28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. January 24, 1984 Work Wanted Work Wanted Lost Auction Sales Auction Sales. Auction Sales Auction Sales INTRODUCING a full line of catering service fo wed: dings, banquets, and any thering large or small. or further Information please contact "The Feed Bin Bakery' 9859377 or 985-3067. F 14 K. DAVE MUIR FURNITURE stripping and | repair refinishing. Free Estimates. Karwood Enter: prise 986 5658. TF Grant Noble T.V. TOWERS Auto Glass & Trim Windshields - Vinyls . Convertible Tops - - Complete Interiors - - Boat Tops & Seats -* Sunroofs & Pinstripes & Mouldings 139 WATER ST, PORT PERRY 985-8507 PARADISE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 10 Point Service Check Free Estimate on Installations. 985-7121 985-9478 GREENBANK TV TOWERS & ANTENNAS Colour Heads - Rotors Boosters - Satellite Dishes - FM Antennas - FREE ESTIMATES - 8 Yeor Workmanship Guaranteed 10% Discount to Seniors 985-8387 Dead Stock FREE REMOVAL of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals. $5.00 Charge for sheep, goats & pigs $20.00 Charge for all rotten animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM HAMPTON (416) 263-2721 Reg. Industrial Accountant Installation & Bookkeeping - Income Repair Work Tax - Accounting Lead in, Colour for Individuals - Small Heads, Rotors, etc. Businesses - Farmers ~-- SUNDERLAND -- and Companies. (705) 357-2419 Appointments ananged (705) 357-2112 985-8494 i 985-7079 Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Port Perry In the oon ER estate of HATTIE MARIE PEEL, Deceased. All persons havir.g claims against the Estate of Hattie Marie Peel, late of the Township of Scugog, In the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 25th day of December, 1983, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 11th day of February, 1984, full particulars of thelr claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry. On- tario this 5th day of January, 1984. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY & FOWLER Barristers and Solicitors 217 Queen St., P.O. Box 13) PORT PERRY, Ontario LOB INO Solicitors for John G. Hamilton, Executor of the above Estate. J 24 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Matter of the Estate of CLARENCE NORMAN MOUNTJOY, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of CLARENCE NORMAN MOUNTJOY, late of the Township of Scugog. In the Regional Municipality of Durham, who dled on or about the 14th day of December, 1983, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 11th day of February, 1984, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, On: tario, this 4th day of January, 1984. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY & FOWLER Barristers and Solicitors 217 Queen St, P.O. Box 131 PORT PERRY, Ontario LOB TNO Solicitors for John Coates and Doris Suggitt, Ex: ecutors of the above Estate. J 24 Work Wanted Let Me Help! Call Betty ... INCOME TAX OR BOOKKEEPING PROBLEMS? 985-9077 New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM"S General Contracting Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 P.O. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. OFFICE: 985-8216 DOG--MALE Part Golden Retriever, reddish brown in the area of Scugog Island, Pine Point Road. Wearing chain and Scugog tags- No. 1414, Answers to Poncho. Call 985-3942 evenings and weekends. Reward. Auctioneers RON KING - AUCTIONEER - Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock - Whatever Your Auction Needs ... DON & FREIDA will be pleased to hear from you! 985-2788 PEARCE Auction Centre On Shirley Road (4 mi South of Port Perry) ESTATES, ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD SALES Your Place or Ours! Moving Truck Available Call: (416) 985-7492 Auction Sales SATURDAY JANUARY 28 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Bailiff Sale by Public Auction Auction sale- 1400 Phillip Murray Avenue, off Went- worth Ave., east of Thickson Road, Oshawa. Watch for signs. By virtue of the Per- sonal Property Security Agreement & on direction from the SECURED CRED-- ITOR, | have repossessed and will sell by public auc- tion for best commercial value WEST LYNDE COM- MUNITY STORE, the foll- owing- Frostmaster 4 door walk-in cooler complete, security reflector, NCR 2115 cash register, qu. of metal shelving, large quantity of cigarettes, plus approx: imately 50,000 inventory of Variety Store, groceries, candy, watches etc. NOTE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Excellent sale. Plan to attend. DATED at Oshawa this 24th day of 1984. McLean Auction Ser- vices, Oshawa. 686-3291 -- 576-7550; Wm. Warrington, Durham Balliff Service, 247 King >t. West, Oshawa 723-0018. SATURDAY JANUARY 28 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Pearce Auction Centre Auction sale on Shirley Road, 4 miles south of Port Perry. With partial estate including good furniture, ap- pliance, antiques, brass bed ends, drop leaf table and 4 chairs, hutch, tea wagon, smoke stand, marble top coffee table, wicker basket chairs, end tables, projector and screen, sewing machine, TV- 9 inch, dressers, copper boiler, wash stand set- 5 pieces, chamber pot, crocks, radios, stem ware, dishes, good col- lector plates, dishwasher, exerciser bike, platform scales and weight, butter churn, hand cream separator, treadle sewing machine, copper pieces, copler machine, 24 inch stove, thermopane window complete, outside entrance set complete, wheelchair, single bed- pull-out couch, good linen, chesterfields (good) tools, and added con- signments. Terms. cash, Visa, Mastercard. Managed and sold by Pearce Auction Services, 985-7492. THURSDAY JANUARY 2¢ SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale: farm machinery on instructions from F. ALAN LAWSON, C.A. receiver and manager for a secured creditor- we will sell remaining assets of PARKHILL EQUIPMENT, sale location is- TRACTOR SPECIALISTS, R.R. 2, Peterborough, on highway 78, 2 miles east of Fowlers Corners, or 2 miles west of Chemong Road at Fifes Bay Rd., 4 signs- Case speclaliz- ed tools, hot drind machine, Fairchild video center and cabinet, ramp, belt bins, large quantity bolts, quanti: ty new Case parts- $18,000 cost. New Holland, Calsa, Duke parts, New Holland 850 round baler, N.H. 717 N2 - corn head, J.D. 12- 2 row harvester, N.H. 358 fenders, N.H. header height control, rops cab for 450B (new), good N.H. 273 baler, |.H. 430 baler and thrower, N.H. 327 spreader, M.F. 60 combine, N.H. 960 grain head, In- cluding header height con- trol, spring tooth cultivator, 6 ft. disc, N.H. 890 E2 snap- per head, A.C. 780 Forage harvester, Gehl 300 forage harvester, 6 ft. blade- 20.8 X 38 duals, International Far- mall tractor with rotary mower, Ford major tractor with backhoe and loader, |.H. spreader, 2- N.H. 717 R2 corn heads, N.H. 770R corn head. No reserve, business closed. NOTE TIME: 1:00 p.m. Please be prompt. No small items. Orval McLean Auctions and Liquidations. 705-324-2783, Lindsay. J 24 SATURDAY JANUARY 128 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale - the estate of the late ELMER JORDAN of Lorenville, plus others. Walnut china cabinet (glass-3 sides), gold Moffat 2-door refrigerator, 24 inch G.E. electric stove, wash stands, chrome kitchen suite, round walnut dining table, walnut china cabinet, blanket box, oak library table, modern and antique chests of drawers and dressers, flat-top trunks, parlour tables, handmade quilts, hooked mats, oak sideboard, coal oil lamps, console colour television, bed/chesterfield, Climax cookstove, Lakewood air- tight stove (with blower) 7 HP M.F. riding lawnmower (electric start), M.F. Ski- Whiz snowmobile, quantity of old buttons and picture frames made from buttons, Iver Johnson double barrel shotgun, dry hardwood firewood, quantity of bed- ding, tools, china and glass. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. : SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- pressback rockers, refrigerators, pine tables, chests of drawers, quantity of Snap-on tools. Consignments welcome. Details next week. Don Cor- neil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Lit- tle Britain. 705-786-2183. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Holsteins NOTE DATE CHANGE Auction sale: Victoria's Mid- Winter Holstein Consign- ment Sale at Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2, Lindsay, On- tario. Approx. 70 head of Purebred and Grade Hols- tein Females. Always a good selection for all your Dairy Requirements. Don't miss out on an animal with type and class to improve your herd. Please consign early. For further information or consignments contact Sales Arena 705-324-8311 or Our Sales Staff- Sales Manager - John Buckley 324-4017; Sales Agent. Cliff Lillico 439-2380. They will be pleased to help you make your choice. Carl Hickson Owner and Auc- tioneer, Reaboro, Ontario 324-9959. Our next regular Dairy Sales are Wednesday, 'March 7th at 12:30 p.m. and Our Spring Blossom Invita- tional is on Wed. April 11th at 7:30 p.m. Our Sales Ser: vice is complete - feel free to call us anytime. Jn SATURDAY JANUARY 28 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Auction sale at Brooklin Community Centre, Cassels Road East, Highway 7 & 12. Our first sale of the year consists of an-antique store plus five consignments. The selection includes inoak, a 5 piece bedroom suite, round pedestal table and dining table, Victorian Tinsel top table, mahogany china cabinet, ladies desk, tea wagon, walnut china cabinet and drum table, wall winder, quilt rack, pine Etagere and church pew, 4 Inpressed chairs, nursery, Boston, pressback and wicker rockers, Sessions mantel clock, Bohemian cups, 4'4 ft. regulator clock, Limoge china service plus a selection of wash stands, blanket boxes, wicker, parlour tables and chairs, 1892 Winchester rifle, Ber- Inger German helmets (both wars) bayonets and swords; 1930's wood airplane pro- pellors. Partial list only. Preview 9 a.m. Terms- cash, Visa or approved cheque. Earl MacKinnon, Auc- tioneer. 655-3526. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Holstein Sale Auction sale- Chantland Holstein sale for HOWARD CHANT, Portland Ontario. Reg. Classes, DHIA tested listed, at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge (the day following the Ontario Hols- tein Branch Annual meeting In Peterborough). 50 milking age females selling, 30 fresh or close at sale time, young good uddered cows. One of the lovely young cows sell- ing is Chantland Stardust Marcy VG at 2 years just completing 2y296d6804m253f 3.7 per cent (148-149 kg +30+30) She is due In March to Admiral Citation her VG Dam has 167-177 +42+56, her ex- cellent second dam has 165-1804 50+ 73. Con- signments are also being taken for this sale. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auction Ltd. R.R. 2, Uxbridge. 416-852-3524. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques, for SHARON LEVINE, plus the balance of J.G. SEABECK tobe held at Stouffville Sales Barn, Stouffville, Ontario. Includ- ed will be a dining suite, bedroom suites, dressers, kitchen suite, china, glass, rugs, power washer, snowmobile sleigh, many more Items. Good clean sale. Terms, cash. Sale at 6 p.m. Norm and Phil Faulkner, Auctioneers. 640-5691. (From page 12) Joe Wygerde - a fine resident of Nestleton - who has been in Western Hospital, Toronto for well over three weeks. He has been having the Dialysis treatment re- his kidneys - and is now much improved. Members of the family visit him every day - wife Rika travels to see hime four days a week - and his daughter Nancy (who is near the city) goes in three days dur- ing the week - so that he has company every day. It would be appreciated if friends and neigh- bours dropped Joe a card with a few lines to cheer him up. Our "very best" to Joe for -good health soon. Caesarea Community ~~ Church The usual attendance for Sunday morning. One 84 year old lady in Caesarea never misses a Sunday - regardless of the "frigid" weather. Now! that is an example of a real dedicated Christian - she puts the rest of us to shame. We do warmly commend ANU ARY ECONO PAK MEAL ONTARIO'S largest farm machinery consignment sale. Norwich, Ontario, Fri- day Feb. 10th, 1984- 10 a.m. Sales conducted second Fri- day each month. Approx. 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call 519-424-9998 or 519-424-9093. Proprietors- K.S. Hamulecki & Sons. Nestleton her! Rev. W.H. Craw- ford, D.D. read from 1st book of Kings 18: 30. Theme - "How near are you to God?' Mrs. Crawford - organist. Birthday Celebrated A good friend Ruth Proutt, Nestleton, cele- brated her birthday on Sunday, Jan. 22. Many called to wish her well and several phone calls added to her pleasure. Our belated "Happy Birthday' to Ruth from friends within the area. Nestleton Presbyterian Church An average attend- ance on a cold, clear Sunday morning. Rev. Fred Swann continued his discussion based on the parables of Jesus - theme - "The reception that is given to the hear- ing of God's word and our stewardship of all the good things he has given us." Mrs. S. Scott - organist. Note: The time of the annual con- gregational meeting and the presentation of the annual reports will be held on Sat. Jan. 28 10 a.m. (note change of time). mil 9 pieces of golden chicken french fries 2 med. salads of your choice CHICKEN & SEAFOOD '899 SAVE ANY DAY OF THE WEEK! A a" Phone ahead ... for faster service! 136 WATER ST. PORT PERRY 985-9009