iA is i i2 4 i Greenbank News by Mrs. D. Donneral "The Time To Testify Is Now' was the theme of the sermon delivered by Rev. Rodgers on Sun- day morning. Sharon Baylis and Kim Thomson assisted by reading the scripture and a vocal duet "In The Garden" was capably sung by Mary Jean Till and Ted Cordner. Congratulations to Don and Wendy Foster of Honey's Beach on the birth of their son on Sun- day morning. Proud grandparents are Rod and Marie Foster. The Country Cousins Couples Club enjoyed an evening of card games and old time dancing to music provided by Sandy and Shirley Abernathy assisted by caller John Knox. After sharing a lunch of chili and rolls, made by Lynn Couper- thwaite, we enjoyed an hour-long sing-song of old favourite tunes ac- companied by Sandy and Shirley on violin and piano-accordian. Mr.and Mrs. Ross Stone of Willowdale were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Stone. A number of Holstein breeders from Green- The annual Kinsmen Christmas. Toy Sale last Saturday featured what else but toys, toys and more toys. Nine year old Chris Wilson was delighted with what he saw. With Chris in photo are his dad Dave (left) and Kevin Taylor, both members of the Port Perry Kinsmen Club. The sale will be held again December 3 at the Scout Hall on Lilla Street in Port Perry. bank area accepted an invitation to attend Sun- day morning worship service at Uxbridge Bap- tist Church. Guest speakers and a slide presentation informing us of work done by SHARE, an agricultural aid program featuring the Massoro, Brazil pro- ject, and special music was enjoyed by all. Visiting with Velma Foster on Sunday were Ruth and Stan Foster of Valentia and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murray of Uxbridge. Several Holtby cousins from Brandon Manitoba attending the Royal Winter Fair, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holtby and other relatives in the area last week. Mrs. Mona Mero par- ticipated in the Senior Citizens Choir when they sang in the Presbyterian Church in Port Perry on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don McKean attended the christening of Don's first granddaughter Ashely Victoria McKean in Col- umbus United Church, Sunday, Nov. 13th. On Sunday Nov. 20th, Helen and Don entertained family to celebrate a bir- thday party for Mark McKean and Sally Bishop. We are sorry to report that Valerie Hunter is a patient in Oshawa Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bailey, Brooklin, called on his sister Margaret Holtby and Harold on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holtby were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hunter, Port DON CORNEIL Auctioneering Service Sales at Your Residence or Our Auction Barn. R.R. 1, Little Britain Call: (705) 786-2183 BASSETT'S SMALL ENGINES Repairs to Outboards - Tillers Lawnmowers - Snow- mobiles - Chainsaws - Fibreglass Repairs - Sun Valley, Seagrave 985-8677 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES | Danforth Typewriter RENTAL - SALES SERVICE - REPAIRS Alex J. Shepherd CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Corporation, Small Business Accounting & Taxation Farm Accounting & Taxation - Bookkeeping Services PHONE (416) 985-7031 408 Dundas St. W Whitby 666-1131 EMIVIERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (132% SPECIAL LGSR3 7 OCCASIONS! High Quality Work -- LOW PRICES -- 986-4732 R.R. 1-BLACKSTOCK : 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY Karen 5 eax insurance!" (416) 985-7306 Silks 00) FLOWERS WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 230 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY - 985-8893 BOOKKEEPING - ACCOUNTING - INCOME TAX SERVICES FOR: Farm - Small Business & Corporations - Personal Income Tax OFFICES IN PORT PERRY, OSHAWA & BOWMANVILLE R. MOASE - RESIDENCE 985-7225 i PAINTERS & DECORATORS FARM FEED & SUPPLIES RESIDENTIAL - INTERIOR - EXTERIOR - COMMERCIAL DECORATING Paperhanging - Painting - Spraying - Texturing CUSTOM DRAPERIES Wallpaper - Drapery Yardgoods & Track Shop-At-Home Service FEED SERVICE Assi 40 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry (Behind Philp Pontiac [| 44a ANIMAL FEED & HEALTH PRODUCTS GARDEN SUPPLIES - FENCE "| Zama FERTILIZER -- WILD BIRD SEED a" DOG FOOD - CONDITIONER SALT MARLOW'S k Limited) 985-7363 985-8912 Brian S. Jordan @osu323133 PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. November 22, 1983 -- 35 Cousins Club live it up Perry, Sunday evening. The Women's Institute meeting Wed. Nov. 23rd will be held at the home of Mrs. Betty Stone at 2 p.m. Please take note of this change. Summary Day for '""More Cents than Dollars' will be held at the Goodwood Communi- ty Hall, Goodwood, Ont. on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 1983 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mrs. Otto Richter is the guest speaker. Ad- mission is 50 cents per person. All groups are asked to take an article of food, any vegetable or fruit to add to a food basket which will bedrawn as a door prize. Any other donations for a door prize would be greatly welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan enjoyed a bus trip to Cullens Barns in Unionville area Thurs- day, also spent some time at Sunrise fine china factory. Mrs. Susan Gaygiel and Stacey of Newmarket were with her grandmother Mrs. Olive McMillan for a day last week. Reverend and Mrs. Rodgers, Darlene and Dannie attended the funeral of their cousin in Toronto last Saturday. Miss Laurie Rodgers of Lindsay was home with her parents on the weekend. Epsom area (From page 27 White Gift Sunday will be at Epsom Dec. 4. But Christmas Eve. and Christmas Day Services will be at Utica. The Christmas Con- cert will be held at Epsom Church Mon. Dec. 19 at 7:30 for Epsom-Utica Sunday School and Church. Several attended the Royal Winter Fair Holstein Show. Achievement Day at Oshawa was nicely attended. Barbara Evans, Gail, Elva and Sandra Kerry and Maria Breznikar were among those from Epsom and Bethesda 4H Groups to attend. The Beef Supper was well attended. - Tax plum accepted The Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture (OFA) has called for pro- vincial government com- mitment to a continued study of property tax reforms, in response to the announcement of a revised farm tax reduc- tion program. In the interim, the OFA has accepted the new program which wi rebate 60 per cent of pro" perty taxes to eligible farmers. In addition, the - new program will offer broader eligibility re- quirements than the pre- sent program, which of- fers a 50 per cent rebate. CAESAREA COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev. W.H. Crawford, D.D. THIS SUNDAY ... 11 AM. Speaker - Rev. W.H. Crawford, D.D. -- SPECIAL VISIT -- Sunday, December 11th - 11 a.m. service only! "Mrs. G. Cameron & Singers" (986-5526) -- We Welcome You to the Country Church -- UNITED CHURCH ANGLICAN OF CANADA Rev. Ansley Tucker Port Perry ST JOHN'S Rev. Glenn Jackson BLACKSTOCK M.A.B.D. SUNDAY NOV. 27 SUNDAY NOV. 27 Advent I Advent I 9:30 a.m. 10a.m. Holy Communion Family Worship For Advent CHURCH OF ASCENSION PRINCE ALBERT Port Perry 11:30 a.m. Wed. Nov. 23 Family Worship 'St. Clement"' for Advent 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE SUNDAY NOV. 21 vent I Rev. Donald Tansley 11:15a.m B.A.-B.D. M : P ' Presb'y Supply orning Prayer Services Scugog 9:45a.m. PP 11:15a.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Rev. Stuart McEntyre S 3 B.A. B.D. Py 2 Phone 985-3409 or 7 & 985-3881 Hohe ST. JOHN'S PORT PERRY PORT PERRY 319 Queen Street BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY NOV. 27 WELCOMES YOU 9:55 Morning Worship (Hwy.7A, just east of and Church School Port Perry) Advent Answers: Pastor D. Payne, "Is God Real?" B.A, B.Th. Nursery and Assoc. Pastor Junior Church School T. Kartzmark Bible School 9:45 am BURNS CHURCE Praise and ASHBURN Worship Services SUNDAY NOV. 27 11:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. 10a.m. Church School Nursery Provided 1:15am. Ladies Coffee Hour Morning Worship Tuesday 9:45 a.m. Advent Answers: Family Prayer and "Is God Real?" Bible Study Nursery and Wed. 7:30 p.m. Junior School Pioneer Girls and Boys C.S.B. EMMANUEL Tiarsday, 7 pan. FULL GOSPEL Youth Program FELLOWSHIP (for details Durham Rd. 23 phone 985-8681) and 7th conc. Rev. G.B. Parks HOPE CHRISTIAN 852-5871 REFORMED CHURCH 9:45 a.m. Sunday School OF PORT PERRY 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (166 Simcoe St. S Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prince Albert) Bible Study Watch our Church "A Charismatic program Bible-believing Church Faith 20 on Global TV every Sunday morning WELCOME TO at9:30a.m. EMMANUEL Service 10:00 a.m. PENTECOSTAL and 7:00 p.m. CHURCH Rev. Carel Geleynse Pastor R. Hilsden R.R.2, Port Perry 985-3770 or 985-9222 085-3402 SUNDAY NOV. 27 Everyone welcome Bible College Sunday 9:45a.m. Family Sunday School CAESAREA 11:00a.m. COMMUNITY Morning Worship CHURCH 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Rev.W.H.Crawford,DD Four of our College Worship 8€rvice 11 a.m. Students from E.P.N.C. shine Club" In Peterborough will be Each Monday 4:30 p.m. Ministering in these "Welcome to the Sunday Services Country Church Come to Emmanuel * You will find help, hope and inspiration in these spirit-filled services vo