Ld Fue NEL ay AN 5 Bt edd a SRE v IN I Ped hp RS Fad SHA A "x 4 Ld . a al be at Ke Hg RAY COR EAR ATR ARAN HI FEB EAL PA ie FP IR Seagrave news Ep 4 ah A RA pot ke Us gt ERSTE A ERE IRYR EAE J Seandrad dalratetatuly hy NN Sand Ri sre 2). g 2" ROTATE ry : & dh Lad Pa SAR FF 4] 277 23 LRT er Lig airy, PR A SR 7 ER RR LIS PPR a AR FAL ' HL Abd ITE CRATIAEET EA ideas sdrialirindids wing ! PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 8, 1983 -- 31 Greenbank and Epsom School Reporfs (Frompogoz9) ple sinc 12 oz. and in 3rd place- participated. We are comfortably in- take place in the first On Thursday, January the following Saturday at minology, etc. i was Bill Shortt of We are sorry to report to a new year now with week of February with 2 Joh, or parents J and 2:8 p.m. If Jou. arefor- Students from Sree 4 Mariposa Estates with that Monica Billings Many things behind us winner rom Schoo " : joine e unate enough avea bank and Epsom Public eh one weighing in at 6 Ibs. although home from the and a host of new events Jpee ing a RH pu Froues or 2 game 2 Sompiller iy fhe home, School will be using the th In fish fficial Jospltal 4 sil) noi feo) ls. experiences aheadof pm. Parents ) are - of the students, ly take boty Even if ol Dg Sinn er oe he icial- i : .m. ' : da, ly whi ot i goo oy PLY Jor is Prior to Christmas, we welcome to attend. We the older folk displayed don't have one, you will regularly scheduled i i Seagrave Store and the hope these two gals will surveyed the parents hope tg Dill shearers considerable skill during find 5a progam very physical education 2 | ornierswiblotnk som bo fesng a bi TATE our early Wl BIOL 0 Owe nonin work ors Looimovatng | the girls at the Store for stronger. start (8:30 a.m.) and a) a pyott Seon Bare Mor 0 " 5 e wor ing of a and hockey skills. Al be their co-operation. Be sure to circle Sun- found eighty per cent in Lg ig pte ° og , ~ mpson and computer, oper a ing a students hopefully will be AL The winner will day Feb. 20th. That's the favour, twelve per cent eld la er this mo all parent rivers are microcompu er, | participating beginning fis receive a bottle of datereservedforanhour With no opinion and eight or 00 aTIRes ne x hes Sony Seite Cove Oping a simple January 27 to April 8, £4 medicine and a quantity 'and a half of family Pe' Cent against, 8th Son Pes Y y SD. Computers in E ny Row " p! p DEI) 1983. More details will LAF of cash along with a -gkating at the Oakwood On Wednesday, , to be ready prior on pl er > in p ucation grasping some of theter- follow in a newsletter. for trophy. The organizers Arena sponsored by our January 5, 1983, the to the Mid-winter break. Ne | © roa casting fhe (a few lads from the ocal Parks Association. School Advisory Com- Mr. Bark's class isen- twelve half-hour televi- o% = fi The time will be from Mittee (S.A.C.) met at joying the weekly visit to sion programs beginning [\! Urc ervices $i SHARP - CANON 6:00 p.m. to7:30 p.m. So Greenbank Public the R.H. Cornish gym- Wednesday, Feb. 16th, 75 TEXASINSTRUMENTS | sharpen up those blades School, 7:30 p.m. nasium on Thursdays, 1983-9:00 p.m. Each pro- THE UNITED cH ANGLICAN i CALCULATORS and head on up to Christin Heinze, our making use of the extra gram will be repeated OF ANCIUR Rev NOLICAN {is hi Oakwood on the 20th. psychometrist from the equipment and facilities. enn Seon pr A foo $s, . & Adding Machines That's it for this week. Psychological services : ckso on R ats! » department th M.A.B.D. ASCENSION Ri PO amount | Loks. Plase call Paty LCS speaker for the | FOR THE HARD OF HEARING! Port Perry 4s 235 Queen Street Williams at 985-2453 with 8uest speaker for the ! SUNDAY FEB.13 4 383 : gs evening. The group 10:00 a.m. Mo SUNDAY FEB. 13 985-7 any news for next week's :00 a.m. Morning column found her message to be Mee Worship The last Sunday : extremely informative Y: SHOPPE and Church School Biter Epiphany on a number of topics -loa.m. DOGGIE SALON Clarence Willcock Ie des & HEARING AID CENTRES PRINCE ALBERT Morning Prayer : ; i i SUNDAY FEB. 13 Dog Washing & Grooming WE LDING behaviour, -- 2nd 4 Valo: us) your 11:30 a.m. Morning ST. JOHNS 19 SUNRISE DR, BLACKSTOCK Shop & Mobile . - ? q Worshi BLACKSTOCK 28 behaviour assessment GOULD ACTIVAIR p SUNDAY FEB. 13 : CALL 986-4989 Kab 4 fenalis la i and Church School ' | : 4 classes etc., and wish to da Appo PHONE 985-2589 : BATTERIES The last Sunday 3 For intment. thank her for her time . . after Epiphan & - Hearing Test at No Charge or Obligation - SCUGOG Pp y pots and effort PASTORAL CHARGE 9:204.m, 3 Fund raisi ; A Danforth NEED Woks oles. Bool HEARING AID REPAIRS Rev. C. Clarke Morning Prayer 3 . PHOTO Greenbank and Epsom. [ ToAll Makes 599% 6 MO. Miss Beatrice McLean oo oo oon 7 T ewriter : The Schools realized a during February .. $ ARRANTY Services Pe COPIES? llecti fit of : Scugog 9:45 a.m. CHURCH IN CANADA i : collective profit of $2,000 - - Manchester 11:15 a.m. Rev. Stuart McEntyre £5 RENTAL - SALES Jognde - Greenbank ($1,300) Ep- 8 FREE BATTERY - With Each Inquiry oA BA. B.D. ba SERVICE - REPAIRS em for you: som ($700). This will .@ (APPLICABLE IN FEBRUARY ONLY!) Phone 985-3409 or by 408 Dundas SL W PORT PERRY STAR surely go a long way " 985-3881 A . 235 Queen Street towards fina school DEALERS FOR: Danavok, Unitron, Starkey plus ST. JOHNS £) Whitby 666-1131 985-7383 activities su¢h as bus 10 otter ES OPOLTAN GFE PORT PERRY 3 rips, field gay 5 Closing BLUE CROSS, GREEN SHIELD 319 Queen Street " exercises, trophies an & GOVERNMENT HEARING AID PLANS. SUNDAY FEB. 13 Xi IYTUNIIDY RINT special projects. Many 0:55am. thanks to the community |W 28 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY Family Worship for the wonderful Message: The Motto of support. ee LAKEVIEW PLAZA 985-9388 PORT PERRY a Moving Church WALLALE #35100 Public Speaking will PAPTIRE GSACH Junior Church | 40 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry iwy 78, Just asst of BUBNS CHURCH (Behind Philp Pontiac-Buick Limited) THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM Port Perry) ASHBURN ] ila ANIMAL FEED & HEALTH PRODUCTS a ay Pastor D. Payne, SUNDAY FEB. 13 'GARDEN SUPPLIES - FENCE FD) B.A.B. Th. 10:00a.m. FERTILIZER -- WILD BIRD SEED Assoc. Pastor Church School | Ak.) DOG FOOD - CONDITIONER SALT DURHAM 9: fon hog om eh Fae, a hi ' y Worship 985-7363 IN THE MATTER OF: 11:00am. and 6:30 p.m. Message: The Motto of The Municipal Act, ign 2 Mewing Casd) \ : urs ces : PROFESSIONAL SERVICES | Sections 298 and 301(R.S.0. 1980) Nursery Provided a ues § TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Tuesday 9:45 a.m. : ' Durham may pass by-laws authorizing construction of the following projects: -11:00 a.m. WELCOME TO Alex J. Shepherd Ladies Coffee Hour EMMANUEL i ROAD i "CH ARTERED ACCOUNTANT NO. ROAD NAME MUNICIPALITY LOCATION Wednesday 7:30 p.m. PENTECOSTAL 3 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Simcoe St. N. Ushawa From Switzer Drive to Regional Family Prayer and CHURCH i Corporation, Small Business Accounting & Taxation Road 4 (Taunton Road) Bible Study Queen and Rosa Streets Farm Accounting & Taxation - Bookkeeping Services y with -- Thursday 7:00 p.m. Pastor R. Hilsden "PHONE (416) 985-7031 Ninth Conc. Rd. Whitby rough Ashourn Pioneer Girls and 10 a.m. Sunday School Ninth Conc. Rd. Pickering From 2.1 km west of Regional C.S.B. (for boys) 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. . Road 23 westerly for 2.7 km Friday -C.F.C. for teens Sunday Services EMIVIERSON Simcoe St. Edis ; From dom Street easterly Wed. Bible Study Beaverton for 0.9 km EMMANUEL 8p.m. INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED rT Road 15 Brock Cameron Bridge, 2.9 km east of FULL GOSPEL 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY Highway 12/48 FELLOWSHIP HOPE CHRISTIAN "All Lines of York-Durh Uxbridge From Highway 47 northerly f Durham Rd. 23 REFORMED CHURCH - General Insurance!" (416) 983 7306 Boundary Road ore for 2.2 km and 7th Conc. OF PORT PERRY Rev. G.B. Parks (166 Simcoe St. S Centre Street Oshawa Intersection improvenent a3 852-5871 Prince Albert) WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE . '9:45 a.m. Sunday School Watch our Church t. Newcastle Intersection improvement at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 (Newcastle North Street n p.m. program CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS village) Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Faith 20 on Global TV H 230 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY - 985-8893, Road 21/Road 23 Uxbridge/ "Intersection improvement « Bible Study every Sunday morning | BOOKKEEPING - ACCOUNTING - INCOME TAX scugog Bile iStarsmptic hom, : x : Eom Sr Best OCR LOR, ereomalincoriator Bayly Street Pickering Intersection improvement at ng ure Service 10:00 a.m. | Corpor. d ; OFFICES IN PORT PERRY, OSHAWA & BOWMANYILLE Sancy Beach Read Rev. Carel Goleynse | R. MOASE - RESIDENCE 985-7225 Taunton Road/ Newcastle Intersection improvement R R 2 Port Pe | Read 67 NESTLETON os TY | PENTECOSTAL Intersection improvement at Station Street, Kings Crescent and Hunt Street Harwood Avenue Ajax Welcomes You Everyone Welcome Pastors Batten E. MANNEN, oc.ox CAESAREA DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC - DRUGLESS THERAPY Plans showing details of the projects and the lands affected may be seen at and MacLean COMMUNITY CHURCH the office of the Road Design Engineer of the Durham Works Department, 105 Sunday 1:00 p.m. W.H ford 24 WATER ST For Appointment Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, Telephone 668-7721. . Rev. W.H. Crawfor = at 7A Presbyterian D.D PORT PERRY CALL: 985-9192 Works Committee, being delegated by Regional Council as the hearing body, Church Sunday School 10:00 a.m ' - " n shall hear in person or by his or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any Inspiring music y . Pdi person who claims his or her land will be prejudicially affected by the d : Family Worship R. CHLADNY by-laws and who applies on or before February 25, 1983, to the undersigned an preaching 11:00 a.m. to hi i f the Works Committee on March 8, 1983. be heard at a meeting o Welcome to the Country Church DATED at Whitby this 25th day of January, 1983. "hr CALL: 986-5336 G. EMM WORKS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN W.A. TWELVETREES, P. ENG. " COMMISSIONER OF WORKS EEE a I ii I TN,