Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 26 Apr 1983, p. 35

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Fea dL % Cale FLAN MRS COASTER FIN EAVES 40 im Tian Re le re SBS UNTY ba 't SET ESOT rds 1) Lai SAF Hy oad ad Gu IL ai GE FORE SOLE bY PH PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 26, 1983 -- 33 Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Legal Notice Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Dead Stock FREE REMOVAL of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals. $5.00 Charge for Sheep & Goats. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL .FUR FARM HAMPTON (416) 263-2721 B&S D.J. Service Music for Dances - Wedding Receptions - Parties - etc. BILL & SHAY HARPER (416) 985-3015 D.T. Davies io COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE Design - Spring Clean Up Stonework - Woodwork Wood Fences Check our price on Pre-Fab Fence 6' DAVID DAVIES 263-2752 JIM FOSTER HEATING ROOFING SHEETMETAL Shingling - Flats Eavestroughing NEW WORK RECOVER - REPAIRS SHEETMETAL WORK 10% DISCOUNT FOR SENIORS 985-7951 KERRY ALLAN Photographer Complete Photographic Services Weddings - Portraits ---- Portfolios ALSO: Old Photograph Reproductions Samples & References available. 985-3708 *Painting | *Wallpapering RESIDENTIAL im- provements, painting 'and wallpapering. Consulting Services. Free Estimates. Phone- Charles Newsham 576-0688. M7 HOME improvements painting and wallpapering, inside and out. Free estimates. 985-3628. M 17 YOUR sofa and chairs ex- pertly re-upholstered by Ux- bridge Custom Upholster- ing, Durham 23 and Reach Road. 852-6796. MN PAINTING and Decorating. Mike Driscoll. 985-8830 or 725-3243. TF PROFESSIONAL paint and wallpapering. Reasonable. Call Kevin 985-8358 after 6:00 p.m. TF COMPLETE renovations, drywall, ceramic tiles, addi- tions etc. Custom made pine-oak furniture, cup- boards, cupboard refacing. 'Free estimates. Call Ray 985-3974. F22 { LAWNS rolled by garden' tractor, $5.00 per lawn. Also lawn maintenance, grass cutting etc. Call Rod McGill. 985-8258. - WOOD REFINISHING specializing In antiques and fine furniture. Call Terry Dyer 655-4092 after 5:30 pam BELL'S Painting and Decorating, residential, commercial and Industrial. Guaranteed professional workmanship. 985-9328. TF COTTAGE raising and footings, foundations, and perimeter walls. Phone 705-652-3797. M31 BARN YARD, basement and garages cleaned. Lawns fer- tilized, light carpentry work done, decks built etc. 985-2573. DRAPERIES, dressmaking and alterations. Specializing in, ladies and childrens clothes. Reasonable rates. Call Lyn 985-9301. A 26 DAY CARE in my home. Weekdays, Apple Valley area. Nutritious snacks and lunches. Fenced yard. Ages 3-4 preferred. 985-2454. M 15 UNEMPLOYED plumber will do remodelling service, repairs, new installations. Free estimates, reasonable rates. Call Walter 985-8661. M 24 MOTORCYCLE tune-ups and repairs done by a licens- ed mechanic. Asselstine's Yamaha, Durham Rd. 57, south of Blackstock. Call 986-4437. M3 EXTERIOR maintenance, Spring Clean-up, complete lawn care (cutting, raking, fertilizing), roto-tliling and exterior painting. Reasonable rates. Phone- Rich 985-8100. RANT NOBLE TOWERS Work & Repair Lead In - Colour Heads - Rotors - etc. SUNDERLAND (705) 357-2419 or (705) 357-2112 Port Perry Auto Glass & Trim Windshields - Vinyls -~ NOTICE TO.CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of OLIVE GERTRUDE NUGENT. All persons having claims against the Estate of OLIVE GERTRUDE NUGENT, late of the Township of Mariposa, in the County of Victoria, who died on or about the 26th day of March, 1983, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of May, 1983, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. p DATED at Port Perry, On- tario, this 11th day of April, 1983. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY Barristers and Solicitors Box 131, 217 Queen Street PORT PERRY, Ontario LOB INO Solicitors for Betty Kay and Stanley Wright, Executors of the above Estate. M3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas William Smith. All persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas William Smith, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Reglonal Municipali- ty of Durham, who dled on or about the 12th day of March, 1983, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 3rd day of May, 1983, full par- ticulars of thelr claims. Im- mediately after the sald date the assets of the sald deceas- ed will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, On- tario, this 6th day of April 1983. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY _NORM"S - Convertible Tops } Barristers and Solicitors : - Complete Interiors - Box 131, 217 Queen Street ROOFING Boat Tops & Seats - PORT Perey. Ontario * Sheetmetal Caulking Be nstripss Solicitors for Eleanor Renailing Barnboards Holroyd, Executrix of the Eavestroughing Shi above Estate. A 26 Painting & Flooring 3 BOB PUGH 985-8507 Auctioneer S 640-5638 RON KING KERRY SYMES H - AUCTIONEER - 649-2018 Auctioneers Auctions of All Types" : Phone Port Perry " MCLEAN 985-2643 INCOME AUCTION SERVICE 1 Househdld - Farm . ntiques - Equipmen TAX | |e JACKSON oR. - Bankrupt Sales - AUCTIONEERS Bookkeeping Consignments or Auction - Estates - Farms nae | anomie | | Hotsohold Maus LET ME HELP! : 10 years experience | | RUSS &SCOTT MCLEAN MURRAY JACKSON Reasonable rates Taunton Rd. W., Oshawa 985-2459 CALL SEY 576-7550 686-3291 ROBERT JACKSON 985-9077 655-4878 New Homes - Additions - General Carpentry - Pole Barns COCHRANE : peniry AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment *Drywall LL . - Livestock - taping General Contracting Whaleve You : Steel & Asphalt Roofing Auction Needs ... FREE ESTIMATES - Aluminum Siding - Soffitt Dol 2 FREIDA . : wi T. PELYK NORM TRIPP: 9853563 OFFICE: 985.4216 tohear framymut 0. - PORT PERRY 985-3490 Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. 985-2 788 TV TOWERS Country Upholstery | | PEARCE oN Auction Centre & ANTENNAS Custom Furniture " Slay Ron ho ) m Ty Odour Heads: Robs Upholstering Stripping & ANTIQUES & Dishes - FM antennas Refinishing || HOUSEHOLD SALES "Vout Your pisca os Ours! Workmanship Guaranteed Call Now TRUCKING AVAILABLE 10% Discount to Seniors LININGTON for Free Estimates. Call: (416) 985-7492 985-8387 Nestleton, Ont. 986-5640 after 11 AM, - ,ash U.C., HURSDAY APRIL 28 ALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Auction sale- Holstein Dispersal- Free Listed, at Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ontario. 80 head of Registered and Grade Hols- tein Cattle, Free Listed herd. The property of SAM- SON AND BELAIR, Mon- treal. 50 mature females in all stages of lactation. All cows bred to Unit Sires- Quebec A-1 bulls. BCA records to 193. 7 bred heifers. Remainder open yearlings and calves. Catalogues will be available. For further information con- tact Sales Office: 705-324-8311. John Buckley 324-4017 or Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, On- tario 324-9959. Pedigrees- Bruce Murchison. THURSDAY APRIL 28 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale GOWER LUMBER & WOODWORK- ING LTD., corner Highway 33 and Stockdale Road, Trenton, Ontarlo (watch for signs). Surplus equipment liquidation consisting of 27 inch planner, 17 Inch rip saw, 12 Inch jointer, 6 inch x 40 inch edge sander, pneumatic drum sander, 3 inch and 8 inch drums, 3/8 Inch and 1% dowell maker, sash making machines, mortiser, tenoner, molding machine, Dewalt 10 inch radlal arm saw, 5 hp. dust collector, 4 inch [olnter, misellaneous electric hand tools, quantity of plywood, teak deck plywood, etc. quantity of hardwood lumber, maple, birch, oak, ash, teak, mahogany, 1974 2 ton Ford stake truck, desk, filing cabinets and photocopier. Many small items too numerous to mention. Also many Items from bankrupt YACHT AND BUILDING COMPANY, water tanks, travellers, drive shaft, pro- pellors etc. NOTE TIME: 1 a.m. This is an excellent sale of woodworking equipment etc. Plan to attend. Viewing- 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednes- day. McLean Auction and Liquidations, Oshawa. 576-7550. Toronto line 686-3291. On site- 394-3110. SATURDAY APRIL 30 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auctlon sale of furniture and antiques, 2 planos, 1978 Datsun station wagon, etc., the property of MRS. TERESSA EDGERTON, 2nd line of south Monoghan Twp, 1 mile north of Bailleboro, 2nd place east. 1978 Datsun station wagon, 4 cylinder, automatic, 18300 km. excellent (wlll be cer- tified) to new owner, 2 refrigerators, Kenmore gas stove, deep freeze, Hoover washer, large qu. dishes, drop leaf table, dining room table, antique dining room chairs, large antique cup- board and china cabinet combined, mahogany. (good), other antique chairs, Nordhelmer piano, piano stool, Mason and Risch upright plane, plano bench, chesterfield and chalr (gold and mixed colours) Philips combination radio and stereo, antique what-not, large assortment of antique picture frames, music cabinet, hump back trunk, buffet, qulits, bedside table, large antique table {4 ft x 6 ft) 5 plece bedroom suite, antique dresser and wash stand, Birdseye maple and pine chest of drawers, Ray- mond treadle sewing machine, pressback rocker, wicker fern stand, table saw and jointer, skillsaw, many other tools, garden whelbar- row, lawnmower, tiller, hy-- dreds of other articles. Pro- perty sold. Terms cash or good cheque. NOTE: sale time 10 a.m. This Is a large sale, lunch available. Owners and Auctioneers will not be responsible for any accidents in connection with this sale. Reg Johnson, Auc- tioneer. Phone 705-357-3270 or 745-8470. A 26 SATURDAY MAY 14 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale- of furniture, the property of HERBERT ASHTON, Ashburn. Detalls next week. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge. 416-852-3524. SATURDAY APRIL 30 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Auction sale- estate of the late MRS. HELEN HOLTBY plus added fur- niture in Brougham on Hwy. 7. just west of Brock Road. Sale of. large quantity of original Depression glass in blue, pink and green. Sets of Depression glasses, five blue Depression dessert dishes, Depression plates, bowl, fruit bowls, candy dishes, etc. Number of souvenir plates, three water pitchers, King's Crown frult compote, Occupied Japan mug, number of hand-painted plates, number of good china cups and saucers, quantity of Tupperware, number of sealers, copper boller, crocks, silver plated tea set, Alfred Meakin set of dishes (64 pieces) Anniversary clock, quantity of linens, cedar chest, four chests of drawers, flve single beds, redwood patio furniture, nine plece walnut dining sulte (good), antique dresser, oak curlo cabinet, drop front desk, set of six pressback chairs (repro), upright plano, vanity, clocks, trunks, refrigerator, garden tools, plus numerous other articles. Quantity of good collector dishes. Terms cash, no reserve. John An- nis, Auctioneer. 655-4663. SATURDAY MAY 7 SALE TIME: 9:30 A.M. Lloyd Wilson Auctions Machinery and Furniture Auction sale- of farm machinery and household furniture, the property of WARREN MOYER, R.R. 2, Markham. Selling at the farm at DICKSON HILL. From Ringwood, take Hwy 485, 1 mile to exit - Dickson Hill. MACHINERY: N.H. 469 haybind, N.H. 510 manure spreader, Int. 37 baler, Int. 14 side rake, int. 64 PTO combine, Allied hay elevator 24 ft. with motor, Farmhand bale buncher, 20 ft. grain auger, rubber tired wagon with 15 ft. rack, J.D. 3 pt. hitch sprayer with 26 ft. boom, M.H. seed drill, Int. Cadet riding lawnmower, Sta-Rite jet water pump, pony saddle and bridle, chain saw, electric motors, water bowls, stanchions, plpes, no. of hand hewn barn beams. FURNITURE: In- glls auto. washer, chester- field and chair (French Pro- vincial), coffee table, dining room table and four chairs, sideboard with glass hutch, rocking chalr, antique dresser and wash stand, an- tique bed, humidifler, air conditioner, small tables, pair of oval picture frames, dishes, drapes, sewing machine. Sale at 9:30 a.m. will conclude at noon. Sale sold and managed by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge 416-852-3524. M3 SATURDAY APRIL 30 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale- the property of MR. AND MRS. FERGUS CONDON, Lot 11, Con. 4, Douro Twp. 12 miles east of Peterborough on the War- saw Road, to 3rd Concession -north 1 mile - east "2 mile. MACHINERY: John Deere 2120 diesel tractor with John Deere 48 manure loader, David Brown 990 diesel trac- tor, New Holland 459 hay bine PTO, 1978 Gilmore batch grain dryer - used 3 years, 1979 John Deere 4- 16's trip beam plough, 3 pt., 10 ft. Bushog tandem disc, 1980 John Deere 510 big roll baler PTO, fertilizer spreader, 3 pt., PTO, big bale tongs, 3 pt., 2 Int. 8 ft. drag cultivators, 4 Turnco grain boxes with 8 to 10 ton gearing, 46 ft. grain auger - 6 Inch on wheels, round bale feeder, land roller, 1000 gal. liquid manure tank, electric manure pump, Ford truck with dump, Int. truck with dump, 12 ft. chain harrows, small traller, John Deere manure spreader for parts, 3 pt. blade, galvanized water trough, cement mixer, 3 pt. TOOLS: tool box, bench, electric drills, vise, aluminum ladder, some swine equipment, cattle oller, battery charger, chain saw, fence ralls, Renfrew woodstove, Fisher woodstove, forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. NOTE: sale fime 10:00 A.M. No reserve. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auc- tloneers, Reaboro, Ontarlo 705-324-9959. Owner and Auc- tioneer will not be responsi- ble for any public liability, property damage or Injury to the public in connection with thls auction sale. A 26 WEDNESDAY MAY 4 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auctlon sale- at 287 Bond St. E., Oshawa (at Ritson). Watch for signs. Having received Instructions from F. Alan Lawson, Trustee In Bankruptcy of The Cosmopolitan Restaurant, we are clearing the follow- Ing assets: 3 double door upright coolers, 1single door upright cooler, refrigerated cooler and showcase, Hobart dishwasher, dishes efc., 80 chalrs, 28 tables, 2 Electronic cash registers, Bakers Pride grill, fryer (gas), 10 picnic tables, Toshiba microwave oven, Bunn coffee machine, steam table-cold. table, upright freezer, Moffat double door oven with 24 Inch grill and 4 elements, 3 door chest freezer. A very good com- plete sale. Partlal list only. - More details next week. Mclean Auctions and Li- quidations. Oshawa 576-7550. 3 months required. miscellaneous items. Oshawa, Ontario. TERMS: Cash POLICE AUCTION DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario SAT., APRIL 30th, 1983 . SALE STARTS 10:00 A.M. : By Public Auction Whereas no claims have been made by the owner of the property in possession of the Durham Regional Folice Force, by reason of having been stolen from its owner, or by reason of having been found abandoned in a public place and the Force is unable to ascertain its rightful owner. Further that these articles have been held more than the Articles for auction are as follows: bicycles and Sale to be held at the rear of 30 William Street, Jon N. Jenkins Chief of Police ks dE Aaah

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