Tr SRN Cale A+ LT ess ey ie En = Eo Re Pon A FTI Pn et YA SPL) | 3 SSAA ; HEE RAT RRA) a ag 32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 26, 1983 BRAT oR AIK For Sale For Sale Used Cars Wanted to Buy Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted WOODWORKERS 10 inch lable saw; 14 inch band saw, drill press; 6 inch jointer; thickness planer. Shopsmith 985-2443. TF SEED potatoes 20 cents pound; Jiffy 7 peat pellets; multipliers, dutch and spanish sets Chicken and Duck St Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Or. Port Perry 9857363. BOYS three piece navy pin- striped suite, size 20, like new - $45 986-4314. HANGING plants, flower and vegetable box plants. Great Mother's Day gift. 1/8 mile east of Oshawa Road on Shirley Road M3 1976 YAMAHA Motorcycle, RD400. 985-9154 after 7 p.m. FIFTEEN foot fibreglass boat $300. 985-9216. NEW Martin wagons, 6, 7, 8 and 10 ton. Call now for prices and delivery dates. 705-786-3267 after 6 p.m.M 3 TWELVE foot aluminum boat, 6 horse Viking motor, tank and oars. $1,000. 985-3809. MAGNETIC SIGNS for your car, truck, mailbox etc. Call for prices. Port Perry Star 985-7383. TF PROFESSIONAL steam cleaning of your carpets. Free estimates. Call Phil 986-5559 A 26 MAPLE bunk beds $85.; Walnut 5 drawer chest of drawers $70.; 5piece kitchen chrome set $60. 985-8368. MOVING -- MUST SELL. Kenmore washing machine 6 yrs. old- $200.; Lloyds AM- FM Stereo with 8 track and Gerrard Record player, speakers $75.; G.E. heavy duty dryer $45.; house trailer- wheels and axles $200.; Lionel 1973 hardtop tent trailer, excellent condi- tion, ice-box, 2 burner stove, sink, 20 ga. water tank, in- terior lights and sleeps six $1.400.; portable Airco 300 amp DC welding machine $900.; Kenmore electric stove $200.; parts for wood splitter, giant cylinder, beam, wheels and axle. Call 986-4800. WEDDING INVITATIONS personalized stationery, napkins, matches, playing cards, etc. Call The Port Perry Star, 985-7383. TF FIREWOOD in 4 ft. split, 5 cords per load. Also available in 16 inch, cut and split. 985-3361. TF MOVING. Selling contents of home. Call after 6 p.m. 985-3987. M3 CHESTERFIELD 7 piece sectional, teal blue plush, ultra modern. $450. Call 985-8834. OLD oak filing cabinet, 6 drawers, stand and finished top. $225. 986-5350. TEN good cross-bred ewes, | 3 years old, good average. $75 each. 986-5350. RIFLE. Crackshot, single 32 short, breakdown model with bullets. Good condition. $175. 986-5350. LOSE weight fast, easy and naturally the herbal way. 985-3778. TMD STRAWBERRY Wai fak- ing orders now. 9857473:M 3 14 FT. Fibreglass runabout, 18 hp. Johnson and trailer, $600 or best offer. 985-2784. MOVING Contents of house, also Volkswagon and Volvo parts. Must sell. Also 3 Buick. 984-4714. Ar CEDARS for hedging, aly sizes, picked up, delivered or planted. Phone Ap 4 80 RM Suzuki Trail Bike, $325. Also Argo six-wheel all terrain vehicle * $1,000. 985-2975. 4 TWO lawnmowers, cellent condition, also 4 G.M. Rally wheels and radial tires in good condition. 852-7793. ex: DINING room suite, table, 4 chairs, buffet, walnut Perfect condition. .725 2681 after 4 p.m. TWIN plastic laundry tubs. Like new. Reasonable Phone 985-7937. POOL SALE. Manufac., turer's clearance on above and inground pools, many models at fantastic savings Shop Direct 416 522-1414 PERMA-ARCH buildings, 19 x 24 Do-it-Yourself kit com- plete with 8 x 10 sliding doors, instructions and guarantee. F.O.B. Factory, Mississauga, Ontario. Retail price $3,475 -- while they last only $2,395. Call collect 1-416-678-1585. USED DESK, file cabinets, bookcases, tables, room dividers, stacking chairs, of- fice chairs, storage cabinets, steel adjustable shelving. Louvre new and used. 254 Adelaide St., S., London, 681-2254. Mon.-Fri. 9 to 5; Sat. 9 10 12. STEEL from our factory. Manufacturer has all steel buildings at factory direct savings to you. Ask about our new design straight wall and take advantage of our first time buyer savings. Call 1-800-268-4942. Miracle Span, first in steel buildings. CANADA'S lowest price Satellite TV Systems. Com- plete package, Western Satellite Supply, Saskatoon. Phone 306-934-1701. Dealer inquiries invited. MASSAGE recliner $75; sofa, bed, kitchen table, 2 new aluminum storm doors, etc. 985-3996. SINGER treadle sewing machine in working condi- tion, good oak cabinet- $60. Call 985-7721. GLASS AND MIRRORS Order your bathroom or full length mirror now - Cut to your own measurements at no extra cost. Free installa- tion on any mirror over 10 sq. ft. till May 1, 1983. We specialize in mirror wall in- stallations - free - no obliga- tion - estimates any time. Table tops and furniture glass are available jp Clear, Smoked or Bronze glass. We can supply sliding doors - shelving - thermopane and window glass. In the store we have wall mirrors and framed pictures. Picture framing is also available. Come in and see us at Scugog Glass and Mirror, Lakeview Plaza (7A and Water St.) Port Perry or call 985- 2844. MOTORCYCLE 1980 Yamaha 650. Special, 1400 miles, good condition. Best offer. Phone 985-8871 after 6 p-m. -- Ei EIGHT foot cedar posts. 985-3680. BABY crib, no mattress $30. 986-4640. XR200R HONDA, 1982, ex- cellent $1,000; GS750 Suzukl, 1977, certifled, $1,500 985-2936 or 985-3068. Ask for Len. '72 GMC, 3 speed standard transmission. $50. 985-4744. '1-73 VEGA front fenders, excellent condition. $100. for the pair. 986-4744. ~NEW 1975 Ford LTD radiator $85. 986-4744. HOLMES 460 wrecker, 2 winches, 2 swing-out booms, 2 cables, 6000 Ib. capacity. $1,500. 986-4744. 1969 NOVA SS, ps, pb, tilt steering, bucket seats, con- sole, shifter, red crushed velvet interior, candy-apple red paint job; Corvette rallyrims, 60's on rear, 70's on front. $2,000 or best offer. 985-3789 or 986-4451. 1973 PLYMOUTH Duster, slant 6, radio. As is. Best of- fer. 985-9283. 1977 CAMARO LT 305, auto, pb. ps. Excellent condition, no rust, 55,000 miles, cer- tified. Asking $3,800. 985-8051. 1975 FORD Comet, 4 door, 6 cylinder, certifiable. $800 or best offer. 985-3628. 1974 ASTRE, station wagon, 4 speed, 4 cylinder, good condition. Certified. $600. 985-2006. 1976 DODGE Dart, Slant 6, ps. pb, rear window defog- ger, $795 as is. 1977 Plymouth $500. 985-2589.M 3 Used Trucks 1970 DODGE one ton, 12 ft. stake platform. 985-2589.A 26 1947 WILLY'S Van, 4 cylinder, auto (rebuilt), great for summer. $1,600. 986-5350. 1979 FORD F100 Ranger XLT Factory aluminum running boards, 32,000 miles. $5,000 firm. Call 985-2466. 1978 CHEVY Van, ps, pb, automatic, radio and CB, heavy duty springs and shocks, excellent condition. Call after 5 p.m. 986-5309. Business Opportunity RAISE chincillas in your basement, shed. Good profit potential. Low Investment, financing avallable. Guaranteed market. Cana- dian Chincilla, P.O. Box 1684, St. Marys, Ontario. NOM 2V0. 519-229-6117. CASH CROP. Become part of a multi-million dollar in- dustry. Earn $20,000 per year, covered by a buy-back contract, for part time work ideally suited for operation in your home or backyard. We offer: equipment package, formal fraining, on-going assistance, ab- solutely no selling or public contact work. Investment of $6550 required. For further information call: Delite Hor- ticultural Systems, Inc. 6533D Mississauga Rd., Mississauga, Ontario. L5N 1A6 AC 415-821-2152. THE Multi-Level rush ison. Where will you be? In the rush? Or left in the dust? Let "Eldorado" help you get in ---on a ground floor opportuni: ty who's time has come. For 'detalls, send $2.00 to: Eldorado Diversified Inc., 964 Albion Road, Suite 104, Rexdale, Ontaro M9V 1A7. cap, - "CASH For Old Hand-made Quilts and Old Wooden Rocking Horses."" Call 725-8227. MN GOOD USED apartment size or upright pianos. Ser- vice and tuning available for all makes. lrwin Smith Music Ltd. 985-2635. TF SCRAP CARS. Highest prices paid, will pick up. 985-8636 or 985 3348. TF WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE any complete stan- dard size car, free towing. 576-2160. Art's Auto Wreckers Limited. TF WANTED to buy all types of poultry, chickens, duck, geese, rabbits or what have you. Call Mike anytime at 985-8824. F 22 OLD SCRAP CARS NEWER WRECKED CARS UNCERTIFIABLE CARS can be turned into cash on the spot. We are always ready to buy cars & light trucks. A licenced Auto Wreckers. We Sell Guaranteed Used Parts. OPEN: Mon.-Fri 5pm. Saturday 9am. to 2 p.m. SCALA BROS. AUTO WRECKERS R.R. 4, PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3132 Cash « Gold All gold and silver items - rings, watch- es, earrings, chains, medals and dental gold. Damaged or broken items accept- able. Special prices for Canadian & American silver coins - any con- dition. Also buying any foreign silver coins. KELLETT"S VARIETY 143 PERRY ST, PORT PERRY Exclusive Agent in Port Perry for NORTHLAND GOLD & SILVERINC. Give Away GERMAN Shepherd Pup- ples, 7 weeks old. 985-3869. Lost PIERCED antique drop ear- ring, in the cloverleaf shape. Please call 985-8296. Miscellaneous -- POULTRY. pigeon, water- fowl monthly national newspaper $10 per year. Ask for our free picture catalogue of bird books "Feather Fancler," R5B Forest, Ontario. NON vo. Miscellaneous *MISSIN G* FAMILY PET - FEMALE DOG Part Labrador and Collie. Gold colour, medium size, answers to Lady. Scugog Island area, missing since Saturday, April 16th. ANYONE WITH INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: 985-8028 Used Cars 1977 CHEV Caprice, black with red vinyl trim, ps, pb, auto. 985-2472. sl PORSCHE 914, 1.7 lire 5 speed, rebullt transmis- sion, new brakes, clutch, tires and paint. Excellent mileage. $3,600. 985-3809. 1976 RABBIT Sedan, 4 speed, new am-fm cassette, $1,750 certified or will sell as Is. $1,400. Phone 985-2853. DJ TAYLOR INSURANCE BROKERS LTD 170 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY Jerry Taylor 985-8416 Auto - Home - Commercial - Farm - Life - Mortgage See Us for All Your Insurance Needs! " CAREER in WILL PICK UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigerators, and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TVs and radios. Call 986-4926. TF OLD tools, woodworking and other trades, single pleces, tool boxes, collec: tions, immediate pick-up for cash. Call evenings or weekends, George Goldburn, Whitby 668-8349 or Port Perry 985-2046. M 24 For Rent ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, available May 1, heat and hydro included. $300 per month. 985-8555. THREE bedroom house in Caesarea area. Electric heat, a large lot. Available May 1st. Call 579-0645. PASTURE and standing hay, running water, Nestleton. Phone evenings (416) 466-4886; weekends (705) 742-1094. M3 COMMERCIAL space. Ap- proximately 1,300 sq. ft., and 600 sq. ft. Regional Road 8. For further information, call 985-7085. TF STORAGE Units, small and' large. Monthly rentals. Port Perry area. 985-7622. TF JUNE 1st occupancy, 4 bedroom detached house, double garage and fireplace. Call Toronto 291-9811 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mr. Hahn. Gregory's Men's Wear Std. your headquarters for =A FREEMAN FORMAL RENTALS PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-8160 Wanted to Rent WILLING to pay $100 for use of vacant garage to store small boat, May to October. Call 1-222-6821. TF PASTURE for 15 head of Holstein Helfers. Call 985-7491. A26 TEACHER needs house or "winterized cottage near Port Perry from June 1st. Call 416-925-2603 after 6 p.m.M 3 Help Wanted ONE general handyman with welding exper!~nce. 416-889-1770. trucking. Transport drivers needed. Train now for your Class licence. Write Merv Or , Cam- 0. N3H- 456. bridge, Onta SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS FOR TEXTILE COMPANY PROGRAM (OCAP). plicants must be between the ages of 16 and 24, out of school and from a full time position for at least three months, and To apply, come to 159 Casimir St., Port Perry, on Fri, April 29, 1983 between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. If you require more information please call Jeanette Barrett on Thursday, April 28, 1983 at 576-0210 ext. 368. A REQUIRED person to act as companion to and housekeeper for a Senior Citizen from the 16th June to July 5th. References re- quired. 985-7016. M0 Work Wanted ELECTRIC Fencer Service. Factory approved. Service centre for Shur Shock Fencers. Repairs to all ap: proved makes - battery, hydro and solid state. Walter Wright, Blackstock. Phone EXPERIENCED truck driver needed, Class D licence. Must be 21 years, lumber yard experience an asset. See manager, DeMar- co Homecare, Uxbridge. EXPERIENCED store clerk for local home centre. Excellent salary and benefit package. Apply-in writing to the Manager, Box 1509, Ux- bridge, Ont. LOC 1KO. HAIR stylist wanted. A posi- tion opened for an ex- perienced hair stylist. Full time. Call 985-7101. 416-986-4818. TF PART TIME cook and - helper. Call 985-2066 for an appointment. MOUNTJOY BAKERS HELPER Wanted. No experience BACKHOE SERVICE necessary. Willing to work evenings. Apply in person to: The Feed Bin Bakery after 1 o'clock only. No phone calls please. Septic Tank & Tile Bed Installations, Trenching, Water Lines, Basements, Screened Stone, Sand PHOTOGRAPHER requires male physique models. & Crushed Gravel Please enclose a recent photo and phone number. CALL BLACKSTOCK Contact: Mr. D. Leer, P.O. Box 43, Etobicoke, Ontario. M9C 4V2. M10 WANTED individual with two or three years ex- perience on web press fo work on News King. Com- petitive wages and usval benefits. Contact Leader 986-4737 CUMMINGS BACKHOE Publications Limited, . Dresden, Ontario. Phone SERVICE 519-683-4485 for more information. & COTTAGE RAISING EXPERIENCED welder for ] Mig and stick. Full time. *Septic Systems Write, stating experience, *Basements qualifications and rate of *Trenching pay expected to: Box 15, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario. M3 986-5601 Tenders ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION ~~ BRANCH 419 Bay & Simcoe Sts., Port Perry GRASS CUTTING '83 Applications will be received until Monday, May 2nd, 1983 for Grass Cut- ting of the Legion Park and area Around the cenotaph. Applications may be left with the steward at the Branch Jocation or mailed to: ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, BR. 419 Box 330, Port Perry Ontario LOB INO | 3 THE REGIONAL ; a MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM DURHAM - TENDERS "WD 24.83, PARR op? Maintenance of Refuse Disposal Containers at the Cartwright and Oshawa ~ + Transfer Stations 'WD 25-83, Operation and Maintenance : of Brock and/or Scott Landfill Sites SEALED TENDERS will be received by the Region- al Clerk, until 2:00 P.M., THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1983 -for the above-mentioned, * Specifications.and tender forms may be secured from the Purchasing Section, Supply, and Services Division - telephone 571-3311. LOWEST or any tenders not necessarily accepted. GARY HERREMA, J.G. WAKELIN, P.P., Regional Chairman . Manager of Supply & Services, 60 Bond St. W., 3rd Floor, " Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8B6 os