| | | 3 oO R 18 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 10, 1984 Community loses esteemed Oscar Graham Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly Last week Cartwright lost one of its esteemed older residents with the passing of Oscar Gra- ham after a lengthy illness. Sincere sym- pathy is extended to Mrs. Graham, to his daughter Alma and Ross Duff and his two grandchildren Graham and Barb and family and Marilyn Duff. The funeral was held on Friday from Port Perry Funeral Chapel. Sympathy is also extended to Doug, Karen Benns and family on the untimely passing of Doug's father last week. Better health is wish- ed to all the flu sufferers in the area. Pleased to report that Cecil Hamil- ton is improving in Oshawa Hospital. Lulu Graham, Susie Harris and Alma Taylor are all . patients in Port Perry Hospital. Hope you are all feeling better soon. The Blackstock and District Lions Annual Charter Night was held on Saturday night at the Blackstock Recreation Centre. Guest speakers were Harvey and Joan Graham who showed slides, of their recent European trip. A good time was enjoyed by all. Also on Saturday evening several from here enjoyed the last programme of the season at the Town Hall, Port Perry. The inter- national musical group Genes brought the season to a most enjoy- able close. A fine crowd gathered at the Blackstock United Church Sunday School rooms for an enjoyable family party on Saturday evening. Frank Barkey in his own manner was able to have folk of all ages from the youngest up enjoying an evening of square dancing with many other dances included. Sunday afternoon and dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer were Don and Doris Larmer of Peterbor- ough; Audrey and Glen Gibson of Oshawa, Miss Edna Larmer; and Miss Rhonda Pascoe of Cal- gary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert . Fraser, Kent and Erin of Agincourt, Mr. and Mrs. Grant McLaughlin and Carla were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mahaffy. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor were June and Don Bickell, Katie-Ann, Julie and Sandra of Stroud, Mr. Douglas Taylor of Norland. Congratulations to former residents Gib and Doris Marlow who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary - last week. The Scugog Beautifi- cation Committee will meet next Wednesday, April 18 at the Railroad- house Motel, Port Perry at 7:30. Come and see the slides. Blackstock Women's Institute's Annual Meet- Get a jump on spring with pre 1984 model Broilmaster Shepherd or Jacuzzi Bar B-Q Be an early bird and save at Supenor Propane now! Model 3224 Queen ® 400 sq nn Cooking Surface ® Dual Contr ® Stainless Steel Burner e §¢ Cooking Grids ® Temperature ® Redwood Shelt @ Warming Rack ® Wooden Handles 86 Hubber VW . eanssses?® G@esssssses® SHOWROOM HOURS: Mon. toFri. 8am. -6 p.m. Saturday 8am. - 1pm. i AP tBar B Us to tea aie at a ARCHES Vist Our Nearest SROWT OOM Make yOu' Se hon CArly A8 [Ces Ae Suh change who not not included t Porcelain Nic ator BAR-B-QT nciuydes Gr Lie v 8B Q Cover! rs Lav Cyhnder ® 593 sq in Cooking Surface ® Porcelained Cast iron Bow Tie Burner oe Twin Up Front Controls . ® Pero Spark igniter ® 1 evel Porcelained Cast Iron Grids ® Temperature Indicator e warming Rack ® Redwood Front & Side Shelves wheels and much much more EL AP Just $517.00 eeeenerre NE UP KIT C yhinder included) U ane! Gol Brush 1 ava Rock " a Saw ¢ y RO oy Cyl! sasassnnes io and t ra « 505 VICTORIA ST. WHITBY 668-3328 Season savings on a {bait hroilmaster $13.15 : ) ) - Martyn ders Toe PROPANE J ing was held in the Community Hall on April 4. After a delicious potluck dinner the meet- ing began with the Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. President Dora welcomed everyone "present including 2 visitors - Mrs. Grace Hall who has moved to our comm- unity and Mrs. Kristen- sen's sister-in-law from Denmark. Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved as was the Treasurer's report. Mrs. Pat Sleep reported on the Bi- centennial Meeting. There will be a special weekend on Oct. 12-14. Mrs. Jean Adams gave an interesting report on the Seminar held at the Holiday Inn. Annual reports were given by all convenors. The Hospital Spring Fair will be held at the Latcham Centre on April 28. A summary day for the Quilting Course will be at the Public School on May 3, 7:00 p.m., and the Dis- trict Annual will be at the United Church on May 23. A yard sale is being planned for late spring. Miss Doreen VanCamp graciously donated one of her new books to the W.I. Mrs. Percy Van Camp, Life - Member, took charge of the election of new officers: Past Pres. - Mrs. D. Sleep; Pres. - Mrs. H. Martyn; Secre- tary - Mrs. D. Sleep; District Director - Mrs. C. Adams; Alternate Director - Mrs. L. Wilson; 1st Vice - Mrs. R. McLaughlin; 2nd Vice - Mrs. H. Luke; Pianist - Mrs. D. Sleep; Public Relations - Mrs. H. Bradburn; Sunshine Committee Mrs. J. Kristensen; Auditors - Mrs. L. MacArthur, Mrs. B. Strong; Repres. to Parks Board - Mrs. Shortridge; Curator Mrs. R. McLauglin; Assistant Mrs. L. MacArthur; Branch Director Mrs. B. Strong, Mrs. H. Short- ridge, Resolutions Mrs. S. VanCamp, Group Leaders - Mrs. F. Hoskin, Mrs. C. Adams, Mrs. F. Samells, Mrs. R. McLaughlin. The meeting closed with the singing of O Canada. Winners of the Card Party were: 1. Carl Gimblett - 81, 2. Ann Taylor - 78; 3. Leonard Cane - 77, 4. Nerta Masters - 77; 5. Dorothy Archer - 75, 6. Ross Windgrove - 73; Low - Edith Broome. Draws were won by Harold Burgess, Ella Venning and W. Dobbie. There were 10 tables. Joyce and Dale Gunter of Newmarket visited her mother, Mrs. Ella Venning and other relatives on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy returned on the week- end from a holiday in Mexico. While away Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner held down the fort at the Greenhouse. Cartwright Minor Baseball is holding reg- istration for boys and girls 7-15 on April 17 and 24 at the Blackstock Rec. Centre 68 p.m. April 18 Nestleton Rec. Centre 6-8 p.m. The coaches meeting will be on April 29 at 7 p.m. at the Nestleton Rec. Centre. The Cartwright Bi- centennial-Sesqui- centennial Committee held at meeting on April 4 at 8 p.m. at the Town Hall. There has been an application made for approximately 30 signs to mark historical sites. Doreen VanCamp agreed to heip design and print a brochure which would be made available for visitors and residents showing historical sites and pro- viding information throughout the summer and fall. The weekend program for Centennial Weekend, October 12-14 will include: a Centenn- ial play, displays-family histories, cars and antiques, etc., contests - moustache growing, old-fashioned dress, log sawing etc., barbeque, dance, interdenomin- ational church service, SR ---- brunch, slide show, choir show. The design- ation of the Town Hall as a Historical site is being looked into. The next meeting will be on May 16, 8 p.m. at the Town Hall. Rev. and Mrs. Merle Thompson of Regina are visiting his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thomp- son and other relatives: and friends. : Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Earle Fowler and Miss Cheryl Gra- ham who have moved to Oshawa. Honeydale Institute has good attendance by Lillian Harper There was an excell- ent attendance at the regular meeting of Honeydale W.I. on March 1, with a most interesting program arranged by Mrs. Mary Pickard and her group. During the business period, a nominating committee consisting of Mrs. Helen MacMaster, Mrs. Edna Wilson, and Mrs. Vera Honey was named. Representa- tives to the R.S.V.P. Workshop at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa on March 29 are Mrs. Helen MacMaster and Mrs. Lillian Harper. Several members had visited Mrs. Alice Bar- thau in her new home in Oshawa and had taken her a gift. A communication had been received announc- ing an Ontario quilt block contest, each block to depict an Ont- ario motif commemor- arating Ontario's 200th anniversary. The April meeting will take the form of a pot luck luncheon, with election of officers following. The Motto - 'Spend your time learning, instead of yearning' was ably taken by Helen MacMaster in which she pointed out many ways to spend our time profit- ably. Our guest speaker was Doreen Van Camp who showed interesting pictures and informative comment- ary on her time spent in India, where she taught English. At the time, Dr. Robt. McClure had been a medical mission- ary in the same area. Doreen drew our attention also to several splendid books she had read recently relating to many world problems today. She showed some of her musical expert- gave - ise, by playing several selections on the flute, the instrument she is studying at the present time. A hearty vote of thanks and a gift were given to Doreen for her interesting contribution to our program. The program closed with an appropriate reading "Glamor of the Seasons" given by Dorothy McLean, followed by a social cup of tea with fruit loaf and muffins. ALAN J. RISEN s+ us LAW OFFICES OF RISEN. ESPEY & FARQUHARSON LORD SIMCOE PLACE Suite 1C - 57 Simcoe St. S., P.O. Box 278 OSHAWA, L1H 7L3-571-3942 (After Hours: 985-9012) Preferred Area of Practice -- CRIMINAL LAW -- Yost whee ce en SAVE YOUR BODY CAMP CONTRACTING LTD. 90 Vanedward Drive ATE YW : M03", Y Port Perry (416) 985-8469 NISSAN FOR 1 284 Tough More power More torque More tough More truck IRD VTL GET "lock and back frc- . |ust got tough er The 1984 Nissan trucks ire here now. If you're into 4 x 4's, now you get even more ground clea' ance. And you can shift from 'free-wheeling' to inside the cab And you get a bigger new 2.4 litre engine that still knows what mileage is all about Beefed up, new suspension. Double wall steel box. Gas or diesel. Two wheel drive or four by four. The one and only King Cab or roomy regular cab Long box or standard. All at your Datsun dealer today TEST DRIVE ONE TODAY AT MIDWAY DATSUN St. E.. Whitby Sales Service 668-6828