rn ---- oA ------ ob ; ¢ i | EE Roy Grierson (left) of Port Perry was nominated to carry the NDP colours in the next federal election in Durham- Northumberland. Mr. Grierson defeated Earl Malley (centre). At right is John Brewin of Victoria, who was guest speaker at the NDP nomination meeting held Sunday afternoon in Bowmanville. Roy Grierson of Port Perry has been selected as the New Democratic Party candidate in the Durham-Northumber- _ land riding for the next federal election. Mr. Grierson, 70, well known in Scugog Town- ship for his community aetivities, was an easy winner Sunday after- noon over Earl Malley, 38, a school custodian from Bowmanville. The NDP nomination meeting was held at the Bowmanville Public Library and attended by about 50 party support- ers. Mr. Grierson, who PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 17, 1984 -- 19 was born in Winnipeg, and has been a long time supporter and worker for the NDP, pledged "to campaign full time" in an effort to unseat Conservative Allan Lawrence who has held this riding for the past decade. In his acceptance speech, Mr. Grierson said he has already been out "knocking on doors', but he acknow- ledged the NDP "has a long way to go" to defeat Mr. Lawrence. It is not known when the next federal election will be called, but most political observers sus- Curlers set for a final fling Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly Congratulations to Harold Wright and Melanie Williams who were married in a beautiful ceremony on Saturday. The reception and dance was held in the Blackstock Rec. Centre. Time is rapidly approaching for the wrap-up dance of the Curling Club. The public as well as the curlers are invited to dance to the music of Denis Francis this Saturday. Tickets must be pur- chased from Neil Mc- Laughlin, Dave Larmer or Gerald Kelly this week. The area was sadden- ed to hear of the passing of a native of the area, Rev. Merrill Ferguson. Sympathy to the many relatives of this area. Also sympathy to the Hoskin families on the very sudden death of Mr. Walter Ormiston on Friday evening. Grant and Barb Larmer returned home last week after a plea- sant holiday in Florida. They also enjoyed a visit with Grant's uncle and aunt, Walt and Marion Larmer at their home in Lakeland, Florida. Roxanne, Erin GALLEY FISH & CHIPS ,,%s4,, 161 QUEEN STREET -- PORT PERRY ho Boston Bluefish & Chips . ...................... 99 Chicken Nuggets (10 or 20 size) Oktoberfest Sausage on a Kaiser Peameal Bacon on a Kaiser Jumbo Shrimp (peeled & deveined) . . . 18.°12.95 318.806 *36.00 2.75 - 4.75 985-8647 Phone i Faster! -- EXCELLENT HOME-STYLE SALADS -- Ask for a "FREE COFFEE" with each order! 'Blackstock and Ryan were happy to stay with friends while their parents were away. On May 1st, Audrey Meiklejohn is coming to United Church to show slides featuring flowers of the South Pacific, New Zea- land and Australia. Several years ago as President of the Rose Society of Canada, Aud- rey visited Africa and Israel to see roses growing and to attend Rose Shows in these exotic areas. After one trip to New Zealand and Australia, she returned last fall with Art Drys- dale's tour to see the flowers again. Audrey's garden at Downsview is often on view when the Garden Club of Toronto have their garden tours. She is a valued member of this club and helps in many of their projects especially at the Civic Garden Club in Toronto where she also gives classes in Flower Arranging. A graduate of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Burlington as a Decorative Judge, Audrey gave lectures year at the school for judges at 'Burlington. John Bradshaw referr- ed to her as "one of the world's leading horti- cultural authorities'. Don't miss hearing this very talented speaker on May 1. Floyd and Argue and Henry Wotten attended the Grand Orange Lodge in Kingston on Friday and Saturday. Welcome home to Muriel Lawrence who returned to Blackstock (Turn to page 29) pect Canadians will go to the polls some time this fall. Mr. Grierson said he endorses all the national policies of the New Democratic Party, but personally his major concerns are proper management of the re- "sources and the issue of absentee ownership in Canada. He said the federal government must give full support to high technology research and development, and not leave this important function to those outside the country. Prior to retiring to the Port Perry area several years ago, Mr. Grierson operated his own dry cleaning business in Scarborough. He has also been a farmer and a manager-for a farm supply company. He has worked as an organizer in several federal and provincial elections, but this is his first venture into active politics as a candidate. He has been very active in Port Perry and Scugog with senior citizens organizations and 'Community Care, but is probably best known in the Scugog area for his staunch opposition to construc- tion of the new library Grierson to carry NDP colours in next election on lakefront property a couple of years ago. Guest speaker at the NDP nomination meet- ing 'was John Brewin of Victoria, a past presi- dent of the B.C. NDP Association, and current chairman of the federal NDP internat- ional affairs committee. Mr, Brewin said the 'thost critical issue fac- ing Canada and the rest of the world is the nuclear arms race and the threat of a nuclear holocaust. He said the NDP in the next federal election must convince Canad- ians the party is a viable alternative to both the Liberals and Conser- vatives. He had harsh words of criticism for what he termed the right wing governments in British Columbia, the United States and the United Kingdom. He said Canada would move in the same direction if the Conservatives are elect- ed in the next federal election. Liberals in Durham- Northumberland have not yet selected a can- didate to carry the party colours in the next election. It is expected that Mr. Lawrence will seek re-election for the Conservatives. THIS AD MAY MAKE YOU RECOMMENDED UNHAPPY WITH YOUR PRESENT AUTO INSURANCE. TI A I a TI rae rrr CT Tr and demonstrations last COVERAGES FOR CAREFUL DRIVERS! 1984 Chev Celebrity 4 Door $500,000 Third Party Liability Accident Benefits $250 Deductible Collision $50 Deductible Comprehensive Underinsured Motorist Endorsement NOTE: Carshd Drivers Over Age 25 With Preferred Driving Records May Quality. 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