EEN HY ) Port Perry, artist Leslie A. Parkes earned another major prize for his painting last Monday. At the 8th Annual Juried Art Exhibit in Mississauga, his submis- sion entitled 'Washed Ashore' a rendering of driftwood on a local beach, was judged Best Watercolour of the show at the Central Library Gallery there. Mr. Parkes had won a similar award last May for his painting entitled "Municipal Garbage' at the Robert McLaughlin CHICKEN - SPECIAL - *We are Now Serving Clam Chowder* GALLEY FISH & CHIPS I 161 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY - 985-8647 | -- PHONE FOR FASTER SERVICE -- : bn -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- GG S-- -- -- -- --_ -- -- 4 Ca en ed wn nn" ed Sd Sn Sm wm We wn www w---- EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY |} 50° OFF 1st through 12th, 1983) { Snack & Dinner : { $2.00 OFF { Any Bucket { : Hi NA YE ay ies I ARATE RLS NE rT LY ATA LA "A AREAS, A : ARRAN RE REAR 5 {Penh Le 2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 8, 1983 Local artist wins major prize for best watercolour at show Art Gallery in Oshawa. Adjudicator Gordon Peter, member of the renowned Royal Water- colour Society of England, stated in his remarks that from a total of 250 entries, only a few were selected for hanging and he had carefully chosen the very finest examples in their various separate categories. Awards were presented to the winners during a brief opening ceremony before an en- thusiastic gathering on January 31st. The exhibi- tion continues until March 11th. Drag races to feature world speed attempt Although the weather- man hasn't co-operated with snowmobilers this winter, the Port Perry Snowmobile Club is busy preparing for its annual drag races to be held on Kent's Bay. Previous to this year, the drag races were a one-day event, but this year they have been ex- tended to two-days and will be held on Saturday and Sunday, February 12th and 13th. Lack of snow at this event will not curtail the racing since the drag SAVE up to 38% on 20-Piece Service for 4 in Silverplate and Stainless 20-PIECE SERVICE FOR 4 includes 4 Salad Forks. 4 Dinner Forks, 4 Dinner Kneves. 4 Dessen/Soup Spoons 4 Teaspoons o C. HEIRLOOM LTD STAINLESS pT. Cal -_ beauty of Community is Regular suggested retad $210.00 0. 10810 ROGERSO SILVERPLATE.. $ 040s The Rogers name brings you 8 history of Np. Here is value wr Lol beyond price. Regular suggested cetad $150.00 BONEIDA The silver cube. Our silversmirhs' mark of excellence Sale On February 7th to 19th SEY MET RENE EL 8S 174 Queen St., 985-7641 Port Perry races are held on ice. And for the first time, the Drag Races have been sanctioned so many top name riders will be pre- sent, making this one of the most exciting events ever held on Lake Scugog. A first also this year is the attempt at a land speed record to take place on Sunday, February 13th, which now stands at 148.6 MPH. Few events have so ex- cited the media and spec- tators in the past few years as the world record speed run. This event tops off a new speed series that in- cludes five races which will take place in Min- nesota, New Hampshire, Port Perry, Canada and Wisconsin. The world record could be set at any of the tracks, and there is an overall point champion for the series, top speed -- winner at each race, and finally the World Cham- pionship to be determin- ed at Rice Lake, Min- nesota on February 19-20. SCUGOG GLASS & MIRROR 149 Scugog St. (7A & Water Streets) Port Perry Clearance 15: ALL WALL MIRRORS In stock - till Feb. 12/83 985-2844 Add-A-Furnace® w MONARCH QUALITY SINCE 1896 de aril fm c gi "Winter 1 Snow at last It's been a long time coming, but old man winter finally drop- ped about four inches of snow onto Scugog Township last Monday 'morning. Above, Laverne Martyn clears the snow off the sidewalk in front of Brock's Department Store. Snowmobilers and skiers will be sure to have smiles on their faces this week as there has been virtually no snow to this point of the winter and it will give them a chance to enjoy their winter sports. Soft Water without Salt! DR. BROWNLEE WATER IRONIZER & PURIFIER *90 Day Guarantee *Lasts a Lifetime *No Maintenance *100% Canadian $100" SCUGOG OVERHEAD DOOR SERVICE RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL *New Installations & Repairs *Wood & Steel Sectional Doors plus One Piece Steel Doors. AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATOR SERVICE 985-3735 CALL. PAT PORRILL ... 986-4728 © Large selection of late model Goodwill used cars & trucks ® 12.9% Financing available on all new "82 & "83 cars & light duty trucks © Several GM company car & dealership © Competitive bank interest rates available demos available at reduced prices on used vehicles ® Top trade-in allowance for your present vehicle TODAY ... Get a Sweetheart of a Deal at PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 VANEDWARD DRIVE, PORT PERRY - 985.7484