* « 16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 15, 1984 Communities plan celebrations Epsom Area News By Jean Jeffery Keep July 13,14 and 15 free if possible as Epsom-Utica commun- ities are planning Bicen- tennial celebrations for those days. Watch for details and advertise- ments. The regular meeting to Bethesda Reach W.I. will be held Wed. May 23 at the home of Mrs. Grant Nighswander. The subject is Educa- tion and Cultural Ac- - tivities. The Motto - "If you look back too much you will soon be headed the wrong way." Mrs. D. Clydesdale will reply. Roll call How would you put a com- News from the Nestleton area (From page 13) ago by people with connections in China. An excellent evening and just wish the weatherman had co- operated, so that a larger number of folks would have enjoyed the tour of China. It was good to see the Port Perry people who came along. Refreshments were served and a social time was of interest. Leona Sadler was the Programme convenor - and Mabel Cawker introduced Marilyn, with Bernice Mairs extending the thank you. Leona presented our guest with a small gift at the close of her talk. We trust Marilyn Wallace will continue to talk about China - which means "the Middle Kingdom" being the centre of the East - centuries ago. Happy Event Barney and Dorothy McCabe of Nestleton, are very proud grand- parents as another little daughter Megan Cath- arine was born May 10 to son Peter and wife Cathie, in the Queens- way Hospital, Etobicoke - a lovely little sister for Jennifer. Our Best Wishes! Get Well Very pleased to hear that Ruth Proutt of Nestleton is feeling much better. Also George Bowers is com- ing along slowly and surely. Our best wishes for better health to these Nestleton friends. puter to use in your home? Hostesses are Mrs. Jack Bigglestone and Mrs. N. Rohr. There was a beautiful wedding in our Epsom Church on Sat. when Margaret Taylor and Shawn Sevier exchang- ed vows. After the reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor the happy couple left for a honeymoon. in Eng- land. -Jill and Gord Postma, Jeffrey, Steven, Amy and Tricia called on the Keith Ashton family on Sunday afternoon. Miss Ruth Taylor left Sunday to go to New Liskeard where she will be employed at the Agriculture College Campus for the summer. Shirley and Paul Baster were pleased to have her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jones join them for Sunday supper. Barbara and Ross Evans visited their mothers Mrs. R. Acton and Mrs. W. Evans of Uxbridge on Sunday afternoon. The Kerrys also visit- ed their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stearman, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry of Port Perry on Sunday afternoon. We are pleased to know Norman Tapscott is home from Hospital. He and Betty visited his mother Mrs. Chas Tap- scott and Betty's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas on Sunday afternoon. Delbert and Dorothy Catherwood called on Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton. Then Beth and Doug. Catherwood invited their parents.out for dinner on Sunday. May 26 the social club 'will be joined by the Youth Group for a ball game at the school at 7:30. After the game all are invited to Bill and Melba McKay's home for lunch. Ladies pro- vide. Don and Stella Asling were at Emsdale for the weekend. Nancy and Gerald Hill and Kelly Lee Ann, Clay Demster and Heather Bell were supper guests at the Keith Ashton home on Sunday. The Ron Brown's were pleased to have their family call on Sunday. There was a good attendance at the UCW meeting at the McKay home. We all appreciat- ed Lil Lindsay's solo '""The Rose on the Bible'. Elmer and Ruth Wil- son had lunch on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. J.P. Wilson in Uxbridge. Dorothy and George McCowan were Sat. supper guests with Norm and Betty Tap- scott. The family all were home to see mother on Sunday at the Bailey home. Mrs. Evelyn Hansen and Carl visited for Mother's Day with her daughter in Scarbor- ough. Sat. afternoon callers at the Jeffery home were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huggins and Miss Al- vena Jeffery of Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson had Sun. supper with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson of Ajax. Keep in mind Pine Grove Church Service at 3 p.m. June 3. Speaker will be Rev. Michael Locke. Music by Jean and Ross Parrott. Everyone welcome. JANE'S ISLAND HAIR DESIGN - 11 Years Experience - Adult Hair Cut . ... $5.00 (Style Included) Children under 12 Years Children under 5 Years (Long hair a little more) Permanents - reg. 47.00 (Cut, Style & Shampoo) DAY OR EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL: 985-3947 CONC. 10E, SCUGOG ISLAND | THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS T0 DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS Under'the provisions of the Weed Control Act, the Province of Ontario, Public Notice is hereby given to all owners and occupants of subdivided lands within the Township of Scugog that uriess the noxious weeds or weed seeds on any such sub- divided lands in the Township of Scugog are des- troyed by Friday, June 1, 1984, and throughout the season, the Council of the Township of Scugog has directed the Weed Inspectors for the Region of Durham to cause said noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed in such a manner as they may deem proper, and that the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspectors in the discharge of their duties, shall be placed on the Collector's Roll of the Town- ship of Scugog against the respective parcels con- cerned and that such amounts shall be collected in the same manner as taxes under the Municipal Act. The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. Weed Inspector: Kym McNight - 655-4776. Ear! S. Cuddie, AM.CT., CMC. Clerk-Administrator cal ¢ ON ov SPRING (30), 0,700: ¥. 7 CALIFORNIA 23 Day ... Depart June 2, Aug. 11, & Oct. 23 23 Day ... Depart June 30, July 7, 28, Aug. 11 THE GOLDEN WEST 16 Day ... Depart June 24, July 9, 29, Aug. 13,26 & Sept. 10 "JUNE 24 8 JULY 9 INCLUDE CALGARY STAMPEDE WESTERN CANADA MOTORCOACH: AIR LOUISIANA WORLD EXPOSITION & CAJUN COUNTRY 12 Day ... Depart June 5, Oct. 30 PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH COUNTRY § Day ... Depart June 11, July 9, V3, Aug. 27, Sept. 17 % 8 Day ... Depart June 30, July 21, Aug. 4, 24, Sept. 15, 22, 28 THE POCONOS 4 Day ... Depart June 18, July 23, Aug. 13, Sept. 10, Oct. 1 FRANKENMUTH MACKINAC ISLAND AGAWA CANYON 6 Day ... Depart July 8, 22, Aug. 12, Sept. 9, 16 & 30 AGAWA CANYON 3 Day ... Depart June 30, 1 Aug. 4, Sept. 1,0cl. 8 MOOSONEE / 3 3 Day... Depart July 2, 23, } MERV PUGH Port Perry y ) SHENANDOAH AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP y VALLEY " 6 Day... Depart June 17, Turning - Flywheel Resurfacing (flat & recessed) K July 15, Sept. 2 Engine Boring and Head Resurfacing - ! NEW ENGLAND LU J U 985- 9345 SCS ---- | ] 4 ; ) Head Rebuilding - Engines Rebuilt - Rotor & Drum Aug. 13, 27 COUNTRY MUSIC ! AT ITS BEST! | TENNESSEE MUSIC EXTRAVAGANZA 8 Day ... Depart July 1, 22, Aug. 5,19 featuring live band entertainment by : NASHVILLE FAN : 7 Day ... Depart June 4 THE BURTONS Nis 4 Day... Cepart lune 29, Aug. 3,31, Oct. 5 Tea, Floribunda, air Tavs) Climbers NASHVILLE I aia SRG 2% hoch Shade & Ornamental Trees Evergreens - Flowering Shrubs - etc. MA Y 25 th & 26th - Peat Moss - . - Insecticides - trentway Fertilizer - Scugog Arena - Port Perry tours Admission: FORDETAILS § Mies Ext of Port Pry $5.00 per person NONQUON May TA 8 West LL 8§P.M.to1 A.M. (19 years & over) TRAVEL 985-7383 2G Pree ot prove tee ane