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The Borelians are now into their second month of rehearsals™~for the production which opens at Town Hall, 1873 on February 24. Producer Lyn Sparl- ing said last week this production of "Nurse Jane' is one of the most ambitious ever under- taken by the popular community theatre group and everyone in- volved from the cast to those working back- stage are very excited about the prospects. One of the reasons is that this production is under the direction of Sandy Macdonald, a 42- year old professional director from Hamilton who studied and worked in England. In addition to working now as a free-lance professional directory he holds work- shops in drama and dir- ecting. Mr. Macdonald was hired by the Borelians for this production through the community theatre training pro- gram of Theatre Ont- ario which helped with a grant to the Borelians. Not only is he passing on his expertise in the production of "Nurse Jane," his presence pro- vides an. educational and learning experience for members of the cast and directors with the Borelians. CATERING SERVICE Let us make your parties easier! All home cooked meals. We cater for all your catering needs. Barten- ders available. For information Call: 985-2459 985-3997 Hennie Jackson Sylvia Parker a-aa "Nurse Jane" opens February 24 and will be staged on the 25th and 26th of February along with two more perform- ances on March 4 and 5. And the Feb. 26 pro- duction will be ad- judicated by Ron Cam- eron for the Association of Community Theatres: competitions where the winners will compete again in Sudbury later this spring. "Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii" was written by Toronto author Allen Stratton and in fact has nothing to do with nursing or Hawaii. The title is the title of a romantic novel written by one of the characters in the play. It is a farcical comedy set in -contemporary times with seven char- acters who find them- selves in all kinds of predicaments. Mr. Macdonald said last week that as-a farcical comedy, the play is a difficult one because of the fast pacing and the technical demands on the actors involved. The seven actors in this production all have a wide background in amateur theatre and in fact, Mr. Macdonald specifically asked that the actors have stage experience. Kathy James, Bethany Schryburt, Dave Ellis, Ed Daigle, Tammy Chilco, Steve Foote and Irma Lewis have the roles in this play with set design by Les Parkes, lighting by Dave Sparling, make-up by Lana Douglas, and costumes by Zona Parkes. Terry Hodgins - is serving as stage man- ager and assistant dir- ector. Mrs. Sparling told the Star Sunday that the two dinner-theatre pro- ductions of the play on Feb. 26 and March 5 are sold-out, but -there are still some tickets re- maining for the other nights which will be '""Cabaret-style" at Town Hall, 1873. The production is now into four a week re- hearsals in preparation for opening night, and the result should be a delight for the audience. COMFORT For All Of Your PETROLEUM REQUIREMENTS and 24 Hour Complete Heating Service in Port Perry EMERGENCY SERVICE Day or Night - Phone 985-2572 Furnaces - Air Conditioners - Boilers - Air Cleaners - Humidifiers - HOME Rehearsals for the Borelians production of "Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii" have been underway since early January and will continue right up to opening night later this month. This farcical comedy is being carefully wat- ched by professional director Sandy Macdonald of Hamilton (left). In this scene, Bethany Schryburt (with the raised bottle) has something in mind for Ed Daigle and Kathy James. The production is an ambitious under- taking for the Borelians for several reasons and pro- mises to be a delight for audiences. Prince Albert area news by Ilean Pugh Thursday evening the euchre players arrived at the Community Centre for a night of cards. The winners for the ladies: Pat Norton, Annie Manns and Edith Burgess. Men: Myrtle 'Alsop, Charlie Dennie, and Ilean Pugh. The lone hand series winner was Doris Rohrer with 17. The annual meeting of the Community Centre Board will be held on Tues. Feb. 15th at 8:15. This meeting is open to anyone in the village and .area. The present board urge you to come out and bring along any sugges- tions you have to raise money to help maintain ~ your Community Centre. It just doesn't happen by itself. Sympathy to Karel and Jack Nottingham, Paul and Gerry Espie of Haliburton on the pass- ing of their Mother, Mrs. Espie of Port Perry. Paul and his family lived in Prince Albert for a number of years. Needless to say, Fred McMann and his family must be very excited Police baffled by mystery break-in Durham Police are trying to figure out a break in over the week end at the Peterborough Lumber Store in Port Perry. According to a police spokesman Monday afternoon, the store was entered some time Sat- urday night and all the 5 Year Annual Interest APPLY TO 2%" MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP 2 STERLING STERLING TRUST CORPORATION DON FORDER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 30 WATER ST., PORT PERRY - 985-8471 RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE desks and offices were thoroughly searched. The store safe was not tampered with and there was apparently nothing taken from the building. But the spokesman said whoever broke in spent "quite a bit of time" in the store. these days after winning a jackpot prize with Win- tario. Mrs. Angie Gra- inger of Port Perry 'shared in the jackpot. Husband Tom was a former Prince Albert U.C.W. are holding their mystery sister dinner and fun night on Wed. Feb. 16th at 6:30 in the church basement. Some of the girls are anxiously waiting to find out who their mystery sister has been for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clodd entertained Esthers brother's nieces and nephews on Satur- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. Perry, Janetville, Mr. and Mrs. R. Perry, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. N. Powers, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. G. Perry, Oshawa. Also spending a few days are cousins- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Perry of Southwold. Will you please call Earline Armstrong with your news 985-7873. Guaranteed Service Guaranteed GM Parts Guaranteed Price AES a a ---- TE As 4 aan uly, or % , RIE 0 PAN Tons SO i yi: wll aly SENIOR CITIZENS SERVICE SPECIALS During the month of February, 1983, a 10% Discount as shown in this advertisement will apply to the following Senior Citizen's Service Specials upon presentation of an Ontario Senior Citizen's Privilege Card . 10% SENIOR CITIZEN'S DISCOUNT ON PARTS & LABOUR ON ALL SERVICE CHECK-UPS (In effect until February 28, 1983.) Call our Service or Parts Dept. for an Appointment! It's Always Worth the Trip to ... PELL BP PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry - 985-8474