x SU : AVE 5 N PUSS AAG Fg EX LR a a Td A Ca ed Se Sa SUS a Se a wn Sul wre os Sh nd bat RT Se Ae. > So TR hs val ANE Cel 5 LEK IES « 1 NC Sea tA TRE ALLAN a NAY Ard LOE CASRN Naa SANTO BG Be 3 SR MRE TE Ra SIA AAT SRA TAH RAR Cali SE [ES EARL BEY ds i Wana THRE gf 20 0 oo 4 rR wrt LS f 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 1, 1983 letters fA TY A LR NE EE TT BSE wh ted ar Drinking and driving a crime? one life saved was your own or your child's. When the fear of God is losing its effect as it is in our society, we have to drunk. Spending time in bars especially if they are easily accessible, could become a tempta- tion to the partners of a (From page 5) purpose of our laws should be the same as well as the effectiveness. The advertising and the glamour of the bottle marriage, a former have an alternative to and the life of night-clubs alcoholic or a juvenile; protect man from each that our government sup- who wouldn't otherwise other. A sociable drunk for relaxing is rarely con- sumed at the same plies is hypocritical. It should, however, be directed to people with have transportation and might spend that time more valuably with self control and control of children, friends or fami- degree of quantity. Un- their judgement for ly. There must be an fortunately, we don't all alcohol intake especially equivalent means of hold our liquor with the same awareness and to enforce laws to the if they know they are driving later. To make social relaxation. To pro- tect those in this case pubs more easily means a sacrifice to stability of each impair- available in neigh- those withself control. If ment would be a never bourhoods, regardless of the prevention or lessen- ending debate in a cour- how respectable they are ing the chance of loss troom, Therefore, justice could add to the pro- even one life means the can not be applied equal- blems of drinking rather fear of strict law enforce- ment, wouldn't you vote than controlling the for that especially if tht distance of driving by a editorial comments (continued) up, let us hope once again that the Conservatives can "get their act together' so to speak, resolve Dear Sir: Since I have been discharged from the Port Perry Hospital after surgery that I had, I started to do a little thinking and realized, just how I had taken our hospital for granted. It is always there when I or this leadership issue once and for all and offer my family needs it. the electorates a credible alternative, to what I am sure like myself we've had for the past few years. the average person does The next few weeks, possibly days, will be Dt give a thought to the crucial for the future fortunes of the Conser- handy facilities and il . a - cess we have to our little vatives. The country is still waiting for them to hospital. While I was in the hospital, from the day I arrived till I was "clear the air," but the question is how long can that waiting go on. 0) DURHAM THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF: The Municipal Act, Sections 298 and 301(R.S.0. 1980) TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham may pass by-laws uthertz!l construction of the following projects: ROAD ra NO. ROAD NAME MUNICIPALITY LOCATION "\_2 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa From Switzer Drive to Regional ? Road 4 (Taunton Road) (shen Conc. Rd. Whitby Through Ashburn { 5 Ninth Conc. Rd. Pickering From 2.1 km west of Regional Road 22 westerly for 2.7 km 15 Simcoe St. Brock From John Street easterly (Beaverton) for 0.9 km 15 Road 15 Brock Cameron Bridge, 2.9 km east of Highway 12/48 30 York-Durham Boundary Road Uxbridge From Highway 47 northerly for for 2.2 km Centre Street Oshawa Intersection improvement at Brock Street Mill St. Newcastle: ~ Intersection improvement at (Newcastle North Street Yillage) 21/ Road 21/Road 23 Uxbridge/ Intersection improvement™ 23 Scugog Bayly Street Pickering Intersection improvement at Sandy Beach Road 4/ Taunton Road/ Newcastle 57 Road 57 Intersection improvement Harwood Avenue Ajax Intersection improvement at Station Street, Kings Crescent and Hunt Street Plans showing details of the projects and the lands affected may be seen at the office of the Road Design Engineer of the Durham Works Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, Telephone 668-7721. Works Committee, being delegated by Regional Council as the hearing body, shall hear in person or by his or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims his or her land will be prejudicially affected by the by-laws and who applies on or before February 25, 1983, to the undersigned to be heard at a meeting of the Works Committee on March 8, 1983. DATED at Whitby this 25th day of January, 1983. G., EMM W.A. TWELVETREES, P. ENG. WORKS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN COMMISSIONER OF WORKS ly to each incident. To whatever the degree the seriousness of the charge, if it involes im- pairment, it should in- volve conviction. If in our world the on- ly guarantee of protec- tion against alcohol con- trol is fear of the law, let's strengthen its means and learn to relax and enjoy each others company without any other spirit than the one we were born with. - Yours truly R. Barnhardt Port Perry Hospital care discharged, the care I received was excellent. If I awoke in the night, there always seemed to be a nurse asking me if I was comfortable or in pain. What I am trying to say is I wonder if the residents in Port Perry realize how fortunate we are to have an efficient- ly run hospital like the Community Memorial. The coordinator and the staff should be com- mended. We also must not forget the services of our 'Doctors. Sincerely Stella Dennis Port Perry £3 a Se IOS COACARIN SF 0 SER 2s ESRC SRR Heart Month at Uxpool Dear Sir: As most of us now know, February is heart month and we at Uxpool in Uxbridge are making our own contribution to this worthwhile cause. Our aim is to promote a greater awareness of Cardio-Pulmonary fitness, by sponsoring an event at Uxpool. This event will be tak- ing place during Valen- tine"s week. It is, of course, a participatory activity and restricted to adults 20 and over. It is the Second Annual Adult Fitness Swim sponsored by Masters Swimming Ontario. With the maturing population, sports have become the domain of all age groups (i.e. lob ball, non contact hockey etc.) and swimming is no ex- ception. Masters Swim- ming Ontario sponsors competitive swimming meets for adults over 20 and this event captures both your competitive in- stincts and helps provide you with a comparitive fitness test that is fun. It also allows you to work within your own age group and to join in the fun! Based on the number of laps swum in either on half hour or one hour (don't forget to bring a lap counter-timer) swim- mers will eventually be listed with all other On- tario swimmers within their five year groups. As this is an annual event, participants will have a chance to compare stan- dings from year to year. So get out and practice and get ready for the week of February 14th, 1983. Both you and your heart can only benefit. LOCATION: Uxpool, Uxbridge. Annual Furniture Sale! TIME: Week of Feb. 14 -18; 12:00 -1:00 or 5:00 - 6:00. ELIGIBILITY: Any adult interested in swim- ming for fitness whether - or not with'Masters. AGE GROUPS: 20-24; 25-29; 30-34; 35-39; 40-44; 45-49; 50-54; 55-59; 60-64; 65-69; 70-74; 75 and over for both men and women. MEDICAL: If not ac- tively swimming prior to this event, you are advis- ed to have a medical check-up. ENTRY FEES: $4.00 per event; two dollars will be donated to the On- tario Heart Foundation, Dear Sir: This past Tuesday at the Open. Seagrave Board Meeting, only seven people were in attendance other than the Park Board Members themselves. Why? There are six active adult ball teams who use the park all summer - over 100 adults (and this is not counting the tennis players or horse- shoe players or other park users), and yet, only seven people attended to voice their opinions. As a person not on the board - who loves ball and appreciates the community he lives in - I find this turn-out simply appalling. There has only been two new members on the board in six years. Those same people have done an outstanding job, but why does a comm- unity have to abuse the enthusiasm and ded- ication of a few individuals. the remainder will recover the cost of ad- ministration. Uxpool ad- ~ mission will be waived if you are swimming the "Masters event. Entry fees payable to Ontario Masters. Leave this at Uxpool. ) We hope that this event will catch the interest of your readers and that many participate in it. If there are any questions feel free to call us at Ux- pool 852-7831. Sincerely Bonnie Branton Uxpool Event Co-Ordinator, Seagrave Park The election of officers has been post- poned to Tuesday, Feb- ruary 8, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. If you want a park - if you want a ball team - if you want your children to play ball - if you want a park your family can enjoy - be there to voice your opinion. Otherwise. .don't be surprised to see "Our Community Park"' returned to the farmer's field it was twelve years ago. Yours truly D.D. Adams Seagrave. 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