to the nursing staff on 9G at Birth BRUTON Gregory Is pleas- ed to announce the safe ar- rival of his baby sister, Jen- nifer Paige, born January 20, 1983 at Community Memorial Hospital, weighing 7 Ibs. 8 oz. Proud parents are Bob and Terri (nee Robinson). Proud grandparents are Marie Hockley, Blackstock, and Rebecca and Stanley Bruton, Port Perry. Special thanks to Dr. J. Stewart and the maternity staff. At Rest ANDREWS, Edith Elizabeth (former office manager of Peel's Poultry Farm) - sud- denly at Tampa, Florida, on Wednesday January 26, 1983. Edith Thompson, In her 63rd year, dearly loved: wife of Charles Andrews Sr., of Prince Albert, dear mother of Edward of Port Perry and Charles Andrews Jr., of Prince Albert. Sister" of Vernie Buller of Caesarea, Doreen Doble. of Sunderland, Dorothy Hope of Prince Albert and Patrick " Thompson of Port Perry. Loving grandmother of Michael, Michele, Mark, Misty, Colleen and Tracie. Complete service was held at the Funeral Chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry, on Saturday, January 29, at 12:30 p.m. MARK In loving memory of a dear son and brother, who passed away February 6, 1978. His bright blue eyes and cheerful face Are so pleasant to recall He had a loving word for each And died beloved by all. Always remembered by Mother, Dad, Sister Brother and families WATSON In loving memory of a dear father, Ambrose M. Watson, who passed away January 31, 1982. You bade no one a last farewell Nor even sald goodbye You were gone before we knew it And only God knows why It broke our hearts to lose you But you did not go alone For part of us went with you The day God called you home. Sadly missed by John and Laura Notice TAKE NOTICE that the week of February 6th to February 13th Is hereby pro- claimed Ringette Week in the Township of Scugog. D. Jerome Taylor Mayor Notice BAHAI information - call 985-8197 or write P.O. Box 1153 Port Perry. EOW PORT PERRY Snowmobile Club Hall, south of Port Perry. Available for rentals. For information call 985-2888. EOW THE DIET WORKSHOP Youth Group would like to welcome students from 5 Coming Events Coming Events ROSS STEVENSON MPP Constituency office visits the Scugog Area on Wednesday, February 9th, 1983. Railroadhouse Motel, 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. For appointments phone Zenith 33130. BIG BROTHER Association of North Durham regular annual meeting, Thursday, Feb. 10th, 7:30 p.m. Council years to 12 years who wish to Chambers, Port Perry. lose some welght. Classes | Everyone welcome. F 8 are being held on Thursday - afternoons rom 2% yg 4 y 30 p.m. at R.H. Cornish. For further information please F UN & FITNESS call 985-3606. CLASS ARE YOU a single parent? Plan to attend the "Parents For 50 & Over! Without Partners' meeting, inthe every Thursday evening PRESBYTERIAN 8:00 p.m. at St. George's CHURCH Memorial Church, 51 Centre 10 Weeks - $20 00 St., Oshawa. For further in- STARTING: ' formation contact 725-8466. FEB. 13th GREENBANK Centennial 10AM to 11AM Hall available for rentals. : * For booking contact Pat PHONE RIET ORDE: Green 985-8006. 985-3630 Coming Events ANNUAL MEETING Ontario Pine Grove Cemetery SAT., FEBRUARY 5th, 1983 at 2:00 P.M. SCUGOG MUNICIPAL OFFICE - PORT PERRY -- All Plot Owners Welcome -- ATTENTION: EUCHRE TOURNAMENT 77, DURHAM REGION "FAMILY YMCA 269 Queen Street, formerly Scugog Library) Port Perry - MY TIME - My time is a 1-hr. program for 2 & 3 yr. -olds involving crafts and song. Moms assist once per ses- sion. Starting: Feb. 11th TIME: Fridays - 9:30 to 10:30a.m. LOCATION: Y Centre | COST: $10. for 6 wks. - TINY TUMBERS - Tiny Tumblers is a 45-minute kindergym program for the walk- ing to 2 year age group in which parent participation is includ- ed. . Starting: Feb. 9th | TIME: Wednesdays - 9:15 to 10:00 a.m. Location: Port Perry Anglican Church. Cost: $25. for 10 wks. - FOR ADULTS: - ART EXPERIENCE - Starting: Feb. 10th TIME: Thursdays 7 to 9P.M. Location: Y Centre Cost: $30. for 10 wks. Instructor: Alec Neveroff. - MUSICAL FITNESS - Have fun exercising to music. Starting: Feb. 9th Time: Wednesdays 10:15to 11:15a.m. Location: Port Perry Anglican Church Cost: $26. for 12 wks. | **babysitting avail- able - $1.00 per child. i ALSO -- Starting: Feb. 9th 2to3P.M. Location: Scugog Island Community Centre Cost: $26. for 12 wks. * *Babysitting avail- able. - TUTORING - Student tutoring for assistance with both English and French subjects. of February 7th. Location: Y Centre Cost: $30. for 4 hrs. INTERIOR DECORATING Make your house your home! Starting: Feb. 17th Time: Thursday 7:00 Cost: $25. for 10 wks. For Information: CALL TIME: Wednesdays - 'Starting Date: Week | 985-2824 ~ For Sale SWING-A-MATIC baby swing. 985-7057 after 6:00 p-m. : NIAGARA Rolla-ssage chair with cyclo-massage and radiant heat units. Gold brocade vinyl. Three years old. $400 or best offer. After 5 p.m. 986-4760. ELECTRIC clothes dryer; 30 inch range; downill skils and boots; 8 ft. bar. Call daytime 985-7021. Coming Events LEGION BINGO The next. Legion Bingo will be on Thursday, February 3, 1983. Jackpot $230 in 58 Buber, 1 BLACKSTOCK and District Lions Club Dance, February 19th, 1983, 9 p.m. at the Blackstock Recreation Cen- tre. Music by Durham Coun- . ty Line. $10 per couple. . Tickets avallable at door or contact 986-4461. F115 SLIDES OF INDIA interna- tional speaker Joseph Houlton, D.C., will present his slides of India from his tour with the "Whole Health Institute' in the Fall, 1982 at Heartland, 350 Simcoe Street, Prince Albert, On- tario, February 3, 8:30 p.m. Donations. Call 985-7241.F 1 YOUR TAXES and how to reduce them. Those who understand our tax laws - and take advantage of them - pay-less tax than those who don't. Our one-day seminar - designed for the layman - shows you how. Conducted by J. Kent McKelvey. Next session: Holiday Inn, Oshawa, Saturday, February 19. Advance registration required. Our last session was sold out well In advance. For free brochure, call: Marion Mur- ray 985-8950 or Peggy McKelvey 655-3103. F8 UELIA Flea Market operating since 1981. 1296 King Street East, Hamilton, Ontario. Open Sunday and All Monday Holidays 9-5. Antiques and collectables. 416-637-7977. THE WORK of R. Ernest Jukes will be on exhibit in the Scugog' Library from Jan. 29 to Feb. 19. F8 MAYBELLE Rebekah 'kodge-are holdingtwotun: ~~~ ~~~ ~~ cheons at the Lodge Hall on the Oshawa Road, on Wed. Feb. 16th and March 16th. Times: 11:30a.m. - 1:30 and price $3.50 per person. F 8 SOMETHING new at the Library, Wednesday, February 2, "After School Flim Club" for children 8 to 13; 4:15 to 5:15, no registra- tion, no charge. PRINCE ALBERT Com- 'munity Centre annual meeting on Tues. February 15, at 8:15 p.m. E welcome. Please plan to at- tend. Fs om ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BR. 419 - PORT PERRY 50-50 DANCE * MUSIC BY "NOSTALGIA" featuring Popular and Fifties Music SAT., FEBRUARY 5th 8:30 P.M. Fifties Music at 1950 Prices! ADMISSION - $3.00 per couple. _ --_-- SEPA Se