: -- » ft NCE ER TEA SDN ZC ML 2 REY GN PF Sp IN ~ - PASE SN rN 36 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 26, 1983 "J > MY IRATI I TE SY ARN DRS E Medi laadseni bb it bd tadi Fire destroys area home Epsom Area News By Jean Jeffery We were sorry to learn: about the: fire which destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Langmaid, south of Utica. This young couple now are living in a trailer on the property. A basket was sent to them from the UC. W. Mr. Breznikar flew to Yugoslavia to attend his mother's funeral last week. Our sympathy to the Breznikar family in their bereavement. Condolences also to the Heatheringtons in their bereavement in the loss of a parent in England. Joan and Allen Clow were pleased to welcome a sister for Heather. The wee daughter arrived at Thunder Bay Hospital, April 18th. Congrat- ulations. Best birthday wishes to Mr. Howard Gourlie who celebrated his 85th birthday on Sunday with a family dinner at Haugen's Barbecue. Rev. Floyd and Mrs. Wilson and family of Oshawa visited Monday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson. On Tuesday, Rita and Howard Ashton were pleased to entertain Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bramwell of Calgary and his son Ken with Ken's friend Colin Gilroy of Mississauga. It must be more than fifty years since Bill lived in the Ep- som area. Beth and Ken Cather- (SAY © Video OOOO \ "4 SUPER WEEKEND MOVING SPECIAL! CCC eO0000C ¢.¢ 2C ALL MOVIES AND MACHINE RENTALS 2 Price BOOK OUT FRI., APRIL 29/83 BRING BACK TUES., MAY 3/83 FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 655-4229 TEMPORARY LOCATION: 14 Church Street, Brooklin NEW ADDRESS: 93 Winchester St., Brooklin CCC CceeoCOOer 0000000 3 Nh 585/ "DO iT IN A DATSUN TRUCK with 8% Financing If you qualify. TO BOOT on all New Trucks - 35tochoose from Limited Offer "til April 30, 1983 Max. #6,000 over 36 months if you qualify. MIDWAY DATSUN 1300 Dundas St. E., WHITBY 668-6828 wood, Brian and Barry of Oshawa, Jamie and Robert Ashton, Lorne and Lucille Wagner were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ashton. Faye and Keith Ashton were supper guests with Bill and Deanna Ander- son on Sunday. Joel Van Veghel visited grandma Asling on Monday. Marie and Earl Wilson visited Carol and Dennis Irwin and boys of Cann- ington on Sunday. Ear] Wilson's brdther Roy was a supper guest on Sunday at the Wilson home. Paul . Baster has returned from a business trip to England. Jason Van Veghel celebrated his eleventh birthday last week by placing first in his category at Oshawa Kiwanis Festival. Con- gratulations, Jason. Donna says it is very necessary for everyone to come to choir practice on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Epsom Church. She will appreciate your co- operation very much. '"What"s Cooking"' sponsored by Bethesda Reach W.I. Tuesday, May 10 at 8 p.m., Trinity Hall, Uxbridge - for prizes and surprises. For tickets, phone Mr. Ross Evans, Mrs. Len Stroud or Mrs. Clydsdale. I also have some tickets - phone 985-2620. A large group of Epsom-Utica Social Club were entertained at the Town Hall, Port Perry where they enjoyed the Scugog Choral Society's programme, Music, Music, Music, then all arrived back at Utica. Church for lunch. "Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson were supper guests with his parents Jennie and Archie Wat- son on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huggins of Orillia were supper guests with Jean and Gordon Jeffrey on Sunday. We are sorry to learn that Ralph Veitch is still in the hospital. We hope for a'speedy recovery. Callers at the Bruce Bailey home on Sunday, were sister Dora Geer and friend Bessie Acton of Uxbridge. Mr. Chas. Tapscott of Markham is visiting son Norman and his wife Betty for a few days. Cathy Ayotte president CWL by Margaret Merenier Congratulations are in order for those members of C.W.L. who were recently elected to the new executive for 1983-84. Cathy Ayotte will be replacing Rika Wygerde as president. Madeline Newell will act as Vice President. The work of the presi- dent and vice president will be greatly enhanced by Erline Haensgen as Secretary, Joanne Ker- ston as Treasurer, and Kasey Harper who is in charge of membership. As this new executive undertakes the various tasks of the C.W.L. 1 would like to take this deductions, exemptions and credits to save money on your T1 GENERAL income tax return. H&R Block will help you take advantage of every possible saving which applies to you. Prices start at $18.00" m UP at participating offices. It pays to be prepared -- by H&R Block HeR BLOCK IT -------- a it Hi THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 238 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY Telephone 985-3384 OPEN: . Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; Evenings by appointment only. opportunity to thank Rika Wygerde, past president for her ded- icated work during these past two years. Rika's work as presi- dent has certainly en- riched the value of our organization and helped it grow in a meaningful christian direction. I trust that the election of our new executive does not mark an end to her work but rather a con- tinuation of this growth. HELPFUL HINTS For fluffier omelets, add a pinch of cornstarch before beating. Former organist of Burns Church honored Ashburn Area News by Mrs. E. Heron Last Sunday was commemoration day at Burns Church. Fifteen years ago the present church was Dedicated to God after a fire which destroyed the old church. It was also a very special day when a former organist, Rose Heron, was honoured for her many years of service as church organist. Ruth Oliver, Elder of Burns Church pinned a lovely corsage on Rose as she entered the church. The service was con- ducted by Rev. Mec- Entyre and the script- ures were read by Mary Briscoe and Barbara Porter. ' Three children ot Rose and Ted Heron, Faye Leaper, Doris May McAndless and Ken Heron sang a beau- tiful trio "Come to the Waters' accompanied by their grandaughter, Lenore Lowes on the organ. - Rev. Ken Heron gave the message for the day entitled "The Gift of Music', then Rev. Mc- Entyre called two Elders, Nellie Hopkins and Chrissie McKinney to accompany Rose Heron to the front and Nellie on behalf of the congregation presented her with a lovely plague and Chrissie, on behalf of the congregation pre- sented her with a beau- tiful gold pin in the shape of a music staff, with a music note and Rose on. After the service, a lovely lunch was served in the church hall com- plete with an apprec- iation cake. Ray Porter, Elder and Chairman of the board of Managers informed Rose 'that roses were being planted in front of the church in her honour. She responded with a sincere thank you for all the kindness of M & | MACHINE SHOP | Head Rebuilding - Engines Rebuilt - Rotor & Drum Turning - Flywheel Resurfacing - Engine Boring & Head Resurfacing REGIONAL ROAD 8 - PORT PERRY HOURS Sat.8a.m. to 12 noon Mon. to Fri. 8a.m.to5p.m. 2 LLLLLLLLLLLDLLELLHLD. $00 0000000000008808000. the congregation. Two lovely hymns were sung by the choir 'Oh Master Let me walk with Thee" and "Father I Adore Thee'. A good visit was enjoyed with' many former members who came for this special occasion. Next Sunday there will be a parade to church for the first Ash- burn troop of cubs and scouts and there will be special music. Mr. and Mrs. James Daw, Mathew and Michael of Toronto, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw and Stephen. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gardner and Jean were Mr. and Mrs. Rees Williams and Mr. and Mrs. David Manns of Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Parrot and Janet of Woodville, Mrs. Jay Boyd and Mrs. Carl Miller of Oshawa visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ashton and family. Mr. and Mrs. John "Cincurah have returned home from an enjoyable holiday in Cuba. The members of the Kirk Guild of Burns Church would like to thank everyone who helped to make our Fashion and Variety Show a success and the Kirk Guild regular meeting is being held on Tuesday, May 3rd at 8 p.m. in the church hall. Featured is Cathy Besis of "Ruffles". She will demonstrate designer . touches to your interior decorating. Everyone is welcome and refresh- ments will be served. Visitors with the Herons on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. Mec- andless, Karen and Linda and Mrs. Brian Lowes of Don Mills, Mrs. Drew Leaper of Mississauga, Rev. Ken Heron of Bracebridge, Mr. Jeffrey Heron of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Heron and Trista of Toronto, Miss Elaine Kelso of Brace- bridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Reynolds of Aurora. There was a euchre in the community centre 'last Thursday evening. The ladies prizes went to Ethel Nottingham, Violet Cole and Betty Janigo. The mens prizes to Ken Whittington, Arthur Richardson and Jim Lynde. Jim Housey got the most lone hands _and the door prizes went to Norman and Ruby Birkett. Joy Bright got "the most lone hands and the 50-50 draw went to Bill Hodgins. There will be one more euchre on May 5th, the last one of the season. : "Sold Signs" up in Prince Albert We are seeing a lot of "Sold Signs" in the - village lately. A farewell goes out to each family and a big welcome to all- the new families. Sorry I do not know all the names of each household, but to Bob and Sharon Heayn who have lived in Prince Albert for many years, sorry to lose you to Blackstock. 985-9345 AAA AAA AA AAA AAA dLAld Ld SAAAA ALAA ALAA ALL dd) i STOUFFVILLE BAKERY ¢ *Specials This Week* POV Chop Suey, Caramel Nut or Chelsea loaf Regular $2.29 each Buy 1 Loaf Get 1 Free! WHITE BREAD 450 g loaf .. ea. .39 75% WHOLE WHEAT $ BREAD 24 oz. loaf . reg. 85* ea. 2/.99 PORT PERRY PLAZA - 985-2412 HWY. 7A - PORT PERRY "Country Village Baking" 00088888 8888888888888888888880800000000000 POD POPP DDD DDD DDD DDD Dll DDD Sympathy is extended to the Holtby and Wanamaker families in the passing of Meta Holtby and Bert Wanamaker, two well respected people in the area for many years. Saturday was a very happ; e at the Community Centre, when a large gathering of family and close friends held a surprise ~ party for Fred and Vi- vian Canning on the oc- casion of their 25th Wed- ding Anniversary. Peo- ple arrived from Golden --B.C;--Edmonton, Win- --..nipeg, Sault Ste.-Marie; Kitchener and a number of places closer. The evening was spent with visiting, dancing with a lovely buffet table. The happy couple received some lovely gifts and a money tree. Many more years of happiness are wished this special cou- ple from all their friends. On Sunday, Merv and I visited my mother Mrs. Gostick in Whitby Hospital, who is improv- ing slowly. Sunday evening we were guests at our son Wayne and family to help grandson Gregory celebrate his sixth birthday. Mrs. Joan Peel and daughter, Chris of Golden B.C. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howie of Port Perry and friends in Prince Albert. RE -------- TT or a -- ids Chi ans etic isis GI GY TT SV EPR NTR SO, [TR ene Lr